Time, once again, to make some liberal heads explode.

And consequently, you have no way of proving that it's not.
I'm not the one making any claims. Its on the OP to prove their point.

And you will in turn, do what? Prove him wrong? How?
Shoot holes in his claim like I already did. Do you have some proof the crime rate is low because there are lots of guns floating around? Thats what I am interested in seeing instead of you playing captain save a ho for the OP.

There is evidence/statistics that suggest that there is no correlation between states with higher rates of gun ownership and gun homicide.
So where is this evidence, who paid to find this evidence, and what does that have to do with the OP's claim?

It's directly from the FBI, I can provide links if you'd like me to.
Check this out. One of the safest cities in America, with a population of over 200,000 is Gilbert, AZ. Why will this make liberal heads explode? Well, you see, in Arizona, you can buy a gun online, or from a friend, without a background check. Also, you do not need a permit to carry a concealed firearm. All those guns floating around. The streets should be running with blood. But they aren't. Would any of you libtards care to explain this?

Let's take a look at the population:
Gilbert Arizona Economic Development

From the link:

"72.5% of Gilbert’s psychographic make-up consists of "Up and Coming Families", "Soccer Moms" and "Boomburbs". The "Up and Coming Families" segment is characterized by an average age of 30.7 and a median household income of $64,000. The "Soccer Moms" segment is characterized by a median age of 36.6 and a median household income of $84,000. The "Boomburbs" segment is characterized by a median age of 33.6 and a median household income of $105,000."
Check this out. One of the safest cities in America, with a population of over 200,000 is Gilbert, AZ. Why will this make liberal heads explode? Well, you see, in Arizona, you can buy a gun online, or from a friend, without a background check. Also, you do not need a permit to carry a concealed firearm. All those guns floating around. The streets should be running with blood. But they aren't. Would any of you libtards care to explain this?

Let's take a look at the population:
Gilbert Arizona Economic Development

From the link:

"72.5% of Gilbert’s psychographic make-up consists of "Up and Coming Families", "Soccer Moms" and "Boomburbs". The "Up and Coming Families" segment is characterized by an average age of 30.7 and a median household income of $64,000. The "Soccer Moms" segment is characterized by a median age of 36.6 and a median household income of $84,000. The "Boomburbs" segment is characterized by a median age of 33.6 and a median household income of $105,000."
The whole point of this post is to show that guns are not the problem. Thanks for backing me up on that.
The logical fallacy known as false cause. You have no way of proving the crime rate is low because of gun policy..
Its because white people are just more trust worthy with guns. They also know how to properly use a handgun. Your people on the other hand...
The logical fallacy known as false cause. You have no way of proving the crime rate is low because of gun policy..
Its because white people are just more trust worthy with guns. They also know how to properly use a handgun. Your people on the other hand...
Oh no! You said "YOU PEOPLE" You racist POS. Get off the forum...NOW! :)
The left claims that less gun control leads to higher crime rates.

The old build a strawman with the lead sentence being "The left claims..." and add something stupid.

:wtf: You think the left doesn't claim that? It's the whole basis of your argument. So why have gun control then, k-k-klown. I love mentioning that last part, you should too, it's the one thing you got right

I love the strawman arguments that you turnips create.

The argument is that more guns equals more gun violence/death. Nothing more.

So you mean legal gun violence and deaths

Legal gun violence?

Is this serious?
Check this out. One of the safest cities in America, with a population of over 200,000 is Gilbert, AZ. Why will this make liberal heads explode? Well, you see, in Arizona, you can buy a gun online, or from a friend, without a background check. Also, you do not need a permit to carry a concealed firearm. All those guns floating around. The streets should be running with blood. But they aren't. Would any of you libtards care to explain this?

Let's take a look at the population:
Gilbert Arizona Economic Development

From the link:

"72.5% of Gilbert’s psychographic make-up consists of "Up and Coming Families", "Soccer Moms" and "Boomburbs". The "Up and Coming Families" segment is characterized by an average age of 30.7 and a median household income of $64,000. The "Soccer Moms" segment is characterized by a median age of 36.6 and a median household income of $84,000. The "Boomburbs" segment is characterized by a median age of 33.6 and a median household income of $105,000."
The whole point of this post is to show that guns are not the problem. Thanks for backing me up on that.

Guns are like adding gasoline to a fire.
The left claims that less gun control leads to higher crime rates.

The old build a strawman with the lead sentence being "The left claims..." and add something stupid.

:wtf: You think the left doesn't claim that? It's the whole basis of your argument. So why have gun control then, k-k-klown. I love mentioning that last part, you should too, it's the one thing you got right

I love the strawman arguments that you turnips create.

The argument is that more guns equals more gun violence/death. Nothing more.

So you mean legal gun violence and deaths

Legal gun violence?

Is this serious?

Damn you're stupid. Read the conversation. You said liberals don't say more gun laws will reduce crime, just murders and deaths. That would only be true if murders and deaths aren't crime. Dumb ass
Check this out. One of the safest cities in America, with a population of over 200,000 is Gilbert, AZ. Why will this make liberal heads explode? Well, you see, in Arizona, you can buy a gun online, or from a friend, without a background check. Also, you do not need a permit to carry a concealed firearm. All those guns floating around. The streets should be running with blood. But they aren't. Would any of you libtards care to explain this?

Let's take a look at the population:
Gilbert Arizona Economic Development

From the link:

"72.5% of Gilbert’s psychographic make-up consists of "Up and Coming Families", "Soccer Moms" and "Boomburbs". The "Up and Coming Families" segment is characterized by an average age of 30.7 and a median household income of $64,000. The "Soccer Moms" segment is characterized by a median age of 36.6 and a median household income of $84,000. The "Boomburbs" segment is characterized by a median age of 33.6 and a median household income of $105,000."
The whole point of this post is to show that guns are not the problem. Thanks for backing me up on that.

Guns are like adding gasoline to a fire.

Not if you are a law abiding citizen they aren't.
The old build a strawman with the lead sentence being "The left claims..." and add something stupid.

:wtf: You think the left doesn't claim that? It's the whole basis of your argument. So why have gun control then, k-k-klown. I love mentioning that last part, you should too, it's the one thing you got right

I love the strawman arguments that you turnips create.

The argument is that more guns equals more gun violence/death. Nothing more.

So you mean legal gun violence and deaths

Legal gun violence?

Is this serious?

Damn you're stupid. Read the conversation. You said liberals don't say more gun laws will reduce crime, just murders and deaths. That would only be true if murders and deaths aren't crime. Dumb ass

Holy shit you were serious.

Hahahahahahahahaahahahah. Now I've seen it all.
:wtf: You think the left doesn't claim that? It's the whole basis of your argument. So why have gun control then, k-k-klown. I love mentioning that last part, you should too, it's the one thing you got right

I love the strawman arguments that you turnips create.

The argument is that more guns equals more gun violence/death. Nothing more.

So you mean legal gun violence and deaths

Legal gun violence?

Is this serious?

Damn you're stupid. Read the conversation. You said liberals don't say more gun laws will reduce crime, just murders and deaths. That would only be true if murders and deaths aren't crime. Dumb ass

Holy shit you were serious.

Hahahahahahahahaahahahah. Now I've seen it all.

Yes, you said it's a strawman that liberals think gun control reduces crime

You said gun laws reduce murders and deaths

You actually don't see a contradiction in your statements, do you? You're a special kind of stupid
Gilbert is just a rich suburb of Phoenix. Phoenix is the real city and you can see that Phoenix gun crime is a lot higher than say liberal cities like Boston.

Great n nuts are great wh misleading stats.
I love the strawman arguments that you turnips create.

The argument is that more guns equals more gun violence/death. Nothing more.

So you mean legal gun violence and deaths

Legal gun violence?

Is this serious?

Damn you're stupid. Read the conversation. You said liberals don't say more gun laws will reduce crime, just murders and deaths. That would only be true if murders and deaths aren't crime. Dumb ass

Holy shit you were serious.

Hahahahahahahahaahahahah. Now I've seen it all.

Yes, you said it's a strawman that liberals think gun control reduces crime

You said gun laws reduce murders and deaths

You actually don't see a contradiction in your statements, do you? You're a special kind of stupid

Proper gun control does reduce gun violence. Everything else you've said is a strawman.
So you mean legal gun violence and deaths

Legal gun violence?

Is this serious?

Damn you're stupid. Read the conversation. You said liberals don't say more gun laws will reduce crime, just murders and deaths. That would only be true if murders and deaths aren't crime. Dumb ass

Holy shit you were serious.

Hahahahahahahahaahahahah. Now I've seen it all.

Yes, you said it's a strawman that liberals think gun control reduces crime

You said gun laws reduce murders and deaths

You actually don't see a contradiction in your statements, do you? You're a special kind of stupid

Proper gun control does reduce gun violence. Everything else you've said is a strawman.

That's what I said liberals think, moron

And that tells you what, Timmy? That white States like Massachusetts are less violent than once with high Spanish populations?

Yeah there are no minorities here! Please .

This thread started wh the bogus premis that lax gun laws make for safer places . Specifically, in Arizona.

Arizona has a much higher % of gun ownership, so it's safer right ?
Its common fkn sense. A gun equalizes you with anyone...even someone with a gun...jeeze. You bleeding hearts argue and you haven t got a leg to stand on...maybe someone shot it off as you tried to take their rights away?
You dont like guns but you will allow our economy be destroyed by the illegals! Stfu, k?

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