Time to criminalize bullying of the LGBT community with massive fines

A difference exists between honest difference of opinion and outright bullying/humiliation/assault etc on members of the LGBT community.

Time for identification and punishment of the bullies and batterers.

If an individual cannot behave in public as a decent individual, then said punk can pay for it

You're a moron Fake Starkey. We already have laws against assault and battery.

My God you're stupid.
Careful there Jake, you could really get some of your Muslim buddies in some real hot water here. You know how they feel about the Gay.
You don't want to get them riled up, their likely to turn on you !!
You wouldn't want to lose your head over this.

I can't wait for the case when a Muslim refuses to perform a service for gays.. and you know it is coming. Fruitcakes like Fake Starkey will then fall all over themselves defending it. IT's gonna be a hoot....
A difference exists between honest difference of opinion and outright bullying/humiliation/assault etc on members of the LGBT community.

Time for identification and punishment of the bullies and batterers.

If an individual cannot behave in public as a decent individual, then said punk can pay for it
Since LGBT are a group of behaviors, instead of a group of people, all Americans enjoy freedom of speech to completely speak their mind about those behaviors. Sorry. Move to Russia if you don't like it. Oh, wait, Russia won't have y'all either!

I agree, if an individual can't behave in public as a decent individual, then said punk CAN pay for it. Like being jailed for public indecency.. Where are the fines for the people in the picture below who were breaking the law? Oh, right, your cult is ABOVE THE LAW, and can fine others for disagreeing about that.

Anyone who bullies or injures another person because of being Christian or LGBT or black or whatever will get to pay the criminal price for being stupid and acting out like koshergrl if she ever does.
Your blatant attempt to kill free speech, under the shroud (once again, *yawn*) of "protecting poor gays feelings", is exposed for what it is.

You're aware that if you attempt to suppress the civil rights of others (free speech), you can be sued and lose everything you own. And sued in a federal court too, I might add. And here you are, online, documenting your attempt to suppress the civil rights of others. You're not too smart, are you?
Anyone who bullies or injures another person because of being Christian or LGBT or black or whatever will get to pay the criminal price for being stupid and acting out like koshergrl if she ever does.

Try as I might I cannot come to grips with the thought of a kid wearing red Doctor Dentons with a plastic star on the flap romping about playing "thought police".
I grew up in a time where my High School buddies would go into town on a Friday or Saturday night and roll fags and take their money. That was 55 years ago. Now? This idiot starkey would jail someone for using the word "fag".

Tell me we haven't lost our minds in this country.....

He's nuttier than Chinese chicken salad.
Hey, if you jerks are irks, that's on you.

I don't care that you want to bully without consequence

That is changing and will continue to change. The OP is absolutely correct in saying that bullying should be criminalized.
Hey, if you jerks are irks, that's on you.

I don't care that you want to bully without consequence

That is changing and will continue to change. The OP is absolutely correct in saying that bullying should be criminalized.
You are the OP, way to pat yourself on the back. Documenting more attempts to suppress the People's civil right to free speech are you?
Hey, if you jerks are irks, that's on you.

I don't care that you want to bully without consequence

That is changing and will continue to change. The OP is absolutely correct in saying that bullying should be criminalized.

Jake, do you need to go to your "safe space"?? Do you feel "microaggresed"?? Poor baby.....
A difference exists between honest difference of opinion and outright bullying/humiliation/assault etc on members of the LGBT community.

Time for identification and punishment of the bullies and batterers.

If an individual cannot behave in public as a decent individual, then said punk can pay for it

I hear you, It is societies duty to protect folks like you from being bullied. But do we need more laws intended to create a new class of citizens? I thought we were all to become one. You know Kumbaya. But you being bullied is something existing laws should already cover.
Bullying in public that violates one's sense of person, sure, punish the butthurt actor.
Hey, if you jerks are irks, that's on you.

I don't care that you want to bully without consequence

That is changing and will continue to change. The OP is absolutely correct in saying that bullying should be criminalized.
You are the OP, way to pat yourself on the back. Documenting more attempts to suppress the People's civil right to free speech are you?
You quote yourself as an expert of one all the time, buddy. Bullying needs to be criminalized big time.
Hey, if you jerks are irks, that's on you.

I don't care that you want to bully without consequence

That is changing and will continue to change. The OP is absolutely correct in saying that bullying should be criminalized.

You still haven't adequately articulated what 'bullying the lgbt community' means. If you're gonna mandate arrests and fines, you need to fully explain what your interpretation of 'Bullying' is. Because many would argue that the gay lobby is all about bullying at this point. They're beating everyone over the head with the gay propaganda stuff. Most are tired of it.
Hey, if you jerks are irks, that's on you.

I don't care that you want to bully without consequence

That is changing and will continue to change. The OP is absolutely correct in saying that bullying should be criminalized.

You still haven't adequately articulated what 'bullying the lgbt community' means. If you're gonna mandate arrests and fines, you need to fully explain what your interpretation of 'Bullying' is. Because many would argue that the gay lobby is all about bullying at this point. They're beating everyone over the head with the gay propaganda stuff. Most are tired of it.
I don't have to, and you have no good argument why the OP should not be in effect as soon as possible.

If any gay bullies, you take him or her on. The same rules apply to them.
Hey, if you jerks are irks, that's on you.

I don't care that you want to bully without consequence

That is changing and will continue to change. The OP is absolutely correct in saying that bullying should be criminalized.

You still haven't adequately articulated what 'bullying the lgbt community' means. If you're gonna mandate arrests and fines, you need to fully explain what your interpretation of 'Bullying' is. Because many would argue that the gay lobby is all about bullying at this point. They're beating everyone over the head with the gay propaganda stuff. Most are tired of it.
I don't have to, and you have no good argument why the OP should not be in effect as soon as possible.

If any gay bullies, you take him or her on. The same rules apply to them.

Well hell, son, that has always been the case. Somebody bullies you, you kick his ass and be done with it. Why the hell do you need a "law"?

Jesus, were you never in school?
Hey, if you jerks are irks, that's on you.

I don't care that you want to bully without consequence

That is changing and will continue to change. The OP is absolutely correct in saying that bullying should be criminalized.
You are the OP, way to pat yourself on the back. Documenting more attempts to suppress the People's civil right to free speech are you?
You quote yourself as an expert of one all the time, buddy. Bullying needs to be criminalized big time.
Define "bullying".
I don't have to, and you have no good argument why the OP should not be in effect as soon as possible.

If any gay bullies, you take him or her on. The same rules apply to them.

Actually, you do have to. You have to respect the People's civil right to free speech or be sued for not doing so in a federal court.
Sil, I know this is hard for you. You are not in charge, and I don't work for you.

Free speech does not protect criminal activity.
Hey, if you jerks are irks, that's on you.

I don't care that you want to bully without consequence

That is changing and will continue to change. The OP is absolutely correct in saying that bullying should be criminalized.

You still haven't adequately articulated what 'bullying the lgbt community' means. If you're gonna mandate arrests and fines, you need to fully explain what your interpretation of 'Bullying' is. Because many would argue that the gay lobby is all about bullying at this point. They're beating everyone over the head with the gay propaganda stuff. Most are tired of it.
I don't have to, and you have no good argument why the OP should not be in effect as soon as possible.

If any gay bullies, you take him or her on. The same rules apply to them.

Sorry, but the lgbt community isn't being 'bullied.' It's actually the exact opposite. It's been enjoying 100% pro-gay propaganda in the MSM for many years. If any 'bullying' is going on, it's coming from the lgbt community.

Most Americans are completely sick of the daily beating over the head with pro-gay propaganda. Any perceived 'bullying' on the part of the lgbt community, is merely an imagined victimhood.

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