Time to criminalize bullying of the LGBT community with massive fines

He also claims he does not dress up in a push up bra and thong and pay to watch obese men eat bananas.

But we know the truth.
It's a terrible idea, but I love JakeStarkey. :smiliehug:
It's a great idea, and I belong to another now. You were a bully!:eusa_snooty:
You can't just leave me after sending a dick pic a couple days ago. That's just rude,
It does not have warts like Steve McGarrett's or koshergrl's, huh. Knew you would love it.

Steve's warts were black. I guess that explains a few things.
Assault has always been against the law although the left seems to think it's a legitimate expression of free speech. Every right wing speaker has been a victim of assault on a college campus sometime in their careers or numerous times. So what do we have left, bullying? Who get's to determine what the parameters of bullying are? Do we lock up someone who laughs at a man in a dress? Do we arrest citizens because other citizens are uncomfortable about looks and gestures? Look around lefties, you are becoming more like Nazis every day.
Anyone who bullies or injures another person because of being Christian or LGBT or black or whatever will get to pay the criminal price for being stupid and acting out like koshergrl if she ever does.
Sounds good to me Jake.

No more bullying muslims by calling them terrorists.

And no more slandering Islam or drawing hateful pictures of Muhammad.

Anyone who does these things will face heavy fines and criminal charges. ...... :thup:

Yeah and no more bullying Christians... Pandora's Box will be opened

No to the Totalitarian Left trashing Christians is okay and encouraged, actually if they have their way then Christians and Christianity will be outlawed, the Totalitarian Left did this previously ie. their spiritual kin in the Soviet Union.

This thread sort of makes me think Fakey is a homosexual leftist

When the SHTF what are all of these whiney, thin-skinned cry babies going to DO? Aside from collectively crapping themselves, they'll all be running around crying and freaking and looking for some stupid fucking Safe Space.

Meaning they'll get in the way of normal, grown-up people attempting to help their communities cope when the SHTF.
Eventually, they'll die.
Ya think?

He is a raging flamer.

He's been posting so far left lately any claims of being on the right are comical

Yet he still claims to be a moderate.
A Republican, conservative, Christian husband to a loving wife who has worked all his life and lives entitlement-free.

You may laugh now.


He's no conservative, I know conservatives...I am a conservative...he ain't one
You are not a conservative, and we are not really sure that you are a woman.

Lame...keep trying, sonny. No conservative posts the BS you do , imbecile but yet you keep on doing it while member after member tells you they know better. Have you ever heard the definition of insanity?
Yet he still claims to be a moderate.
A Republican, conservative, Christian husband to a loving wife who has worked all his life and lives entitlement-free.

You may laugh now.


He's no conservative, I know conservatives...I am a conservative...he ain't one
You are not a conservative, and we are not really sure that you are a woman.

You're not a moderate but we know you're a pussy.
Says the true pussy. :lol:

I'm not the one whining about wanting to fine people who say things in a manner with which I disagree.
He's been posting so far left lately any claims of being on the right are comical

Yet he still claims to be a moderate.
A Republican, conservative, Christian husband to a loving wife who has worked all his life and lives entitlement-free.

You may laugh now.


He's no conservative, I know conservatives...I am a conservative...he ain't one
You are not a conservative, and we are not really sure that you are a woman.

Lame...keep trying, sonny. No conservative posts the BS you do , imbecile but yet you keep on doing it while member after member tells you they know better. Have you ever heard the definition of insanity?
You talk butch, and you are a far right wing reactionary with several socks. Are youcamping at route irish?
A Republican, conservative, Christian husband to a loving wife who has worked all his life and lives entitlement-free.

You may laugh now.


He's no conservative, I know conservatives...I am a conservative...he ain't one
You are not a conservative, and we are not really sure that you are a woman.

You're not a moderate but we know you're a pussy.
Says the true pussy. :lol:

I'm not the one whining about wanting to fine people who say things in a manner with which I disagree.
We are talking about criminal and verbal assault, not disagreement. You haters are really afraid to stand up for what you believe.
He's no conservative, I know conservatives...I am a conservative...he ain't one
You are not a conservative, and we are not really sure that you are a woman.

You're not a moderate but we know you're a pussy.
Says the true pussy. :lol:

I'm not the one whining about wanting to fine people who say things in a manner with which I disagree.
We are talking about criminal and verbal assault, not disagreement. You haters are really afraid to stand up for what you believe.

You define it as that. Like I said, you want people fined for what you call bullying then want to define bullying.

Telling someone born a male to stay the fuck out of the women's restroom isn't bullying.
Yet he still claims to be a moderate.
A Republican, conservative, Christian husband to a loving wife who has worked all his life and lives entitlement-free.

You may laugh now.


He's no conservative, I know conservatives...I am a conservative...he ain't one
You are not a conservative, and we are not really sure that you are a woman.

Lame...keep trying, sonny. No conservative posts the BS you do , imbecile but yet you keep on doing it while member after member tells you they know better. Have you ever heard the definition of insanity?
You talk butch, and you are a far right wing reactionary with several socks. Are youcamping at route irish?

Like I said, Fakey...put up or shut up. To date all you have is crickets....an there is that definition if insanity again. No conservative supports limitations on freedom of speech
Careful there Jake, you could really get some of your Muslim buddies in some real hot water here. You know how they feel about the Gay.
You don't want to get them riled up, their likely to turn on you !!
You wouldn't want to lose your head over this.
Jake is retarded.

Ooo, fine me!

Moronic thread of the day.


What Jake is saying is that if he hates the 1st amendment. Typical for people like him who want to shut down and punish people for saying things in a manner that hurts his feelings.
What would it cost to house him in his perceived safe space?

This shows how thin-skinned these people are, have you heard of anything more pathetic and ridiculous than Safe Spaces?

What we have are Grown Children, they're not emotionally mature and are essentially toddlers trapped in the body of adults. They're upset and offended by anything and/or everything, and to protect their thin-skins they need a Safe Space.

Normal people say grow the fuck up whiney cry-babies/cry-bullies or get out of the way of the Adult Train.

View attachment 78326

You have all these whiny college students wanting safe spaces when people say things they don't like. Sad part is those same ones support Bernie Sanders concept of free college.

What this is all doing, it's producing a lot of weakness within society.

They're afraid to offend anyone, they're therefore afraid to physically defend either themselves or others. In a situation where they'd have to punch someone or shoot someone who meant harm to a group of other citizens, they wouldn't be able to do either, the latter because they also don't want anyone having a gun.

A situation such as, they're out shopping and some lunatic wielding an axe is running down the street, they might have already killed a few people, would the Safe Space crowd be able to tackle such a lunatic, either by charging him or doing ANYTHING? No they wouldn't, they've been brainwashed into being passive and that's dangerous for society.

The established law of nature is that the strong protect the weak, there's no strong within the Safe Space crowd, they're ALL weak.

They want everyone to become weak like they are, meaning nobody will be able to defend society from any dangerous situation.
No more bullying muslims by calling them terrorists.
And no more slandering Islam or drawing hateful pictures of Muhammad.
Anyone who does these things will face heavy fines and criminal charges. ...... :thup:

Fine Muslims bashing America and speaking any bad thing about America. Who is in for that?

Fine Mexicans and jail illegals harassing and bullying Trump American supporters. Are you in?

Fine and penalize liberals for slandering Bush and drawing hateful pictures of Jesus. You in?

Fine and deport illegals and Muslims who wave their flags in front of gov buildings. You down?

Fine LGBT and put them on sex offender list if they sexually harass straight people. Agree?

Fine Hussein Obama and take his birthright every time he apologizes for America. You with it?

Fine Hitlery Clit and imprison her for her felonies and selling out to the establishment. Yes?

Fine liberals and take away their rights for free speech when they block Trump voters. Cool?

Fine democrats for being the KKK democrat racist party and not changing their Nazi party name. Good?

Fine the liberal media when their panel of reporters side with democrats and criticize Trump. Right?

Fine the View and other feminist Femi-Nazi shows when they all act biased against Trump. Get that?
A difference exists between honest difference of opinion and outright bullying/humiliation/assault etc on members of the LGBT community.

Time for identification and punishment of the bullies and batterers.

If an individual cannot behave in public as a decent individual, then said punk can pay for it
A difference exists between honest difference of opinion and outright bullying/humiliation/assault etc on members of the LGBT community.

Time for identification and punishment of the bullies and batterers.

If an individual cannot behave in public as a decent individual, then said punk can pay for it

A difference exists between honest difference of opinion and outright bullying/humiliation/assault etc on members of the LGBT community.

Time for identification and punishment of the bullies and batterers.

If an individual cannot behave in public as a decent individual, then said punk can pay for it

Yeah, why not...we're trying to void the second amendment now - why not just go ahead and kill the first while we're at it...Heil Hitler!!!
Jake is retarded.

Ooo, fine me!

Moronic thread of the day.


What Jake is saying is that if he hates the 1st amendment. Typical for people like him who want to shut down and punish people for saying things in a manner that hurts his feelings.
What would it cost to house him in his perceived safe space?

This shows how thin-skinned these people are, have you heard of anything more pathetic and ridiculous than Safe Spaces?

What we have are Grown Children, they're not emotionally mature and are essentially toddlers trapped in the body of adults. They're upset and offended by anything and/or everything, and to protect their thin-skins they need a Safe Space.

Normal people say grow the fuck up whiney cry-babies/cry-bullies or get out of the way of the Adult Train.

View attachment 78326

You have all these whiny college students wanting safe spaces when people say things they don't like. Sad part is those same ones support Bernie Sanders concept of free college.

What this is all doing, it's producing a lot of weakness within society.

They're afraid to offend anyone, they're therefore afraid to physically defend either themselves or others. In a situation where they'd have to punch someone or shoot someone who meant harm to a group of other citizens, they wouldn't be able to do either, the latter because they also don't want anyone having a gun.

A situation such as, they're out shopping and some lunatic wielding an axe is running down the street, they might have already killed a few people, would the Safe Space crowd be able to tackle such a lunatic, either by charging him or doing ANYTHING? No they wouldn't, they've been brainwashed into being passive and that's dangerous for society.

The established law of nature is that the strong protect the weak, there's no strong within the Safe Space crowd, they're ALL weak.

They want everyone to become weak like they are, meaning nobody will be able to defend society from any dangerous situation.
They aren't afraid of offending Christians, or anybody else who doesn't embrace the violation of human rights...
Anyone who bullies or injures another person because of being Christian or LGBT or black or whatever will get to pay the criminal price for being stupid and acting out like koshergrl if she ever does.

Sounds like you believe in the Animal Farm view of the quality. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others
All have the same rights.

I agree. How come you don't see it that way?
I do, but some think those have less rights and it is time to teach them that is not so. $$$ is an excellent teaching tool.

It's obvious you don't feel that way or you wouldn't believe in special protections afforded to some people over others. Furthermore, your impulse to want to use the brute force of government to control people's behavior is repugnant, Orwellian, and authoritarian.
It's obvious you don't get that we have real problems in this country with this issue.

I know you think "If every one would just play nice, then . . .:", which in light of our history, is a naive thought.

Your belief is nonsensical, silly, and dangerous. Your belief system imperils all of us from those who would hurt us.
It's obvious you don't get that we have real problems in this country with this issue.

I know you think "If every one would just play nice, then . . .:", which in light of our history, is a naive thought.

Your belief is nonsensical, silly, and dangerous. Your belief system imperils all of us from those who would hurt us.
A difference exists between honest difference of opinion and outright bullying/humiliation/assault etc on members of the LGBT community.

Time for identification and punishment of the bullies and batterers.

If an individual cannot behave in public as a decent individual, then said punk can pay for it

I hear you, It is societies duty to protect folks like you from being bullied. But do we need more laws intended to create a new class of citizens? I thought we were all to become one. You know Kumbaya. But you being bullied is something existing laws should already cover.
A difference exists between honest difference of opinion and outright bullying/humiliation/assault etc on members of the LGBT community.

Time for identification and punishment of the bullies and batterers.

If an individual cannot behave in public as a decent individual, then said punk can pay for it

I hear you, It is societies duty to protect folks like you from being bullied. But do we need more laws intended to create a new class of citizens? I thought we were all to become one. You know Kumbaya. But you being bullied is something existing laws should already cover.
Telling dipshits that you aren't going to their wedding isn't "bullying". Neither is observing that homosexuality is a mental illness, and they shouldn't be allowed to buy...er...adopt...children or go on welfare when they can't keep a job.

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