Zone1 The Constant Lie About Black Criminality

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Wow, you are kind of clueless, aren't you? It wasn't the New Deal that did that... unemployment was still pretty high all the way up until WW2.
In 1932 the unemployment rate in the United States was 23.6%. By 1940 that had declined to 14.6%.

Because I need to point that kind of thing to you I am skeptical of your claim to have majored in History in college.
Hector still fantasizing about throwing black people in jail... because they scare him.
Not all of them, only the criminals. Law abiding Negroes would benefit from that too. Blacks are more likely to be crime victims than whites are. Most of the criminals who prey on blacks are blacks themselves.
That's only a 7% decline. Barely noticeable.

which is almost entirely because Baby Boomers aged out of the Crime committing demographic.

Most criminals do stupid shit when they are young, because they don't know any better. Starting in 1966 and ending in 1982, you had the Baby Boomers reaching that Age of Stupid. We all do stupid things when we are young. If you are white, you usually get off with a slap on the wrist. If you are black, no so much.

So low and behold, when these boomers got old enough to have jobs and families and obligations, they stopped doing dumb shit.
Even if what you say is true, the prison population should not have decreased during the 1960's.
In 1932 the unemployment rate in the United States was 23.6%. By 1940 that had declined to 14.6%.

Um, yeah, 15% is still pretty horrible. And even then, the US was starting to get back to work providing war materials to the Allies. FDR threw a shitload of money at poverty and had very little to show for it, until the war gave him an excuse to spend ridiculous amounts of money, and nationalize much of the economy.

Because I need to point that kind of thing to you I am skeptical of your claim to have majored in History in college.
Well, just because you can recite statistics doesn't mean you understand them.


We'd never tolerate it today, but back then, people were sheep.

Prison is a failure. The rest of the world doesn't need to lock up this many people.

We lock up more people than COMMUNIST CHINA, which has five times as many people as we do.
Rehabilitation is the failure.

The Chinese have low crime rates everywhere in the world that they live.
Rehabilitation is the failure.

The Chinese have low crime rates everywhere in the world that they live.
China is a communist dictatorship where they arrest you for belonging to the wrong religion. (Which is why my wife left.)

Yet they don't feel a need to lock up people like we do.


They don't let their citizens have guns.
They have sensible poverty relief and wealth distribution policies.
They don't let their mentally ill wander the streets untreated.

Now, they lack our diversity (90% of the population is Han Chinese) and their drug policies are brutal. And yes, there is profiteering in their prison system.

But yet they still lock up less people than we do.
China is a communist dictatorship where they arrest you for belonging to the wrong religion. (Which is why my wife left.)

Yet they don't feel a need to lock up people like we do.


They don't let their citizens have guns.
They have sensible poverty relief and wealth distribution policies.
They don't let their mentally ill wander the streets untreated.

Now, they lack our diversity (90% of the population is Han Chinese) and their drug policies are brutal. And yes, there is profiteering in their prison system.

But yet they still lock up less people than we do.
Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore also have low crime rates.

Social reform and social welfare spending never reduced the crime rate. The only thing that reduces crime is punishment, lots and lots of punishment.
They also have nowhere near our levels of freedom.

I like freedom.

I wore a uniform for 11 years to protect it.
Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan have democratic governments. That is what matters. What can't one do there that one can do in the United States, and why is it important?

In the United States Orientals have lower crime rates than whites, and vastly lower crime rates than Negroes. That tells me that crime correlates with race and is largely determined genetically.
Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan have democratic governments. That is what matters. What can't one do there that one can do in the United States, and why is it important?

In the United States Orientals have lower crime rates than whites, and vastly lower crime rates than Negroes. That tells me that crime correlates with race and is largely determined genetically.
None of these countries have our commitment to civil rights. Japanese cops can beat a confession out of you without letting you see a lawyer.

They also can't own private guns, they have substantial poverty relief programs, etc
Um, yeah, it's called "Freedom", guy. Not that there's a lot about white people anyone would want to emulate. We're kind of awful, really.

But that's simply not true, either. The prison population continued to climb. the only thing that happened was the the Death Penatly become less common, as people realized it was kind of barbaric. But then prison became a profitable business, and just like that, we started locking up people for petty offenses. It actually made crime worse, because it branded whole swaths of people as largely unemployable for stupid shit they did as kids.

View attachment 964522

Wow, you are kind of clueless, aren't you? It wasn't the New Deal that did that... unemployment was still pretty high all the way up until WW2. WW2 got us out of the depression by employing millions in either the armed forces or in war industries, and after the war, the US was the only country that had an intact industrial base. The past prosperity you guys look at back wistfully was artificially created and wasn't going to last.

The Great Society included programs that really benefited Middle Class White people, such as Medicare and Medicaid. It added disabiity payments to Social Security. It also created NPR and PBS - which brought great benefits to rural white areas, Consumer affairs legislation, etc.

But Oh, my, God, it started treating black people as equals!!!
Medicaid doesn't benefit the middle class, it's a program for the poor. NPR is a waste of government money and something the government isn't allowed to do in the first place. Same thing with PBS.
None of these countries have our commitment to civil rights. Japanese cops can beat a confession out of you without letting you see a lawyer.

They also can't own private guns, they have substantial poverty relief programs, etc
Japan has very low crime rates. Maybe because less jungle bunnies or maybe they don't coddle criminals, or both.
Medicaid doesn't benefit the middle class, it's a program for the poor. NPR is a waste of government money and something the government isn't allowed to do in the first place. Same thing with PBS.
Medicaid absolutely benefits the Middle Class.

Who do you think pays for Aunt Tilly's nursing home after she's exhausted her life's savings?

So the poor. That's what he said.
But that's the whole point. Who is going to pay for Aunt Tilly's nursing home if the government doesn't?

Why, her Middle Class family will. In fact, a lot of people abuse the system by passing their property to their children so they can qualify for Medicaid.

But that's the whole point. Who is going to pay for Aunt Tilly's nursing home if the government doesn't?

Why, her Middle Class family will. In fact, a lot of people abuse the system by passing their property to their children so they can qualify for Medicaid.

Is this your aunt Tilly?
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