Zone1 The Constant Lie About Black Criminality

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LBJ 's programs created the black middle class, forced fair housing and equal opportunity employment. I guess these things would be problems for racist whites. Because everything that idiot said about blacks in the 30's was bullshit. Whites had much highercrime and got away with committing crimes aainst blacks. Black crime is lower than whites now. It always has been.
LBJ 's programs created the black middle class, forced fair housing and equal opportunity employment. I guess these things would be problems for racist whites. Because everything that idiot said about blacks in the 30's was bullshit. Whites had much highercrime and got away with committing crimes aainst blacks. Black crime is lower than whites now. It always has been.
you are an idiot crime by blacks is NOT lower then by whites. 37 percent of all violent crime is committed by blacks. they are 13 percent of the population.
Whites also, WTF happened to them?
The early hope of the civil rights movement was that when blacks were given equal rights they would emulate whites. Unfortunately, whites emulated blacks, and black behavior got worse.

During the 1960's punishment became less severe, less likely, and consequently less of a deterrent. Welfare benefits became more generous and easier to qualify for.

The New Deal of the 1930's turned unemployed whites into a law abiding, tax paying working class. The Great Society of the 1960's turned low income Negroes into an unemployable underclass, the members of whom often supplement their welfare checks with the gains from crimes that require no intelligence.
The early hope of the civil rights movement was that when blacks were given equal rights they would emulate whites. Unfortunately, whites emulated blacks, and black behavior got worse.

During the 1960's punishment became less severe, less likely, and consequently less of a deterrent. Welfare benefits became more generous and easier to qualify for.

The New Deal of the 1930's turned unemployed whites into a law abiding, tax paying working class. The Great Society of the 1960's turned low income Negroes into an unemployable underclass, the members of whom often supplement their welfare checks with the gains from crimes that require no intelligence.
You seem to forget there are more whites in prison than blacks.
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I have lots of original thoughts, but I like to substantiate my factual assertions., One fourth of Negroes cannot be educated and are unemployable. The only way to reduce their poverty is to give them more and more generous welfare checks.

That is what the War on Poverty has done.

You scream your slogans all day, but it won't erase whatever horrible shame you still feel from whatever Jamal did to you back in the day.
In the 30's when Blacks were much poorer - even relatively - than they are today, their crime stats were better than comparable "whites." They were less likely to have illegitimate children. Less likely to commit serious crimes.

What happened? Seriously.
Seems to apply to the 60s as well, when I was a child.

I lived in an integrated state, so we had blacks in our neighborhood and in our schools. The parents lived pretty much like we did - Mom at home and Dad at work, and of course married.

It wasn’t until 1968 that things seem to fall apart, with MLKs assasination. The blacks absolutely destroyed the city (DC). My dad had friends with small businesses down there - all destroyed.
The early hope of the civil rights movement was that when blacks were given equal rights they would emulate whites. Unfortunately, whites emulated blacks, and black behavior got worse.

Um, yeah, it's called "Freedom", guy. Not that there's a lot about white people anyone would want to emulate. We're kind of awful, really.

During the 1960's punishment became less severe, less likely, and consequently less of a deterrent. Welfare benefits became more generous and easier to qualify for.

But that's simply not true, either. The prison population continued to climb. the only thing that happened was the the Death Penatly become less common, as people realized it was kind of barbaric. But then prison became a profitable business, and just like that, we started locking up people for petty offenses. It actually made crime worse, because it branded whole swaths of people as largely unemployable for stupid shit they did as kids.


The New Deal of the 1930's turned unemployed whites into a law abiding, tax paying working class. The Great Society of the 1960's turned low income Negroes into an unemployable underclass, the members of whom often supplement their welfare checks with the gains from crimes that require no intelligence.

Wow, you are kind of clueless, aren't you? It wasn't the New Deal that did that... unemployment was still pretty high all the way up until WW2. WW2 got us out of the depression by employing millions in either the armed forces or in war industries, and after the war, the US was the only country that had an intact industrial base. The past prosperity you guys look at back wistfully was artificially created and wasn't going to last.

The Great Society included programs that really benefited Middle Class White people, such as Medicare and Medicaid. It added disabiity payments to Social Security. It also created NPR and PBS - which brought great benefits to rural white areas, Consumer affairs legislation, etc.

But Oh, my, God, it started treating black people as equals!!!
Seems to apply to the 60s as well, when I was a child.

I lived in an integrated state, so we had blacks in our neighborhood and in our schools. The parents lived pretty much like we did - Mom at home and Dad at work, and of course married.

It wasn’t until 1968 that things seem to fall apart, with MLKs assasination. The blacks absolutely destroyed the city (DC). My dad had friends with small businesses down there - all destroyed.

Yeah, it would be nice if we actually, you know, fixed things without black people threatening to break our stuff.
But that's simply not true, either. The prison population continued to climb.
I was writing about the 1960's. From 1960 to 1969 the prison population declined from 212,953 to 197,136.

During this time the crime rate per 100,000 inhabitants rose from 1,887.2 to 3,680.0.

One of the few social experiments in the United States that worked was the increase in the prison population. In 1980 the prison population in the United States was 603,600. The crime rate per 100,000 inhabitants was 5,950.0.

In 2019 the prison population in the United States was 2,08,4600. The crime rate per 100,000 inhabitants was 2,489.3.

Social reform and social welfare spending never reduced the crime rate. The only thing that works is punishment, lots and lots of punishment.
But that's simply not true, either. The prison population continued to climb. the only thing that happened was the the Death Penatly become less common, as people realized it was kind of barbaric. But then prison became a profitable business, and just like that, we started locking up people for petty offenses. It actually made crime worse, because it branded whole swaths of people as largely unemployable for stupid shit they did as kids.

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I have pointed out that the crime rate declined from 1980 to 2019.
Um, yeah, it's called "Freedom", guy. Not that there's a lot about white people anyone would want to emulate. We're kind of awful, really.

But that's simply not true, either. The prison population continued to climb. the only thing that happened was the the Death Penatly become less common, as people realized it was kind of barbaric. But then prison became a profitable business, and just like that, we started locking up people for petty offenses. It actually made crime worse, because it branded whole swaths of people as largely unemployable for stupid shit they did as kids.

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Wow, you are kind of clueless, aren't you? It wasn't the New Deal that did that... unemployment was still pretty high all the way up until WW2. WW2 got us out of the depression by employing millions in either the armed forces or in war industries, and after the war, the US was the only country that had an intact industrial base. The past prosperity you guys look at back wistfully was artificially created and wasn't going to last.

The Great Society included programs that really benefited Middle Class White people, such as Medicare and Medicaid. It added disabiity payments to Social Security. It also created NPR and PBS - which brought great benefits to rural white areas, Consumer affairs legislation, etc.

But Oh, my, God, it started treating black people as equals!!!
All other people are MORE awful which by definition makes whiets the correct ones to emulate

The great society was a failure which treated no one equally
I was writing about the 1960's. From 1960 to 1969 the prison population declined from 212,953 to 197,136.
That's only a 7% decline. Barely noticeable.

I have pointed out that the crime rate declined from 1980 to 2019.
which is almost entirely because Baby Boomers aged out of the Crime committing demographic.

Most criminals do stupid shit when they are young, because they don't know any better. Starting in 1966 and ending in 1982, you had the Baby Boomers reaching that Age of Stupid. We all do stupid things when we are young. If you are white, you usually get off with a slap on the wrist. If you are black, no so much.

So low and behold, when these boomers got old enough to have jobs and families and obligations, they stopped doing dumb shit.
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