Zone1 The Constant Lie About Black Criminality

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If you choose to something illegal be it robbing a bank, jaywalking or using prohibited drugs, you are choosing to be a criminal and accept the consequences.

That would be fine if 1) The penalties were enforced equally and 2) the laws made sense.

If Rush Limbaugh gets probation and rehab, so should Jamal from the hood!

You have no interest in REASONING with anyone. You just want to dictate to everyone.

I just realize there's no reasoning with racists. They have to be TRULY HORRIBLE HUMAN BEINGS to start with. It takes a real piece of shit to hate on someone who is less fortunate than you are.
I have no interest in reasoning with racist cockroaches.
Name calling is the lowest form of discourse.

It would be easy for me to respond in kind to yur stupid name calling. I prefer to draw attention to the flaws in your reasoning.
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I just realize there's no reasoning with racists. They have to be TRULY HORRIBLE HUMAN BEINGS to start with. It takes a real piece of shit to hate on someone who is less fortunate than you are.
Negroes who are hated are not hated because they are poor, but because they are cirminals.
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Name calling is the lowest form of discourse.

It would be easy for me to respond in kind to yur stupid name calling. I prefer to draw attention to the flaws in your reasoning.

Negroes who are hated are not hated because they are poor, but because they are cirminals.
Hated by you because that girl dumped you for Jamal.

You need to get over that.
The fact that you can't see (or don't want to see) the obvious racism that infects our society is your problem, not mine.
The fact you can’t show any actual racism infecting our society is your problem.

Disparity does lot equal discrimination.
Whenever you mention Jamal I know I have won the argument.
Hey, man, I know Jamal brings back sad memories....

The fact you can’t show any actual racism infecting our society is your problem.

Disparity does lot equal discrimination.
Well, you might have a point.

When black people were poor, you guys screamed they weren't working hard enough.

Now more and more white folks are being left behind, and you guys all put on the red hats and support fascism.
Hey, man, I know Jamal brings back sad memories....
That goes to show how much you don't know.

I have only dated white and Oriental women. No self respecting white or Oriental woman would become involved with ghetto garbage like Jamal.

No self respecting white man would have anything to do with a woman who was stained by a subhuman like your friend Jamal.
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Hated by you because that girl dumped you for Jamal.

You need to get over that.
Generally the white girls who dated blacks when I was in school had low self-esteem and were grateful anyone would date them. The blacks usually treated them poorly. Given the white women I see with black men today, that still holds true. Only the athletes and rich black men have attractive white women on their arms.
Generally the white girls who dated blacks when I was in school had low self-esteem and were grateful anyone would date them. The blacks usually treated them poorly. Given the white women I see with black men today, that still holds true. Only the athletes and rich black men have attractive white women on their arms.

yup, I can't see why white women would pass up a fine specimen like this.

Now more and more white folks are being left behind, and you guys all put on the red hats and support fascism.
Everyone is worse off these days. Thanks in part to you jerks keeping us divided along racial lines.
Everyone is worse off today because the GOP has spent the last 50 years making war on the working class, and getting stupid people like you to blame people of color for your failings.
No I blame liberals like you for dividing us. Together we stand, divided we fall. Just stop.

If the BS you claim was true, why are cities that have been under democrat control for Decades some of the worst places for the black community? You are trying to pass the buck by blaming the “GOP” but the democrats have got blood al over their hands.

According to your claim, democrats are apparently completely ineffective and powerless in their own cities against the “GOP”. After black people have voted for Democrats for 60 years, how are they better off today?
No I blame liberals like you for dividing us. Together we stand, divided we fall. Just stop.

Um, no guy. the only REAL division is between the working class and the investor class. Of course, in a democracy, the interests of the investor class would lose every time. That's what happened with the New Deal, and America became a utopia for working people that the Commies kept promising and never delivering on.

Then, the Investor class realized they could play on the racial, religious, and sexual fears of people like you and Hector.

And here we are.

If the BS you claim was true, why are cities that have been under democrat control for Decades some of the worst places for the black community? You are trying to pass the buck by blaming the “GOP” but the democrats have got blood al over their hands.

Are you really this piss ignorant of history? Okay, first you have to ask yourself WHY black people moved to the cities - particularly the northern cities. Well, hot damn, son, that's where the jobs were!!! then thanks to outsourcing and automation, those jobs went away

According to your claim, democrats are apparently completely ineffective and powerless in their own cities against the “GOP”. After black people have voted for Democrats for 60 years, how are they better off today?

Well, they can ride on the front of the bus. They don't have to worry about being lynched. They can marry a white person if they really want to. They can't be forced into Debt Peonage (a kind of quasi-slavery that lasted until 1942!) Seems they got a lot for voting for Democrats.
Well, they can ride on the front of the bus. They don't have to worry about being lynched. They can marry a white person if they really want to. They can't be forced into Debt Peonage (a kind of quasi-slavery that lasted until 1942!) Seems they got a lot for voting for Democrats.
Wow, all that stuff is pre-civil rights. So, more progress was made for black people when more of them voted Republican? But nothing in the past 60 of solidified black voting for democrats, even though you claim American institutions today are steeped in “obvious” racism?


By you own answer, blacks have gotten nothing in 60 years of voting for Democrats.
Wow, all that stuff is pre-civil rights. So, more progress was made for black people when more of them voted Republican? But nothing in the past 60 of solidified black voting for democrats, even though you claim American institutions today are steeped in “obvious” racism?

Um, no, fuckwad, it wasn't all Pre-civil rights. The Civil rights struggle is ongoing today. The fact that THIS still happens...

1718709637466.png proof that we have a long way to go still.

But since you provided that chart, let's look at what happened,

Before 1932, Republicans still got a goodly percentage of what few black were allowed to vote.

Even after 1932, they still got a decent amount until 1964, when Barry "Deep down you know he's nuts" Goldwater opposed the Civil Rights Act and LBJ endorsed it.

After that, Nixon instituted the "Southern Strategy" and ever since then, Republicans up until Trump have played on white greivence to win elections. Reagan's "Welfare Queen", Jesse Helms "White Hands" ad, Bush Sr. "Willie Horton' Ad, etc

That works kind of fine, for a while, until People of Color made up a large enough percentage of the vote where it doesn't. So where are the Republicans? Coming up with new Jim Crow schemes to keep minorities from voting!
After that, Nixon instituted the "Southern Strategy" and ever since then, Republicans up until Trump have played on white greivence to win elections. Reagan's "Welfare Queen", Jesse Helms "White Hands" ad, Bush Sr. "Willie Horton' Ad, etc
Nixon's Southern Strategy was successful because the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the War on Poverty declared the same year were followed by five years of black ghetto riots and more enduring increases in black social pathology.

If this had not happened there would never have been a southern strategy. Nixon would not have been elected. A Democrat dove would have been elected. He would have ended the War In Vietnam.

The War in Vietnam continued for seven more terrible years because most Negroes responded to the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty the way segregationists predicted they would.

The original prediction of the civil rights movement was that when blacks were given equal rights most would begin to behave and perform as well as most whites.

When this did not happen white racial moderates felt betrayed and began to vote Republican. White grievances about Negroes are justified.
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