Zone1 The Constant Lie About Black Criminality

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Nixon's Southern Strategy was successful because the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the War on Poverty declared the same year were followed by five years of black ghetto riots and more enduring increases in black social pathology.

If this had not happened there would never have been a southern strategy. Nixon would not have been elected. A Democrat dove would have been elected. He would have ended the War In Vietnam.

The War in Vietnam continued for seven more terrible years because most Negroes responded to the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty the way segregationists predicted they would.

The original prediction of the civil rights movement was that when blacks were given equal rights most would begin to behave and perform as well as most whites.

When this did not happen white racial moderates felt betrayed and began to vote Republican. White grievances about Negroes are justified.
What’s striking me is that Jews, as intelligent as they are, are behind blacks in switching their vote to the Republican.

What that tells me is that Jews are driven by their liberal ideology (even as it is the liberals going soft on antisemitism if not outright promoting it), and blacks by promises of more government charity programs (as they are the minority most likely to be on welfare).
Nixon's Southern Strategy was successful because the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the War on Poverty declared the same year were followed by five years of black ghetto riots and more enduring increases in black social pathology.

So what you are arguing is that White People are basically awful and proud of it? That's nothing to be proud of.

If this had not happened there would never have been a southern strategy. Nixon would not have been elected. A Democrat dove would have been elected. He would have ended the War In Vietnam.

Not sure what you base that on. Vietnam was impossible to get out of easily due to the Cold War politics of the time. Selling out an ally to the Communists would have been seen as Treason. Nobody wanted a repeat of "Who Lost China" in our politics. (Not that China or Vietnam were ever ours to "lose".)

McGovern ran on a policy of abject surrender in Vietnam (which is what happened anyway) and lost 49 states.

Were kind of seeing a replay of that today. Even though the war in Afghanistan was even more pointless than the one in Vietnam, Biden is the one who gets the blame for the curtain coming down on it the way it did.

The War in Vietnam continued for seven more terrible years because most Negroes responded to the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty the way segregationists predicted they would.

The original prediction of the civil rights movement was that when blacks were given equal rights most would begin to behave and perform as well as most whites.
Well, since they never got equal rights, that's all just theory, isn't it?

Well, they passed a law in '64
To give those who ain't got a little more
But it only goes so far
Because the law don't change another's mind
When all it sees at the hiring time
Is the line on the color bar, no
So what you are arguing is that White People are basically awful and proud of it? That's nothing to be proud of.
If you had better reading comprehension, you would know that I did not mean that at all. What I meant is that because most Negroes are as bad as the segregationists said they are, Nixon's southern Strategy was successful.
Not sure what you base that on. Vietnam was impossible to get out of easily due to the Cold War politics of the time. Selling out an ally to the Communists would have been seen as Treason. Nobody wanted a repeat of "Who Lost China" in our politics. (Not that China or Vietnam were ever ours to "lose".)

McGovern ran on a policy of abject surrender in Vietnam (which is what happened anyway) and lost 49 states.
By 1971 polls indicated that most Americans thought America's involvement in Vietnam was a mistake. Nevertheless, Nixon was reelected by a landslide, because whites were thanking him for stopping the black ghetto riots. The riots stopped because potential rioters knew that with Nixon in the White House they would be punished severely.
Well, they passed a law in '64
To give those who ain't got a little more
But it only goes so far
Because the law don't change another's mind
When all it sees at the hiring time
Is the line on the color bar, no
Whites will change our minds about Negroes when most of them behave and perform as well as most of us do.
Um, no, fuckwad, it wasn't all Pre-civil rights. The Civil rights struggle is ongoing today. The fact that THIS still happens...

View attachment 963989 proof that we have a long way to go still.

That had nothing todo with race. Nadda. There was no accusation made in court that it had a racial motive. There was no evidence of racial motive presented in court. There were no hate crime charges made. You just believe it was racially motivated due to your own implicit biases. The only racism there is you.

This is what you liberal clowns do. You make a claim but then cannot back it up with anything of substance. So you wander through a forest of circular logic.

In this particular case of circular logic, you were trying to defend what Democrats have done for the black community in the past 60 years. What have they done to address the “obvious” racism that persists in our society and institutions. After you failed to show any progress for the past 60 years, you move the goal posts completely to “well racism is still happening” and support that claim with an incident that had nothing to do with race.
If you had better reading comprehension, you would know that I did not mean that at all. What I meant is that because most Negroes are as bad as the segregationists said they are, Nixon's southern Strategy was successful.

Actually, I know exactly what you mean... that you hate black people, and you think that is kind of acceptable.

Blacks aren't as bad as the segregationists believe. You are every bit as bad as you claim to be.

By 1971 polls indicated that most Americans thought America's involvement in Vietnam was a mistake. Nevertheless, Nixon was reelected by a landslide, because whites were thanking him for stopping the black ghetto riots. The riots stopped because potential rioters knew that with Nixon in the White House they would be punished severely.

This is where it's impossible to believe you actually lived through this time like you claim you did.

Nixon won by a landslide because McGovern was so far off on the left on every issue. Had Nixon run against someone sensible like Muskie, he'd have had a much closer race.

The fact was, McGovern's only issue was Vietnam. His own running mate denounced him as "Acid, Amnesty and Abortion" (all of which eventually happened, anyway!) Once Nixon got a favorable agreement in Paris and was able to bring the boys back home, McGovern didn't have shit to talk about.

Not to say that Nixon wasn't responsible for the GOP pandering to the racists. He just didn't need to do so to win. But that started the long train of GOP candidates using racism to get working class whites to voter against their own economic interests.

Now they have superior rights with affirmative action. Fortunately that is changing.

The biggest beneficiary of AA has been white women.

AA just compensates for white privilege. When you get rid of white privilege, and have a TRUE meritocracy, then I will right up there with you in getting rid of AA.

But I've worked with far more Idiot Nephews than I've worked with Affirmative Action failures.
That had nothing todo with race. Nadda. There was no accusation made in court that it had a racial motive. There was no evidence of racial motive presented in court. There were no hate crime charges made. You just believe it was racially motivated due to your own implicit biases. The only racism there is you.

This is what you liberal clowns do. You make a claim but then cannot back it up with anything of substance. So you wander through a forest of circular logic.
I don't have to see a bunch of cops murder a black man over a truly petty offense to realize it's a fine example of racism.
Actually, I know exactly what you mean... that you hate black people, and you think that is kind of acceptable.
I have known too many Negroes I liked to hate the entire race. I have had too many experiences with black criminals to have illusions about them.
This is where it's impossible to believe you actually lived through this time like you claim you did.

Nixon won by a landslide because McGovern was so far off on the left on every issue. Had Nixon run against someone sensible like Muskie, he'd have had a much closer race.
Muskie would have given Nixon a better race. The major issues back then were the black ghetto riots, the rise in crime, and the War in Vietnam.

George McGovern spoke at my university. I sat in the front row, only feet away from him. He had the demeanor of a mainline Protest clergyman. He did not seem t be someone who would have been comfortable in a party at the Playboy Mansion.

Aside from his desire to end the War in Vietnam, which political opinions indicated most Americans agreed was a mistake, what was so terribly radical about him?

Nixon was reelected in a landslide in 1972 because there were no black ghetto riots during his first term.
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The biggest beneficiary of AA has been white women.

AA just compensates for white privilege. When you get rid of white privilege, and have a TRUE meritocracy, then I will right up there with you in getting rid of AA.

But I've worked with far more Idiot Nephews than I've worked with Affirmative Action failures.
Again you reason from your life.

because of the average IQ gap between whites and blacks it is not possible to achieve diversity, equity, and inclusion without lowering standards for Negroes, and discriminating against whites and Orientals.
I don't have to see a bunch of cops murder a black man over a truly petty offense to realize it's a fine example of racism.
Like I said, that’s you implicit biases. You only think that because you are judging them by the color of their skin. Like a two-bit racist.
But it does beg the obvious question. Why are the Jews so fucking keen to live right next to people who want to murder them?
I’ll let Lisa answer that one for you.

However, the woke believe the same thing about being a minority in America. Why don’t you go ask those retards why minorities would want to live amongst people who want to kill them?

Your arguments are super dumb.
Muskie would have given Nixon a better race. The major issues back then were the black ghetto riots, the rise in crime, and the War in Vietnam.

Not really. The only issue was Vietnam at that point, and Nixon pulled out the rug from McGovern by signing the Paris Peace Accord and Kissenger winning the Nobel Peace Prize.


George McGovern spoke at my university. I sat in the front row, only feet away from him. He had the demeanor of a mainline Protest clergyman. He did not seem t be someone who would have been comfortable in a party at the Playboy Mansion.

Again, not sure why you persist with this fake biography.

Aside from his desire to end the War in Vietnam, which political opinions indicated most Americans agreed was a mistake, what was so terribly radical about him?

Again, Amnesty, Abortion and Acid. The Hippies took over the Democratic Party, which pretty much drove people like my parents, who reliably voted Democratic in state and local elections, to vote Republican in national ones.

Nixon was reelected in a landslide in 1972 because there were no black ghetto riots during his first term.

No, Nixon won in a landslide because McGovern was a total douchenoodle. I mean it really doesn't help when you have to sack your choice for Veep (who had already sandbagged you in the press) because he was getting Electric Shock Treatments, and pick some lesser known Kennedy clan member.

Again you reason from your life.

because of the average IQ gap between whites and blacks it is not possible to achieve diversity, equity, and inclusion without lowering standards for Negroes, and discriminating against whites and Orientals.

Sure it is. We've already seen that even with modest equal opportunity, blacks have reduced their poverty rate from 55% to 17%.

Again you reason from your life.

yup, it's called having life experience. In my life, I've gone to college, been in the military, and worked in numerous industries, from family-owned companies (usually the worst to work for) to big multi-national corporations (more professional but colder.) I've run my own businesses, been a landlord in an impoverished neighborhood, and have dealt with all sorts of people from all walks of life. And what I've found is that when you see someone who is racist, you usually have a loser.
Sure it is. We've already seen that even with modest equal opportunity, blacks have reduced their poverty rate from 55% to 17%.

The War on Poverty After 50 Years​

September 15, 2014

In his January 1964 State of the Union address, President Lyndon Johnson proclaimed, “This administration today, here and now, declares unconditional war on poverty in America.” In the 50 years since that time, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs. Adjusted for inflation, this spending (which does not include Social Security or Medicare) is three times the cost of all U.S. military wars since the American Revolution. Yet progress against poverty, as measured by the U.S. Census Bureau, has been minimal, and in terms of President Johnson’s main goal of reducing the “causes” rather than the mere “consequences” of poverty, the War on Poverty has failed completely. In fact, a significant portion of the population is now less capable of self-sufficiency than it was when the War on Poverty began.


Arthur Jensen gave this interview to Jared Taylor in 1992. It is still as timely and relevant as the day it was recorded.

But the black population in this country is in a sense burdened by the large number of persons who are at a level of g that is no longer very relevant to a highly industrialized, technological society. Once you get below IQs of 80 or 75, which is the cut-off for mental retardation in the California School System, children are put into special classes. These persons are not really educable up to a level for which there’s any economic demand. The question is, what do you do about them? They have higher birth-rates than the other end of the distribution.

People are shocked and disbelieving when you tell them that about one in four blacks in our population are in that category — below 75.


War on Poverty programs reduced black poverty by making welfare benefits more generout and easier to qualifiy for. It did not do so in ways that were politically sustainable.
When you come up with an original thought, rather than rehashing whatever confirmation bias you find on line, let me know.

The war on Poverty reduced the black poverty rate from 55% to 17%.

I would have a hard time finding a more effective government initiative. They usually screw things up.
I have lots of original thoughts, but I like to substantiate my factual assertions., One fourth of Negroes cannot be educated and are unemployable. The only way to reduce their poverty is to give them more and more generous welfare checks.

That is what the War on Poverty has done.
In the 30's when Blacks were much poorer - even relatively - than they are today, their crime stats were better than comparable "whites." They were less likely to have illegitimate children. Less likely to commit serious crimes.

What happened? Seriously.
This is bullshit.
Almost no crime is the result of need. "Nobody" steals a loaf of bread to feed his or her family. Crime is the result of greed, envy, anger, or directly or indirectly, to get the money or other resources to feed a drug or alcohol addiction. While in college I spent a lot of time in juvenile court, and I never saw a single case of theft because of need. It was always want.
Not always.
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