Time to find a new party

aka he spends money just like a Dem
He piled up the inflationary spending like a drunken sailor, begged the Fed for EVEN MORE inflationary stimulus, and even begged the Fed to keep interest rates down.

He didn't give two tiny little shits about fiscal responsibility, and then he bragged about the economy that was built on all that fucking cash.

The rubes? They don't know about that, and they don't WANT to know. And they probably wouldn't even UNDERSTAND it.
Trump never had support of the RINOs, the entire Democrat party, and some Republicans can not do much.

Trump did get the requirement that you pay a $1,000 fine if you don't sign up for ObamaCare thrown out. A small start.

Mostly losing a fight over Obamacare, a fight against both Democrats and Republicans, a fight against the vast power of the media, how does losing a fight against so much power make Trump a RINO

Trumps healthcare plan was Obamacare on steroids'. Falsely claiming they were going to save so much money on healthcare, the government was going to be able to cover everybody, at a much lower cost. For 1, it's BS. The government can't save money on healthcare. All they can do is subsidize it for the people #2, Government ran healthcare is socialism.

So why TF would republicans support his plan when they'd been screaming about how government ran healthcare is socialism?

I know what you're problem is. You and Trumps other supporters have had things explained to you in a certain, salesman way. Like all those folks who were completely against Obamacare. But loved their ACA.

He has no competent allies. No person with even the slightest bit of important skill or integrity would ruin their career working for him. If he is elected, his second administration will be a global and historical joke.
And I'm supposed to take council from one who cannot articulate a single rationale for the constant bile that he/she spews?
He piled up the inflationary spending like a drunken sailor, begged the Fed for EVEN MORE inflationary stimulus, and even begged the Fed to keep interest rates down.

He didn't give two tiny little shits about fiscal responsibility, and then he bragged about the economy that was built on all that fucking cash.

The rubes? They don't know about that, and they don't WANT to know. And they probably wouldn't even UNDERSTAND it.

Didn't he ask for negative interest rates
The President cannot spend a dime of the people's money that is not authorized by Congress. End of story.

and Congress cannot spend a dime of the people's money that is not approved by the President.
He piled up the inflationary spending like a drunken sailor, begged the Fed for EVEN MORE inflationary stimulus, and even begged the Fed to keep interest rates down.

He didn't give two tiny little shits about fiscal responsibility, and then he bragged about the economy that was built on all that fucking cash.

The rubes? They don't know about that, and they don't WANT to know. And they probably wouldn't even UNDERSTAND it.

Nailed it. They really don't want to know. When you explain things in detail, with links and proof, they ignore it.
Like the bump stock ban. They came up with the excuse of "well, no one owned a bump stock anyways." Even AFTER a judge deemed the ban to be unconstitutional.
Nailed it. They really don't want to know. When you explain things in detail, with links and proof, they ignore it.
Like the bump stock ban. They came up with the excuse of "well, no one owned a bump stock anyways." Even AFTER a judge deemed the ban to be unconstitutional.
Don't fucking encourage him. :slap:
*of trying to pay for it

Which is all they can do. Their failure has been caused by the Republicans.

but of course it has. This is the problem with the partisans on both sides, you both give your side a free pass and the result is 33T in debt and growing faster than ever

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