Time to get religion out of politics

Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.

Where do you see said religion in politics?
Oh, also politics are synonmous with religion


How about we take politics out of religion? Makes the same amount of sense.
Since atheism has been declared a religion by the Supreme Court (Torcaso v. Watkins) I guess atheism goes too. So, how's this going to work for you government worshipers?
How about we take politics out of religion? Makes the same amount of sense.
Since atheism has been declared a religion by the Supreme Court (Torcaso v. Watkins) I guess atheism goes too. So, how's this going to work for you government worshipers?
what I dont understand is how you can take both out. If you dont favor atheism then you have to have something religious to show you are not promoting atheism, but if you do that then you imply the promotion of religion.
So how exactly would that work?
As long as we have freedom of religion in America, religion will be a factor in politics because the vote of religious people will be guided by the principles of their religion. Is Matthew proposing that we should ban religion. That's what it will take to remove religion from politics. In conclusion, it's not going to happen......it's not a possibility.
What I propose to the democrats it's a Trump like approach. Just disparage religion mercilessly and never be in the slightest ashamed of it. You should have done it already because you could have beaten Trump with something like that. America is exceedingly religion-weary.
Well, statism is government. Logic and rational thought that works for our nations advancement.

Oh'yesss, you're for jesus but you want to throw granny out of her fucking house. Dumb bastard.
you cant use a reference to Jesus when throwing granny out of her house. Although, I fail to understand the throwing granny out of her house thing. What are you talking about?
by the way, I would have to say that science is a religion since so much of it is trying to disprove creation. So, I would certainly have to be opposed to any government money being used for research in science, that would be a definite endorsement of atheism.
well the right really can't play the religion card anymore considering who they've elected as president. i mean i guess that's one good thing to come out of all this, the religious nonsense has been left at the door this election.

Of course we can. We voted for the best option of two choices. I didn't elect him based on my religion. The Bible said to support the government of Rome which was burning them alive, and feeding them to lions. Trump isn't even close to that.

You people just make up random crap "you can't play the religion card because I'm a moron!"... no we can't. And you can't say anything we really care about, so keep spewing your nonsense. Go to California and leave the union. I won't stop you from doing that, (in fact I'll laugh hysterically), so why should we stop being religious?
Well, statism is government. Logic and rational thought that works for our nations advancement.

Oh'yesss, you're for jesus but you want to throw granny out of her fucking house. Dumb bastard.

Why yes of course. The soviets proved the logic and rational of that decades ago..... So has Venezuela and Cuba. Why do you and your logical rational people pack up and go to those places, since we have such horrible religious people here.
Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.

You might want to check how that's working for Turkey at this point in time.
Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.

For the most part, the following law has worked pretty well in keeping religion out of government: “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...”

The only laws that I am aware of having anything to do with religion are what are called “blue laws”, which vary from one jurisdiction to another. These laws prohibit certain activities such as buying liquor on Sundays. In Lake City, Florida, where I live the only blue law I am aware of is one that says you cannot purchase liquor for off-premise consumption on a Sunday. You can buy beer and wine at any grocery store, drug store or gas station and you can go to a restaurant or bar and get a mixed drink. You just can't buy a bottle of booze to take home. No big deal.

\Gay marriage is now the law of the land in spite of the belief of most Christians. The Supreme Court does not give deference to Biblical teachings, nor does it give preference to the religious beliefs of any group.

However, Christians have a right, I would even say a duty, to defend and advocate the tenets of their faith. They have as much right to oppose gay marriage as others have to promote it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and that applies to those whose opinions are based on their faith.
Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.
If anyone hasn't told you to do so, you should go back and re-read the Constitution, Bub.
Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.
I agree. Starting with the religion of Modern Liberalism.
Also the religion of Global Warming.
The health and welfare of a society falls upon a government because there isn't enough donations to keep things going. Stop funding Planned Parenthood and see how quickly the health of society declines and how many babies start turning up in dumpsters to start.
That would be their choice, right? Why should we be paying for their abortions?
So there's less mothers on welfare and no government run orphanages.
Seriously? You want to kill babies of minorities so that you don't have to be burdened by them. First of all that's pretty callous. Secondly, who says we will? Why do you assume the worst?
Well, statism is government. Logic and rational thought that works for our nations advancement.

Oh'yesss, you're for jesus but you want to throw granny out of her fucking house. Dumb bastard.
There is no logical or rational thought in screaming to effect change or burning people out of their homes and businesses to make them agree with you.

There might be some sort of comparison between going to church to experience peace and playing with play doh to quiet the voices in your head. Bible study finds meaning in an ancient book, crayons find meaning in a coloring book. Christians help the poor, liberals cuddle therapy puppies.

And the libs think we're illogical? That makes no sense at all.
The ruling class does not care about religion. It is just a tool used to manipulate support.

If you want religion out of politics, then you need to wage a war on religion. Or simply weed out the stupid people that count themselves among a religion.
No. It is not. Freedom and liberty cannot exist without virtue and morality. Reason and experience tell us this. The founding fathers of freedom and liberty have told us this. The founding fathers of communism have told us this. History has proven this. Religion does what no government can do... teach morality and virtue. The reality is that the left has been putting their religion in government for years. In fact, that's really all they have done for the past 8 years.
The health and welfare of a society falls upon a government because there isn't enough donations to keep things going. Stop funding Planned Parenthood and see how quickly the health of society declines and how many babies start turning up in dumpsters to start.
That would be their choice, right? Why should we be paying for their abortions?
So there's less mothers on welfare and no government run orphanages.
Seriously? You want to kill babies of minorities so that you don't have to be burdened by them. First of all that's pretty callous. Secondly, who says we will? Why do you assume the worst?
We aren't killing anyone. We will just support minority women finding expression in killing their own children.
What I propose to the democrats it's a Trump like approach. Just disparage religion mercilessly and never be in the slightest ashamed of it. You should have done it already because you could have beaten Trump with something like that. America is exceedingly religion-weary.
George Washington disagrees with you. In fact, he has said that someone who does what you propose is no patriot.

George Washington
Farewell Address, Sept 17, 1796

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports...In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens...

The Will of the People: Readings in American Democracy (Chicago: Great Books Foundation, 2001), 38.

George Washington
Farewell Address, Sept 17, 1796

“…And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion...reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

The Will of the People: Readings in American Democracy (Chicago: Great Books Foundation, 2001), 38.

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