Time to get religion out of politics

Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.

That is clearly against the 1st amendment.
I am so fucking sick of hearing about how someones religion is a reason to ban gay marriage, stop people from being who they're or using birth control. Time to stop the bull shit.

The reason isn't important, and you are basically trying to ban religious people from public office and even advocacy.

Freedom of Religion isn't freedom from religion.
Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.

I couldn't agree more. People always talk about getting money out of politics. But what we first need to do is get religion out of politics.

I'm tired of politicians talking about their faith and citizens concerned with politician's faith.

And if these people were really following Jesus's example we would be a socialist country where the wealthy are made to pay up to help others.

And if these people were really following Jesus's example we would be a socialist country where the wealthy are made to pay up to help others.

Jesus favored high taxes? Link?

Jesus was about helping the less fortunate not giving more money to rich in hopes it will trickle down.
Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.

I couldn't agree more. People always talk about getting money out of politics. But what we first need to do is get religion out of politics.

I'm tired of politicians talking about their faith and citizens concerned with politician's faith.

And if these people were really following Jesus's example we would be a socialist country where the wealthy are made to pay up to help others.

And if these people were really following Jesus's example we would be a socialist country where the wealthy are made to pay up to help others.

Jesus favored high taxes? Link?

Jesus was about helping the less fortunate not giving more money to rich in hopes it will trickle down.

Jesus was about helping the less fortunate

With no mention of taxes.

not giving more money to rich

Giving? LOL!
Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.

The socialists around the world got religion out of politics, and then went on to murder 100 million innocent men, women and children......
There are a few things to look for as result of the election. First, take note that Pence is a devout Christian. Trump has already stated that he will appoint Pro Life Supreme Court Justices. You can look for taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood to be done away with. Roe vs. Wade will most probably be overturned as unConstitutional by the Supreme Court nullifing any action at all by the Congress. Many decisions rendered by the lower more Liberal courts such as the 9th District Court will end up being overturned by the Conservative Supreme Court. Many of these rulings will only need to be contested to move forward to the Supreme Court for a decision. Many of these will be over LBGT and religious rights. Some issues, such as the abortion issue, may end up being thrown back to the states to deal with individually.
We'll get our religion out of politics, when you get your politics out of our religion. Stop telling us, how and where we can practice our faith, and we'll stop trying to vote the system to allow us to practice our faith.

How about that?
Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.

I couldn't agree more. People always talk about getting money out of politics. But what we first need to do is get religion out of politics.

I'm tired of politicians talking about their faith and citizens concerned with politician's faith.

And if these people were really following Jesus's example we would be a socialist country where the wealthy are made to pay up to help others.

And if these people were really following Jesus's example we would be a socialist country where the wealthy are made to pay up to help others.

Jesus favored high taxes? Link?

Jesus was about helping the less fortunate not giving more money to rich in hopes it will trickle down.

Jesus was about helping the less fortunate

With no mention of taxes.

not giving more money to rich

Giving? LOL!
Why Socialism Isn't Biblical - What Liberals Don't Get - Patriot Update

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