Time to get religion out of politics

What I propose to the democrats it's a Trump like approach. Just disparage religion mercilessly and never be in the slightest ashamed of it. You should have done it already because you could have beaten Trump with something like that. America is exceedingly religion-weary.
You way of thinking is more aligned with Marx and Lenin.

Communism is naturalized humanism. Karl Marx

The propaganda of atheism is necessary for our programs. Vladimir Lenin
They lost the freaking election and now they want to ban religion? After they eliminate the 1st Amendment what's next, the Bill of Rights? Hearing idiotic rants like this from the angry left makes you thank God we elected Trump.
The health and welfare of a society falls upon a government because there isn't enough donations to keep things going. Stop funding Planned Parenthood and see how quickly the health of society declines and how many babies start turning up in dumpsters to start.
That would be their choice, right? Why should we be paying for their abortions?
So there's less mothers on welfare and no government run orphanages.
Seriously? You want to kill babies of minorities so that you don't have to be burdened by them. First of all that's pretty callous. Secondly, who says we will? Why do you assume the worst?
We aren't killing anyone. We will just support minority women finding expression in killing their own children.
God: Adam, did you eat the apple?
Adam: Eve gave it to me.

4500 years later...

God: Tipsycatlover, did you support minorities killing their babies?
Tipsycatlover: We supported minority women finding expression in killing their own children.

It seems that when it comes to rationalizing that we didn't do wrong, we have not learned anything in the last 4500 years.
Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.

You said NOTHING when Obama went further on the Faith Based Initiative, didja? Not a damn word.
President Obama's Faith-Based Initiatives

^^^crap we hated when Bush expanded it. Tax payer money going there?

But, now, there is another president, and the GOP controlled congress.........it's all so concerning. First Amendment religion clauses. It's protected. You don't think it's protected at any point of law making? Put your money down to take it to the Supreme Court.........like anyone else.
The health and welfare of a society falls upon a government because there isn't enough donations to keep things going. Stop funding Planned Parenthood and see how quickly the health of society declines and how many babies start turning up in dumpsters to start.
That would be their choice, right? Why should we be paying for their abortions?
So there's less mothers on welfare and no government run orphanages.
Seriously? You want to kill babies of minorities so that you don't have to be burdened by them. First of all that's pretty callous. Secondly, who says we will? Why do you assume the worst?
We aren't killing anyone. We will just support minority women finding expression in killing their own children.
God: Adam, did you eat the apple?
Adam: Eve gave it to me.

4500 years later...

God: Tipsycatlover, did you support minorities killing their babies?
Tipsycatlover: We supported minority women finding expression in killing their own children.

It seems that when it comes to rationalizing that we didn't do wrong, we have not learned anything in the last 4500 years.
Oh please. Trying to educate minority women out of killing their children is both racist and sexist. Often, too often, the children of minorities grow up to be criminals, thugs, drug addicts, we don't have a shortage of those. So let these women do what they naturally want to do.
Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.

Top people I never thought I would actually post of not related to this but can fit right in:
Well don't look now but the VP elect isn't going to have any part of the leftist wet dreams

November 12, 2016

Before the election, Mike Pence became quite emotional. He took to a speech to spread his love for God.

He said: “I would encourage you, if you are inclined to do as the Pence family does from time to time, to bow the head and bend the knee. Pray that America will once again stand tall, stand strong. ‘[Prayer is] the last best hope of earth,’ that’s what Abraham Lincoln called it. It’s still true.” – Mike Pence

“So, I encourage you. Remember, what’s been true for thousands of years is still true today. That if His people who are called by His name will humble themselves and pray, He will hear from heaven, and He – as He’s always done before – He will heal our land. One nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.” – Mike Pence

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14

We used to produce educated and responsible adults in our school system. About 50 years ago we took God out of school. Now they produce children that need safe zones and riot when they don't get their way. Take God completely out of government, then get used to living in a third world country.
That would be their choice, right? Why should we be paying for their abortions?
So there's less mothers on welfare and no government run orphanages.
Seriously? You want to kill babies of minorities so that you don't have to be burdened by them. First of all that's pretty callous. Secondly, who says we will? Why do you assume the worst?
We aren't killing anyone. We will just support minority women finding expression in killing their own children.
God: Adam, did you eat the apple?
Adam: Eve gave it to me.

4500 years later...

God: Tipsycatlover, did you support minorities killing their babies?
Tipsycatlover: We supported minority women finding expression in killing their own children.

It seems that when it comes to rationalizing that we didn't do wrong, we have not learned anything in the last 4500 years.
Oh please. Trying to educate minority women out of killing their children is both racist and sexist. Often, too often, the children of minorities grow up to be criminals, thugs, drug addicts, we don't have a shortage of those. So let these women do what they naturally want to do.
lol, no, I would argue that what you just wrote is racist and sexist. You can't predict the future any better than I can. For all we know, one of the ones who never gets a chance for life could be the one who holds the key to saving humanity.
Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.

I couldn't agree more. People always talk about getting money out of politics. But what we first need to do is get religion out of politics.

I'm tired of politicians talking about their faith and citizens concerned with politician's faith.

And if these people were really following Jesus's example we would be a socialist country where the wealthy are made to pay up to help others.
We used to produce educated and responsible adults in our school system. About 50 years ago we took God out of school. Now they produce children that need safe zones and riot when they don't get their way. Take God completely out of government, then get used to living in a third world country.

Finland has one of the best education system in the world and they also have one of the highest rate of atheist. Religion has nothing to do with education or responsible adults.

You can have morals without religion.
We used to produce educated and responsible adults in our school system. About 50 years ago we took God out of school. Now they produce children that need safe zones and riot when they don't get their way. Take God completely out of government, then get used to living in a third world country.

Finland has one of the best education system in the world and they also have one of the highest rate of atheist. Religion has nothing to do with education or responsible adults.

You can have morals without religion.
Yes, without religion you get this.
View attachment 98229 View attachment 98229
We used to produce educated and responsible adults in our school system. About 50 years ago we took God out of school. Now they produce children that need safe zones and riot when they don't get their way. Take God completely out of government, then get used to living in a third world country.

Finland has one of the best education system in the world and they also have one of the highest rate of atheist. Religion has nothing to do with education or responsible adults.

You can have morals without religion.
Yes, without religion you get this.
Transgender rights isn't progress? Putting a man is great and also giving transgender people recognition after they've been look down upon for so long is also progress.
View attachment 98229 View attachment 98229
We used to produce educated and responsible adults in our school system. About 50 years ago we took God out of school. Now they produce children that need safe zones and riot when they don't get their way. Take God completely out of government, then get used to living in a third world country.

Finland has one of the best education system in the world and they also have one of the highest rate of atheist. Religion has nothing to do with education or responsible adults.

You can have morals without religion.
Yes, without religion you get this.
Transgender rights isn't progress? Putting a man is great and also giving transgender people recognition after they've been look down upon for so long is also progress.
It is a mental disease. Should be treated not celebrated.
View attachment 98229 View attachment 98229
We used to produce educated and responsible adults in our school system. About 50 years ago we took God out of school. Now they produce children that need safe zones and riot when they don't get their way. Take God completely out of government, then get used to living in a third world country.

Finland has one of the best education system in the world and they also have one of the highest rate of atheist. Religion has nothing to do with education or responsible adults.

You can have morals without religion.
Yes, without religion you get this.
Transgender rights isn't progress? Putting a man is great and also giving transgender people recognition after they've been look down upon for so long is also progress.
It is a mental disease. Should be treated not celebrated.

People said they same thing about homosexuality and interracial relationships. Masterbation was also looked at as a disease.
View attachment 98229 View attachment 98229
We used to produce educated and responsible adults in our school system. About 50 years ago we took God out of school. Now they produce children that need safe zones and riot when they don't get their way. Take God completely out of government, then get used to living in a third world country.

Finland has one of the best education system in the world and they also have one of the highest rate of atheist. Religion has nothing to do with education or responsible adults.

You can have morals without religion.
Yes, without religion you get this.
Transgender rights isn't progress? Putting a man is great and also giving transgender people recognition after they've been look down upon for so long is also progress.
It is a mental disease. Should be treated not celebrated.

People said they same thing about homosexuality and interracial relationships. Masterbation was also looked at as a disease.
Those don't affect other people. A grown man in girls locker rooms do. If a man wants to play being a woman fine, but don't demand to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of their opposite born gender. There is a difference.
The health and welfare of a society falls upon a government because there isn't enough donations to keep things going.
There used to be, of course.

But then the government started turning tax money (coerced from taxpayers) to charities, and competing citizens away from them. Why should citizens keep contributing when government is now doing it for them?

Stop funding Planned Parenthood and see how quickly the health of society declines
The country got along just fine without Planned Parenthood for decades, and they'll get along just fine without them after they're defunded. They'll have to compete with other providers for a change, instead of using tax money forced from people who don't like them.

and how many babies start turning up in dumpsters to start.
They'll just be in different dumpsters, not the ones behind hospitals and abortion clinics where they get thrown today. And now putting them there will be illegal, for a change.

The millions of babies thrown into dumpsters since 1973 are not available for comment. But I think I can guess what their opinion would be.
The mental/physical health has declined since those years many moons ago because of the decline in the teachings in the Bible.
Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.
This from the guy that wants a Military Coup to replace the President, sorry if we don't listen to your extremist bullshit.
Time to get religion out of politics. Like turkey did a century ago, we must also ban all religion when it comes to our political institutions. We shouldn't be making decisions based on a 2,000 year old book and faith within something that isn't proven...We need logic, rational thought and facts in order to make the best decisions moving forward.

A law needs to be made that forbids religion when it comes to law making.

I couldn't agree more. People always talk about getting money out of politics. But what we first need to do is get religion out of politics.

I'm tired of politicians talking about their faith and citizens concerned with politician's faith.

And if these people were really following Jesus's example we would be a socialist country where the wealthy are made to pay up to help others.

And if these people were really following Jesus's example we would be a socialist country where the wealthy are made to pay up to help others.

Jesus favored high taxes? Link?

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