Time to give Al Franken the boot - Here's how:

Senator Al Franken is an American HERO

He is going nowhere but IN YOUR FACE

A so-called "American hero" doesn't consistently vote against bills which give American troops the necessary tools and support they need to survive in a war zone.

Of course seeing as how you leftists despise our troops, it's no surprise that you consider that shithead a "hero:.
He's a hero because he supports abortion.

Anything, late-term abortions, paying for abortions, paying for abortions overseas.

What a hero.

Heroes don't appropriate my tax money to pay for the murder of unborn children. That doesn't come under the heading of "Duty, honor, country."
It does to a liberal. Murdering the unborn, taking away our guns, infringing on freedom of speech, and persecuting religion is the work of heroes on the left.
I just told you why she was wearing it.
Of course you didn't read what I posted.

I think Al Franken saw an opportunity. The vest is an excuse for you libs to say what he was doing is just fucking peachy.

Hey dumbass. I don't care why she was wearing it. I NEVER questioned WHY she was wearing it. I asked, do you think Franken would have taken that picture or thought it was funny to pose that way if she WASN'T wearing it.
Asked and answered.
Yes......he would have taken advantage of her regardless what she was wearing.
The reasons for this were clearly explained when she issued her original statement.

Washington (CNN)Leeann Tweeden, who has said that Minnesota Democratic Sen. Al Franken forcibly kissed and groped her, said Thursday that Franken's forced kiss on her years ago was "persistent" and "uncomfortable."

Speaking on CNN's "The Lead" with Jake Tapper on Thursday, Tweeden said that the incident, which occurred in 2006, before Franken was a senator, left her "so angry, I was in disbelief."
"To this day I talk about it and my hand clenches into a fist," Tweeden said.
Tweeden explained the incident happened backstage before a USO skit after Franken suggested they rehearse the kiss scene.

Al Franken accused of groping, forced kiss 02:11
Despite reservations, Tweeden said she eventually agreed to it, and Franken "puts his hand on the back of my neck and comes in so fast. There was not finesse to it at all -- let's put it that way. And he just mashes his mouth to my lips. It was wet and he puts his tongue in my mouth and I push his chest away with my hands."
Earlier Thursday, Tweeden had said Franken groped her and kissed her without her consent in 2006 while they were on a USO tour overseas. A morning news anchor on TalkRadio 790 KABC in Los Angeles, she posted her story on the station's website.
She included a photo in which Franken appears to grabbing Tweeden's breast while she's asleep.
In a statement to reporters, Franken said he doesn't remember the forced kissing, but said he shouldn't have conducted his behavior as he did in the photo.

Woman says Franken groped, kissed her without consent in 2006
Tweeden has accepted Franken's apology, and told Tapper she believes the senator's apology is "heartfelt."
While Tweeden didn't see the photo until after the trip, she said that looking back on it now, she recognizes Franken's later actions during the USO trip as a "last laugh."
"That was like his parting gift, like 'Haha, she's going to see that after we're all gone,'" she said. "It was belittling. It was humiliating. Is that funny? Is that ever funny? Is that funny if that's your wife or your daughter or your mom?"
Tweeden went on to say she's been holding her anger about the incident inside for years.
"I've been angry about it, Jake, for over 10 years," she said.

Democrats, liberal groups are on the defensive following Franken revelations

Remarking on the recent slew of sexual harassment charges that have hit various public figures, Tweeden said she empathized with the accusers, "It's embarrassing. Why do you think there are people, there are still a lot of people who haven't told their stories," she said.
Franken said he would cooperate with an ethics committee investigation following remarks from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican from Kentucky, who called for one to begin.
When asked if she thought Franken should step down, Tweeden said, "That's not why I came out with my story. I'm not asking for him to step down for senator. if someone else calls for that, but that's not what I'm asking."

Al Franken accuser: 'I've been angry about it ... for over 10 years' - CNNPolitics

No, I think you are full of it, and he wouldn't have had she NOT been wearing the vest. That's part of the gag.

Also in your article it nowhere says she TOLD him to back off. It says she pushed his chest back. Hell, your article even quotes her as saying he shouldn't have to step down as a Senator... that should tell you that she realizes it wasn't that big of a deal and that though some viewed it as comedy she just didn't find it funny.

I saw her original interview.

She said that she went to the bathroom after pushing him away and washed out her mouth because she could still smell and taste him.
I wonder if you've ever been sexually-assaulted.
The first thing you want to do is get the smell of the bastard off of you.
Sometimes you have to take a long shower and you scrub and scrub till maybe that stink is off of you.

First off, I'm not questioning how she may have felt AFTER the kiss, but if she didn't say something to him... then how the hell is he supposed to know he crossed the line? You do understand that the difference between assault and consent, is the words yes and no?
She told him never to do that ever again.
Was she consenting?
Was she consenting when he simulated groping her while she was asleep?
Yep, 5 women decided out of the blue to put their names out there in a story that would start a media frenzy that put their lives in a crazy situation, to tell lies on him... One of the women that mentioned him and his behavior is an attorney in Florida. Do you think she is credible? Do you REALLY think all these women put their entire reputations on the line, and put their entire family and friends under the microscope of the world, to ALL lie about him?

Actually it's more than 5.....they intentionally strung them out over couple of weeks to make Roy Moore appear guilty. Nevermind the fact that most of what these women are saying they're reading from a prepared script, none of them appeared to be relating it from memory.

Yeah, I hate to tell you this, but most people when they make a statement to the media use a script.
Probably because they were lying.
However, I didn't see Al Franken's accuser reading anything until she read his apology on her cell on The View.

Oh so you don't know the difference between an interview and a statement to the media?
I can see you grasping at straws here.
You'd rather believe the person reading a prepared statement than someone telling the story from memory.
In the court of law one has more weight than the other. Which one do you think has more weight? As a matter of fact, reading prepared statements isn't considered testimony.
I feel a person who relates a story from memory is much more believable than a story read from a piece of paper.

No, and you still don't get it. People who do media statements make out a prepared statement ahead of time so they make sure they say everything they need to say and so that their emotions don't get them off track and cause them to forget important details. You don't do that with interviews... though traditionally the person being interviewed will send a list of questions they would like to be asked, and then the interviewer will send the questions to the person being interviewed ahead of time so they can be prepared.


... have you ever been sexually assaulted? Do you think you could make a perfectly coherent reflection of the moment without having a prepared statement in front of the media?
Senator Al Franken is an American HERO

He is going nowhere but IN YOUR FACE

A so-called "American hero" doesn't consistently vote against bills which give American troops the necessary tools and support they need to survive in a war zone.

Of course seeing as how you leftists despise our troops, it's no surprise that you consider that shithead a "hero:.
He's a hero because he supports abortion.

Anything, late-term abortions, paying for abortions, paying for abortions overseas.

What a hero.

Heroes don't appropriate my tax money to pay for the murder of unborn children. That doesn't come under the heading of "Duty, honor, country."
It does to a liberal. Murdering the unborn, taking away our guns, infringing on freedom of speech, and persecuting religion is the work of heroes on the left.

That's a whole lot of truth there.
Hey dumbass. I don't care why she was wearing it. I NEVER questioned WHY she was wearing it. I asked, do you think Franken would have taken that picture or thought it was funny to pose that way if she WASN'T wearing it.
Asked and answered.
Yes......he would have taken advantage of her regardless what she was wearing.
The reasons for this were clearly explained when she issued her original statement.

Washington (CNN)Leeann Tweeden, who has said that Minnesota Democratic Sen. Al Franken forcibly kissed and groped her, said Thursday that Franken's forced kiss on her years ago was "persistent" and "uncomfortable."

Speaking on CNN's "The Lead" with Jake Tapper on Thursday, Tweeden said that the incident, which occurred in 2006, before Franken was a senator, left her "so angry, I was in disbelief."
"To this day I talk about it and my hand clenches into a fist," Tweeden said.
Tweeden explained the incident happened backstage before a USO skit after Franken suggested they rehearse the kiss scene.

Al Franken accused of groping, forced kiss 02:11
Despite reservations, Tweeden said she eventually agreed to it, and Franken "puts his hand on the back of my neck and comes in so fast. There was not finesse to it at all -- let's put it that way. And he just mashes his mouth to my lips. It was wet and he puts his tongue in my mouth and I push his chest away with my hands."
Earlier Thursday, Tweeden had said Franken groped her and kissed her without her consent in 2006 while they were on a USO tour overseas. A morning news anchor on TalkRadio 790 KABC in Los Angeles, she posted her story on the station's website.
She included a photo in which Franken appears to grabbing Tweeden's breast while she's asleep.
In a statement to reporters, Franken said he doesn't remember the forced kissing, but said he shouldn't have conducted his behavior as he did in the photo.

Woman says Franken groped, kissed her without consent in 2006
Tweeden has accepted Franken's apology, and told Tapper she believes the senator's apology is "heartfelt."
While Tweeden didn't see the photo until after the trip, she said that looking back on it now, she recognizes Franken's later actions during the USO trip as a "last laugh."
"That was like his parting gift, like 'Haha, she's going to see that after we're all gone,'" she said. "It was belittling. It was humiliating. Is that funny? Is that ever funny? Is that funny if that's your wife or your daughter or your mom?"
Tweeden went on to say she's been holding her anger about the incident inside for years.
"I've been angry about it, Jake, for over 10 years," she said.

Democrats, liberal groups are on the defensive following Franken revelations

Remarking on the recent slew of sexual harassment charges that have hit various public figures, Tweeden said she empathized with the accusers, "It's embarrassing. Why do you think there are people, there are still a lot of people who haven't told their stories," she said.
Franken said he would cooperate with an ethics committee investigation following remarks from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican from Kentucky, who called for one to begin.
When asked if she thought Franken should step down, Tweeden said, "That's not why I came out with my story. I'm not asking for him to step down for senator. if someone else calls for that, but that's not what I'm asking."

Al Franken accuser: 'I've been angry about it ... for over 10 years' - CNNPolitics

No, I think you are full of it, and he wouldn't have had she NOT been wearing the vest. That's part of the gag.

Also in your article it nowhere says she TOLD him to back off. It says she pushed his chest back. Hell, your article even quotes her as saying he shouldn't have to step down as a Senator... that should tell you that she realizes it wasn't that big of a deal and that though some viewed it as comedy she just didn't find it funny.

I saw her original interview.

She said that she went to the bathroom after pushing him away and washed out her mouth because she could still smell and taste him.
I wonder if you've ever been sexually-assaulted.
The first thing you want to do is get the smell of the bastard off of you.
Sometimes you have to take a long shower and you scrub and scrub till maybe that stink is off of you.

First off, I'm not questioning how she may have felt AFTER the kiss, but if she didn't say something to him... then how the hell is he supposed to know he crossed the line? You do understand that the difference between assault and consent, is the words yes and no?
She told him never to do that ever again.
Was she consenting?
Was she consenting when he simulated groping her while she was asleep?

So show me where she told him that. It wasn't in your article...
Actually it's more than 5.....they intentionally strung them out over couple of weeks to make Roy Moore appear guilty. Nevermind the fact that most of what these women are saying they're reading from a prepared script, none of them appeared to be relating it from memory.

Yeah, I hate to tell you this, but most people when they make a statement to the media use a script.
Probably because they were lying.
However, I didn't see Al Franken's accuser reading anything until she read his apology on her cell on The View.

Oh so you don't know the difference between an interview and a statement to the media?
I can see you grasping at straws here.
You'd rather believe the person reading a prepared statement than someone telling the story from memory.
In the court of law one has more weight than the other. Which one do you think has more weight? As a matter of fact, reading prepared statements isn't considered testimony.
I feel a person who relates a story from memory is much more believable than a story read from a piece of paper.

No, and you still don't get it. People who do media statements make out a prepared statement ahead of time so they make sure they say everything they need to say and so that their emotions don't get them off track and cause them to forget important details. You don't do that with interviews... though traditionally the person being interviewed will send a list of questions they would like to be asked, and then the interviewer will send the questions to the person being interviewed ahead of time so they can be prepared.


... have you ever been sexually assaulted? Do you think you could make a perfectly coherent reflection of the moment without having a prepared statement in front of the media?
I have been sexually assaulted...when I was 6 years old....and to this day I can remember when, where, and remember the smell that the guy gave off. I also remember that I couldn't get that stink off of me for days.
Uh no.

I'm saying when you try to break down a political move or comment further than the surface is when the political figures win. That's because you are no longer using common sense, which is all most of the time you need.

If someone lies, then they are a liar. Yet in politics, it's often defended as not being a lie... because either politicians are known liars so it is no longer a big deal and is blown off, or because through digging deep into partisanship they get a pass because the "other party" lies all the time too, or you get the argument it isn't a lie because of some small factor that isn't even relevant.

If a knife can't penetrate a Kevlar vest, and most bullets can't penetrate a Kevlar vest, then do you think Franken acting like he is grabbing her chest through a Kevlar vest is groping? Do you think if she wasn't wearing a Kevlar vest that Franken would have done it and had the picture taken? Do you think he thought the picture would have been funny had he done it with her not wearing the vest?
Seems to me you're waaaaaay out in the weeds. The Kevlar was something that they issued them because they were probably traveling through hot zones overseas.

Franken was acting like that because he happened to be on the same military flight as this women he had spent the last week sexually-harassing after sexually-assaulting her.
He's such a juvenile bitch that, because she told him to leave her the fuck alone, he felt he had to humiliate her. It's like rubbing your dick on your ex's lips when she's asleep.
Why was she wearing a K-pot and a flack-vest?
Have you ever flown on a C5 from overseas for 2 days?
Well I have.
She was probably wearing it because she was trying to protect her head and prop herself up. The K-Pot was protection from the bars on the back of the seats, and a flack-vest helps you keep your back straight without straining. I've slept this way on numerous occasions before a jump. These long flights you just have to find a comfortable position and try to get as much sleep as you can.

I KNOW why she is wearing it.

Also, has she stated that at the time she told him to quit sexually harassing her? I haven't seen that...

I asked a simple question you just blindly moved off of to some tangent that I never even argued against. Do you think he would have taken that picture and thought it would be funny if she had not been wearing the vest?
I just told you why she was wearing it.
Of course you didn't read what I posted.

I think Al Franken saw an opportunity. The vest is an excuse for you libs to say what he was doing is just fucking peachy.

Hey dumbass. I don't care why she was wearing it. I NEVER questioned WHY she was wearing it. I asked, do you think Franken would have taken that picture or thought it was funny to pose that way if she WASN'T wearing it.
Asked and answered.
Yes......he would have taken advantage of her regardless what she was wearing.
The reasons for this were clearly explained when she issued her original statement.

Washington (CNN)Leeann Tweeden, who has said that Minnesota Democratic Sen. Al Franken forcibly kissed and groped her, said Thursday that Franken's forced kiss on her years ago was "persistent" and "uncomfortable."

Speaking on CNN's "The Lead" with Jake Tapper on Thursday, Tweeden said that the incident, which occurred in 2006, before Franken was a senator, left her "so angry, I was in disbelief."
"To this day I talk about it and my hand clenches into a fist," Tweeden said.
Tweeden explained the incident happened backstage before a USO skit after Franken suggested they rehearse the kiss scene.

Al Franken accused of groping, forced kiss 02:11
Despite reservations, Tweeden said she eventually agreed to it, and Franken "puts his hand on the back of my neck and comes in so fast. There was not finesse to it at all -- let's put it that way. And he just mashes his mouth to my lips. It was wet and he puts his tongue in my mouth and I push his chest away with my hands."
Earlier Thursday, Tweeden had said Franken groped her and kissed her without her consent in 2006 while they were on a USO tour overseas. A morning news anchor on TalkRadio 790 KABC in Los Angeles, she posted her story on the station's website.
She included a photo in which Franken appears to grabbing Tweeden's breast while she's asleep.
In a statement to reporters, Franken said he doesn't remember the forced kissing, but said he shouldn't have conducted his behavior as he did in the photo.

Woman says Franken groped, kissed her without consent in 2006
Tweeden has accepted Franken's apology, and told Tapper she believes the senator's apology is "heartfelt."
While Tweeden didn't see the photo until after the trip, she said that looking back on it now, she recognizes Franken's later actions during the USO trip as a "last laugh."
"That was like his parting gift, like 'Haha, she's going to see that after we're all gone,'" she said. "It was belittling. It was humiliating. Is that funny? Is that ever funny? Is that funny if that's your wife or your daughter or your mom?"
Tweeden went on to say she's been holding her anger about the incident inside for years.
"I've been angry about it, Jake, for over 10 years," she said.

Democrats, liberal groups are on the defensive following Franken revelations

Remarking on the recent slew of sexual harassment charges that have hit various public figures, Tweeden said she empathized with the accusers, "It's embarrassing. Why do you think there are people, there are still a lot of people who haven't told their stories," she said.
Franken said he would cooperate with an ethics committee investigation following remarks from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican from Kentucky, who called for one to begin.
When asked if she thought Franken should step down, Tweeden said, "That's not why I came out with my story. I'm not asking for him to step down for senator. if someone else calls for that, but that's not what I'm asking."

Al Franken accuser: 'I've been angry about it ... for over 10 years' - CNNPolitics
. Wow, this whole story sounds fishy in light of what happened in the Roy Moore case. I mean after reading this, it's as if this is a cohesive ploy to suggest that it's good for a woman to bring up an event no matter how long ago it happened, but make sure that it's done at a precise time when politics are to be turned on it's head when it is done ?? The timing of the Roy Moore case and the rebuttal or comparison aspects with this case (seems to thicken the plot) even more. I mean Franken orders an ethics investigation himself on himself ? This women forgives Franken with just his apology, yet she was extremely mad for years and years about it ???? Was this whole thing contrived to give credibility to the woman accusing Roy Moore after coming forth two weeks before an election that would place him into the role as an Alabama senator ?? Look at the initial accusation of the Al Franken accuser, the timing, the forgiveness, and the actions of Franken in regards to it all. Was this a parallel event to run along side of the Roy Moore event in order to give a boosting credibility to the entities and women who want to bring down a political figure during an election ?
Yeah, I hate to tell you this, but most people when they make a statement to the media use a script.
Probably because they were lying.
However, I didn't see Al Franken's accuser reading anything until she read his apology on her cell on The View.

Oh so you don't know the difference between an interview and a statement to the media?
I can see you grasping at straws here.
You'd rather believe the person reading a prepared statement than someone telling the story from memory.
In the court of law one has more weight than the other. Which one do you think has more weight? As a matter of fact, reading prepared statements isn't considered testimony.
I feel a person who relates a story from memory is much more believable than a story read from a piece of paper.

No, and you still don't get it. People who do media statements make out a prepared statement ahead of time so they make sure they say everything they need to say and so that their emotions don't get them off track and cause them to forget important details. You don't do that with interviews... though traditionally the person being interviewed will send a list of questions they would like to be asked, and then the interviewer will send the questions to the person being interviewed ahead of time so they can be prepared.


... have you ever been sexually assaulted? Do you think you could make a perfectly coherent reflection of the moment without having a prepared statement in front of the media?
I have been sexually assaulted...when I was 6 years old....and to this day I can remember when, where, and remember the smell that the guy gave off. I also remember that I couldn't get that stink off of me for days.

Yeah, but have you ever had to sit in front of the media and tell your story?

I'm sorry that happened to you, but the fact you can't understand how important it is to make sure your story is absolutely straight, and correct, means having a prepared statement in front of you important... I just can't argue further at this point. Just ONE misspoken fact and the media and everyone will tear your entire story apart and say you are a lying sack of shit, makes the prepared statement absolutely crucial.
Asked and answered.
Yes......he would have taken advantage of her regardless what she was wearing.
The reasons for this were clearly explained when she issued her original statement.

Washington (CNN)Leeann Tweeden, who has said that Minnesota Democratic Sen. Al Franken forcibly kissed and groped her, said Thursday that Franken's forced kiss on her years ago was "persistent" and "uncomfortable."

Speaking on CNN's "The Lead" with Jake Tapper on Thursday, Tweeden said that the incident, which occurred in 2006, before Franken was a senator, left her "so angry, I was in disbelief."
"To this day I talk about it and my hand clenches into a fist," Tweeden said.
Tweeden explained the incident happened backstage before a USO skit after Franken suggested they rehearse the kiss scene.

Al Franken accused of groping, forced kiss 02:11
Despite reservations, Tweeden said she eventually agreed to it, and Franken "puts his hand on the back of my neck and comes in so fast. There was not finesse to it at all -- let's put it that way. And he just mashes his mouth to my lips. It was wet and he puts his tongue in my mouth and I push his chest away with my hands."
Earlier Thursday, Tweeden had said Franken groped her and kissed her without her consent in 2006 while they were on a USO tour overseas. A morning news anchor on TalkRadio 790 KABC in Los Angeles, she posted her story on the station's website.
She included a photo in which Franken appears to grabbing Tweeden's breast while she's asleep.
In a statement to reporters, Franken said he doesn't remember the forced kissing, but said he shouldn't have conducted his behavior as he did in the photo.

Woman says Franken groped, kissed her without consent in 2006
Tweeden has accepted Franken's apology, and told Tapper she believes the senator's apology is "heartfelt."
While Tweeden didn't see the photo until after the trip, she said that looking back on it now, she recognizes Franken's later actions during the USO trip as a "last laugh."
"That was like his parting gift, like 'Haha, she's going to see that after we're all gone,'" she said. "It was belittling. It was humiliating. Is that funny? Is that ever funny? Is that funny if that's your wife or your daughter or your mom?"
Tweeden went on to say she's been holding her anger about the incident inside for years.
"I've been angry about it, Jake, for over 10 years," she said.

Democrats, liberal groups are on the defensive following Franken revelations

Remarking on the recent slew of sexual harassment charges that have hit various public figures, Tweeden said she empathized with the accusers, "It's embarrassing. Why do you think there are people, there are still a lot of people who haven't told their stories," she said.
Franken said he would cooperate with an ethics committee investigation following remarks from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican from Kentucky, who called for one to begin.
When asked if she thought Franken should step down, Tweeden said, "That's not why I came out with my story. I'm not asking for him to step down for senator. if someone else calls for that, but that's not what I'm asking."

Al Franken accuser: 'I've been angry about it ... for over 10 years' - CNNPolitics

No, I think you are full of it, and he wouldn't have had she NOT been wearing the vest. That's part of the gag.

Also in your article it nowhere says she TOLD him to back off. It says she pushed his chest back. Hell, your article even quotes her as saying he shouldn't have to step down as a Senator... that should tell you that she realizes it wasn't that big of a deal and that though some viewed it as comedy she just didn't find it funny.

I saw her original interview.

She said that she went to the bathroom after pushing him away and washed out her mouth because she could still smell and taste him.
I wonder if you've ever been sexually-assaulted.
The first thing you want to do is get the smell of the bastard off of you.
Sometimes you have to take a long shower and you scrub and scrub till maybe that stink is off of you.

First off, I'm not questioning how she may have felt AFTER the kiss, but if she didn't say something to him... then how the hell is he supposed to know he crossed the line? You do understand that the difference between assault and consent, is the words yes and no?
She told him never to do that ever again.
Was she consenting?
Was she consenting when he simulated groping her while she was asleep?

So show me where she told him that. It wasn't in your article...

Senator Al Franken Kissed and Groped Me Without My Consent, And There’s Nothing Funny About It
Franken had written some skits for the show and brought props and costumes to go along with them. Like many USO shows before and since, the skits were full of sexual innuendo geared toward a young, male audience.

As a TV host and sports broadcaster, as well as a model familiar to the audience from the covers of FHM, Maxim and Playboy, I was only expecting to emcee and introduce the acts, but Franken said he had written a part for me that he thought would be funny, and I agreed to play along.

When I saw the script, Franken had written a moment when his character comes at me for a ‘kiss’. I suspected what he was after, but I figured I could turn my head at the last minute, or put my hand over his mouth, to get more laughs from the crowd.

On the day of the show Franken and I were alone backstage going over our lines one last time. He said to me, “We need to rehearse the kiss.” I laughed and ignored him. Then he said it again. I said something like, ‘Relax Al, this isn’t SNL…we don’t need to rehearse the kiss.’

He continued to insist, and I was beginning to get uncomfortable.

He repeated that actors really need to rehearse everything and that we must practice the kiss. I said ‘OK’ so he would stop badgering me. We did the line leading up to the kiss and then he came at me, put his hand on the back of my head, mashed his lips against mine and aggressively stuck his tongue in my mouth.

I immediately pushed him away with both of my hands against his chest and told him if he ever did that to me again I wouldn’t be so nice about it the next time.

I walked away. All I could think about was getting to a bathroom as fast as possible to rinse the taste of him out of my mouth.

I felt disgusted and violated.

Not long after, I performed the skit as written, carefully turning my head so he couldn’t kiss me on the lips.

No one saw what happened backstage. I didn’t tell the Sergeant Major of the Army, who was the sponsor of the tour. I didn’t tell our USO rep what happened.

At the time I didn’t want to cause trouble. We were in the middle of a war zone, it was the first show of our Holiday tour, I was a professional, and I could take care of myself. I told a few of the others on the tour what Franken had done and they knew how I felt about it.

I tried to let it go, but I was angry.

Other than our dialogue on stage, I never had a voluntary conversation with Al Franken again. I avoided him as much as possible and made sure I was never alone with him again for the rest of the tour.

Franken repaid me with petty insults, including drawing devil horns on at least one of the headshots I was autographing for the troops.

But he didn’t stop there.

The tour wrapped and on Christmas Eve we began the 36-hour trip home to L.A. After 2 weeks of grueling travel and performing I was exhausted. When our C-17 cargo plane took off from Afghanistan I immediately fell asleep, even though I was still wearing my flak vest and Kevlar helmet.

It wasn’t until I was back in the US and looking through the CD of photos we were given by the photographer that I saw this one:​
Yeah it is sad that Conservative partisans, can't understand how Franken apologized immediately and welcomed the investigation, while people like Moore and other's deny, deny, attack, and threaten the accusers.
It could be because one is guilty as shit and the other isn't.
But obviously somebody else has to do the thinking for you because your head is so far up your ass you can't.

Yep, 5 women decided out of the blue to put their names out there in a story that would start a media frenzy that put their lives in a crazy situation, to tell lies on him... One of the women that mentioned him and his behavior is an attorney in Florida. Do you think she is credible? Do you REALLY think all these women put their entire reputations on the line, and put their entire family and friends under the microscope of the world, to ALL lie about him?

Actually it's more than 5.....they intentionally strung them out over couple of weeks to make Roy Moore appear guilty. Nevermind the fact that most of what these women are saying they're reading from a prepared script, none of them appeared to be relating it from memory.

Yeah, I hate to tell you this, but most people when they make a statement to the media use a script.
Probably because they were lying.
However, I didn't see Al Franken's accuser reading anything until she read his apology on her cell on The View.
. This Al Franken thing stinks to high heaven if you ask me. The woman backing off of Franken so easily seems to throw up red flags. Is it a purposeful distraction aimed at empowering the story against Roy Moore even more than it was ?? Is Franken possibly involved in this whole thing in order to keep Moore out of the Senate ??
Probably because they were lying.
However, I didn't see Al Franken's accuser reading anything until she read his apology on her cell on The View.

Oh so you don't know the difference between an interview and a statement to the media?
I can see you grasping at straws here.
You'd rather believe the person reading a prepared statement than someone telling the story from memory.
In the court of law one has more weight than the other. Which one do you think has more weight? As a matter of fact, reading prepared statements isn't considered testimony.
I feel a person who relates a story from memory is much more believable than a story read from a piece of paper.

No, and you still don't get it. People who do media statements make out a prepared statement ahead of time so they make sure they say everything they need to say and so that their emotions don't get them off track and cause them to forget important details. You don't do that with interviews... though traditionally the person being interviewed will send a list of questions they would like to be asked, and then the interviewer will send the questions to the person being interviewed ahead of time so they can be prepared.


... have you ever been sexually assaulted? Do you think you could make a perfectly coherent reflection of the moment without having a prepared statement in front of the media?
I have been sexually assaulted...when I was 6 years old....and to this day I can remember when, where, and remember the smell that the guy gave off. I also remember that I couldn't get that stink off of me for days.

Yeah, but have you ever had to sit in front of the media and tell your story?

I'm sorry that happened to you, but the fact you can't understand how important it is to make sure your story is absolutely straight, and correct, means having a prepared statement in front of you important... I just can't argue further at this point. Just ONE misspoken fact and the media and everyone will tear your entire story apart and say you are a lying sack of shit, makes the prepared statement absolutely crucial.
So I guess nobody in the media is going to believe her.
If anyone were to ask me what happened during my assault I could relate it, no problem, because I told an FBI agent about the assault when I was undergoing my interview for my Top Secret clearance. He asked me if I had ever been sexually assaulted.....and I had almost totally put it out of my mind by that time, but then all of the memories came flooding back. Yes....it shakes you....but trust me....it is also a way to heal yourself when you talk about it. Usually most people feel responsible in some way for the attack. That is why they often don't report them.
It could be because one is guilty as shit and the other isn't.
But obviously somebody else has to do the thinking for you because your head is so far up your ass you can't.

Yep, 5 women decided out of the blue to put their names out there in a story that would start a media frenzy that put their lives in a crazy situation, to tell lies on him... One of the women that mentioned him and his behavior is an attorney in Florida. Do you think she is credible? Do you REALLY think all these women put their entire reputations on the line, and put their entire family and friends under the microscope of the world, to ALL lie about him?

Actually it's more than 5.....they intentionally strung them out over couple of weeks to make Roy Moore appear guilty. Nevermind the fact that most of what these women are saying they're reading from a prepared script, none of them appeared to be relating it from memory.

Yeah, I hate to tell you this, but most people when they make a statement to the media use a script.
Probably because they were lying.
However, I didn't see Al Franken's accuser reading anything until she read his apology on her cell on The View.
. This Al Franken thing stinks to high heaven if you ask me. The woman backing off of Franken so easily seems to throw up red flags. Is it a purposeful distraction aimed at empowering the story against Roy Moore even more than it was ?? Is Franken possibly involved in this whole thing in order to keep Moore out of the Senate ??
No....I just think the fact that so many women and young men who have been attacked are finally getting it off their chests.
Oh so you don't know the difference between an interview and a statement to the media?
I can see you grasping at straws here.
You'd rather believe the person reading a prepared statement than someone telling the story from memory.
In the court of law one has more weight than the other. Which one do you think has more weight? As a matter of fact, reading prepared statements isn't considered testimony.
I feel a person who relates a story from memory is much more believable than a story read from a piece of paper.

No, and you still don't get it. People who do media statements make out a prepared statement ahead of time so they make sure they say everything they need to say and so that their emotions don't get them off track and cause them to forget important details. You don't do that with interviews... though traditionally the person being interviewed will send a list of questions they would like to be asked, and then the interviewer will send the questions to the person being interviewed ahead of time so they can be prepared.


... have you ever been sexually assaulted? Do you think you could make a perfectly coherent reflection of the moment without having a prepared statement in front of the media?
I have been sexually assaulted...when I was 6 years old....and to this day I can remember when, where, and remember the smell that the guy gave off. I also remember that I couldn't get that stink off of me for days.

Yeah, but have you ever had to sit in front of the media and tell your story?

I'm sorry that happened to you, but the fact you can't understand how important it is to make sure your story is absolutely straight, and correct, means having a prepared statement in front of you important... I just can't argue further at this point. Just ONE misspoken fact and the media and everyone will tear your entire story apart and say you are a lying sack of shit, makes the prepared statement absolutely crucial.
So I guess nobody in the media is going to believe her.
If anyone were to ask me what happened during my assault I could relate it, no problem, because I told an FBI agent about the assault when I was undergoing my interview for my Top Secret clearance. He asked me if I had ever been sexually assaulted.....and I had almost totally put it out of my mind by that time, but then all of the memories came flooding back. Yes....it shakes you....but trust me....it is also a way to heal yourself when you talk about it. Usually most people feel responsible in some way for the attack. That is why they often don't report them.

Look I get it. Let's just leave it at that, and say some personal details really shouldn't be shared on THIS forum... because some people that read it have no boundaries and will use it against you.
If this whole thing was a creative, and created distraction by the left as a way to empower the allegations and accusations by an accuser within a precisely allotted time frame, otherwise in order to bring down an active run by a candidate running for senator of the state of Alabama, then did it work or is it working ? Does the left fear Roy Moore this much, that it would come up with such a thing to draw the attention of the defenders of Roy Moore away from that story ?? Otherwise if the first allegations or accusations had sealed Moore's fate, then get this going to make sure that there will be no Moore comeback at the last moment ?
If this whole thing was a creative, and created distraction by the left as a way to empower the allegations and accusations by an accuser within a precisely allotted time frame, otherwise in order to bring down an active run by a candidate running for senator of the state of Alabama, then did it work or is it working ? Does the left fear Roy Moore this much, that it would come up with such a thing to draw the attention of the defenders of Roy Moore away from that story ?? Otherwise if the first allegations or accusations had sealed Moore's fate, then get this going to make sure that there will be no Moore comeback at the last moment ?

You understand the Weinstein thing came out before Roy Moore? If anything the Roy Moore women that came out were emboldened by that one...
Yep, 5 women decided out of the blue to put their names out there in a story that would start a media frenzy that put their lives in a crazy situation, to tell lies on him... One of the women that mentioned him and his behavior is an attorney in Florida. Do you think she is credible? Do you REALLY think all these women put their entire reputations on the line, and put their entire family and friends under the microscope of the world, to ALL lie about him?

Actually it's more than 5.....they intentionally strung them out over couple of weeks to make Roy Moore appear guilty. Nevermind the fact that most of what these women are saying they're reading from a prepared script, none of them appeared to be relating it from memory.

Yeah, I hate to tell you this, but most people when they make a statement to the media use a script.
Probably because they were lying.
However, I didn't see Al Franken's accuser reading anything until she read his apology on her cell on The View.
. This Al Franken thing stinks to high heaven if you ask me. The woman backing off of Franken so easily seems to throw up red flags. Is it a purposeful distraction aimed at empowering the story against Roy Moore even more than it was ?? Is Franken possibly involved in this whole thing in order to keep Moore out of the Senate ??
No....I just think the fact that so many women and young men who have been attacked are finally getting it off their chests.
. Don't forget the context for which it all is living within here, and who the players and victims are. Very coincidental if you ask me.
If this whole thing was a creative, and created distraction by the left as a way to empower the allegations and accusations by an accuser within a precisely allotted time frame, otherwise in order to bring down an active run by a candidate running for senator of the state of Alabama, then did it work or is it working ? Does the left fear Roy Moore this much, that it would come up with such a thing to draw the attention of the defenders of Roy Moore away from that story ?? Otherwise if the first allegations or accusations had sealed Moore's fate, then get this going to make sure that there will be no Moore comeback at the last moment ?

you see when the left finds a guy like moore

they claim it damns the whole party

while on the hand a pervert like franken the left

represents only himself and willingly give him a pass after an apology


look at how long they defended that democrat pervert from NYC

If this whole thing was a creative, and created distraction by the left as a way to empower the allegations and accusations by an accuser within a precisely allotted time frame, otherwise in order to bring down an active run by a candidate running for senator of the state of Alabama, then did it work or is it working ? Does the left fear Roy Moore this much, that it would come up with such a thing to draw the attention of the defenders of Roy Moore away from that story ?? Otherwise if the first allegations or accusations had sealed Moore's fate, then get this going to make sure that there will be no Moore comeback at the last moment ?

you see when the left finds a guy like moore

they claim it damns the whole party

while on the hand a pervert like franken the left

represents only himself and willingly give him a pass after an apology


look at how long they defended that democrat pervert from NYC


I haven't seen a single person defend Anthony Weiner's actions. Please share.
If this whole thing was a creative, and created distraction by the left as a way to empower the allegations and accusations by an accuser within a precisely allotted time frame, otherwise in order to bring down an active run by a candidate running for senator of the state of Alabama, then did it work or is it working ? Does the left fear Roy Moore this much, that it would come up with such a thing to draw the attention of the defenders of Roy Moore away from that story ?? Otherwise if the first allegations or accusations had sealed Moore's fate, then get this going to make sure that there will be no Moore comeback at the last moment ?

you see when the left finds a guy like moore

they claim it damns the whole party

while on the hand a pervert like franken the left

represents only himself and willingly give him a pass after an apology


look at how long they defended that democrat pervert from NYC


I haven't seen a single person defend Anthony Weiner's actions. Please share.

the fucking internet is full of leftists that defended Weiner

Watch Rachel Maddow try to defend Anthony Weiner's claim he was hacked back in 2011
If this whole thing was a creative, and created distraction by the left as a way to empower the allegations and accusations by an accuser within a precisely allotted time frame, otherwise in order to bring down an active run by a candidate running for senator of the state of Alabama, then did it work or is it working ? Does the left fear Roy Moore this much, that it would come up with such a thing to draw the attention of the defenders of Roy Moore away from that story ?? Otherwise if the first allegations or accusations had sealed Moore's fate, then get this going to make sure that there will be no Moore comeback at the last moment ?

You understand the Weinstein thing came out before Roy Moore? If anything the Roy Moore women that came out were emboldened by that one...
. Could be, but the overshadowing election timing seems to debunk that theory maybe. Much of this was disjointed and so far apart that to see it come together so fast from each ends of the Earth is flat outright remarkable really.

The outcomes of the Franken story is far to suspect to me. It's as if it was designed to drive in the final nail to Roy Moore's Senate bid, and the fact that Franken is a senator makes it even more suspect to me.

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