Time to give Al Franken the boot - Here's how:

If this whole thing was a creative, and created distraction by the left as a way to empower the allegations and accusations by an accuser within a precisely allotted time frame, otherwise in order to bring down an active run by a candidate running for senator of the state of Alabama, then did it work or is it working ? Does the left fear Roy Moore this much, that it would come up with such a thing to draw the attention of the defenders of Roy Moore away from that story ?? Otherwise if the first allegations or accusations had sealed Moore's fate, then get this going to make sure that there will be no Moore comeback at the last moment ?

you see when the left finds a guy like moore

they claim it damns the whole party

while on the hand a pervert like franken the left

represents only himself and willingly give him a pass after an apology


look at how long they defended that democrat pervert from NYC

. All political is what it all is, and there are those who are trying to cullude (possibly) in order to control who gets into government, and who stays out. The tactics are down right evil. Hey, you can't take over the country or world as a political party if don't resort to the dirtiest of tricks anymore.
If this whole thing was a creative, and created distraction by the left as a way to empower the allegations and accusations by an accuser within a precisely allotted time frame, otherwise in order to bring down an active run by a candidate running for senator of the state of Alabama, then did it work or is it working ? Does the left fear Roy Moore this much, that it would come up with such a thing to draw the attention of the defenders of Roy Moore away from that story ?? Otherwise if the first allegations or accusations had sealed Moore's fate, then get this going to make sure that there will be no Moore comeback at the last moment ?

you see when the left finds a guy like moore

they claim it damns the whole party

while on the hand a pervert like franken the left

represents only himself and willingly give him a pass after an apology


look at how long they defended that democrat pervert from NYC

. All political is what it all is, and there are those who are trying to cullude (possibly) in order to control who gets into government, and who stays out. The tactics are down right evil. Hey, you can't take over the country or world as a political party if don't resort to the dirtiest of tricks anymore.

yes time to drain the swamp
I can see you grasping at straws here.
You'd rather believe the person reading a prepared statement than someone telling the story from memory.
In the court of law one has more weight than the other. Which one do you think has more weight? As a matter of fact, reading prepared statements isn't considered testimony.
I feel a person who relates a story from memory is much more believable than a story read from a piece of paper.

No, and you still don't get it. People who do media statements make out a prepared statement ahead of time so they make sure they say everything they need to say and so that their emotions don't get them off track and cause them to forget important details. You don't do that with interviews... though traditionally the person being interviewed will send a list of questions they would like to be asked, and then the interviewer will send the questions to the person being interviewed ahead of time so they can be prepared.


... have you ever been sexually assaulted? Do you think you could make a perfectly coherent reflection of the moment without having a prepared statement in front of the media?
I have been sexually assaulted...when I was 6 years old....and to this day I can remember when, where, and remember the smell that the guy gave off. I also remember that I couldn't get that stink off of me for days.

Yeah, but have you ever had to sit in front of the media and tell your story?

I'm sorry that happened to you, but the fact you can't understand how important it is to make sure your story is absolutely straight, and correct, means having a prepared statement in front of you important... I just can't argue further at this point. Just ONE misspoken fact and the media and everyone will tear your entire story apart and say you are a lying sack of shit, makes the prepared statement absolutely crucial.
So I guess nobody in the media is going to believe her.
If anyone were to ask me what happened during my assault I could relate it, no problem, because I told an FBI agent about the assault when I was undergoing my interview for my Top Secret clearance. He asked me if I had ever been sexually assaulted.....and I had almost totally put it out of my mind by that time, but then all of the memories came flooding back. Yes....it shakes you....but trust me....it is also a way to heal yourself when you talk about it. Usually most people feel responsible in some way for the attack. That is why they often don't report them.

Look I get it. Let's just leave it at that, and say some personal details really shouldn't be shared on THIS forum... because some people that read it have no boundaries and will use it against you.
Many of my friends here already know......many of the mods do.
We've discussed this awhile back.
I don't care about it because the only thing an attacker can do here is look like a total ass if they try to use it against me.
No, and you still don't get it. People who do media statements make out a prepared statement ahead of time so they make sure they say everything they need to say and so that their emotions don't get them off track and cause them to forget important details. You don't do that with interviews... though traditionally the person being interviewed will send a list of questions they would like to be asked, and then the interviewer will send the questions to the person being interviewed ahead of time so they can be prepared.


... have you ever been sexually assaulted? Do you think you could make a perfectly coherent reflection of the moment without having a prepared statement in front of the media?
I have been sexually assaulted...when I was 6 years old....and to this day I can remember when, where, and remember the smell that the guy gave off. I also remember that I couldn't get that stink off of me for days.

Yeah, but have you ever had to sit in front of the media and tell your story?

I'm sorry that happened to you, but the fact you can't understand how important it is to make sure your story is absolutely straight, and correct, means having a prepared statement in front of you important... I just can't argue further at this point. Just ONE misspoken fact and the media and everyone will tear your entire story apart and say you are a lying sack of shit, makes the prepared statement absolutely crucial.
So I guess nobody in the media is going to believe her.
If anyone were to ask me what happened during my assault I could relate it, no problem, because I told an FBI agent about the assault when I was undergoing my interview for my Top Secret clearance. He asked me if I had ever been sexually assaulted.....and I had almost totally put it out of my mind by that time, but then all of the memories came flooding back. Yes....it shakes you....but trust me....it is also a way to heal yourself when you talk about it. Usually most people feel responsible in some way for the attack. That is why they often don't report them.

Look I get it. Let's just leave it at that, and say some personal details really shouldn't be shared on THIS forum... because some people that read it have no boundaries and will use it against you.
Many of my friends here already know......many of the mods do.
We've discussed this awhile back.
I don't care about it because the only thing an attacker can do here is look like a total ass if they try to use it against me.
. How stupid and deplorable would they be if did that right ? Sorry for your tragic event that happened in your life brother (6 years old is a tragic situation), and anyone who would attempt to use that in some way against you is a sick twisted human being. The mods should ban anyone indefinitely for attempting such a deplorable move. That's my words in concerns for your testimony here. God bless you brother.

Nationwide search yields 7 women not assaulted by Al Franken
If this whole thing was a creative, and created distraction by the left as a way to empower the allegations and accusations by an accuser within a precisely allotted time frame, otherwise in order to bring down an active run by a candidate running for senator of the state of Alabama, then did it work or is it working ? Does the left fear Roy Moore this much, that it would come up with such a thing to draw the attention of the defenders of Roy Moore away from that story ?? Otherwise if the first allegations or accusations had sealed Moore's fate, then get this going to make sure that there will be no Moore comeback at the last moment ?

you see when the left finds a guy like moore

they claim it damns the whole party

while on the hand a pervert like franken the left

represents only himself and willingly give him a pass after an apology


look at how long they defended that democrat pervert from NYC


I haven't seen a single person defend Anthony Weiner's actions. Please share.

the fucking internet is full of leftists that defended Weiner

Watch Rachel Maddow try to defend Anthony Weiner's claim he was hacked back in 2011

There are no leftist I've seen defending Weiner since he was found guilty. None.
If this whole thing was a creative, and created distraction by the left as a way to empower the allegations and accusations by an accuser within a precisely allotted time frame, otherwise in order to bring down an active run by a candidate running for senator of the state of Alabama, then did it work or is it working ? Does the left fear Roy Moore this much, that it would come up with such a thing to draw the attention of the defenders of Roy Moore away from that story ?? Otherwise if the first allegations or accusations had sealed Moore's fate, then get this going to make sure that there will be no Moore comeback at the last moment ?

you see when the left finds a guy like moore

they claim it damns the whole party

while on the hand a pervert like franken the left

represents only himself and willingly give him a pass after an apology


look at how long they defended that democrat pervert from NYC


I haven't seen a single person defend Anthony Weiner's actions. Please share.

the fucking internet is full of leftists that defended Weiner

Watch Rachel Maddow try to defend Anthony Weiner's claim he was hacked back in 2011

There are no leftist I've seen defending Weiner since he was found guilty. None.

i have already posted an example and noticed you have moved the goal post ya fuckface
If this whole thing was a creative, and created distraction by the left as a way to empower the allegations and accusations by an accuser within a precisely allotted time frame, otherwise in order to bring down an active run by a candidate running for senator of the state of Alabama, then did it work or is it working ? Does the left fear Roy Moore this much, that it would come up with such a thing to draw the attention of the defenders of Roy Moore away from that story ?? Otherwise if the first allegations or accusations had sealed Moore's fate, then get this going to make sure that there will be no Moore comeback at the last moment ?

you see when the left finds a guy like moore

they claim it damns the whole party

while on the hand a pervert like franken the left

represents only himself and willingly give him a pass after an apology


look at how long they defended that democrat pervert from NYC


I haven't seen a single person defend Anthony Weiner's actions. Please share.

the fucking internet is full of leftists that defended Weiner

Watch Rachel Maddow try to defend Anthony Weiner's claim he was hacked back in 2011

There are no leftist I've seen defending Weiner since he was found guilty. None.

i have already posted an example and noticed you have moved the goal post ya fuckface

You posted something saying it from a long time ago about him being hacked...
you see when the left finds a guy like moore

they claim it damns the whole party

while on the hand a pervert like franken the left

represents only himself and willingly give him a pass after an apology


look at how long they defended that democrat pervert from NYC


I haven't seen a single person defend Anthony Weiner's actions. Please share.

the fucking internet is full of leftists that defended Weiner

Watch Rachel Maddow try to defend Anthony Weiner's claim he was hacked back in 2011

There are no leftist I've seen defending Weiner since he was found guilty. None.

i have already posted an example and noticed you have moved the goal post ya fuckface

You posted something saying it from a long time ago about him being hacked...

so what

you claimed no lefty defended Weiner

i posted a link stating otherwise

then you changed the goal post
I haven't seen a single person defend Anthony Weiner's actions. Please share.

the fucking internet is full of leftists that defended Weiner

Watch Rachel Maddow try to defend Anthony Weiner's claim he was hacked back in 2011

There are no leftist I've seen defending Weiner since he was found guilty. None.

i have already posted an example and noticed you have moved the goal post ya fuckface

You posted something saying it from a long time ago about him being hacked...

so what

What do you mean so what? You don't see the difference in 2011 where Weiner is denying it and saying he was hacked or whatever, and Dems still defending a guy proven guilty? :rolleyes:

There are no leftist I've seen defending Weiner since he was found guilty. None.

i have already posted an example and noticed you have moved the goal post ya fuckface

You posted something saying it from a long time ago about him being hacked...

so what

What do you mean so what? You don't see the difference in 2011 where Weiner is denying it and saying he was hacked or whatever, and Dems still defending a guy proven guilty? :rolleyes:

once again you moved the goal post

this is your original claim in post 238

I haven't seen a single person defend Anthony Weiner's actions. Please share.

now you are claiming after conviction --LOL loser
There are no leftist I've seen defending Weiner since he was found guilty. None.

i have already posted an example and noticed you have moved the goal post ya fuckface

You posted something saying it from a long time ago about him being hacked...

so what

What do you mean so what? You don't see the difference in 2011 where Weiner is denying it and saying he was hacked or whatever, and Dems still defending a guy proven guilty? :rolleyes:

once again you moved the goal post

this is your original claim in post 238

I haven't seen a single person defend Anthony Weiner's actions. Please share.

now you are claiming after conviction --LOL loser

Yes... his PROVEN GUILTY actions. I'm not sure what is so hard to understand here.
i have already posted an example and noticed you have moved the goal post ya fuckface

You posted something saying it from a long time ago about him being hacked...

so what

What do you mean so what? You don't see the difference in 2011 where Weiner is denying it and saying he was hacked or whatever, and Dems still defending a guy proven guilty? :rolleyes:

once again you moved the goal post

this is your original claim in post 238

I haven't seen a single person defend Anthony Weiner's actions. Please share.

now you are claiming after conviction --LOL loser

Yes... his PROVEN GUILTY actions. I'm not sure what is so hard to understand here.

same old same old still dodging what you yourself posted

I haven't seen a single person defend Anthony Weiner's actions. post 238


what a shit head you are
You posted something saying it from a long time ago about him being hacked...

so what

What do you mean so what? You don't see the difference in 2011 where Weiner is denying it and saying he was hacked or whatever, and Dems still defending a guy proven guilty? :rolleyes:

once again you moved the goal post

this is your original claim in post 238

I haven't seen a single person defend Anthony Weiner's actions. Please share.

now you are claiming after conviction --LOL loser

Yes... his PROVEN GUILTY actions. I'm not sure what is so hard to understand here.

same old same old still dodging what you yourself posted

I haven't seen a single person defend Anthony Weiner's actions. post 238


what a shit head you are

It's not dodging. This is 2017, and he has been convicted. When you make a comment that leftist are trying to defend Weiner, a person with even 1% brain cells is going to assume you mean NOW, not in 2011.

What do you mean so what? You don't see the difference in 2011 where Weiner is denying it and saying he was hacked or whatever, and Dems still defending a guy proven guilty? :rolleyes:

once again you moved the goal post

this is your original claim in post 238

I haven't seen a single person defend Anthony Weiner's actions. Please share.

now you are claiming after conviction --LOL loser

Yes... his PROVEN GUILTY actions. I'm not sure what is so hard to understand here.

same old same old still dodging what you yourself posted

I haven't seen a single person defend Anthony Weiner's actions. post 238


what a shit head you are

It's not dodging. This is 2017, and he has been convicted. When you make a comment that leftist are trying to defend Weiner, a person with even 1% brain cells is going to assume you mean NOW, not in 2011.

now you are changing my words what a scum bag you are

this is what i posted

look at how long they defended that democrat pervert from NYC
What do you mean so what? You don't see the difference in 2011 where Weiner is denying it and saying he was hacked or whatever, and Dems still defending a guy proven guilty? :rolleyes:

once again you moved the goal post

this is your original claim in post 238

I haven't seen a single person defend Anthony Weiner's actions. Please share.

now you are claiming after conviction --LOL loser

Yes... his PROVEN GUILTY actions. I'm not sure what is so hard to understand here.

same old same old still dodging what you yourself posted

I haven't seen a single person defend Anthony Weiner's actions. post 238


what a shit head you are

It's not dodging. This is 2017, and he has been convicted. When you make a comment that leftist are trying to defend Weiner, a person with even 1% brain cells is going to assume you mean NOW, not in 2011.

now you are changing my words what a scum bag you are

this is what i posted

look at how long they defended that democrat pervert from NYC

Sure... that's what you said and meant...
once again you moved the goal post

this is your original claim in post 238

I haven't seen a single person defend Anthony Weiner's actions. Please share.

now you are claiming after conviction --LOL loser

Yes... his PROVEN GUILTY actions. I'm not sure what is so hard to understand here.

same old same old still dodging what you yourself posted

I haven't seen a single person defend Anthony Weiner's actions. post 238


what a shit head you are

It's not dodging. This is 2017, and he has been convicted. When you make a comment that leftist are trying to defend Weiner, a person with even 1% brain cells is going to assume you mean NOW, not in 2011.

now you are changing my words what a scum bag you are

this is what i posted

look at how long they defended that democrat pervert from NYC

Sure... that's what you said and meant...

look it up ya shit head

that is exactly what i posted in post 237
Yes... his PROVEN GUILTY actions. I'm not sure what is so hard to understand here.

same old same old still dodging what you yourself posted

I haven't seen a single person defend Anthony Weiner's actions. post 238


what a shit head you are

It's not dodging. This is 2017, and he has been convicted. When you make a comment that leftist are trying to defend Weiner, a person with even 1% brain cells is going to assume you mean NOW, not in 2011.

now you are changing my words what a scum bag you are

this is what i posted

look at how long they defended that democrat pervert from NYC

Sure... that's what you said and meant...

look it up ya shit head

that is exactly what i posted in post 237

So how long did they defend Weiner? You'll have to tell me because I just joined this forum not long ago.
same old same old still dodging what you yourself posted

I haven't seen a single person defend Anthony Weiner's actions. post 238


what a shit head you are

It's not dodging. This is 2017, and he has been convicted. When you make a comment that leftist are trying to defend Weiner, a person with even 1% brain cells is going to assume you mean NOW, not in 2011.

now you are changing my words what a scum bag you are

this is what i posted

look at how long they defended that democrat pervert from NYC

Sure... that's what you said and meant...

look it up ya shit head

that is exactly what i posted in post 237

So how long did they defend Weiner? You'll have to tell me because I just joined this forum not long ago.

look it up yourself ya jackass

moving the goal posts once again are ya


you asked for an example and you got one

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