Time to move on

Your brain is racked. Must have been from one of those special lot number vials with the extra ingredients that you were injected with.
Haha, and right tot the baby hissy fit.

Adults question things for the purpose of getting getting an answer. Frauds like you doubt and deny things in perpetuity for the purpose of maintaining and nuturng fetishes and neuroses.
READ: I only pay attention to what Trump did, I ignore the lefts active part in misinformation and lies. Only Trump lies matter.
That's your cultism talking. If the mentally ill pile of crap had not politicized it, it would not be political. History will record this. And the cult being backwards on every issue.
What a load of bullshit.

Canada did masks and lockdowns from day one. We locked down hard, and long. We just fully re-opened last month. We had 1/3 of the number of cases you had, and 1/3 of the number of deaths on a per-capita basis. Our economy did not crash. We fully re-opened in October and we're still masked. You can't go anywhere without a vaccine certificate - we're 90% vaxxed in Ontario, and life is back to normal.

We're getting cases, but few hospitalizations and almost no death. For us, it's over. Booster shot is scheduled for February. THIS is truly "Freedom".

It's oppression. You wouldn't know anything about freedom.
And to correct the rumor that hospitals get paid more for covid deaths, that's simply not true!

No one gets paid for people dying from covid.

Hospitals, for Medicare patients, and their TREATMENT for covid, get paid more for those covid medical care....in ICU for covid, a respirator for covid, etc etc etc.

Their deaths have nothing to do with the stipend for covid treatments.

No reason for hospitals to lie about causes of deaths.
Can you show us where the CDC says it was less deaths than the 700,000+ covid deaths? I read they estimate it to be MORE than the 700,000.

We had 500,000 plus more deaths last year than in 2019 for various reasons for the cause of death of which 350,000 were counted as covid deaths... The other rises in death, 150,000 more, were attributed to things like a 40% increase in pneumonia deaths, and coronary deaths and causes of deaths that could have been a rise in those death causes from covid, before we had testing and from those who died at home.... Is one presumption.
Don't take my word for it... look up what I am saying here...
You can search my post here about Covid, my son is a Respiratory Specialist at one of the nations leading children's hospitals, my daughter is a Core Respiratory Therapist who was neck deep in the Covid epidemic last year. I made plenty of posts about that.
Here it is... many people died in the first 3-4 months of Covid, not from covid.. but the treatment. Covid can drop your blood Oxygen levels down to levels that the entire health industry believed were life threatening. Bit it turns out... it isn't. 10,000s of people were put on ventilators that didn't need it, and died from it. You can read about this. Approximately 45% of covid patients who were put on a ventilator - DIED.
Their bodies were already weakened by Covid, many had other health issues and being put on a ventilator killed them.
It is a fact not told by the media. But you can see numerous stories by REAL healthcare professionals saying it. Both my kids have said it.
Indeed, today... why is there no more ventilator shortage?? Because they are not using them 1/10th what they were last year.
And another thing Care4all
If you get Covid - GET A OXIMETER.
Did you know leading doctors have said that as many as 50% of Covid patients avoided hospitalization by having a home Oximeter?
It helped us. By regularly reading our OX levels, and when they got low - addressing it quickly, prevented damage done and absolutely helped us avoid going to the hospital.
Why is this not in the media??
This one is too juicy to move on from. This isn't like global warming, which never really gave them the teeth they were looking for. Here Gates lets everyone know that this isn't over. It's just getting starting. Oh yeah, I'm sure the MSM will cover him saying that the jabs don't stop transmission...
And to correct the rumor that hospitals get paid more for covid deaths, that's simply not true!

No one gets paid for people dying from covid.

Hospitals, for Medicare patients, and their TREATMENT for covid, get paid more for those covid medical care....in ICU for covid, a respirator for covid, etc etc etc.

Their deaths have nothing to do with the stipend for covid treatments.

No reason for hospitals to lie about causes of deaths.

Of course there is. More diagnosed as covid, results be damned and skewed, the better, same as admitting them in to the hospital into a covid ward. More money.
This one is too juicy to move on from. This isn't like global warming, which never really gave them the teeth they were looking for. Here Gates lets everyone know that this isn't over. It's just getting starting. Oh yeah, I'm sure the MSM will cover him saying that the jabs don't stop transmission...

Uh huh. We knew they didn't work over a year ago due to the previous animal tests that failed AND there were never any tests done on humans AND these two experimental drugs only went through about 6 months of trials as opposed to 8-12 years of clinical trials.
That's your cultism talking. If the mentally ill pile of crap had not politicized it, it would not be political. History will record this. And the cult being backwards on every issue.
There is a problem with that.. I didn't vote for Trump. You can look back at post I made 4 years ago saying it.
I am certainly among the top 2% echelon of non cultist here. There very few of us here.
I have said Trump did an abysmal job communicating about Covid - look my post up - this is why I said the worst thing about the whole covid event is it became politicalized. Early on by the Democrats, then Trump couldn't keep himself from jumping in the cesspool of misinformation, then the Democrats pretty much said the opposite of anything Trump said.... right or wrong.
Then came the Democrat hypocrisy. A loooooooong train of top Democrats, many who wrote and enacted mandates - violate their own damn mandates - over and over.
It is no wonder people don't believe what they see.
The left needs things like COVID for their own elections and achievements toward their communist goals. If it's not COVID they'll do something else.

Without victimization & propaganda the left doesn't exist.

And at the end of the day, the dumber & weaker a public is the further they advance their goals. So be prepared to wear a mask & take a shot for the rest of your lives or until they advance to something new.

Breaking: Dems outlaw sneezing, implement $200 fine per sneeze. The fine will be reduced to $150 if you sneeze into a mask.

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