Time to move on

nope, people died of other causes. It's already been reported. By the CDC. They stated Probable. Probable is not confirmed. know that
They've falsely claimed that millions who died with the FauxiFlu died from it.....Even Scarf Queen Debby Birx admitted as much during the early months of the scamdemic.

The whole thing has been a big con since day one.
You're not supposed to question such things.
Yes you are. But then you should also put on your big girl panties and realize when you have an answer. He isn't questioning anything. Just doubting. In perpetuity. Because his brain is handicapped by political fetish. Like yours.
They've falsely claimed that millions who died with the FauxiFlu died from it.....Even Scarf Queen Debby Birx admitted as much during the early months of the scamdemic.

The whole thing has been a big con since day one.
Liar. You have no reason or evidence to back up your pathetic lies.
You watch the View. How cute.
I read on the internet. Microsoft Edge is prog intensive. They show terse interactions. Most Non Progs will watch those women suffer when the time comes. It will be deserved. And the real kicker is that most Prog males would not protect them also. Notice the cities. Or are you mentally challenged? p.s...I can not stand watching that stuff. I know the deal for aggravation. Sadly, there are people who believe them. Many. If this direction continues, I guarantee you that pedophile relations will slowly be ushed and acceptance will occur if no resistance occurs. Prog women...the death of Western Civilization. And to be removed from power when the tyranny is a complete takeover.
Its that time again for your 38th booster.

And that has been the real problem with Covid all along.
It was made political. And because of that you have ENORMOUSLY overstated numbers, that the CDC admitted themselves were.
But yet - it is still repeated as if it is true.
We have the mask hustlers out there... WHO THEMSELVES don't wear mask.
We have the social distancing police... WHO THEMSELVES don't social distance.

For people who didn't get vaccinated... the reasons they didn't have just as much to do, if not MORE than, with the lies/exaggerations and hypocrisy of the left than anything Trump said. Who BTW, calls for people to get vaccinated.
Yes you are. But then you should also put on your big girl panties and realize when you have an answer. He isn't questioning anything. Just doubting. In perpetuity. Because his brain is handicapped by political fetish. Like yours.

Your brain is racked. Must have been from one of those special lot number vials with the extra ingredients that you were injected with.
Yeah that would be awful if there was 700,000 dead.
But there isn't. That number is wholly inaccurate by the CDCs own admittance.
It killed a lot of people. But nowhere near 700,000
Can you show us where the CDC says it was less deaths than the 700,000+ covid deaths? I read they estimate it to be MORE than the 700,000.

We had 500,000 plus more deaths last year than in 2019 for various reasons for the cause of death of which 350,000 were counted as covid deaths... The other rises in death, 150,000 more, were attributed to things like a 40% increase in pneumonia deaths, and coronary deaths and causes of deaths that could have been a rise in those death causes from covid, before we had testing and from those who died at home.... Is one presumption.
Many people must now be wondering how the COVID-19 epidemic ever ends. The approach adopted by the current federal administration, and echoed in Minnesota, relies on demonizing the unvaccinated and doubling down on largely futile actions. There is no reason to have confidence in this approach, as it fails to address the underlying problem, which is the vaccines’ failure to meet inflated expectations.

Misinformation provided by governments has also created an inaccurate picture of the epidemic and of the steps which likely do create a rational and reasonable exit strategy. Kevin Roche: Time to get on
politicians implementing covid policy dont believe in it proved by fact they dont follow it. ITs not working. time for decentralized approach instead of a corp based one.

What a load of bullshit.

Canada did masks and lockdowns from day one. We locked down hard, and long. We just fully re-opened last month. We had 1/3 of the number of cases you had, and 1/3 of the number of deaths on a per-capita basis. Our economy did not crash. We fully re-opened in October and we're still masked. You can't go anywhere without a vaccine certificate - we're 90% vaxxed in Ontario, and life is back to normal.

We're getting cases, but few hospitalizations and almost no death. For us, it's over. Booster shot is scheduled for February. THIS is truly "Freedom".

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