Time to move on

Uh huh. Only you have access to the “real” numbers.:cuckoo:
The real numbers are being suppressed, because it doesn't fit the panic porn narrative...Factual stories like the following are everywhere, and only take a cursory effort to look up.

Suck it, fucking liar.

The real numbers are being suppressed, because it doesn't fit the panic porn narrative...Factual stories like the following are everywhere, and only take a cursory effort to look up.

Suck it, fucking liar.

yep, and why they used the word probable.
So you were good with 700 Americans dying of covid, families being separated at the Southern Border, and tax cuts for billionaires.

What an idiot you are.
Obama separated more familes than any other President, and directly placed Mexican children into the hands of child traffickers...so that is a giant - STFU.
And Obama placed top of the line weapons directly into the hands of the cartel... also the biggest child traffickers. So again - STFU.
Obama's administration designed, built and put families in cages that the left went beserk over while ignoring it was Obama who built them and used them for 6 years - so...yeah... - STFU
Obama LITERALLY gave $billion of dollars to investment banks and Wall Street firms between 2010 - 2014 which resulted in the highest record profits by Wall Street firms in U.S. history while 100,000s of Americans lost their homes. So - with that - a final - STFU
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Don't take my word for it... look up what I am saying here...
You can search my post here about Covid, my son is a Respiratory Specialist at one of the nations leading children's hospitals, my daughter is a Core Respiratory Therapist who was neck deep in the Covid epidemic last year. I made plenty of posts about that.
Here it is... many people died in the first 3-4 months of Covid, not from covid.. but the treatment. Covid can drop your blood Oxygen levels down to levels that the entire health industry believed were life threatening. Bit it turns out... it isn't. 10,000s of people were put on ventilators that didn't need it, and died from it. You can read about this. Approximately 45% of covid patients who were put on a ventilator - DIED.
Their bodies were already weakened by Covid, many had other health issues and being put on a ventilator killed them.
It is a fact not told by the media. But you can see numerous stories by REAL healthcare professionals saying it. Both my kids have said it.
Indeed, today... why is there no more ventilator shortage?? Because they are not using them 1/10th what they were last year.
But they still were deaths due to covid.... We didn't know what we were doing in the beginning of this NEW virus, and are still learning from it, hands on.... And are still likely killing some covid patients because we made unknowingly wrong decisions.

If they hadn't caught covid, they more than likely would not have died.... Whether it was from a wrong treatment for it or the disease itself.... All of these trial and error things will work themselves out.....in the numbers as time passes....and when a real post mortem analysis is done.
And another thing Care4all
If you get Covid - GET A OXIMETER.
Did you know leading doctors have said that as many as 50% of Covid patients avoided hospitalization by having a home Oximeter?
It helped us. By regularly reading our OX levels, and when they got low - addressing it quickly, prevented damage done and absolutely helped us avoid going to the hospital.
Why is this not in the media??
Is that the thing that goes on your finger for a reading? Or something else?
Of course there is. More diagnosed as covid, results be damned and skewed, the better, same as admitting them in to the hospital into a covid ward. More money.
That's not how it actually works silly one! You should look in to it....before commenting!!!!
Is it something like it dropping below 94 it begins to get worrisome?
For a healthy person yes. Not with Covid.
No one knows why, but with Covid your Ox levels fluctuate wildly. They tell you to seek medical care at or below 90%...which normally would be considered a medical emergency for a healthy person.
We went below 90% everyday... several times a day. My kids told us to get up and walk around for a few minutes, check it and repeat if necessary. After getting up.. it would jump back up to closer to 93% - 95%.
We only had to keep doing this for a couple days when we had the worst symptoms.
If you cannot get your Ox in the 90s then you have to go to the hospital to get Oxygen. Your body can't take sustained low levels without doing organ damage.
We were down for several weeks. Well over a month before we felt good again. I have permanent scarred tissue on my lungs from it... which I do notice. If I get out of breath and breath heavily it burns. And I definitely have less stamina now. :(
I am 56 and Bonzi is 57.
Interesting...debbie Birx seems to be on these snooze shows quite a bit lately...and her new book...which appears to be doing as well as Doctor Dud Biden's book.LOL Maybe they're putting her ugly face out there seein' as people want to string up Fauci now. Her voice grates, her appearance infuriates, her reputation and character are nonexistent except among the vaxxed covidwalkers.

These people have no clue about how much they are hated.

Interesting...debbie Birx seems to be on these snooze shows quite a bit lately...and her new book...which appears to be doing as well as Doctor Dud Biden's book.LOL Maybe they're putting her ugly face out there seein' as people want to string up Fauci now. Her voice grates, her appearance infuriates, her reputation and character are nonexistent except among the vaxxed covidwalkers.

These people have no clue about how much they are hated.

Because they are only "hated" by your embarrassing shitstain of a cult. In intelligent circles, they are globally revered experts.

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