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Time to Outlaw Billionaires in the US?

Time to Outlaw Billionaires in the US?

I see the liberal fanatics are getting increasingly desperate to take other people's stuff.

Some things never change.
I see the liberal fanatics are getting increasingly desperate to take other people's stuff.

Some things never change.
Among those things that don't seem to change is human greed:
"2012 was one heck of a year for the billionaires.

"The 100 richest people in the world got $241 billion wealthier this year bringing their total net worth to $1.9 trillion.

"These 100 people have more combined wealth than the entire GDP of nations like Italy, Mexico, Spain, Canada, Australia, and about 170 other nations.

"Billionaires exclusive to the United States also had a field day.

"As the annual Forbes 400 list of 2012 showed, America’s richest billionaires saw their wealth increase by $200 billion last year bringing their total net worth to $1.7 trillion.

"At the same time, the United States economy, which is staring down a year of impending austerity, is stagnating. Despite moderate employment and GDP growth, 49 million Americans are still in poverty.

"Also, 46 million Americans are on food stamps because they don’t have enough money to feed their families. The economic situation in Europe continues to deteriorate. And even emerging markets in Asia are slowing down.
Billionaires aren't earning their money; they are stealing it from productive worker-consumers.
A skeptic would point out all the "right" people depend on the billionaires to fund their election campaigns and retirements.

Apparently Jefferson had some thoughts about billionaires and original intent:
"Our most prominent Founding Father warned of the dangers of individuals becoming mind-bogglingly rich. In a letter to Joseph Milligan on April 6, 1816, Thomas Jefferson explicitly suggested that if individuals became so rich that their wealth could influence or challenge government, then their wealth should be decreased upon their death.

"He wrote, 'If the overgrown wealth of an individual be deemed dangerous to the State, the best corrective is the law of equal inheritance to all in equal degree...'"
Wow. Just...wow.

Jefferson was talking about doing away with primogeniture, which has been done!

So, basically, your "no billionaires" morons are using a proposition which has already been achieved as an argument for doing something further which has nothing to do with Jefferson.

In addition to eliminating primogeniture, Jefferson also argued for a progressive taxation to reduce the concentration of wealth. That, too, has already been achieved.

I don't disagree that Jefferson would be appalled to see in America today what he considered an unnatural concentration of wealth. However, the idea that we should confiscate all earnings above one billion dollars is not a Jeffersonian solution in the slightest.

In fact, what would happen under such a scheme is that productivity would radically decline. The more you tax something, the less of it you get. Producers would simply stop producing once they hit the 100 percent ceiling. Why go to work if 100 percent of your work is for the government and you get no further personal gain?

No, these idiots are just another brand of the "tax the rich more" cartel. The fatal flaw of their regime is that it is entirely built on a false premise. They are attempting to cure a disease by treating its symptoms.

And any "tax the rich more" scheme is a broad brush which punishes the innocent along with the guilty.

There is nothing wrong with rewarding someone with billions of dollars if they build a better mousetrap, or MP3 player, or video game console. This is a natural and wholly good concentration of wealth. Only some sick in the head cheesedick would want to punish them for being so successful and for making life better for everyone on the planet.

The unnatural concentration of wealth is caused by legislation that tilts the playing field to one or a handful of players' advantage. Regulations that are designed more for keeping better business models from getting off the the ground and competing rather than for the public safety, for example. A Congress that keeps coming to the rescue of failed banks and building ever larger grave moral hazards along the way. A Congress that keeps coming to the rescue of industrial giants who are obsolete in their practices. A Congress that provides tax exemptions and deductions and credits for businesses that would make Thomas Jefferson scream with outrage. An advantageous tax break is just as bad as any regulation designed to choke upstarts.

These are the things which must be deconstructed and eliminated.
You know it's silly to me. There is thie idea of aliens comming down and why they don't make contact with humans. Basically progressives and many liberals believe it's because of conservatives and Republicans. Here's the thing, most progressive ideas have been done and failed through history, yet no alien contact.


TAX THAT BILLIONAIRE WHO MADE STAR WARS!!! Maybe you should be a good little progressive and get a Government issued jpeg to post?
I see the liberal fanatics are getting increasingly desperate to take other people's stuff.

Some things never change.
Among those things that don't seem to change is human greed:
"2012 was one heck of a year for the billionaires.

"The 100 richest people in the world got $241 billion wealthier this year bringing their total net worth to $1.9 trillion.

"These 100 people have more combined wealth than the entire GDP of nations like Italy, Mexico, Spain, Canada, Australia, and about 170 other nations.

"Billionaires exclusive to the United States also had a field day.

"As the annual Forbes 400 list of 2012 showed, America’s richest billionaires saw their wealth increase by $200 billion last year bringing their total net worth to $1.7 trillion.

"At the same time, the United States economy, which is staring down a year of impending austerity, is stagnating. Despite moderate employment and GDP growth, 49 million Americans are still in poverty.

"Also, 46 million Americans are on food stamps because they don’t have enough money to feed their families. The economic situation in Europe continues to deteriorate. And even emerging markets in Asia are slowing down.
Billionaires aren't earning their money; they are stealing it from productive worker-consumers.

You should ask Obama to stop having the FEDR dump near a trillion a year on the rich and leaving the middle class with the bill, that might slow em down.
You know it's silly to me. There is thie idea of aliens comming down and why they don't make contact with humans. Basically progressives and many liberals believe it's because of conservatives and Republicans. Here's the thing, most progressive ideas have been done and failed through history, yet no alien contact.


TAX THAT BILLIONAIRE WHO MADE STAR WARS!!! Maybe you should be a good little progressive and get a Government issued jpeg to post?

Why only one billionaire? Thats not fair plus aliens wont like it :tinfoil:
Thom Hartmann has kicked off a new campaign called the "No Billionaires Campaign" which Fox News wasted little time in attacking.

See the second video in the link below (11:29 minute) for Greta's and Steven's reaction and Thom's response.

Hartmann wants a 100% tax on all wealth over $1 billion: "If you can't get by on a thousand million dollars, then you probably shouldn't have access to that much money in the first place."

"That money can lift 49 million Americans out of poverty and move the 46 million Americans on food stamps into the middle class. They will - by the 'invisible hand' of human instinct and need - better know how to spend the money and generate economic activity than the billionaire class, which currently has its excess trillions stashed in off-shore bank accounts."


Just more crap from liberals. You cant make that shit up. :D

Like when Pelosi in her campaign demand from wealthy Democrat donors to donate vast sums of money to the cause of banning wealthy donors from donating vast sums of money to any cause.
Jefferson was talking about doing away with primogeniture, which has been done!
  1. the state of being the firstborn child.
    • the right of succession belonging to the firstborn child, especially the feudal rule by which the whole real estate of an intestate passed to the eldest son."
Is that what you think Jefferson was referring to in his letter to Joseph Milligan quoted in the OP?

Thom Hartmann has kicked off a new campaign called the "No Billionaires Campaign" which Fox News wasted little time in attacking.

See the second video in the link below (11:29 minute) for Greta's and Steven's reaction and Thom's response.

Hartmann wants a 100% tax on all wealth over $1 billion: "If you can't get by on a thousand million dollars, then you probably shouldn't have access to that much money in the first place."

"That money can lift 49 million Americans out of poverty and move the 46 million Americans on food stamps into the middle class. They will - by the 'invisible hand' of human instinct and need - better know how to spend the money and generate economic activity than the billionaire class, which currently has its excess trillions stashed in off-shore bank accounts."


Just more crap from liberals. You cant make that shit up. :D

Like when Pelosi in her campaign demand from wealthy Democrat donors to donate vast sums of money to the cause of banning wealthy donors from donating vast sums of money to any cause.

Gerogie isn't a liberal. He's a full blown commie/Fascist
Thom Hartmann has kicked off a new campaign called the "No Billionaires Campaign" which Fox News wasted little time in attacking.

See the second video in the link below (11:29 minute) for Greta's and Steven's reaction and Thom's response.

Hartmann wants a 100% tax on all wealth over $1 billion: "If you can't get by on a thousand million dollars, then you probably shouldn't have access to that much money in the first place."

"That money can lift 49 million Americans out of poverty and move the 46 million Americans on food stamps into the middle class. They will - by the 'invisible hand' of human instinct and need - better know how to spend the money and generate economic activity than the billionaire class, which currently has its excess trillions stashed in off-shore bank accounts."


Just more crap from liberals. You cant make that shit up. :D

Like when Pelosi in her campaign demand from wealthy Democrat donors to donate vast sums of money to the cause of banning wealthy donors from donating vast sums of money to any cause.

Gerogie isn't a liberal. He's a full blown commie/Fascist

Uhm, today, that's the same thing.
I love the idiotic claim that if your wealth isn't spent, that it does nothing to stimulate our economy.
Billionaires do not keep their money under their mattress.
The idea that we need less savings and investment is idiotic and should be ridiculed as the Keynesian claptrap it is.
70% of US GDP is consumption.
Billionaire don't consume their fair share.
Therefore, redistribute their wealth to those who will.

70% of US GDP is consumption.

I hate that idiotic stat, because idiots misuse it.
100% of GDP is PRODUCTION.

Billionaire don't consume their fair share.

They make up for it by investing more than their fair share.
Kinda how they became billionaires.

Therefore, redistribute their wealth to those who will.

And then only government will have money to invest.
And they're so good at it. LOL!
Time to Outlaw Billionaires in the US?

I see the liberal fanatics are getting increasingly desperate to take other people's stuff.

Some things never change.

I keep asking if the Millionaires get tax breaks then who makes up the taxes they didnt pay?

Everyone is acting shy all of a sudden

Yes, you keep asking a silly question.
Mocking this stupid idea has nothing to do with the tax breaks you think millionaires are going to get.

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