Time to punish America

we've already been punished for electing Obama. We've been punished by his policies getting implemented.

now it's time to stop the bleeding and heal the patient or atleast stop the attack on the people. That is what the people voted for.
Is that really what the people voted for? Well, let's check the old republican platform. Seems all it says is "Destroy Obama" and "Make sure the government does not work" written in crayon no less. The attack on the people is just going into round two with another bunch of zealots wanting to score political points in the only way they know how, being negative and beating up on things.

government not working might very well be the best thing that can happen to the country.

stop interfering with the lives of people. We can govern ourselves
America has been punished enough by the Democrats and Obama.
America has been punished by itself; it elected all public officials, even if by default of NOT voting.

Now they have elected a son of a bitch so fucking arrogant that when faced with massive defeat in a series of elections he called a referendum on his won polices, he has the nerve to say he speaks and acts for the 2/3 that stayed home.

A nation that fell for such an idiot deserves what it is getting.

Let's hope the bitchslapping Obama has given this country has finally awaken it.
No, just made it more retarded when the tea party assholes freaked out over a black president and got involved in politics despite having no idea how the government is supposed to work.

yeah those stupid tea party people who think our government is supposed to follow the constitution. Wait...
The tea party thinks that they have the right answer and want it right now or else. Collectively they act like a spoiled child who has horrible tantrum if you don't let them have all the candy they want.

As opposed to usurping Congress with a pen and a phone when you don't get what you want?
Seems you guys defended that shit at one time so what's your point? The constitutional crisis on executive power did not simply begin in Jan 2009, White house lawyers settled that before you ever heard of Obama, the left sure could have used a little help on the question of presidential power about ten years ago. Also it's shameful that the president has to do such things because congress refuses to do their job, another constitutional crisis because republicans like to make the government work in unprecedented ways and count on the judiciary to back them up.
America is being punished by the republicans for voting democrat, no effort to try to seem better or any kind of optimism on their part, just a vow to blindly block everything the government is doing and sabotage everything, you people are sick to elect such filth that can fool people into thinking that an utter failure of the United States government to serve the people is a goal to aspire to.

How about thanking Americans for giving Democrats 8 years? This is not a punishment. It is the transformation of America back to fundamentals. Democrats' fundamental transformation of America yielded an all time high of food stamp participation and the lowest labor participation rate. Take your seat on the bus. Elections have consequences. Friends have been rewarded.
It's good you like the outcome of the election, but trying to take America backwards to a time that never really existed by making the government work at cross purposes to itself is fucking stupid. Might as well be trying to get back to OZ by driving into tornadoes.

Congress did not do it's job? How many bills did the House pass only to have them sit in Reid's desk?
we've already been punished for electing Obama. We've been punished by his policies getting implemented.

now it's time to stop the bleeding and heal the patient or atleast stop the attack on the people. That is what the people voted for.
Is that really what the people voted for? Well, let's check the old republican platform. Seems all it says is "Destroy Obama" and "Make sure the government does not work" written in crayon no less. The attack on the people is just going into round two with another bunch of zealots wanting to score political points in the only way they know how, being negative and beating up on things.

government not working might very well be the best thing that can happen to the country.

stop interfering with the lives of people. We can govern ourselves
Until the shit hits the fan and then you expect them to be on the ball even after republican demanded budget cuts and legislative sabotage.
America is being punished by the republicans for voting democrat, no effort to try to seem better or any kind of optimism on their part, just a vow to blindly block everything the government is doing and sabotage everything, you people are sick to elect such filth that can fool people into thinking that an utter failure of the United States government to serve the people is a goal to aspire to.

How about thanking Americans for giving Democrats 8 years? This is not a punishment. It is the transformation of America back to fundamentals. Democrats' fundamental transformation of America yielded an all time high of food stamp participation and the lowest labor participation rate. Take your seat on the bus. Elections have consequences. Friends have been rewarded.
It's good you like the outcome of the election, but trying to take America backwards to a time that never really existed by making the government work at cross purposes to itself is fucking stupid. Might as well be trying to get back to OZ by driving into tornadoes.

Congress did not do it's job? How many bills did the House pass only to have them sit in Reid's desk?

The house is very well aware when they are sending bills to their death just so they can say they acted on some issue.
just a vow to blindly block everything the government is doing

When you're being repeatedly punched in the face you come to value the person, or people, who simply stop the face punches. They don't actually have to do anything more, just stop the face punching and they become better than the face puncher.

For the slow (liberals) amongst us, below is the primer you need to decipher the above.

Face puncher = Democrats
Stopping the face puncher = Republicans,.
America is being punished by the republicans for voting democrat, no effort to try to seem better or any kind of optimism on their part, just a vow to blindly block everything the government is doing and sabotage everything, you people are sick to elect such filth that can fool people into thinking that an utter failure of the United States government to serve the people is a goal to aspire to.

How about thanking Americans for giving Democrats 8 years? This is not a punishment. It is the transformation of America back to fundamentals. Democrats' fundamental transformation of America yielded an all time high of food stamp participation and the lowest labor participation rate. Take your seat on the bus. Elections have consequences. Friends have been rewarded.
It's good you like the outcome of the election, but trying to take America backwards to a time that never really existed by making the government work at cross purposes to itself is fucking stupid. Might as well be trying to get back to OZ by driving into tornadoes.
You sound deranged.
America is being punished by the republicans for voting democrat, no effort to try to seem better or any kind of optimism on their part, just a vow to blindly block everything the government is doing and sabotage everything, you people are sick to elect such filth that can fool people into thinking that an utter failure of the United States government to serve the people is a goal to aspire to.

How about thanking Americans for giving Democrats 8 years? This is not a punishment. It is the transformation of America back to fundamentals. Democrats' fundamental transformation of America yielded an all time high of food stamp participation and the lowest labor participation rate. Take your seat on the bus. Elections have consequences. Friends have been rewarded.
It's good you like the outcome of the election, but trying to take America backwards to a time that never really existed by making the government work at cross purposes to itself is fucking stupid. Might as well be trying to get back to OZ by driving into tornadoes.

Congress did not do it's job? How many bills did the House pass only to have them sit in Reid's desk?

The house is very well aware when they are sending bills to their death just so they can say they acted on some issue.

Evidently, America wants them passed. America spoke in 2008 and they spoke in 2014. Deal with it.
Time to punish America for electing Obama. Republicans are getting their belt and preparing to beat America black and blue for ever voting against them. They are going to do everything in their power to default the government, impeach the president and pull the rug out from under the recovery. That will show stupid America who they should vote for. They will have their revenge on us for ever voting them out and electing a scary black man with a funny name.
Just breathe into the paper bag until your O2 levels come down. You'll be fine.
Time to punish America for electing Obama. Republicans are getting their belt and preparing to beat America black and blue for ever voting against them. They are going to do everything in their power to default the government, impeach the president and pull the rug out from under the recovery. That will show stupid America who they should vote for. They will have their revenge on us for ever voting them out and electing a scary black man with a funny name.


Republicans know that in order to be "electable" they must continue to engage in perpetual war and perpetual debt - that is what the zombified populace demands. So enjoy the gravy train while it lasts.

just a vow to blindly block everything the government is doing

When you're being repeatedly punched in the face you come to value the person, or people, who simply stop the face punches. They don't actually have to do anything more, just stop the face punching and they become better than the face puncher.

For the slow (liberals) amongst us, below is the primer you need to decipher the above.

Face puncher = Democrats
Stopping the face puncher = Republicans,.
Republicans ≠ benevolence.
Republicans want to do some face punching too, a lot of it, but they cry so pitifully when they receive.
Time to punish America for electing Obama. Republicans are getting their belt and preparing to beat America black and blue for ever voting against them. They are going to do everything in their power to default the government, impeach the president and pull the rug out from under the recovery. That will show stupid America who they should vote for. They will have their revenge on us for ever voting them out and electing a scary black man with a funny name.


Republicans know that in order to be "electable" they must continue to engage in perpetual war and perpetual debt - that is what the zombified populace demands. So enjoy the gravy train while it lasts.

Gravy train is late, it got robbed as it passed Wall Street.
Time to punish America for electing Obama. Republicans are getting their belt and preparing to beat America black and blue for ever voting against them. They are going to do everything in their power to default the government, impeach the president and pull the rug out from under the recovery. That will show stupid America who they should vote for. They will have their revenge on us for ever voting them out and electing a scary black man with a funny name.


Republicans know that in order to be "electable" they must continue to engage in perpetual war and perpetual debt - that is what the zombified populace demands. So enjoy the gravy train while it lasts.

Gravy train is late, it got robbed as it passed Wall Street.

Wrong again..

Check the budget of the Health and Human Services Agency .

The Republicans won't dare touch one single penny from that budget.

Until the shit hit the fans , your Parasitic Fund is secured.

Time to punish America for electing Obama. Republicans are getting their belt and preparing to beat America black and blue for ever voting against them. They are going to do everything in their power to default the government, impeach the president and pull the rug out from under the recovery. That will show stupid America who they should vote for. They will have their revenge on us for ever voting them out and electing a scary black man with a funny name.

^ This is what taking our country back looks like

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