Time to punish America

Time to punish America for electing Obama. Republicans are getting their belt and preparing to beat America black and blue for ever voting against them. They are going to do everything in their power to default the government, impeach the president and pull the rug out from under the recovery. That will show stupid America who they should vote for. They will have their revenge on us for ever voting them out and electing a scary black man with a funny name.
Republicans seem to like the 'stern father' personality type.

another bitter, frustrated hyperpartisan..

I'm looking at the map and it seems that Oklahoma & Alaska went completely Republican and Vermont & Hawaii went completely Democrat. Someone please check me, are there other states with a complete shut-out?

Rhode Island and Massachusetts, and it looks like Delaware.
Time to punish America for electing Obama. Republicans are getting their belt and preparing to beat America black and blue for ever voting against them. They are going to do everything in their power to default the government, impeach the president and pull the rug out from under the recovery. That will show stupid America who they should vote for. They will have their revenge on us for ever voting them out and electing a scary black man with a funny name.
You stupid little child.
America is being punished by the republicans for voting democrat, no effort to try to seem better or any kind of optimism on their part, just a vow to blindly block everything the government is doing and sabotage everything, you people are sick to elect such filth that can fool people into thinking that an utter failure of the United States government to serve the people is a goal to aspire to.
America voted overwhelming for Republicans for a reason. Your sniveling doesn't change it. Tough shit junior.
Time to punish America for electing Obama. Republicans are getting their belt and preparing to beat America black and blue for ever voting against them. They are going to do everything in their power to default the government, impeach the president and pull the rug out from under the recovery. That will show stupid America who they should vote for. They will have their revenge on us for ever voting them out and electing a scary black man with a funny name.
You stupid little child.

They make up these big, elaborate, fantasy scenarios in their minds and play word games and distort facts...
poor sad hyperpartisans...
Time to punish America for electing Obama. Republicans are getting their belt and preparing to beat America black and blue for ever voting against them. They are going to do everything in their power to default the government, impeach the president and pull the rug out from under the recovery. That will show stupid America who they should vote for. They will have their revenge on us for ever voting them out and electing a scary black man with a funny name.

Your metaphors are amusing, but you forgot to include lynching...

He also forgot crucifiction. Isn't that what they do to Messiahs?
They make up these big, elaborate, fantasy scenarios in their minds and play word games and distort facts...poor sad hyperpartisans...
Sounds like a good definition for modern day "liberal". Classic liberalism was more like libertarians today but today's liberalism is socialism wrapped in propaganda.
Time to punish America for electing Obama. Republicans are getting their belt and preparing to beat America black and blue for ever voting against them. They are going to do everything in their power to default the government, impeach the president and pull the rug out from under the recovery. That will show stupid America who they should vote for. They will have their revenge on us for ever voting them out and electing a scary black man with a funny name.
America has been punished enough by the Democrats and Obama.
America has been punished by itself; it elected all public officials, even if by default of NOT voting.

Now they have elected a son of a bitch so fucking arrogant that when faced with massive defeat in a series of elections he called a referendum on his won polices, he has the nerve to say he speaks and acts for the 2/3 that stayed home.

A nation that fell for such an idiot deserves what it is getting.

Let's hope the bitchslapping Obama has given this country has finally awaken it.
No, just made it more retarded when the tea party assholes freaked out over a black president and got involved in politics despite having no idea how the government is supposed to work.
No actually dumbasses like yourself elected an unqualified man, because he was black. You are the problem. Now you want to run Hillary, a proven failure. So you still want to be the problem in the future. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

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