Time to punish America

I wanted it noted that occupied routinely calls me crazy and a nutter.

id wear it as a badge
You think that guy is reasonable? I gave you more credit then that.

in some areas yes. Moreso than you
What recovery?
What? You aren't doing better than you were doing in 2008? I'm so sorry. :itsok:
I was dead in the water in 2008, doing awesome now. Personally and locally I have seen a definite improvement.
I wanted it noted that occupied routinely calls me crazy and a nutter.

id wear it as a badge
You think that guy is reasonable? I gave you more credit then that.

in some areas yes. Moreso than you
What recovery?
What? You aren't doing better than you were doing in 2008? I'm so sorry. :itsok:
I was dead in the water in 2008, doing awesome now. Personally and locally I have seen a definite improvement.
I'm sure you are, with all those welfare checks.
Time to punish America for electing Obama. Republicans are getting their belt and preparing to beat America black and blue for ever voting against them. They are going to do everything in their power to default the government, impeach the president and pull the rug out from under the recovery. That will show stupid America who they should vote for. They will have their revenge on us for ever voting them out and electing a scary black man with a funny name.

^ This is what taking our country back looks like
Even if that was all red they would still find some way to blame all their failures and damage on someone else, just like they will be doing one year and 11 months from now.
I wanted it noted that occupied routinely calls me crazy and a nutter.

id wear it as a badge
You think that guy is reasonable? I gave you more credit then that.

in some areas yes. Moreso than you
What recovery?
What? You aren't doing better than you were doing in 2008? I'm so sorry. :itsok:
I was dead in the water in 2008, doing awesome now. Personally and locally I have seen a definite improvement.
I'm sure you are, with all those welfare checks.
Ha, way to go with the tired stereotype, you really added a lot of quality to the thread.
id wear it as a badge
You think that guy is reasonable? I gave you more credit then that.

in some areas yes. Moreso than you
What recovery?
What? You aren't doing better than you were doing in 2008? I'm so sorry. :itsok:
I was dead in the water in 2008, doing awesome now. Personally and locally I have seen a definite improvement.
I'm sure you are, with all those welfare checks.
Ha, way to go with the tired stereotype, you really added a lot of quality to the thread.
Wassamatter, did I rain on your pity party?
You think that guy is reasonable? I gave you more credit then that.

in some areas yes. Moreso than you
What recovery?
What? You aren't doing better than you were doing in 2008? I'm so sorry. :itsok:
I was dead in the water in 2008, doing awesome now. Personally and locally I have seen a definite improvement.
I'm sure you are, with all those welfare checks.
Ha, way to go with the tired stereotype, you really added a lot of quality to the thread.
Wassamatter, did I rain on your pity party?
You didn't do anything at all except be stupid, just like congress.
You seriously need to stop watching MSNBC and believing everything they've been telling you. Harry Reid has not passed a single bill or a budget in years. There are a stack of them sitting on his desk. Please explain why he hasn't brought them to the floor for debate or put them on obamas desk???
You're showing your asshole and no one is impressed. You & your party got your asses handed to you and you just can't handle it...Get a grip..We Won :ack-1::ack-1: Big. We didn't just simply take the senate. We swept the whole country. It will take Dems years to repair what you deem damage:ahole-1:See the very red map above idiot.
You seriously need to stop watching MSNBC and believing everything they've been telling you. Harry Reid has not passed a single bill or a budget in years. There are a stack of them sitting on his desk. Please explain why he hasn't brought them to the floor for debate or put them on obamas desk???
You're showing your asshole and no one is impressed. You & your party got your asses handed to you and you just can't handle it...Get a grip..We Won :ack-1::ack-1: Big. We didn't just simply take the senate. We swept the whole country. It will take Dems years to repair what you deem damage:ahole-1:See the very red map above idiot.



Listen you miserably piece of shit, Harry Reid (D-USSR) is single handedly responsible for Obama Hellcare. he convened the SENATE at 1 AM on a snowy Christmas EVE and introduced the 1600 page edict and through parliamentary maneuvers prevented the Republicans from introducing any objections. Yes , the motherfucker is responsible for the hellcare boondoggle.

I wanted it noted that occupied routinely calls me crazy and a nutter.

id wear it as a badge
You think that guy is reasonable? I gave you more credit then that.

in some areas yes. Moreso than you
What recovery?
What? You aren't doing better than you were doing in 2008? I'm so sorry. :itsok:
I was dead in the water in 2008, doing awesome now. Personally and locally I have seen a definite improvement.

most people haven't. That's why they overwhelmingly voted to stop the bleeding
You seriously need to stop watching MSNBC and believing everything they've been telling you. Harry Reid has not passed a single bill or a budget in years. There are a stack of them sitting on his desk. Please explain why he hasn't brought them to the floor for debate or put them on obamas desk???
You're showing your asshole and no one is impressed. You & your party got your asses handed to you and you just can't handle it...Get a grip..We Won :ack-1::ack-1: Big. We didn't just simply take the senate. We swept the whole country. It will take Dems years to repair what you deem damage:ahole-1:See the very red map above idiot.



Listen you miserably piece of shit, Harry Reid (D-USSR) is single handedly responsible for Obama Hellcare. he convened the SENATE at 1 AM on a snowy Christmas EVE and introduced the 1600 page edict and through parliamentary maneuvers prevented the Republicans from introducing any objections. Yes , the motherfucker is responsible for the hellcare boondoggle.

Get a clue...That's Exactly why you got pounded on Tuesday. We the People REJECT that piece of shit bill now that we've read the bill.
we've already been punished for electing Obama. We've been punished by his policies getting implemented.

now it's time to stop the bleeding and heal the patient or atleast stop the attack on the people. That is what the people voted for.
Is that really what the people voted for? Well, let's check the old republican platform. Seems all it says is "Destroy Obama" and "Make sure the government does not work" written in crayon no less. The attack on the people is just going into round two with another bunch of zealots wanting to score political points in the only way they know how, being negative and beating up on things.

government not working might very well be the best thing that can happen to the country.

stop interfering with the lives of people. We can govern ourselves
The evidence says otherwise.

I'm looking at the map and it seems that Oklahoma & Alaska went completely Republican and Vermont & Hawaii went completely Democrat. Someone please check me, are there other states with a complete shut-out?
Looks like Massachusetts is having a blue Christmas this year, too.

yeah, with the TAXES they make them pay there they should be having a BLUE Christmas. good frikken grief do you people breath, eat and live POLITICS?
now please stop punishing us people with all your hateful stupidity.

The Shrinkage of the Obama Majority
Michael Barone | Nov 07, 2014


Some observations on the election:
(1) This was a wave, folks. It will be a benchmark for judging waves, for either party, for years.
(2) In seriously contested races, Republican candidates were generally younger, more vigorous, more sunny and optimistic than Democrats. The contrast was sharpest in Colorado and Iowa, which voted twice for President Obama. Cory Gardner and Joni Ernst seemed to be looking forward to the future. Their opponents grimly championed the stale causes of feminists and trial lawyers of the past.
Democrats see themselves as the party of the future. But their policies are antique. The federal minimum wage dates to 1938, equal pay for women to 1963, access to contraceptives to 1965. Raising these issues now is campaign gimmickry, not serious policymaking.
Democratic leading lights have been around a long time. The party's two congressional leaders are in their 70s. The governors of the two largest Democratic states are sons of former governors who won their first statewide elections in 1950 and 1978.
This has implications for 2016. Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee, worked in her first campaign in 1970. She has been a national figure since 1991. The Clintons' theme song, "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow," was released in 1977. That will be 39 years ago in 2016.
(3) The combination of Obama's low job approval and Harry Reid's virtual shutdown of the Senate insured a Republican Senate majority. Reid prevented amendments -- Mark Begich of Alaska never got to introduce one -- that could have helped them in campaigns.
Votes were blocked on issues with clear Senate majorities -- such as the Keystone XL pipeline, medical device tax repeal and the bipartisan patent reform bill backed by Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.

ALL of it here:
The Shrinkage of the Obama Majority - Michael Barone - Page 1
America is being punished by the republicans for voting democrat, no effort to try to seem better or any kind of optimism on their part, just a vow to blindly block everything the government is doing and sabotage everything, you people are sick to elect such filth that can fool people into thinking that an utter failure of the United States government to serve the people is a goal to aspire to.

How about thanking Americans for giving Democrats 8 years? This is not a punishment. It is the transformation of America back to fundamentals. Democrats' fundamental transformation of America yielded an all time high of food stamp participation and the lowest labor participation rate. Take your seat on the bus. Elections have consequences. Friends have been rewarded.
It's good you like the outcome of the election, but trying to take America backwards to a time that never really existed by making the government work at cross purposes to itself is fucking stupid. Might as well be trying to get back to OZ by driving into tornadoes.

Congress did not do it's job? How many bills did the House pass only to have them sit in Reid's desk?

Gee...Whites living in suburbia who voted for Obama twice, only to see his Attorney General do nothing about the "knockout game", but instead attempt to prosecute a Ferguson, Mo. police officer for doing his job...naawwww, why should they be scared?
What does that have to do with the shitstorm of economic sabotage republicans are about to unleash on us?

nice...create big, elaborate strawmen of fantasy and bias so you can bravely knock them over...

poor little angry, bitter, frustrated hyperpartisan...


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