Time to solve the muslim problem

You know........SEVERAL news agencies have reported that there were NO PROTESTS going on in Benghazi. It was only AFTER the embassy was attacked by 4 black SUVs with heavily armed people in them (right now, they're saying it was a Taliban or AQ militia squad), and it was after the attack that people came by and started looting the embassy.

BTW.................did anyone else see the signs of support, written in English, by the people of Benghazi, showing support and expressing sympathy at the death of this diplomat? Matter of fact, some of the locals took Mr. Chris Stevens to the hospital to try to save him.

Are those Muslims supposed to be nuked as well?

I don't know where the no protests story is coming from. I watched Coverage of the Protests in Benghazi going on hours before the Attack.

As far as the People coming out and showing Sympathy, I am not surprised at all. Much of the Libyan Population is actually pretty Secular, and Pro American, Especially recently after we helped them Toss out their Dictator.

The Problem in Libya is the same as it is all over the Muslim World it Seems. There is a pretty good sized Radial Minority, that the Larger more Moderate Group of Muslims do not agree with, but are unwilling to stand up to, or speak out against, Because if they do they become a Target.
Well, you can keep your nose high in the air on your "moral" high ground. At least you'll see the pretty sky when the muslims are slitting your throat on camera like they did with Daniel Pearl.

As far as "effective", you're a fucking moron if you think wiping out your enemy isn't "effective". If they don't exist, they can't be a problem.

But hey, this appeasement strategy is working soooooooo well, so lets just keep with that, right! I mean, what do you care? You're alive and well, and that's all that matters for selfish people like you. Fuck that ambassador who died, right?

God almighty is America a sad, sad nation of appeasing Socialists now.....

Morality is morality. No Islamic piece of shit is ever going to be slitting my throat. Calm yourself.

Slaughtering all of Libya because SOME shit heads committed that atrocity is immoral. Period.

And it is also false to argue that all Libyans are our "enemy."

You're right. I remember both Daniel Pearl and J. Christopher Stevens told their families the exact same thing. And of course, all of those people who boarded a plane on 9/11, they too told everyone they would be "fine".

Ignorance is bliss I guess....

i don't think there's much guesswork involved on your part.
Stalin is an evil person too. You'd be more evil than both of them. They didn't initiate global thermonuclear war resulting in probable nuclear holocaust for much of the world. The reasons why you want to kill the people you want to kill are just as evil as their reasons.

If you think firing nukes to eliminate an entire religion wouldn't bring about a global thermonuclear war, you're a fucking moron.

How do we make peace with islam? They won't accept our freedom of speech and they will not stop trying to kill us. How do you deal with this?

I just can not understand Liberals in America. They Absolutely Hate Christians, think they are ass backwards, Ignorant fucks and are not afraid to say it. Then they defend Islam at ever turn, and dismiss the Fact that A lot of Muslims are Ass Backwards Ignorant Fucks.

I think I know why.


Yep. It's nuts. Makes no sense whatsoever.
It is very unfortunate that there are thousands of people in this country that simply can not see there reality of what this Muslim Obama is doing to all of us. I think everyone should read this article. Its a eye opener.
copy and paste the intire link in your browser.
Click here: Occupy and Arab Spring both Obama Ops - Constitutional Emergency
little hitlers
Thank you for showing blatant ignorance of history, Truthmatters. It's why you have such a cryptic reputation as a liar. You just don't know facts unless they turn a Democrat vote.

And now that you mention it, historically, you need to be aware that it was a Muslim Mufti who went to Germany to persuade Hitler and his company to impose genocide on their Jewish population.

It's terroristic Islamofascists who helped Hitler.

Your relegation of the title of Hitler against conservatives is done for convenience sake, isn't it.

I'm sorry you didn't read up on the role of Muslims in eliminating the Jewish population in Hitler's Germany.

It's so evident you didn't when your posts are read by people who really did read and understand what they read about history that takes the air out of your puffed-up lies.

Please stop lying.
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Rabid Islamofascist radicals want death at any price

How the fuck is what he's calling for, complete EXTERMINATION of every last follower of a religion, not wanting death at any price.

How about we fucking wipe out all of you Christians as well, because with a mentality like that, you're certainly no better.

But no... that would be awful as well.

so what is your religion?

I don't have one. I used to be Christian, but it was fucking whack jobs like Rottweiler that showed me how fucking nasty and awful Christians tend to be. Not in their actions, but in what they'll be willing to support.
Funny how you never talk about Stalin that killed 10 times as many people as Hitler. :eusa_shifty:

Stalin is an evil person too. You'd be more evil than both of them. They didn't initiate global thermonuclear war resulting in probable nuclear holocaust for much of the world. The reasons why you want to kill the people you want to kill are just as evil as their reasons.

If you think firing nukes to eliminate an entire religion wouldn't bring about a global thermonuclear war, you're a fucking moron.

How do we make peace with islam? They won't accept our freedom of speech and they will not stop trying to kill us. How do you deal with this?

ISLAM ISN'T FUCKING AGAINST US, you idiot. It's radical, violent muslims, not the entire religion itself and certainly not all of the followers.
Stalin is an evil person too. You'd be more evil than both of them. They didn't initiate global thermonuclear war resulting in probable nuclear holocaust for much of the world. The reasons why you want to kill the people you want to kill are just as evil as their reasons.

If you think firing nukes to eliminate an entire religion wouldn't bring about a global thermonuclear war, you're a fucking moron.

How do we make peace with islam? They won't accept our freedom of speech and they will not stop trying to kill us. How do you deal with this?

I just can not understand Liberals in America. They Absolutely Hate Christians, think they are ass backwards, Ignorant fucks and are not afraid to say it. Then they defend Islam at ever turn, and dismiss the Fact that A lot of Muslims are Ass Backwards Ignorant Fucks.

I think I know why.


Uhhh, no. I know a lot of Muslims are ass backwards ignorant fucks. There are Muslims just as ignorant as you. A lot of them. They hate homosexuals, they're ridiculously conservative, in some of the more violent countries they still practice archaic forms of punishment and mob justice. It's awful.

And you're just like them. You're a nasty minded religious zealot who wants to exterminate an entire religion because they're contrary to yours, and have some violent members.
I think what some here just don't get is that despite the whacko section of Islam being unparalleled in the world when it comes to atrocities and general violence in modern times, undertaking a task such as what the op suggests is a logistical impossibility, not to mention an ethical and moral disaster.

For so many reasons.
I don't have one. I used to be Christian,

Nooooo! Really?!?! A fucking useless dick like you doesn't have religion? How could that be??!

No wonder he's a hateful, racist, bigoted little piece of shit who actually wishes "slow, painful cancer" on people and death on anyone who doesn't agree with him.

I mean, seriously, who does that? What kind of farm animal sub-human do you have to be to wish that people die? How little regard for life do you have to have to hope that people who disagree with your communist ideology die from cancer?

Cowman smells, acts, thinks, and is about as worth as much as a cow, and I still don't wish death on him. All I can say Cow, is that karma is a bitch. It's coming.... Ohhhh, man is it coming. Grim reaper's probably standing over your shoulder as you type. You got no one to blame but yourself. And I'm still not wishing that on you....
I don't have one. I used to be Christian,

Nooooo! Really?!?! A fucking useless dick like you doesn't have religion? How could that be??!

No wonder he's a hateful, racist, bigoted little piece of shit who actually wishes "slow, painful cancer" on people and death on anyone who doesn't agree with him.

I mean, seriously, who does that? What kind of farm animal sub-human do you have to be to wish that people die? How little regard for life do you have to have to hope that people who disagree with your communist ideology die from cancer?

Cowman smells, acts, thinks, and is about as worth as much as a cow, and I still don't wish death on him. All I can say Cow, is that karma is a bitch. It's coming.... Ohhhh, man is it coming. Grim reaper's probably standing over your shoulder as you type. You got no one to blame but yourself. And I'm still not wishing that on you....

Rotten, post #1.

The US announces a new ZERO TOLERANCE policy. Any act of aggression against any US entity (military, business, embassy, etc.) results in complete & total obliteration. It is far time we break out the nuclear arsenal and remind the world why you don't fuck with the U.S. Japan went from being a nation of maniacs (kamikazes sound familiar?) aligned with the Adolf Hitler & Benito Mussolini to a very productive member of the global community just by dropping a couple of nukes on their head.

I mean, seriously, who does that? What kind of farm animal sub-human do you have to be to wish that people die
I don't have one. I used to be Christian,

Nooooo! Really?!?! A fucking useless dick like you doesn't have religion? How could that be??!

No wonder he's a hateful, racist, bigoted little piece of shit who actually wishes "slow, painful cancer" on people and death on anyone who doesn't agree with him.

I mean, seriously, who does that? What kind of farm animal sub-human do you have to be to wish that people die? How little regard for life do you have to have to hope that people who disagree with your communist ideology die from cancer?

Cowman smells, acts, thinks, and is about as worth as much as a cow, and I still don't wish death on him. All I can say Cow, is that karma is a bitch. It's coming.... Ohhhh, man is it coming. Grim reaper's probably standing over your shoulder as you type. You got no one to blame but yourself. And I'm still not wishing that on you....

Could eat the irony with a spoon.
If we can't make peace with Islam? Then what? I'm asking seriously.

Then the idiot liberal Dumbocrat wants us to surrender to them. Give up all freedoms (assholes like Cow and LilOlady are already calling for us to surrender freedom of speech) and immediately implement Sharia Law.

Sad, but true.....
Sorry bout that,

1. One day islam will force everyones hand.
2. It is written.
3. One day, you, and everyone here, and everyone not here, will demand something huge be done to islam, and its followers, uncaring for them as a people or a religion, or movement, whatever you want to call them.
4. islam is a evil thing that comes this way, and one day good people will be forced to, *deal*.
5. I'm for not waiting to be forced, I say we do unto to them what they have already decided to do unto us, for the good of mankind in general.
6. If there was another way I would choose it, sadly there is not.

I don't have one. I used to be Christian,

Nooooo! Really?!?! A fucking useless dick like you doesn't have religion? How could that be??!

No wonder he's a hateful, racist, bigoted little piece of shit who actually wishes "slow, painful cancer" on people and death on anyone who doesn't agree with him.

I mean, seriously, who does that? What kind of farm animal sub-human do you have to be to wish that people die? How little regard for life do you have to have to hope that people who disagree with your communist ideology die from cancer?

Cowman smells, acts, thinks, and is about as worth as much as a cow, and I still don't wish death on him. All I can say Cow, is that karma is a bitch. It's coming.... Ohhhh, man is it coming. Grim reaper's probably standing over your shoulder as you type. You got no one to blame but yourself. And I'm still not wishing that on you....

Could eat the irony with a spoon.

I don't wish cancer and/or death on anyone for simply disagreeing with me - not even you. God Bless you brother - you in more desperate need of it than anyone I know. I'll be saying a lot of prayers for your dark, hateful little heart.
If we can't make peace with Islam? Then what? I'm asking seriously.

Then the idiot liberal Dumbocrat wants us to surrender to them. Give up all freedoms (assholes like Cow and LilOlady are already calling for us to surrender freedom of speech) and immediately implement Sharia Law.

Sad, but true.....

Right, because the Muslim world is certainly in a position to take down the west militarily.

Gawd, you're pretty stupid. :lol:
If we can't make peace with Islam? Then what? I'm asking seriously.

Then the idiot liberal Dumbocrat wants us to surrender to them. Give up all freedoms (assholes like Cow and LilOlady are already calling for us to surrender freedom of speech) and immediately implement Sharia Law.

Sad, but true.....

Right, because the Muslim world is certainly in a position to take down the west militarily.

Gawd, you're pretty stupid. :lol:

Of course their not - but that's not the point. The point is, you idiots want to blame America, withdrawal, and surrender. That's what's so sad - they can't defeat our military, but they won't have to as long as the Dumbocrats are in control.

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