Time to Stop the Anti-Muslim Talk

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There are Muslims in the US Military that fought against Islamic Terrorism.

Luckily, ko0ks like you aren't the norm, and every day people can understand mathematics.

View attachment 250345

They are the exception to the rule not the other way around as you are attempting to portray.

As for my mathematical skills you have no clue.



:rolleyes: There are 1.8 billion Muslims and you think that the non-violent ones are the exception? Must suck being an abject retard like you are.

View attachment 250349

I'm holding the ones who stand on the side lines cheering them, offering logistic assistance, or not offering assistance to those being butchered, as accountable as those doing the acts of genocide/terrorism.



While you sit on the internet and do nothing yourself? Lets hold you accountable, too, derpy eagle...

Meanwhile, Muslims are over fighting against Isis while you cry that they're not from your fat ass on the internet.

See why everyone thinks you're retarded?

I am sorry, what ideology is Isis?

fundamentalist sunni terrorists
I agree that allowing third shitheads to immigrate to a western country should stop.
Hate speech is fueling this from BOTH ends.

You've been engaging in hate speech throughout this entire thread and just did it again

Save your "both sides" bullshit

I don't consider them simple Islamic terrorists when they systematically commit genocide while other Muslims stand on the side lines cheering them on.



There are Muslims in the US Military that fought against Islamic Terrorism.

Luckily, ko0ks like you aren't the norm, and every day people can understand mathematics.

View attachment 250345

They are the exception to the rule not the other way around as you are attempting to portray.

As for my mathematical skills you have no clue.



:rolleyes: There are 1.8 billion Muslims and you think that the non-violent ones are the exception? Must suck being an abject retard like you are.

View attachment 250349

I'm holding the ones who stand on the side lines cheering them, offering logistic assistance, or not offering assistance to those being butchered, as accountable as those doing the acts of genocide/terrorism.



While you sit on the internet and do nothing yourself? Lets hold you accountable, too, derpy eagle...

Meanwhile, Muslims are over fighting against Isis while you cry that they're not from your fat ass on the internet.

See why everyone thinks you're retarded?


I did twenty years for king and country.

What have you done boy? Sit around a drink martinis thinking you know the way the world works?


View attachment 250345

They are the exception to the rule not the other way around as you are attempting to portray.

As for my mathematical skills you have no clue.



:rolleyes: There are 1.8 billion Muslims and you think that the non-violent ones are the exception? Must suck being an abject retard like you are.

View attachment 250349

I'm holding the ones who stand on the side lines cheering them, offering logistic assistance, or not offering assistance to those being butchered, as accountable as those doing the acts of genocide/terrorism.



While you sit on the internet and do nothing yourself? Lets hold you accountable, too, derpy eagle...

Meanwhile, Muslims are over fighting against Isis while you cry that they're not from your fat ass on the internet.

See why everyone thinks you're retarded?

I am sorry, what ideology is Isis?

fundamentalist sunni terrorists

Sunni = Muslim, correct?
There are Muslims in the US Military that fought against Islamic Terrorism.

Luckily, ko0ks like you aren't the norm, and every day people can understand mathematics.

View attachment 250345

They are the exception to the rule not the other way around as you are attempting to portray.

As for my mathematical skills you have no clue.



:rolleyes: There are 1.8 billion Muslims and you think that the non-violent ones are the exception? Must suck being an abject retard like you are.

View attachment 250349

I'm holding the ones who stand on the side lines cheering them, offering logistic assistance, or not offering assistance to those being butchered, as accountable as those doing the acts of genocide/terrorism.



While you sit on the internet and do nothing yourself? Lets hold you accountable, too, derpy eagle...

Meanwhile, Muslims are over fighting against Isis while you cry that they're not from your fat ass on the internet.

See why everyone thinks you're retarded?

View attachment 250353

I did twenty years for king and country.

What have you done boy? Sit around a drink martinis thinking you know the way the world works?




for king

*this is not the FZ*
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Palestinians were dancing in the streets.

Stop lying...especially on THIS thread
You nasty piece of shit. You're the devil.

You're right. I apologize. That happened SEVENTEEN years ago and you are using it here to excuse mass murder.

Rot in hell

17 years is not all that too far off and not an excuse but obviously there is a serious divide between Islam and Western Cultures. How in your opinion should that be resolved?
I have no idea what this man's experience was in New Zealand. From his meandering manifesto he appears to have been motivated, in part, by a fear that islam would replace the freedoms in America. He is right of course. That is exactly what is happening.

What have muslims done in New Zealand to make this man snap like he did?

Just like that asshole Crooked Hillary was a piece of shit running on a platform to bring in a million Muslims to the US the people of NZ were idiots elected leaders that allowed Muslims to come to that country.
Hate speech is fueling this from BOTH ends.

Stop screaming ISLAMOPHOBE, stop ATTACKING any time anyone dares to point out problems in that religion.

Part of this is frustration over that kind of deflection. It gives the crazies fuel. It gives talk radio fuel. IT JUST MAKES THINGS EVEN WORSE.

It blows my mind that something this obvious doesn't occur to you.
Lesh is just asking it to stop. Instead of attacking her back, do you agree the hate speech should stop?
It doesn't stop until both ends start using their heads and hold their own side accountable for their hatred.

I'd think that would be obvious.

I'm waiting to read your clear and sharp rebuke of BrokeLoser and Flash for their comments in this thread.

Shall I hold my breath?
I’m waiting for your clear and sharp rebuke of Islam/Muslims...

20 Commandments of Mohammad the founder of Islam
1. Thou shall Rape, Marry, and Divorce Pre-pubescent Girls. Koran 65:4
2. Thou shall have Sex Slaves and Work Slaves. Koran 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30
3. Thou shall Beat Sex Slaves, Work Slaves, and Wives. Koran 4:34
4. Thou shall have 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove rape. Koran 24:13
5. Thou shall Kill those who insult Islam or Mohammed. Koran 33:57
6. Thou shall Crucify and Amputate non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
7. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims to guarantee receiving 72 virgins in heaven. Koran 9:111
8. Thou shall Kill anyone who leaves Islam. Koran 2:217, 4:89
9. Thou shall Behead non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
10. Thou shall Kill AND be Killed for Islamic Allah. Koran 9:5
11. Thou shall Terrorize non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 8:60
12. Thou shall Steal and Rob from non-Muslims. Koran Chapter 8 (Booty/Spoils of War)
13. Thou shall Lie to Strengthen Islam. Koran 3:28, 16:106
14. Thou shall Fight non-Muslim even if you don't want to. Koran 2:216
15. Thou shall not take non-Muslims as friends. Koran 5:51
16. Thou shall Call non-Muslims Pigs and Apes. Koran 5:60, 7:166, 16:106
17. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as the vilest creatures deserving no mercy. Koran 98:6
18. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as sworn enemies. Koran 4:101
19. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims for not converting to Islam. Koran 9:29
20. Thou shall Extort non-Muslims to keep Islam strong. Koran 9:29.


No need to wait, asshole. Check the archives. Fuck any fucked up freaks who use Islam to foment division, oppress individuals or the masses and as an excuse to
commit murder.
That’s a very politically correct answer, Islam/Muslims have been all about violence and control from the start. Their God Mohamed commands it...
I just wonder why you dont move to a country more to your liking???

mabye because all those countrys murder people in the millions and no longer exist

Actually there are places I could go (Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc...) except thst they have religious tests for citizenship that I cannot pass because I don’t believe organized religion to be appropriate; instead preferring Universal Morality as the basis for Society.
Palestinians were dancing in the streets.

Stop lying...especially on THIS thread
You nasty piece of shit. You're the devil.

You're right. I apologize. That happened SEVENTEEN years ago and you are using it here to excuse mass murder.

Rot in hell

No, I'm not using the truth that muslims celebrated the attack on 9/11 to excuse mass murder. I'm showing you the difference between cultures. No one is celebrating the mass murder of muslims in New Zealand, yet muslims celebrated the mass murder of totally innocent people on 9/11. That's what I'm showing you. THINK.
I agree that allowing third shitheads to immigrate to a western country should stop.
Hate speech is fueling this from BOTH ends.

You've been engaging in hate speech throughout this entire thread and just did it again

Save your "both sides" bullshit

Hate is allowing diversity to fuck up a country. Shame on you for being so confused as not understand that.
:rolleyes: There are 1.8 billion Muslims and you think that the non-violent ones are the exception? Must suck being an abject retard like you are.

View attachment 250349

I'm holding the ones who stand on the side lines cheering them, offering logistic assistance, or not offering assistance to those being butchered, as accountable as those doing the acts of genocide/terrorism.



While you sit on the internet and do nothing yourself? Lets hold you accountable, too, derpy eagle...

Meanwhile, Muslims are over fighting against Isis while you cry that they're not from your fat ass on the internet.

See why everyone thinks you're retarded?

I am sorry, what ideology is Isis?

fundamentalist sunni terrorists

Sunni = Muslim, correct?

Your point is? The opposing sect that's fighting against them is also Muslim. The point I was responding to was a guy trying to say that no Muslims fight against the fundamentalist/terrorists. He's factually incorrect, and incorrect from his fatass on the very computer he coulda used to research and correct himself. Intellectual sloth is just as bad, if not worse than physical, and derpy eagle is a stool pigeon.
Defending and demanding tolerance for a backwards hateful tribal cult isn't "diversity'. It's stupidity at the highest level.
Muslims are the scum of this world now.

The real assholes are the stupid people in NZ that elected representatives that allowed the Muslims to immigrate to NZ.

Just like the real shitheads in the US are confused Moon Bats that elect representatives that want Muslims to come to the US and Illegals to flood in.
View attachment 250345

They are the exception to the rule not the other way around as you are attempting to portray.

As for my mathematical skills you have no clue.



:rolleyes: There are 1.8 billion Muslims and you think that the non-violent ones are the exception? Must suck being an abject retard like you are.

View attachment 250349

I'm holding the ones who stand on the side lines cheering them, offering logistic assistance, or not offering assistance to those being butchered, as accountable as those doing the acts of genocide/terrorism.



While you sit on the internet and do nothing yourself? Lets hold you accountable, too, derpy eagle...

Meanwhile, Muslims are over fighting against Isis while you cry that they're not from your fat ass on the internet.

See why everyone thinks you're retarded?

View attachment 250353

I did twenty years for king and country.

What have you done boy? Sit around a drink martinis thinking you know the way the world works?




for king

exactly the beta cuck you always have been


Do you need a safe room and puppy to hug as you dream of unicorns and rainbows?


View attachment 250349

I'm holding the ones who stand on the side lines cheering them, offering logistic assistance, or not offering assistance to those being butchered, as accountable as those doing the acts of genocide/terrorism.



While you sit on the internet and do nothing yourself? Lets hold you accountable, too, derpy eagle...

Meanwhile, Muslims are over fighting against Isis while you cry that they're not from your fat ass on the internet.

See why everyone thinks you're retarded?

I am sorry, what ideology is Isis?

fundamentalist sunni terrorists

Sunni = Muslim, correct?

Your point is? The opposing sect that's fighting against them is also Muslim. The point I was responding to was a guy trying to say that no Muslims fight against the fundamentalist/terrorists. He's factually incorrect, and incorrect from his fatass on the very computer he coulda used to research and correct himself. Intellectual sloth is just as bad, if not worse than physical, and derpy eagle is a stool pigeon.

Muslims do kill each other. Sunni/Shia but both sects believe women are 2nd class citizens at best, hate dogs, kill gays, kill for apostasy. Even the moderates follow Sharia Law. Until we address these differences from Western World beliefs we are just spinning our wheels.
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