Timely Investments


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Feb 28, 2011
How to Invest in, and Profit from, Climate Change
Exchange Traded Funds- Daily News
The primary issue keeping a lot of money on the sidelines with regards to investment in climate change issues, is a general uncertainty in which direction there is the most security, along with sustained future growth and demand.
The EFT daily news presents one investment market intimately tied to climate change realities that is open to both American and International investment (something some individuals/companies like have understood and invested in for nearly a decade now!)
…In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, said regarding climate change that “it’s a massive risk and it’s a huge opportunity, and for the moment we are ignoring both risk and opportunities associated with it.” (Source: Wessel, D., “En Grande!,” Wall Street Journal, May 17, 2013.)
All of this leads to the ultimate question: how does one actually invest in the environment or climate change?
As the climate is changing, one of the predictions is that fresh and/or drinking water will be scarce, because 70% of all fresh water on Earth consists of snow and ice. As the Earth’s temperature is warming, this fresh water is melting into the sea and mixing in with salt water. (Source: Mcintyre, N., “How will climate change impact on fresh water security,” Guardian, December 21, 2012, last accessed May 23, 2013.)…

It isn’t really a matter of whether or not money will be made, it is simply an issue of who will make the money,…much as is always the case.
How to Invest in, and Profit from, Climate Change
Exchange Traded Funds- Daily News
The primary issue keeping a lot of money on the sidelines with regards to investment in climate change issues, is a general uncertainty in which direction there is the most security, along with sustained future growth and demand.
The EFT daily news presents one investment market intimately tied to climate change realities that is open to both American and International investment (something some individuals/companies like have understood and invested in for nearly a decade now!)
…In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, said regarding climate change that “it’s a massive risk and it’s a huge opportunity, and for the moment we are ignoring both risk and opportunities associated with it.” (Source: Wessel, D., “En Grande!,” Wall Street Journal, May 17, 2013.)
All of this leads to the ultimate question: how does one actually invest in the environment or climate change?
As the climate is changing, one of the predictions is that fresh and/or drinking water will be scarce, because 70% of all fresh water on Earth consists of snow and ice. As the Earth’s temperature is warming, this fresh water is melting into the sea and mixing in with salt water. (Source: Mcintyre, N., “How will climate change impact on fresh water security,” Guardian, December 21, 2012, last accessed May 23, 2013.)…

It isn’t really a matter of whether or not money will be made, it is simply an issue of who will make the money,…much as is always the case.

I just heard Al Gore say warmer water meant more precipitation. He mentioned the heavy rains in his own home state as I clearly recall.
You'll know it's an issue when we have to start paying for water. Almost every apartment is without a water meter. Its still a free good despite the impending water crisis??
How to Invest in, and Profit from, Climate Change
Exchange Traded Funds- Daily News
The primary issue keeping a lot of money on the sidelines with regards to investment in climate change issues, is a general uncertainty in which direction there is the most security, along with sustained future growth and demand.
The EFT daily news presents one investment market intimately tied to climate change realities that is open to both American and International investment (something some individuals/companies like have understood and invested in for nearly a decade now!)
…In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, said regarding climate change that “it’s a massive risk and it’s a huge opportunity, and for the moment we are ignoring both risk and opportunities associated with it.” (Source: Wessel, D., “En Grande!,” Wall Street Journal, May 17, 2013.)
All of this leads to the ultimate question: how does one actually invest in the environment or climate change?
As the climate is changing, one of the predictions is that fresh and/or drinking water will be scarce, because 70% of all fresh water on Earth consists of snow and ice. As the Earth’s temperature is warming, this fresh water is melting into the sea and mixing in with salt water. (Source: Mcintyre, N., “How will climate change impact on fresh water security,” Guardian, December 21, 2012, last accessed May 23, 2013.)…
It isn’t really a matter of whether or not money will be made, it is simply an issue of who will make the money,…much as is always the case.

I just heard Al Gore say warmer water meant more precipitation. He mentioned the heavy rains in his own home state as I clearly recall.
You'll know it's an issue when we have to start paying for water. Almost every apartment is without a water meter. Its still a free good despite the impending water crisis??

Well, I'm not sure what Al Gore, or his sans context statement have to do with the topic of this thread, but if you would like to provide this missing information I would be happy to discuss it in more detail with you.

You may not be paying for water now, but many municipalities that do not currently meter water, do charge set fees for water usage, and many cities that do not meter or charge are planning to in the near future. Beyond that, with dropping water tables and natural aquifer depletions, the abundance of fresh, clean, potable water is steadily decreasing and becoming ever more rare even here in the United States, this is an even bigger problem around the world. The availability of clean, drinkable water is becoming more rare even as changing atmospheric circulation patterns and more powerful storms with higher levels of precipitation are enhancing flood, hail, straight line wind, and various other types of damage associated with an increase of atmospheric energy seeking to distribute itself evenly throughout the planet's environment (drought, and higher wind speeds driving wildfires and dust storms are flip-side consequences of this same phenomena).

Additional References:
"The World's Water" - Where is Earth's water? USGS Water-Science School

"Human Appropriation of the World's Fresh Water Supply" - Human Appropriation of the World's Fresh Water Supply

What are the markets telling us about AGW?
Of Course, a lot of what the “market” says, depends upon who you listen to, how well they actually understand the appropriate bellwethers, and what preconceptions they bring to their interpretation. This is due to the inherent uncertainty of complex marketplaces and the depth of consideration and skill of the people attempting to interpret and deliver readings of the ink stains of statistical prognostication.
Dan Kahn, the Elizabeth K. Dollard Professor of Law & Professor of Psychology at Yale Law School, has examined this seeming willingness by both adamant climate change science deniers and AGW action advocates to ignore important market evidences because they either don’t fit the narrative they bring to the discussion of this topic, or they aren’t familiar enough with the reliability of such market evidences that they feel comfortable giving them weight:
... Too many climate-change advocates have a hard time seeing/using evidence of this sort because it involves mining insight (as it were; new mining opportunities are also being created by melting permafrost) from the rationality of market behavior, not to mention recognizing that climate change does in fact involve a balance of positive and negative effects, even if on balance it is negative.
At the same time, too many climate skeptics are unwilling to acknowledge evidence of any sort--even the truth-corroborating price signal of self-interested market behavior!--that lends credence to the scientific underpinnings of those who are making the case for effective collective action to avoid the myriad welfare-threatening upshots of a warming earth. So this evidence doesn't register on them either.
If so, I suppose we should look on the bright side: the two sides are agreeing on something, even if it is simply to ignore one and the same piece of evidence on account of it not fitting their respective worldviews.

Interesting insight that probably deserves much more consideration and effort by all perspectives involved in the climate change discussion.
why so you say this when it is a boldfaced liberal lie?? ACE(accumulated cyclonic energy) is at a 50 year low!!!

Which is largely irrelevant to anything being discussed even if the situation is as you keep asserting.

irrelevant? so you say the climate change you are talking about has nothing to do with more powerful storms????

ACE is a subset assessment of global weather systems only dealing with one primary aspect of tropical systems, this thread is a discussion of the US insurance industry to the extra-tropical storm systems that impact the US and all of the various aspects and impacts of those storms as they are enhanced by the extra energy imparted by AGW forcings.

Beyond this, any considered inspection of the ACE graphing does not support your assertion that ACE est. modellings " are "at a 50 year low."

I have no problem discussing the topical issue of this thread, but have no interest in continuing along irrelevant sidetracks focused on attempting to reject mainstream science facts and findings with confused fringe fantasies. If you wish to talk about the economic topic that is the subject of this thread, I await your first on-topic post. If you wish to challenge mainstream science facts and findings this is not the place to do so, but I will be happy to join any thread devoted to the scientific discussion of climate change in an appropriate thread on an appropriate message board.
this thread is a discussion of the US insurance industry to the extra-tropical storm systems that impact the US .

all the liberals say storm energy is way up thanks to global warming. They frequently use Sandy and Katrina as examples. Is storm energy way up or are the liberals lying??
this thread is a discussion of the US insurance industry to the extra-tropical storm systems that impact the US .

all the liberals say storm energy is way up thanks to global warming. They frequently use Sandy and Katrina as examples. Is storm energy way up or are the liberals lying??

Those are your politically inspired/distorted beliefs and conspiracies to support. I do not know or care what "all the liberals" are saying, and after these last few exchanges, I seriously doubt that you actually know or care what they are saying either, but that is neither relevant to this thread, nor "there."

What do you propose to remedy the increasing pull out of the insurance industry to cover basic natural disaster insurances, and budget for the steadily increasing annual natural disaster relief funding?

"Federal Financial Exposure to Natural Catastrophe Risk"
National Bureau of Economic Research
Chapter Title: Federal Financial Exposure to Natural Catastrophe Risk
Chapter Author: J. David Cummins, Michael Suher, George Zanjani
Chapter URL: Federal Financial Exposure to Natural Catastrophe Risk

Chapter pages in book: (61 - 92)
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this thread is a discussion of the US insurance industry to the extra-tropical storm systems that impact the US .

all the liberals say storm energy is way up thanks to global warming. They frequently use Sandy and Katrina as examples. Is storm energy way up or are the liberals lying??

Those are your politically inspired/distorted beliefs and conspiracies to support.

are you saying Obama and Gore haven't said anything about Katrina and Sandy being related to AGW?????????????? Yes or NO!!!!

Are you saying that you didn't say storm energy is up?? Yes or No!!!

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