Tina Fey Warns College-Educated Women ‘Gains We’ve Made…Are Under Attack’

Don't you ever compare the U.S. Military that defends this nation to some irresponsible bitch the consciously go in to a clinic and practices infanticide because a baby might put a crimp in her lifestyle. Every mother that gets and abortion is a Casey Anthony.

You mad?

I will compare the military that kills civilians in other countries to women who have abortions. Your characterization of every women who gets an abortion as an "irresponsible bitch" is just as wrong and incendiary as me calling U.S. soldiers "baby-killers."

I wouldn't do such a thing, but you just did. Shame on you.
Your analogy is misguided. US soldiers are men of honor who defend our nation. Any woman who matches into an abortion clinic has no honor. They are a disgrace. Take responsibility. It's really simple: " If I have sex ...I might get pregnant."

It's clear that not every US soldier is a man of honor....only the ones who act honorably. And not every woman who gets an abortion is irresponsible.....just those who act irresponsibly.

Either way, what a soldier does is between him and his commanding officer, and what a woman does at PP is between her and her doctor.
Wrong answer! as an American combat veteran, what a soldier does is not secret between anyone. There is a code of conduct and UCMJ. Everything a combat soldier does is open to public scrutiny via US news media. Every woman who gets and abortion is weak and selfish. More concerned about themselves than anything else.

Your demonization of women is noted.
Do not play that PC garbage with me. I will not and have never "demonized" women. You just played the " race card" of pro abortion advocates.
Planned Parenthood provides Pap smears, STD testing, birth control......all kinds of women's health services. Because they also provide legal, safe abortions, some people want them shut down.

That would be akin to me refusing to pay any taxes because the government funds our military, which kills people.
Why are my tax dollars going to support free medical care for irresponsible people?

Whether or not Planned Parenthood exists, whether the patients are irresponsible or otherwise, your tax dollars go to medical care of the poor.

Why are my tax dollars going to wars that I find morally reprehensible? Because that's the nature of taxes. You don't get to choose what to pay for from an al a carte menu.
Poor people have obamacare now. No need for planned parenthood. Let the women get a gynecologist, that they can regularly see. Better for the patient to have a regular doctor doctor that sees them.

I don't think you know how PP or Obamacare really works.
Irresponsible....that would be you. As long as my tax dollars are involved it is my fucking business.

First of all, tax money doesn't go toward abortions. Secondly, even if it did, medical decisions are not up for consensus of the people; they are between a patient and his or her doctor.

Again, it is None. Of. Your. Fucking. Business.

Yes it's my business, my tax dollars are involved and if you really believe tax dollars are not invoved in abortions yore a duped fool.

No one who voted for Donald Trump has any room to call others "duped fools". None are dumber than those who voted for a lying conman, knowing he was a lying conman. Those who claim that he's not a lying conman are willing ignoring the evidence.

You're not even American you have no dog in this fight

I have lots of American friends and family. And I also want you remind you assholes that your country is slowly losing its reputation. No one believes that the US is the "home of the brave and the land of the free" anymore, as you sit behind your locked doors, with your loaded guns, shooting first and asking questions later.

The US refuses to admit refugees because someone who is dangerous MIGHT slip through, but does NOTHING about the young disaffected white American men terrorizing your public spaces from movie theatres, shopping malls and night clubs, to public schools too numerous to count. Are these attacks less terrorist attacks because the perp wasn't a brown Muslim man? I truly don't see any difference between a white college student shooting up a movie theatre in Colorado, and a radical terrorist group in Germany shooting up a shopping mall. Both are terrorist attacks. Both are intended to strike fear into the victims and the whole nation. Why is one accepted as "another day in America", and the other feared as the ultimate failure of government? Especially since the former has cost people thousands of lives and the latter, fewer than 100?

I repeat, you're not an American and have no dog in the fight.
Hey asshole,

Our military kills innocents all the time under the umbrella of "collateral damage."

I don't defend abortion, I simply acknowledge its legality and that otherwise, it is none of your fucking business.
Don't you ever compare the U.S. Military that defends this nation to some irresponsible bitch the consciously go in to a clinic and practices infanticide because a baby might put a crimp in her lifestyle. Every mother that gets and abortion is a Casey Anthony.

You mad?

I will compare the military that kills civilians in other countries to women who have abortions. Your characterization of every women who gets an abortion as an "irresponsible bitch" is just as wrong and incendiary as me calling U.S. soldiers "baby-killers."

I wouldn't do such a thing, but you just did. Shame on you.
Your analogy is misguided. US soldiers are men of honor who defend our nation. Any woman who matches into an abortion clinic has no honor. They are a disgrace. Take responsibility. It's really simple: " If I have sex ...I might get pregnant."

It's clear that not every US soldier is a man of honor....only the ones who act honorably. And not every woman who gets an abortion is irresponsible.....just those who act irresponsibly.

Either way, what a soldier does is between him and his commanding officer, and what a woman does at PP is between her and her doctor.

Last I read PP only does 3% of vists for abortions, so why jeopardize the other 97% of poor women who need PP for medical care?

I don't need to subsidize a bunch of unwed mothers in the inner city.
Planned Parenthood provides Pap smears, STD testing, birth control......all kinds of women's health services. Because they also provide legal, safe abortions, some people want them shut down.

That would be akin to me refusing to pay any taxes because the government funds our military, which kills people.
Why are my tax dollars going to support free medical care for irresponsible people?

Whether or not Planned Parenthood exists, whether the patients are irresponsible or otherwise, your tax dollars go to medical care of the poor.

Why are my tax dollars going to wars that I find morally reprehensible? Because that's the nature of taxes. You don't get to choose what to pay for from an al a carte menu.
Poor people have obamacare now. No need for planned parenthood. Let the women get a gynecologist, that they can regularly see. Better for the patient to have a regular doctor doctor that sees them.

I don't think you know how PP or Obamacare really works.
I know what Obama told us. Are you calling him a liar?
Hey shitforbrains,

Our military aims to kill our deadliest enemies. PP exists to kill the most innocent and vulnerable in our society.

Hey asshole,

Our military kills innocents all the time under the umbrella of "collateral damage."

I don't defend abortion, I simply acknowledge its legality and that otherwise, it is none of your fucking business.
Don't you ever compare the U.S. Military that defends this nation to some irresponsible bitch the consciously go in to a clinic and practices infanticide because a baby might put a crimp in her lifestyle. Every mother that gets and abortion is a Casey Anthony.

You mad?

I will compare the military that kills civilians in other countries to women who have abortions. Your characterization of every women who gets an abortion as an "irresponsible bitch" is just as wrong and incendiary as me calling U.S. soldiers "baby-killers."

I wouldn't do such a thing, but you just did. Shame on you.
Your analogy is misguided. US soldiers are men of honor who defend our nation. Any woman who matches into an abortion clinic has no honor. They are a disgrace. Take responsibility. It's really simple: " If I have sex ...I might get pregnant."

It's clear that not every US soldier is a man of honor....only the ones who act honorably. And not every woman who gets an abortion is irresponsible.....just those who act irresponsibly.

Either way, what a soldier does is between him and his commanding officer, and what a woman does at PP is between her and her doctor.

Last I read PP only does 3% of vists for abortions, so why jeopardize the other 97% of poor women who need PP for medical care?
You mad?

I will compare the military that kills civilians in other countries to women who have abortions. Your characterization of every women who gets an abortion as an "irresponsible bitch" is just as wrong and incendiary as me calling U.S. soldiers "baby-killers."

I wouldn't do such a thing, but you just did. Shame on you.
Your analogy is misguided. US soldiers are men of honor who defend our nation. Any woman who matches into an abortion clinic has no honor. They are a disgrace. Take responsibility. It's really simple: " If I have sex ...I might get pregnant."

It's clear that not every US soldier is a man of honor....only the ones who act honorably. And not every woman who gets an abortion is irresponsible.....just those who act irresponsibly.

Either way, what a soldier does is between him and his commanding officer, and what a woman does at PP is between her and her doctor.
Wrong answer! as an American combat veteran, what a soldier does is not secret between anyone. There is a code of conduct and UCMJ. Everything a combat soldier does is open to public scrutiny via US news media. Every woman who gets and abortion is weak and selfish. More concerned about themselves than anything else.

Your demonization of women is noted.
Do not play that PC garbage with me. I will not and have never "demonized" women. You just played the " race card" of pro abortion advocates.

"Irresponsible bitch"

"Weak and selfish"

"Has no honor"

These are your words. "Bitch" is universally understood to be a misogynist slur.

Own it, you wrote it.
Don't you ever compare the U.S. Military that defends this nation to some irresponsible bitch the consciously go in to a clinic and practices infanticide because a baby might put a crimp in her lifestyle. Every mother that gets and abortion is a Casey Anthony.

You mad?

I will compare the military that kills civilians in other countries to women who have abortions. Your characterization of every women who gets an abortion as an "irresponsible bitch" is just as wrong and incendiary as me calling U.S. soldiers "baby-killers."

I wouldn't do such a thing, but you just did. Shame on you.
Your analogy is misguided. US soldiers are men of honor who defend our nation. Any woman who matches into an abortion clinic has no honor. They are a disgrace. Take responsibility. It's really simple: " If I have sex ...I might get pregnant."

It's clear that not every US soldier is a man of honor....only the ones who act honorably. And not every woman who gets an abortion is irresponsible.....just those who act irresponsibly.

Either way, what a soldier does is between him and his commanding officer, and what a woman does at PP is between her and her doctor.

Last I read PP only does 3% of vists for abortions, so why jeopardize the other 97% of poor women who need PP for medical care?

I don't need to subsidize a bunch of unwed mothers in the inner city.

Because unwed inner-city moms are reprehensible? Undeserving of health care?
Planned Parenthood provides Pap smears, STD testing, birth control......all kinds of women's health services. Because they also provide legal, safe abortions, some people want them shut down.

That would be akin to me refusing to pay any taxes because the government funds our military, which kills people.
Why are my tax dollars going to support free medical care for irresponsible people?

Whether or not Planned Parenthood exists, whether the patients are irresponsible or otherwise, your tax dollars go to medical care of the poor.

Why are my tax dollars going to wars that I find morally reprehensible? Because that's the nature of taxes. You don't get to choose what to pay for from an al a carte menu.
Poor people have obamacare now. No need for planned parenthood. Let the women get a gynecologist, that they can regularly see. Better for the patient to have a regular doctor doctor that sees them.

I don't think you know how PP or Obamacare really works.
Yes I do. Obamacare was a typical big government socialist program that forced people onto a big government exchange and their health care cost skyrocketed utter failure. PP is another big government socialist program passed by Democrats in order that fellow Democrats representing urban districts could offer their people free shit.

Either way, what a soldier does is between him and his commanding officer......

No it's not. That's just stupid.

Really? I, a civilian, can tell a soldier what to do?

You (if) a citizen, have every right to judge what the military does and to petition your elected officials accordingly. Your views on the matter are legitimate and appropriate for you to voice and influence through the processes of government. It's your business, if you are a citizen.

Either way, what a soldier does is between him and his commanding officer......

No it's not. That's just stupid.

Really? I, a civilian, can tell a soldier what to do?

You (if) a citizen, have every right to judge what the military does and to petition your elected officials accordingly. Your views on the matter are legitimate and appropriate for you to voice and influence through the processes of government. It's your business, if you are a citizen.

But I may not tell a soldier what to do. His or her actions are not dependent upon my approval.

Either way, what a soldier does is between him and his commanding officer......

No it's not. That's just stupid.

Really? I, a civilian, can tell a soldier what to do?
Through your vote you can express an opinion on foreign policy directon of our nation. But as a radical, Marxist, lesbian...you may not.

Listen, perv, stop thinking about me as a lesbian. Isn't there a sheep in your neck of the woods who can keep your interest?

Either way, what a soldier does is between him and his commanding officer......

No it's not. That's just stupid.

Really? I, a civilian, can tell a soldier what to do?

You (if) a citizen, have every right to judge what the military does and to petition your elected officials accordingly. Your views on the matter are legitimate and appropriate for you to voice and influence through the processes of government. It's your business, if you are a citizen.

But I may not tell a soldier what to do. His or her actions are not dependent upon my approval.

In the larger sense, they are. Do you have no appreciation for your responsibilities as a citizen?

Either way, what a soldier does is between him and his commanding officer......

No it's not. That's just stupid.

Really? I, a civilian, can tell a soldier what to do?

You (if) a citizen, have every right to judge what the military does and to petition your elected officials accordingly. Your views on the matter are legitimate and appropriate for you to voice and influence through the processes of government. It's your business, if you are a citizen.

But I may not tell a soldier what to do. His or her actions are not dependent upon my approval.

In the larger sense, they are. Do you have no appreciation for your responsibilities as a citizen?

Of course. I can vote for the absolutely most pacifist candidate I can find. But once Congress approves military action, I can do nothing but protest.
No it's not. That's just stupid.

Really? I, a civilian, can tell a soldier what to do?

You (if) a citizen, have every right to judge what the military does and to petition your elected officials accordingly. Your views on the matter are legitimate and appropriate for you to voice and influence through the processes of government. It's your business, if you are a citizen.

But I may not tell a soldier what to do. His or her actions are not dependent upon my approval.

In the larger sense, they are. Do you have no appreciation for your responsibilities as a citizen?

Of course. I can vote for the absolutely most pacifist candidate I can find. But once Congress approves military action, I can do nothing but protest.

And your protest (if a citizen), would be completely legitimate, not "none of your business."
Really? I, a civilian, can tell a soldier what to do?

You (if) a citizen, have every right to judge what the military does and to petition your elected officials accordingly. Your views on the matter are legitimate and appropriate for you to voice and influence through the processes of government. It's your business, if you are a citizen.

But I may not tell a soldier what to do. His or her actions are not dependent upon my approval.

In the larger sense, they are. Do you have no appreciation for your responsibilities as a citizen?

Of course. I can vote for the absolutely most pacifist candidate I can find. But once Congress approves military action, I can do nothing but protest.

And your protest (if a citizen), would be completely legitimate, not "none of your business."

BurnI couldn't, nor should I expect to, change a soldier's orders.

So yeah, it's out of my sphere of influence. As are medical decisions of a woman.

Either way, what a soldier does is between him and his commanding officer......

No it's not. That's just stupid.

Really? I, a civilian, can tell a soldier what to do?

You (if) a citizen, have every right to judge what the military does and to petition your elected officials accordingly. Your views on the matter are legitimate and appropriate for you to voice and influence through the processes of government. It's your business, if you are a citizen.

But I may not tell a soldier what to do. His or her actions are not dependent upon my approval.

In the larger sense, they are. Do you have no appreciation for your responsibilities as a citizen?
100% correct.

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