Tina Fey Warns College-Educated Women ‘Gains We’ve Made…Are Under Attack’


Either way, what a soldier does is between him and his commanding officer......

No it's not. That's just stupid.

Really? I, a civilian, can tell a soldier what to do?
Through your vote you can express an opinion on foreign policy directon of our nation. But as a radical, Marxist, lesbian...you may not.

Listen, perv, stop thinking about me as a lesbian. Isn't there a sheep in your neck of the woods who can keep your interest?
Trust me, the last sexual fantasy I can ever possibly have is two Butches making love after burning an American flag.
You (if) a citizen, have every right to judge what the military does and to petition your elected officials accordingly. Your views on the matter are legitimate and appropriate for you to voice and influence through the processes of government. It's your business, if you are a citizen.

But I may not tell a soldier what to do. His or her actions are not dependent upon my approval.

In the larger sense, they are. Do you have no appreciation for your responsibilities as a citizen?

Of course. I can vote for the absolutely most pacifist candidate I can find. But once Congress approves military action, I can do nothing but protest.

And your protest (if a citizen), would be completely legitimate, not "none of your business."

BurnI couldn't, nor should I expect to, change a soldier's orders.

So yeah, it's out of my sphere of influence. As are medical decisions of a woman.
Wrong. We have laws to attempt to prevent homicide in this nation. Your argument is "far be it from me to judge the man who murdered the 7-11 clerk last night. It was his judgment call."
No it's not. That's just stupid.

Really? I, a civilian, can tell a soldier what to do?

You (if) a citizen, have every right to judge what the military does and to petition your elected officials accordingly. Your views on the matter are legitimate and appropriate for you to voice and influence through the processes of government. It's your business, if you are a citizen.

But I may not tell a soldier what to do. His or her actions are not dependent upon my approval.

In the larger sense, they are. Do you have no appreciation for your responsibilities as a citizen?

Of course. I can vote for the absolutely most pacifist candidate I can find. But once Congress approves military action, I can do nothing but protest.
Would an unborn child share in that protest or that opinion? No. They are defenseless.

Either way, what a soldier does is between him and his commanding officer......

No it's not. That's just stupid.

Really? I, a civilian, can tell a soldier what to do?
Through your vote you can express an opinion on foreign policy directon of our nation. But as a radical, Marxist, lesbian...you may not.

Listen, perv, stop thinking about me as a lesbian. Isn't there a sheep in your neck of the woods who can keep your interest?
Trust me, the last sexual fantasy I can ever possibly have is two Butches making love after burning an American flag.

Then stop dwelling on it, pervert.
One thing to say about millenials, they've already shown they aren't afraid to mount up and go out into the street in the millions.

That is what will be needed because the Republican'ts are hell bent on dragging society back to 1854.
Planned Parenthood provides Pap smears, STD testing, birth control......all kinds of women's health services. Because they also provide legal, safe abortions, some people want them shut down.

That would be akin to me refusing to pay any taxes because the government funds our military, which kills people.

Your analogy is very poor. It's like shutting down hospitals because they treat people with AIDS. Yes they do a lot of other things, but because they take all forms of injury, without question, people don't want to pay for them to treat homosexuals and drug users so they shut the hospital down.

Abortions are not illegal, and to shut down Planned Parenthood for providing a legal service to women, who pay for that service out of their own resources, is vile beyond belief.

I think we might be in agreement, except that you don't like my analogy....which is actually spot on.


It failed miserably.
One thing to say about millenials, they've already shown they aren't afraid to mount up and go out into the street in the millions.

That is what will be needed because the Republican'ts are hell bent on dragging society back to 1854.

That is, and has been since 1865, the dream of the democrat party.
PP doesn't do mammograms......you'd think with all the murdered baby parts they sell they could afford to.
Tina Fey makes more money in a year than I'll probably make in a lifetime, so she can take her liberalism and shove it.
Tina Fey makes more money in a year than I'll probably make in a lifetime, so she can take her liberalism and shove it.

Well then, that disproves the idea that conservatives like rich people, and liberals don't. Your jealousy and envy are noted, but don't count for shit.
No women's rights are under attack. This delusional bullshit is tiresome.

Here's a novel idea...
Get your party elected on ideas instead of hoping to get them elected out of fear.
Tina Fey makes more money in a year than I'll probably make in a lifetime, so she can take her liberalism and shove it.

I wouldn't get down too hard on her. Making a living in entertainment is like getting hired by a company under control of a union. You can't talk against the union, you can't leave the union unless you quit your job or your state goes to a Right-to-Work state. You just have to put up with it.

In Hollyweird, it's the same way. If you don't have a liberal opinion about politics, have no opinion at all even if you do only the opposite side. Only a select few entertainers are allowed to take a conservative stance on politics because of their popularity. They are usually at the top of the ladder, or their hay day in the sun is long gone and they just get small parts here and there.
One thing to say about millenials, they've already shown they aren't afraid to mount up and go out into the street in the millions.

That is what will be needed because the Republican'ts are hell bent on dragging society back to 1854.

So what are they doing in the streets? They are protesting because they lost an election. What does that tell us? It tells us these are Anti-Americans unhappy with a free election system where people decide their own leadership. It tells us that these leftists don't want to compete for leadership, they just want it given to them regardless what the majority says.
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Fey has a lot of free time now that Sarah Palin is no longer in the national spotlight and she can't do her Palin bits on SNL anymore.
I like Tina Fey as a comedian and an actress. But I do believe she has gone off the deep end along with the rest of the liberal left when it comes to Trump.

Here is one statement from the article concerning her remarks. Once again women, who are not really a minority, plays victim. the last sentence is a pure implied lie, when do you think Fey went to PP for a pap smear? Or any woman for that matter? It is NOT what they do.

"Right now it's not just about fighting for progress," Fey said. "Gains we've made over the last hundred years are under attack. Luckily, Mike Pence isn't allowed to go down and shut down Planned Parenthood unless his wife goes with him. So, you know, if we can just keep Karen busy scrapbooking, we can all still get pap smears."

Let's all be scared that Trump and Pence are not going to allow women to kill their unborn child, the monsters.

Tina Fey Warns College-Educated Women ‘Gains We’ve Made…Are Under Attack’

So what "gains" are under attack?
Planned Parenthood provides Pap smears, STD testing, birth control......all kinds of women's health services. Because they also provide legal, safe abortions, some people want them shut down.

That would be akin to me refusing to pay any taxes because the government funds our military, which kills people.

Your analogy is very poor. It's like shutting down hospitals because they treat people with AIDS. Yes they do a lot of other things, but because they take all forms of injury, without question, people don't want to pay for them to treat homosexuals and drug users so they shut the hospital down.

Abortions are not illegal, and to shut down Planned Parenthood for providing a legal service to women, who pay for that service out of their own resources, is vile beyond belief.

I think we might be in agreement, except that you don't like my analogy....which is actually spot on.

Abortion is legal, and so is war. To deprive soldiers or PP funding because of one aspect that some find morally reprehensible is, as you said, vile.
You do realize that in EVERY abortion a life is taken? How to you get past that point? It is nothing like taking care of veterans, it is actually quite the opposite.

Not just one life. The lives of all the posterity of those children as well.
I like Tina Fey as a comedian and an actress. But I do believe she has gone off the deep end along with the rest of the liberal left when it comes to Trump.

Here is one statement from the article concerning her remarks. Once again women, who are not really a minority, plays victim. the last sentence is a pure implied lie, when do you think Fey went to PP for a pap smear? Or any woman for that matter? It is NOT what they do.

"Right now it's not just about fighting for progress," Fey said. "Gains we've made over the last hundred years are under attack. Luckily, Mike Pence isn't allowed to go down and shut down Planned Parenthood unless his wife goes with him. So, you know, if we can just keep Karen busy scrapbooking, we can all still get pap smears."

Let's all be scared that Trump and Pence are not going to allow women to kill their unborn child, the monsters.

Tina Fey Warns College-Educated Women ‘Gains We’ve Made…Are Under Attack’

Does anyone REALLY believe that this lying skirt gets her PAP smears at Planned Parenthood? My ass. She takes her ultra-platinum SAG health insurance and goes to the fanciest, most exclusive gynecologist around, just like every other rich leftist bitch does.
Planned Parenthood provides Pap smears, STD testing, birth control......all kinds of women's health services. Because they also provide legal, safe abortions, some people want them shut down.

That would be akin to me refusing to pay any taxes because the government funds our military, which kills people.

Well, you know, except that Planned Parenthood, unlike the military, IS NOT PART OF THE GOVERNMENT!

And saying that PP "also provides abortions" is like saying the military marches around in spiffy uniforms, and "also shoots people sometimes". You really want to make that comparison, then the one thing both PP and the military have in common is that their primary purpose is to kill people. But at least the people the military kills have the possibility of shooting back.
Planned Parenthood provides Pap smears, STD testing, birth control......all kinds of women's health services. Because they also provide legal, safe abortions, some people want them shut down.

That would be akin to me refusing to pay any taxes because the government funds our military, which kills people.

Perhaps you all should take advantage of the birth control and not so much the abortions?

Perhaps it's none of your fucking business.

Oh dear, I'm sorry. What I meant was, "It is definitely none of your fucking business."

If it's really none of our fucking business, do it without our fucking money.

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