Tina Fey Warns College-Educated Women ‘Gains We’ve Made…Are Under Attack’

No it's not. That's just stupid.

Really? I, a civilian, can tell a soldier what to do?

You (if) a citizen, have every right to judge what the military does and to petition your elected officials accordingly. Your views on the matter are legitimate and appropriate for you to voice and influence through the processes of government. It's your business, if you are a citizen.

But I may not tell a soldier what to do. His or her actions are not dependent upon my approval.

In the larger sense, they are. Do you have no appreciation for your responsibilities as a citizen?

Of course. I can vote for the absolutely most pacifist candidate I can find. But once Congress approves military action, I can do nothing but protest.

See above, re: difference between private institutions and branches of the government.
Yes it's my business, my tax dollars are involved and if you really believe tax dollars are not invoved in abortions yore a duped fool.

Read and learn. I believe in you.

Public Funding for Abortion

So tell me something, oh accounting wizard. By this same theory, would you be okay with the federal government giving money to private religious schools as long as the funds were earmarked and kept separate JUST for strictly academic courses, and all funding for religious classes came from separate, private funds? Or would you insist that that would constitute spending tax money on promoting religion? Why or why not?

Funny enough, that question landed directly in my sphere of influence. I worked at a private Catholic school that still received government funding, as we served a poor community. It stipulated that the UPK funding was for the morning session, with the understanding that religion was taught in the afternoon.

Parents knew that we were a Catholic school. I found no conflict.

Mhmmm, and if your leftist fellow travelers pitched a fit and demanded that tax funding for that school be stopped and diverted to schools that don't have a religious component, would you be throwing the same sort of fit and insisting that there were no other schools those children could attend?

There was no fit pitched.

Keep telling yourself that.
Planned Parenthood provides Pap smears, STD testing, birth control......all kinds of women's health services. Because they also provide legal, safe abortions, some people want them shut down.

That would be akin to me refusing to pay any taxes because the government funds our military, which kills people.
Why are my tax dollars going to support free medical care for irresponsible people?

Whether or not Planned Parenthood exists, whether the patients are irresponsible or otherwise, your tax dollars go to medical care of the poor.

Why are my tax dollars going to wars that I find morally reprehensible? Because that's the nature of taxes. You don't get to choose what to pay for from an al a carte menu.

Which leads us back to the difference between grants to private institutions and ACTUAL BRANCHES OF THE GOVERNMENT.

Because, see, we DO get to choose from an a la carte menu of private institutions receiving tax money.

Really? Then check off on your tax return that you don't want money going to Planned Parenthood. Simple. If you had that option. But you don't.

Yes, because that's the only say American voters have in how taxes are spent. :rolleyes:

I had this conversation pages ago. Vote for the person who is likely to spend your taxes the way you would like, but once they're in office, you don't get much say.
Read and learn. I believe in you.

Public Funding for Abortion

So tell me something, oh accounting wizard. By this same theory, would you be okay with the federal government giving money to private religious schools as long as the funds were earmarked and kept separate JUST for strictly academic courses, and all funding for religious classes came from separate, private funds? Or would you insist that that would constitute spending tax money on promoting religion? Why or why not?

Funny enough, that question landed directly in my sphere of influence. I worked at a private Catholic school that still received government funding, as we served a poor community. It stipulated that the UPK funding was for the morning session, with the understanding that religion was taught in the afternoon.

Parents knew that we were a Catholic school. I found no conflict.

Mhmmm, and if your leftist fellow travelers pitched a fit and demanded that tax funding for that school be stopped and diverted to schools that don't have a religious component, would you be throwing the same sort of fit and insisting that there were no other schools those children could attend?

There was no fit pitched.

Keep telling yourself that.

That makes no sense. I'm telling you, not myself. Sorry if my experience didn't live up to your agenda. 'Night.
So tell me something, oh accounting wizard. By this same theory, would you be okay with the federal government giving money to private religious schools as long as the funds were earmarked and kept separate JUST for strictly academic courses, and all funding for religious classes came from separate, private funds? Or would you insist that that would constitute spending tax money on promoting religion? Why or why not?

Funny enough, that question landed directly in my sphere of influence. I worked at a private Catholic school that still received government funding, as we served a poor community. It stipulated that the UPK funding was for the morning session, with the understanding that religion was taught in the afternoon.

Parents knew that we were a Catholic school. I found no conflict.

Mhmmm, and if your leftist fellow travelers pitched a fit and demanded that tax funding for that school be stopped and diverted to schools that don't have a religious component, would you be throwing the same sort of fit and insisting that there were no other schools those children could attend?

There was no fit pitched.

Keep telling yourself that.

That makes no sense. I'm telling you, not myself. Sorry if my experience didn't live up to your agenda. 'Night.

Sorry if the reality didn't live up to your perception. I'm sure you don't think you're throwing a fit about PP, but then, you also think federal funding doesn't promote PP's abortion services and that there are women with no medical options other than PP, so . . .
Funny enough, that question landed directly in my sphere of influence. I worked at a private Catholic school that still received government funding, as we served a poor community. It stipulated that the UPK funding was for the morning session, with the understanding that religion was taught in the afternoon.

Parents knew that we were a Catholic school. I found no conflict.

Mhmmm, and if your leftist fellow travelers pitched a fit and demanded that tax funding for that school be stopped and diverted to schools that don't have a religious component, would you be throwing the same sort of fit and insisting that there were no other schools those children could attend?

There was no fit pitched.

Keep telling yourself that.

That makes no sense. I'm telling you, not myself. Sorry if my experience didn't live up to your agenda. 'Night.

Sorry if the reality didn't live up to your perception. I'm sure you don't think you're throwing a fit about PP, but then, you also think federal funding doesn't promote PP's abortion services and that there are women with no medical options other than PP, so . . .


Quote me saying that there are no other medical options other than PP.
Funny enough, that question landed directly in my sphere of influence. I worked at a private Catholic school that still received government funding, as we served a poor community. It stipulated that the UPK funding was for the morning session, with the understanding that religion was taught in the afternoon.

Parents knew that we were a Catholic school. I found no conflict.

Mhmmm, and if your leftist fellow travelers pitched a fit and demanded that tax funding for that school be stopped and diverted to schools that don't have a religious component, would you be throwing the same sort of fit and insisting that there were no other schools those children could attend?

There was no fit pitched.

Keep telling yourself that.

That makes no sense. I'm telling you, not myself. Sorry if my experience didn't live up to your agenda. 'Night.

Sorry if the reality didn't live up to your perception. I'm sure you don't think you're throwing a fit about PP, but then, you also think federal funding doesn't promote PP's abortion services and that there are women with no medical options other than PP, so . . .
Okay why are liberals like Tina Fey so DUMB??? Dropped on their heads at birth? A virus? Seriously WTF?
I like Tina Fey as a comedian and an actress. But I do believe she has gone off the deep end along with the rest of the liberal left when it comes to Trump.

Here is one statement from the article concerning her remarks. Once again women, who are not really a minority, plays victim. the last sentence is a pure implied lie, when do you think Fey went to PP for a pap smear? Or any woman for that matter? It is NOT what they do.

"Right now it's not just about fighting for progress," Fey said. "Gains we've made over the last hundred years are under attack. Luckily, Mike Pence isn't allowed to go down and shut down Planned Parenthood unless his wife goes with him. So, you know, if we can just keep Karen busy scrapbooking, we can all still get pap smears."

Let's all be scared that Trump and Pence are not going to allow women to kill their unborn child, the monsters.

Tina Fey Warns College-Educated Women ‘Gains We’ve Made…Are Under Attack’

So what "gains" are under attack?
I like Tina Fey as a comedian and an actress. But I do believe she has gone off the deep end along with the rest of the liberal left when it comes to Trump.

Here is one statement from the article concerning her remarks. Once again women, who are not really a minority, plays victim. the last sentence is a pure implied lie, when do you think Fey went to PP for a pap smear? Or any woman for that matter? It is NOT what they do.

"Right now it's not just about fighting for progress," Fey said. "Gains we've made over the last hundred years are under attack. Luckily, Mike Pence isn't allowed to go down and shut down Planned Parenthood unless his wife goes with him. So, you know, if we can just keep Karen busy scrapbooking, we can all still get pap smears."

Let's all be scared that Trump and Pence are not going to allow women to kill their unborn child, the monsters.

Tina Fey Warns College-Educated Women ‘Gains We’ve Made…Are Under Attack’

So what "gains" are under attack?
Apparently the gains are something to do with getting free pap smears and the choice of ending the life of an unborn child.
I like Tina Fey as a comedian and an actress. But I do believe she has gone off the deep end along with the rest of the liberal left when it comes to Trump.

Here is one statement from the article concerning her remarks. Once again women, who are not really a minority, plays victim. the last sentence is a pure implied lie, when do you think Fey went to PP for a pap smear? Or any woman for that matter? It is NOT what they do.

"Right now it's not just about fighting for progress," Fey said. "Gains we've made over the last hundred years are under attack. Luckily, Mike Pence isn't allowed to go down and shut down Planned Parenthood unless his wife goes with him. So, you know, if we can just keep Karen busy scrapbooking, we can all still get pap smears."

Let's all be scared that Trump and Pence are not going to allow women to kill their unborn child, the monsters.

Tina Fey Warns College-Educated Women ‘Gains We’ve Made…Are Under Attack’

So what "gains" are under attack?
Apparently the gains are something to do with getting free pap smears and the choice of ending the life of an unborn child.

Believe it or not, and whether you like it or not, the right to an abortion is an important right for women's health, for women's self-determinism, for women's economic stability.

You don't have to like it, and you don't have to partake in it.
I like Tina Fey as a comedian and an actress. But I do believe she has gone off the deep end along with the rest of the liberal left when it comes to Trump.

Here is one statement from the article concerning her remarks. Once again women, who are not really a minority, plays victim. the last sentence is a pure implied lie, when do you think Fey went to PP for a pap smear? Or any woman for that matter? It is NOT what they do.

"Right now it's not just about fighting for progress," Fey said. "Gains we've made over the last hundred years are under attack. Luckily, Mike Pence isn't allowed to go down and shut down Planned Parenthood unless his wife goes with him. So, you know, if we can just keep Karen busy scrapbooking, we can all still get pap smears."

Let's all be scared that Trump and Pence are not going to allow women to kill their unborn child, the monsters.

Tina Fey Warns College-Educated Women ‘Gains We’ve Made…Are Under Attack’

So what "gains" are under attack?
Apparently the gains are something to do with getting free pap smears and the choice of ending the life of an unborn child.

Believe it or not, and whether you like it or not, the right to an abortion is an important right for women's health, for women's self-determinism, for women's economic stability.

You don't have to like it, and you don't have to partake in it.
If you don't like getting pregnant you don't have to. You left that part out. How is the baby going to make any self determinations if she never gets a chance? For me it's a state issue and privately funded.
I like Tina Fey as a comedian and an actress. But I do believe she has gone off the deep end along with the rest of the liberal left when it comes to Trump.

Here is one statement from the article concerning her remarks. Once again women, who are not really a minority, plays victim. the last sentence is a pure implied lie, when do you think Fey went to PP for a pap smear? Or any woman for that matter? It is NOT what they do.

"Right now it's not just about fighting for progress," Fey said. "Gains we've made over the last hundred years are under attack. Luckily, Mike Pence isn't allowed to go down and shut down Planned Parenthood unless his wife goes with him. So, you know, if we can just keep Karen busy scrapbooking, we can all still get pap smears."

Let's all be scared that Trump and Pence are not going to allow women to kill their unborn child, the monsters.

Tina Fey Warns College-Educated Women ‘Gains We’ve Made…Are Under Attack’

So what "gains" are under attack?
Apparently the gains are something to do with getting free pap smears and the choice of ending the life of an unborn child.

Believe it or not, and whether you like it or not, the right to an abortion is an important right for women's health, for women's self-determinism, for women's economic stability.

You don't have to like it, and you don't have to partake in it.
If you don't like getting pregnant you don't have to. You left that part out. How is the baby going to make any self determinations if she never gets a chance? For me it's a state issue and privately funded.

Personal responsibility is a foreign concept to pro abortion advocates.
So what "gains" are under attack?
Apparently the gains are something to do with getting free pap smears and the choice of ending the life of an unborn child.

Believe it or not, and whether you like it or not, the right to an abortion is an important right for women's health, for women's self-determinism, for women's economic stability.

You don't have to like it, and you don't have to partake in it.
If you don't like getting pregnant you don't have to. You left that part out. How is the baby going to make any self determinations if she never gets a chance? For me it's a state issue and privately funded.

Personal responsibility is a foreign concept to pro abortion advocates.
I guess her vagina belongs to the collective.
Apparently the gains are something to do with getting free pap smears and the choice of ending the life of an unborn child.

Believe it or not, and whether you like it or not, the right to an abortion is an important right for women's health, for women's self-determinism, for women's economic stability.

You don't have to like it, and you don't have to partake in it.
If you don't like getting pregnant you don't have to. You left that part out. How is the baby going to make any self determinations if she never gets a chance? For me it's a state issue and privately funded.

Personal responsibility is a foreign concept to pro abortion advocates.
I guess her vagina belongs to the collective.

I just don't understand how anyone can defend killing the most innocent of all. There is an extreme disconnect going on with those people
I like Tina Fey as a comedian and an actress. But I do believe she has gone off the deep end along with the rest of the liberal left when it comes to Trump.

Here is one statement from the article concerning her remarks. Once again women, who are not really a minority, plays victim. the last sentence is a pure implied lie, when do you think Fey went to PP for a pap smear? Or any woman for that matter? It is NOT what they do.

"Right now it's not just about fighting for progress," Fey said. "Gains we've made over the last hundred years are under attack. Luckily, Mike Pence isn't allowed to go down and shut down Planned Parenthood unless his wife goes with him. So, you know, if we can just keep Karen busy scrapbooking, we can all still get pap smears."

Let's all be scared that Trump and Pence are not going to allow women to kill their unborn child, the monsters.

Tina Fey Warns College-Educated Women ‘Gains We’ve Made…Are Under Attack’

So what "gains" are under attack?
Apparently the gains are something to do with getting free pap smears and the choice of ending the life of an unborn child.

Believe it or not, and whether you like it or not, the right to an abortion is an important right for women's health, for women's self-determinism, for women's economic stability.

You don't have to like it, and you don't have to partake in it.

And you don't have to chop up your neighbor with a butcher knife, but that is also a matter involving more than just you and the neighbor.
Planned Parenthood provides Pap smears, STD testing, birth control......all kinds of women's health services. Because they also provide legal, safe abortions, some people want them shut down.

That would be akin to me refusing to pay any taxes because the government funds our military, which kills people.
No......Stop emoting leftist pap.
First off genius, the establishment of a standing Army is an essential function of government.
That is part of the US Constitution. Planned parenthood is a socialists wet dream and it needs to be off the taxpayer teat.
At one time PP was a genuine organization which had one function. To help couples prepare for rearing children and assisting those with pre and post natal care of both mother and child.
Today PP is a left wing political organization which maintains a budget so as long as it promotes the left wing agenda. PP leadership also outwardly supports democrat candidates by kicking back a portion of its funding to democrat PAC's and the DNC.
Taxpayers should not be funding politically motivated social entitlement

Ohhhhh.......and yet they do. You should get on that right away.

So is this supposed to be one of those leftist "This is what the law should be, because it's what the law is right now" circle jerk arguments? Did you not understand that the argument is about how the law is being changed?

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