Tina Fey Warns College-Educated Women ‘Gains We’ve Made…Are Under Attack’

Planned Parenthood provides Pap smears, STD testing, birth control......all kinds of women's health services. Because they also provide legal, safe abortions, some people want them shut down.

That would be akin to me refusing to pay any taxes because the government funds our military, which kills people.

Perhaps you all should take advantage of the birth control and not so much the abortions?

Perhaps it's none of your fucking business.

Oh dear, I'm sorry. What I meant was, "It is definitely none of your fucking business."

Irresponsible....that would be you. As long as my tax dollars are involved it is my fucking business.

Leftist twat battlecry: "Keep your laws off my body . . . just as soon as you pay for my abortion and buy me the Pill!"
Planned Parenthood provides Pap smears, STD testing, birth control......all kinds of women's health services. Because they also provide legal, safe abortions, some people want them shut down.

That would be akin to me refusing to pay any taxes because the government funds our military, which kills people.

Perhaps you all should take advantage of the birth control and not so much the abortions?

Perhaps it's none of your fucking business.

Oh dear, I'm sorry. What I meant was, "It is definitely none of your fucking business."

Irresponsible....that would be you. As long as my tax dollars are involved it is my fucking business.

First of all, tax money doesn't go toward abortions. Secondly, even if it did, medical decisions are not up for consensus of the people; they are between a patient and his or her doctor.

Again, it is None. Of. Your. Fucking. Business.

Again, do it Without. My. Fucking. Money.
Planned Parenthood provides Pap smears, STD testing, birth control......all kinds of women's health services. Because they also provide legal, safe abortions, some people want them shut down.

That would be akin to me refusing to pay any taxes because the government funds our military, which kills people.

Your analogy is very poor. It's like shutting down hospitals because they treat people with AIDS. Yes they do a lot of other things, but because they take all forms of injury, without question, people don't want to pay for them to treat homosexuals and drug users so they shut the hospital down.

Abortions are not illegal, and to shut down Planned Parenthood for providing a legal service to women, who pay for that service out of their own resources, is vile beyond belief.

Really? What hospital has been shut down by people who don't want homosexual/drug-using AIDS patients treated?

FYI, we're not talking about "shutting down" PP, although I will admit that there ARE groups of private citizens who would like them to go out of business, much like leftists want WalMart and coal mines to go out of business. We're just talking about not giving them tax money.
PP clinics are not being shut down. They have been denied federal funding for abortions. They are still able to have fundraisers and accept donations.

And being conservatives, we would be more than happy to let leftists keep the tax money currently being taken from them to shunt into Planned Parenthood, and they can just write out a check directly to them for it.
I like Tina Fey as a comedian and an actress. But I do believe she has gone off the deep end along with the rest of the liberal left when it comes to Trump.

Here is one statement from the article concerning her remarks. Once again women, who are not really a minority, plays victim. the last sentence is a pure implied lie, when do you think Fey went to PP for a pap smear? Or any woman for that matter? It is NOT what they do.

"Right now it's not just about fighting for progress," Fey said. "Gains we've made over the last hundred years are under attack. Luckily, Mike Pence isn't allowed to go down and shut down Planned Parenthood unless his wife goes with him. So, you know, if we can just keep Karen busy scrapbooking, we can all still get pap smears."

Let's all be scared that Trump and Pence are not going to allow women to kill their unborn child, the monsters.

Tina Fey Warns College-Educated Women ‘Gains We’ve Made…Are Under Attack’
As if planned parenthood matters.
Please. These libs just LOVE their entitlements.
Like other entertainers, Fey should keep her liberal trap SHUT
Perhaps you all should take advantage of the birth control and not so much the abortions?

Perhaps it's none of your fucking business.

Oh dear, I'm sorry. What I meant was, "It is definitely none of your fucking business."

Irresponsible....that would be you. As long as my tax dollars are involved it is my fucking business.

First of all, tax money doesn't go toward abortions. Secondly, even if it did, medical decisions are not up for consensus of the people; they are between a patient and his or her doctor.

Again, it is None. Of. Your. Fucking. Business.

Yes it's my business, my tax dollars are involved and if you really believe tax dollars are not invoved in abortions yore a duped fool.

Read and learn. I believe in you.

Public Funding for Abortion

So tell me something, oh accounting wizard. By this same theory, would you be okay with the federal government giving money to private religious schools as long as the funds were earmarked and kept separate JUST for strictly academic courses, and all funding for religious classes came from separate, private funds? Or would you insist that that would constitute spending tax money on promoting religion? Why or why not?
Planned Parenthood provides Pap smears, STD testing, birth control......all kinds of women's health services. Because they also provide legal, safe abortions, some people want them shut down.

That would be akin to me refusing to pay any taxes because the government funds our military, which kills people.

Hey shitforbrains,

Our military aims to kill our deadliest enemies. PP exists to kill the most innocent and vulnerable in our society.

Hey asshole,

Our military kills innocents all the time under the umbrella of "collateral damage."

I don't defend abortion, I simply acknowledge its legality and that otherwise, it is none of your fucking business.

And we are trying to MAKE it none of our fucking business, by removing OUR tax money from it.
Planned Parenthood provides Pap smears, STD testing, birth control......all kinds of women's health services. Because they also provide legal, safe abortions, some people want them shut down.

That would be akin to me refusing to pay any taxes because the government funds our military, which kills people.

Your analogy is very poor. It's like shutting down hospitals because they treat people with AIDS. Yes they do a lot of other things, but because they take all forms of injury, without question, people don't want to pay for them to treat homosexuals and drug users so they shut the hospital down.

Abortions are not illegal, and to shut down Planned Parenthood for providing a legal service to women, who pay for that service out of their own resources, is vile beyond belief.
No.....There is no "its just like"...
Of all the things the lefties think planned parenthood provides, abortion services are the majority of their business.
If planned parenthood is SO important and so necessary, why is it that the private sector is not the main benefactor? Why is it that planned parenthood cannot possibly survive without taxpayer funding?
Why is it you libs believe it necessary for your pet programs to be funded in a captive market?
Planned Parenthood provides Pap smears, STD testing, birth control......all kinds of women's health services. Because they also provide legal, safe abortions, some people want them shut down.

That would be akin to me refusing to pay any taxes because the government funds our military, which kills people.

Your analogy is very poor. It's like shutting down hospitals because they treat people with AIDS. Yes they do a lot of other things, but because they take all forms of injury, without question, people don't want to pay for them to treat homosexuals and drug users so they shut the hospital down.

Abortions are not illegal, and to shut down Planned Parenthood for providing a legal service to women, who pay for that service out of their own resources, is vile beyond belief.

I think we might be in agreement, except that you don't like my analogy....which is actually spot on.

Abortion is legal, and so is war. To deprive soldiers or PP funding because of one aspect that some find morally reprehensible is, as you said, vile.
You do realize that in EVERY abortion a life is taken? How to you get past that point? It is nothing like taking care of veterans, it is actually quite the opposite.

You realize it is legal, and therefore none of your fucking business, right? I don't have to get past anything, since I have no compulsion to get an abortion.

Oh, if only you leftwads judged EVERYTHING on the basis of "it's legal, so it's none of my business". As far as I can tell, your entire political platform is getting involved in legal things that should be none of your business.
Planned Parenthood provides Pap smears, STD testing, birth control......all kinds of women's health services. Because they also provide legal, safe abortions, some people want them shut down.

That would be akin to me refusing to pay any taxes because the government funds our military, which kills people.

Perhaps you all should take advantage of the birth control and not so much the abortions?

Perhaps it's none of your fucking business.

Oh dear, I'm sorry. What I meant was, "It is definitely none of your fucking business."

Irresponsible....that would be you. As long as my tax dollars are involved it is my fucking business.

First of all, tax money doesn't go toward abortions. Secondly, even if it did, medical decisions are not up for consensus of the people; they are between a patient and his or her doctor.

Again, it is None. Of. Your. Fucking. Business.
Nice try.....PP IS taxpayer funded.
If you believe PP to be so important, why is it not important to the point where it can be 100% privately funded?
Planned Parenthood provides Pap smears, STD testing, birth control......all kinds of women's health services. Because they also provide legal, safe abortions, some people want them shut down.

That would be akin to me refusing to pay any taxes because the government funds our military, which kills people.
Why are my tax dollars going to support free medical care for irresponsible people?

Whether or not Planned Parenthood exists, whether the patients are irresponsible or otherwise, your tax dollars go to medical care of the poor.

Why are my tax dollars going to wars that I find morally reprehensible? Because that's the nature of taxes. You don't get to choose what to pay for from an al a carte menu.

Which leads us back to the difference between grants to private institutions and ACTUAL BRANCHES OF THE GOVERNMENT.

Because, see, we DO get to choose from an a la carte menu of private institutions receiving tax money.
Planned Parenthood provides Pap smears, STD testing, birth control......all kinds of women's health services. Because they also provide legal, safe abortions, some people want them shut down.

That would be akin to me refusing to pay any taxes because the government funds our military, which kills people.
Why are my tax dollars going to support free medical care for irresponsible people?

Whether or not Planned Parenthood exists, whether the patients are irresponsible or otherwise, your tax dollars go to medical care of the poor.

Why are my tax dollars going to wars that I find morally reprehensible? Because that's the nature of taxes. You don't get to choose what to pay for from an al a carte menu.
Poor people have obamacare now. No need for planned parenthood. Let the women get a gynecologist, that they can regularly see. Better for the patient to have a regular doctor doctor that sees them.

They keep trying to pretend there are vast swatches of the country that have no doctors except the Planned Parenthood clinic. I have yet to find a leftist who can identify even ONE such place.
Planned Parenthood provides Pap smears, STD testing, birth control......all kinds of women's health services. Because they also provide legal, safe abortions, some people want them shut down.

That would be akin to me refusing to pay any taxes because the government funds our military, which kills people.
No......Stop emoting leftist pap.
First off genius, the establishment of a standing Army is an essential function of government.
That is part of the US Constitution. Planned parenthood is a socialists wet dream and it needs to be off the taxpayer teat.
At one time PP was a genuine organization which had one function. To help couples prepare for rearing children and assisting those with pre and post natal care of both mother and child.
Today PP is a left wing political organization which maintains a budget so as long as it promotes the left wing agenda. PP leadership also outwardly supports democrat candidates by kicking back a portion of its funding to democrat PAC's and the DNC.
Taxpayers should not be funding politically motivated social entitlement
Perhaps it's none of your fucking business.

Oh dear, I'm sorry. What I meant was, "It is definitely none of your fucking business."

Irresponsible....that would be you. As long as my tax dollars are involved it is my fucking business.

First of all, tax money doesn't go toward abortions. Secondly, even if it did, medical decisions are not up for consensus of the people; they are between a patient and his or her doctor.

Again, it is None. Of. Your. Fucking. Business.

Yes it's my business, my tax dollars are involved and if you really believe tax dollars are not invoved in abortions yore a duped fool.

Read and learn. I believe in you.

Public Funding for Abortion

So tell me something, oh accounting wizard. By this same theory, would you be okay with the federal government giving money to private religious schools as long as the funds were earmarked and kept separate JUST for strictly academic courses, and all funding for religious classes came from separate, private funds? Or would you insist that that would constitute spending tax money on promoting religion? Why or why not?

Funny enough, that question landed directly in my sphere of experience . I worked at a private Catholic school that still received government funding, as we served a poor community. It stipulated that the UPK funding was for the morning session, with the understanding that religion was taught in the afternoon.

Parents knew that we were a Catholic school. I found no conflict.
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Planned Parenthood provides Pap smears, STD testing, birth control......all kinds of women's health services. Because they also provide legal, safe abortions, some people want them shut down.

That would be akin to me refusing to pay any taxes because the government funds our military, which kills people.
Why are my tax dollars going to support free medical care for irresponsible people?

Whether or not Planned Parenthood exists, whether the patients are irresponsible or otherwise, your tax dollars go to medical care of the poor.

Why are my tax dollars going to wars that I find morally reprehensible? Because that's the nature of taxes. You don't get to choose what to pay for from an al a carte menu.

Which leads us back to the difference between grants to private institutions and ACTUAL BRANCHES OF THE GOVERNMENT.

Because, see, we DO get to choose from an a la carte menu of private institutions receiving tax money.

Really? Then check off on your tax return that you don't want money going to Planned Parenthood. Simple. If you had that option. But you don't.
Hey asshole,

Our military kills innocents all the time under the umbrella of "collateral damage."

I don't defend abortion, I simply acknowledge its legality and that otherwise, it is none of your fucking business.
Don't you ever compare the U.S. Military that defends this nation to some irresponsible bitch the consciously go in to a clinic and practices infanticide because a baby might put a crimp in her lifestyle. Every mother that gets and abortion is a Casey Anthony.

You mad?

I will compare the military that kills civilians in other countries to women who have abortions. Your characterization of every women who gets an abortion as an "irresponsible bitch" is just as wrong and incendiary as me calling U.S. soldiers "baby-killers."

I wouldn't do such a thing, but you just did. Shame on you.
Your analogy is misguided. US soldiers are men of honor who defend our nation. Any woman who matches into an abortion clinic has no honor. They are a disgrace. Take responsibility. It's really simple: " If I have sex ...I might get pregnant."

It's clear that not every US soldier is a man of honor....only the ones who act honorably. And not every woman who gets an abortion is irresponsible.....just those who act irresponsibly.

Either way, what a soldier does is between him and his commanding officer, and what a woman does at PP is between her and her doctor.

Last I read PP only does 3% of vists for abortions, so why jeopardize the other 97% of poor women who need PP for medical care?


Yes, and if I was at all inclined to take Planned Parenthood's word for it (because that's where that number originated), that would work.

Unfortunately, their statistical record keeping is as questionable as their accounting is.

So how does Planned Parenthood arrive at that gleaming 3%? Simple. They consider every single clinical interaction as a separate "medical service", and then just count them up as though there's no difference between them whatsoever. Therefore, if a woman comes in and tells the receptionist, "Hey, I need a free condom", takes it from her hand and walks out, and then a month later comes in to pee on a stick and find out if she's pregnant (because the condom broke), and then a week later comes and gets an abortion because the stick showed positive, each of those is considered a "medical service", exactly the same and indistinguishable from each other. Also, if that same woman comes in a month later, says, "Y'know, I should really get a mammogram", it counts as a "medical service" when Planned Parenthood replies, "We don't have the machine for that. Here's the phone number for the radiology clinic two blocks over."

Basically, if Planned Parenthood decided to go to a street fair and hand out free condoms, they would count each person they gave one to as a "medical service" in their bookkeeping. And no, I'm neither kidding nor exaggerating.

Planned Parenthood's own annual report shows that 12% of people who received a "medical service" from them got an abortion during that reporting year. It's just that, y'know, getting an abortion ALSO includes a pregnancy test, AND a physical exam, etc.

And finally, explain to me again why these "poor women" can't get the same care somewhere else? Are there places that have no medical clinics except Planned Parenthood? If so, where?
Planned Parenthood provides Pap smears, STD testing, birth control......all kinds of women's health services. Because they also provide legal, safe abortions, some people want them shut down.

That would be akin to me refusing to pay any taxes because the government funds our military, which kills people.
No......Stop emoting leftist pap.
First off genius, the establishment of a standing Army is an essential function of government.
That is part of the US Constitution. Planned parenthood is a socialists wet dream and it needs to be off the taxpayer teat.
At one time PP was a genuine organization which had one function. To help couples prepare for rearing children and assisting those with pre and post natal care of both mother and child.
Today PP is a left wing political organization which maintains a budget so as long as it promotes the left wing agenda. PP leadership also outwardly supports democrat candidates by kicking back a portion of its funding to democrat PAC's and the DNC.
Taxpayers should not be funding politically motivated social entitlement

Ohhhhh.......and yet they do. You should get on that right away.
Irresponsible....that would be you. As long as my tax dollars are involved it is my fucking business.

First of all, tax money doesn't go toward abortions. Secondly, even if it did, medical decisions are not up for consensus of the people; they are between a patient and his or her doctor.

Again, it is None. Of. Your. Fucking. Business.

Yes it's my business, my tax dollars are involved and if you really believe tax dollars are not invoved in abortions yore a duped fool.

Read and learn. I believe in you.

Public Funding for Abortion

So tell me something, oh accounting wizard. By this same theory, would you be okay with the federal government giving money to private religious schools as long as the funds were earmarked and kept separate JUST for strictly academic courses, and all funding for religious classes came from separate, private funds? Or would you insist that that would constitute spending tax money on promoting religion? Why or why not?

Funny enough, that question landed directly in my sphere of influence. I worked at a private Catholic school that still received government funding, as we served a poor community. It stipulated that the UPK funding was for the morning session, with the understanding that religion was taught in the afternoon.

Parents knew that we were a Catholic school. I found no conflict.

Mhmmm, and if your leftist fellow travelers pitched a fit and demanded that tax funding for that school be stopped and diverted to schools that don't have a religious component, would you be throwing the same sort of fit and insisting that there were no other schools those children could attend?
Planned Parenthood provides Pap smears, STD testing, birth control......all kinds of women's health services. Because they also provide legal, safe abortions, some people want them shut down.

That would be akin to me refusing to pay any taxes because the government funds our military, which kills people.
Why are my tax dollars going to support free medical care for irresponsible people?

Whether or not Planned Parenthood exists, whether the patients are irresponsible or otherwise, your tax dollars go to medical care of the poor.

Why are my tax dollars going to wars that I find morally reprehensible? Because that's the nature of taxes. You don't get to choose what to pay for from an al a carte menu.

Which leads us back to the difference between grants to private institutions and ACTUAL BRANCHES OF THE GOVERNMENT.

Because, see, we DO get to choose from an a la carte menu of private institutions receiving tax money.

Really? Then check off on your tax return that you don't want money going to Planned Parenthood. Simple. If you had that option. But you don't.

Yes, because that's the only say American voters have in how taxes are spent. :rolleyes:
First of all, tax money doesn't go toward abortions. Secondly, even if it did, medical decisions are not up for consensus of the people; they are between a patient and his or her doctor.

Again, it is None. Of. Your. Fucking. Business.

Yes it's my business, my tax dollars are involved and if you really believe tax dollars are not invoved in abortions yore a duped fool.

Read and learn. I believe in you.

Public Funding for Abortion

So tell me something, oh accounting wizard. By this same theory, would you be okay with the federal government giving money to private religious schools as long as the funds were earmarked and kept separate JUST for strictly academic courses, and all funding for religious classes came from separate, private funds? Or would you insist that that would constitute spending tax money on promoting religion? Why or why not?

Funny enough, that question landed directly in my sphere of influence. I worked at a private Catholic school that still received government funding, as we served a poor community. It stipulated that the UPK funding was for the morning session, with the understanding that religion was taught in the afternoon.

Parents knew that we were a Catholic school. I found no conflict.

Mhmmm, and if your leftist fellow travelers pitched a fit and demanded that tax funding for that school be stopped and diverted to schools that don't have a religious component, would you be throwing the same sort of fit and insisting that there were no other schools those children could attend?

There was no fit pitched.

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