Tired of Winning Yet? Not Me!

I am not tired of winning. The Pens are up 5-zip against the evil Flyers!
Damn your Pens! :mad:


Winning ?

What does that mean ?

That we beat somebody ?

Winning means that we are no longer plagued with fines (or taxes) for not buying something we don't want, don't need or can't afford. Winning is getting more in our paychecks and at tax time. Winning is the country flourishing in economic conditions and confidence in our future. Winning is having a great judge like Goresuch on the bench and possibly more to come. Winning is rebuilding our military and putting fear into our international foes. Winning is no longer being the country with the highest corporate tax rate in the world. Winning is having somebody on our side when it comes to invaders taking over our country.

That's what winning means.
Between fucking hookers and weekly golf vacations, it’s amazing how Trump has still found time to escalate the chances for WW3, global trade wars, and the end of our nation

Really? Well in that case, I take great pleasure in knowing that should I be reduced to a pile of smouldering radioactive rubble, you will too.

And better yet, I won't have to read any more of your idiotic posts.

See ya on the other side. :biggrin:
President Donald J. Trump continues to keep campaign promise, after campaign promise. Backed down China on unfair trade practices (helping US workers). Securing our border and preserving national security. Getting ready to smack Putin’s ass so hard he will never act up again. Assad will fall. Making the world safer. Iran is about to get their ass smacked too. North Korea is next. Winner, winner, chicken dinner!!!
Dow rallies 429 points after Xi Jinping calms trade fears
Dow is down over 200 today...
It goes up and down. What’s good for Wall Street isn’t always good for Main Street.
Mostly down since Trumps policies have really been into effect.

Trump has been the only American president under whom the stock market has gone up for 12 consecutive months in a row.

I am sorry if your butt is hurt.
Between fucking hookers and weekly golf vacations, it’s amazing how Trump has still found time to escalate the chances for WW3, global trade wars, and the end of our nation
Not gonna lie, if I had a body sized rubber I would have ducked that whore too. You could play tether ball with those titties bruh
Between fucking hookers and weekly golf vacations, it’s amazing how Trump has still found time to escalate the chances for WW3, global trade wars, and the end of our nation
Not gonna lie, if I had a body sized rubber I would have ducked that whore too. You could play tether ball with those titties bruh
Yeah but anything the greasy orange slob has defiled looks disgusting to me now
Look at what is happening with China and North Korea. He has taken them head on and in both cases they are coming to the table to talk trade deficits and de-nuclearization. No other President ever achieved that and he is barely out of his first year. Have you heard Donald Trump given even one iota of credit from Democrat controlled media? Of course not. They are too busy reporting on minutia that their army of muckrakers have dug up on Trump. Or providing cover for the 3 ring circus that Mueller is conducting. The behavior of the Left and their Media should disgust any real American.

Just so I'm clear a REAL American supports the President. At a minimum, a REAL American gives the new President a chance.
Between fucking hookers and weekly golf vacations, it’s amazing how Trump has still found time to escalate the chances for WW3, global trade wars, and the end of our nation
Well...work hard play hard.
Look at what is happening with China and North Korea. He has taken them head on and in both cases they are coming to the table to talk trade deficits and de-nuclearization. No other President ever achieved that and he is barely out of his first year. Have you heard Donald Trump given even one iota of credit from Democrat controlled media? Of course not. They are too busy reporting on minutia that their army of muckrakers have dug up on Trump. Or providing cover for the 3 ring circus that Mueller is conducting. The behavior of the Left and their Media should disgust any real American.

Just so I'm clear a REAL American supports the President. At a minimum, a REAL American gives the new President a chance.
One of best post ever.
Look at what is happening with China and North Korea. He has taken them head on and in both cases they are coming to the table to talk trade deficits and de-nuclearization.
They've come to talks a million times.

Maybe, but only for a phony photo op or PR move. They fly back home with a worthless piece of paper that nobody will adhere to.
Can't stump the Trump. Everything he's done so far has been MAGA.
He is fast becoming a great President.

The partisan hacks will never admit to such a thing. Great economy, record breaking employment levels, decreasing social program dependency, and now he wants to make moochers work for the tax dollars they've been collecting while sitting at home.

I can't think of a President that accomplished so much in a little under a year and a half; especially with these commie judges trying to stop progress every step of the way.

He's a president.

He was elected when no one thought he would be.

He is breaking a lot of tradition.

Great ?

We'll let history decide.

But watching the baboons on the left shriek and sling poop is all to fun.

....he doesn't care about his legacy or what people think about him.....

This might be the dumbest thing you have posted yet. I am not sure any man alive cares more about what people think about him.

You think he lies about the best and biggest and knowing the most because he does not care what people think?

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President Donald J. Trump continues to keep campaign promise, after campaign promise. Backed down China on unfair trade practices (helping US workers). Securing our border and preserving national security. Getting ready to smack Putin’s ass so hard he will never act up again. Assad will fall. Making the world safer. Iran is about to get their ass smacked too. North Korea is next. Winner, winner, chicken dinner!!!
Dow rallies 429 points after Xi Jinping calms trade fears
Dow is down over 200 today...
It goes up and down. What’s good for Wall Street isn’t always good for Main Street.
Mostly down since Trumps policies have really been into effect.

Trump has been the only American president under whom the stock market has gone up for 12 consecutive months in a row.

I am sorry if your butt is hurt.

It is quite down from it's high. It did great when it was riding the Obama economy though. Since Trump policies have been into effect, not so much...

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