Titanic tourist submarine goes missing in the Atlantic Ocean

Rich people are invincible and so much smarter than everybody else. A big tax cut should bring them back, no problem.

I feel sorry for the 19 year old kid, though.
Well….this explains a lot…

CEO of the sub explains how he didn’t want to hire “50 year old white guys” because they aren’t “inspiring” enough,…

Go woke, get soaked…

Well….this explains a lot…

CEO of the sub explains how he didn’t want to hire “50 year old white guys” because they aren’t “inspiring” enough,…

Go woke, get soaked…

OMG I thought you were teasing.

My FIL took one of those submarines down to the Titanic site several years ago and I saw what it did to a styrofoam cup. Yikes.

"Titanic sub search: ‘underwater noises’ picked up by Canadian plane, US coast guard says"​

"Search aircraft with underwater detection capabilities picked up a banging sound every 30 minutes for several hours, CNN and Rolling Stone reported, citing US government memos. The emails did not make clear when the sounds were picked up."

I know, 'hope springs eternal'
I think the submersible weighs 23,000 lbs., not to mention I'm not sure you can find 13,000 feet of cable attached to a winch anywhere, and whether or not it could lift such weight from that depth is unlikely. What I don't understand is why this submersible is not equipped with an emergency feature like a buoyancy control vest for scuba divers, which fills with air from your tanks and propels you to the surface.
What would you really expect from a Disney-like tourist attraction for rich people which is literally controlled by a game-controller joystick and other "off the shelf" components? Supposedly the thing has internal lights bought from an RV store. The submersible is made of a Frankenstein combination of cutting-edge state-of-the-art engineering and cheap Chinese parts.

They had to really cut some corners to make this ride available.

We've all read about the things which go horribly wrong on cruise ships.

Increase the probability tenfold for this contraption.
@ scenarios

The scenario most feared is that the vessel suffered a catastrophic failure. At such depth, a hull breach would be devastating. “If something’s gone wrong, there’s a good chance it’s gone very wrong,” said Williams. “If the pressure vessel has failed catastrophically, it’s like a small bomb going off. The potential is that all the safety devices might be destroyed in the process.”
Such a fate would probably trigger signals in military hydrophones that are deployed throughout the world’s oceans. When an Argentine submarine was lost in 2017, hydrophones off Ascension Island and the Crozet Islands detected an acoustic signal consistent with a catastrophic failure of the submarine. “Just knowing where the vessel is is a big consideration,” said Williams. “The best case scenario is that the vessel has popped up and can be found visually or with radar.”


Hard to believe that this submersible was designed and deployed without even an emergency distress signal, much less manually-operated surface capabilities. It's speculated that the passengers might be banging on the hull with cups.

US Coast Guard says search has still not found the vessel, and they are seeking a 2nd opinion on the Canadian acoustics...

What did it do?
The pressure took an avg sized cup and shrunk it to a one inch by one inch cup. We have it somewhere but my husbands out of town. If I can take a pic of it I will. I know my FIL paid a lot of money to do that but not the purported $225k I’m sure. I’m guessing this was about15 yrs ago.
Hard to believe that this submersible was designed and deployed without even an emergency distress signal, much less manually-operated surface capabilities. It's speculated that the passengers might be banging on the hull with cups.

US Coast Guard says search has still not found the vessel, and they are seeking a 2nd opinion on the Canadian acoustics...

Is there still any hope?

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