Titanic tourist submarine goes missing in the Atlantic Ocean

If the sub imploded that would be mercy. Waiting to die in a situation like that is living hell.
Which is worse - being stuck in the bottom, in the cold and the dark as you fade into unconsciousness or bobbing on the surface of an empty sea, bolted into a cylinder filled with the sloshing vomit and excrement of your fellow crew, peering out the porthole, freedom just out of reach on the other side of the glass?
The Sub's mission was the Titanic. If they had a decompression problem at over 2,000 feet sadly they might be flat as a beer can amid a field of hundreds of Titanic debris junk. Hard to find.
This archived information (no longer available, archive link at the bottom) is interesting and includes lots of pictures of the construction...

Titan's electrical systems were nearly completely destroyed in a lightning strike in 2018, but the rebuilt submersible made successful dives afterwards.

Additionally, the carbon fiber hull was coated in polyurethane to prevent saltwater intrusion.

Also, there is an interior fiberglass liner intended to reduce the likelihood of ground faults on the electronics.

Finally, the deleted page also notes that the design was validated to about 9000 psi, about 1.5x the pressure at the Titanic. This is consistent with US Navy practice according to [Link]



Titanic tourist submarine goes missing in the Atlantic Ocean​

Can a submarine get lost?
As this sub was built from scratch, you have no real safety certification, the builder must have known that there might be some kind of malfunction eventually. At those depths , there is no room for mistakes. A problem just waiting to materialize. I would not have gotten on a sub like that,built from scratch.?!
As this sub was built from scratch, you have no real safety certification, the builder must have known that there might be some kind of malfunction eventually. At those depths , there is no room for mistakes. A problem just waiting to materialize. I would not have gotten on a sub like that,built from scratch.?!
Well, for years it seemed to work. :)
My question is....

Who are/were the passengers?
That might be a clue....

If they were bored Russian oligarchs looking for fun....they are going to be just like the SS Minnow.
Are there any new news about the case of the lost sub?

A CANADIAN AIRCRAFT searching for the missing Titan submersible, which failed to return Sunday from an expedition to the wreckage of the Titanic, detected “banging” in 30-minute intervals coming from the area the divers disappeared, according to internal e-mail updates sent to Department of Homeland Security leadership and obtained by Rolling Stone.

“RCC Halifax launched a P8, Poseidon, which has underwater detection capabilities from the air,” the DHS e-mails read. “The P8 deployed sonobuoys, which reported a contact in a position close to the distress position. The P8 heard banging sounds in the area every 30 minutes. Four hours later additional sonar was deployed and banging was still heard.” The announcement did not state what time the banging was heard, or what was thought to have caused it.
The Boston Coast Guard declined to comment on the reported “banging” sounds, as did the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The U.S. Fleet Forces Command, the DHS, and the U.S. Coast Guard did not respond to requests for comment.

An e-mail sent Tuesday afternoon from the president of the travel and research group, the Explorers Society, stated, “It is being reported that at 2 a.m. local time on site that sonar detected potential ‘tapping sounds’ at the location, implying crew may be alive and signaling.” The Boston Coast Guard, which is leading the rescue efforts, did not immediately reply to a request for comment on the reported tapping sounds.
13,000 feet of strong steel cable, a really strong winch, hope the thing has an anchor point, and surround it would buoyant materials.

The question is can they get that setup before the air runs out.
Hopefully they will be okay.

David Pogue said there were many red flags about the submarine​

Pogue publicly addressed his concerns with the Titan in both his CBS report and an episode of his “Unsung Science" podcast.

He replied to a Twitter user Tuesday saying there were “many red flags” that urged him to challenge Rush on the submersible’s construction and the safety of future passengers. Pogue had already been concerned about the vehicle prior to his experiences on it.

“Yes, I was pretty terrified. I didn’t sleep the night before at all,” Pogue wrote on Twitter.

OceanGate was warned of potential for "catastrophic" problems with Titanic mission.....the New York Times is reporting.

Very sad tragedy.
[Breaking news update, published at 11:08 p.m. ET]

Crews searching for the Titan submersible heard banging sounds every 30 minutes and four hours later, after additional sonar devices were deployed, banging was still heard, according to an internal government memo.
Unlike the Titanic, submarines are supposed to go down. But they’re supposed to come back up again.
Yeah, I thought that 'bubble' on the sub looked a bit sketchy, from what I have seen, those deep submersibles have a small, porthole with very thick glass.

Um I just read a few Twitter threads re: a deep sea "implosion". Yikes. I guess the one mercy is it would be very, very fast.

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