Titanic tourist submarine goes missing in the Atlantic Ocean

I think the submersible weighs 23,000 lbs., not to mention I'm not sure you can find 13,000 feet of cable attached to a winch anywhere, and whether or not it could lift such weight from that depth is unlikely. What I don't understand is why this submersible is not equipped with an emergency feature like a buoyancy control vest for scuba divers, which fills with air from your tanks and propels you to the surface.
Surfacing too quickly would mean certain death.
Serious question:

Do you still have any hope that this boat can be saved with the people in it still alive?
1. There are two of them. Company should have had the other one ready for a rescue....


2. Torque sequence for the viewport is written in smudged marker...



3. Sadly, all this talk about the crew being stuck and going to run out of air does not make much sense. They are likely already dead. If they were stuck, the crew would be communicating. If they had lost all power, crew would have released ballasts and float to surface. It's nice for the media to hold out hope, but it's most likely that something catastrophic has happened.
Serious question:

Do you still have any hope that this boat can be saved with the people in it still alive?
No. They never had a chance unless they are bobbing along the surface somewhere. I have to wonder why this thing is painted white and not blaze orange or neon green, good lucking spotting it from the air.
1. There are two of them. Company should have had the other one ready for a rescue....


2. Torque sequence for the viewport is written in smudged marker...

View attachment 796962

3. Sadly, all this talk about the crew being stuck and going to run out of air does not make much sense. They are likely already dead. If they were stuck, the crew would be communicating. If they had lost all power, crew would have released ballasts and float to surface. It's nice for the media to hold out hope, but it's most likely that something catastrophic has happened.
I very much fear so as well ....
1. There are two of them. Company should have had the other one ready for a rescue....


2. Torque sequence for the viewport is written in smudged marker...

View attachment 796962

3. Sadly, all this talk about the crew being stuck and going to run out of air does not make much sense. They are likely already dead. If they were stuck, the crew would be communicating. If they had lost all power, crew would have released ballasts and float to surface. It's nice for the media to hold out hope, but it's most likely that something catastrophic has happened.
4. This shows that the submersible was operating on the hairy edge of safety. While intended to show how safe the submersible is, these features were added because it is to inherently unsafe...

"...the proprietary Real Time Hull Health Monitoring (RTM) systems provides an unparalleled safety feature that assesses the integrity of the hull throughout every dive....

Real-Time Health Monitoring

The most significant innovation is the proprietary real-time hull health monitoring (RTM) system. Titan is the only manned submersible to employ an integrated real-time health monitoring system. Utilizing co-located acoustic sensors and strain gauges throughout the pressure boundary, the RTM system makes it possible to analyze the effects of changing pressure on the vessel as the submersible dives deeper, and accurately assess the integrity of the structure. This onboard health analysis monitoring system provides early warning detection for the pilot with enough time to arrest the descent and safely return to surface.

They lost comms 1.5 hrs into the dive.
Yes, everyone knows that. One hour 45 mins, takes 2 hours to hit bottom.

They waited eight hours to report it.

So all this talk about being stuck waiting for the air to run out makes no sense.

Stopped communicating does not stop submersible from surfacing.

Stuck on bottom does not stop submersible from communicating.

The media has not thought this out one bit. The logical thing is that the loss of communication was a catastrophic event. This, sadly, makes the most sense.
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Serious question:

Do you still have any hope that this boat can be saved with the people in it still alive?

Hope for the best, plan for the worst.
Some of them could still be alive if the hull is unimploded and resting on the ocean floor. There's still a couple of days O2 left for the five occupants and that can be stretched if they are resourceful.

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