Titanic was an inside job

Two words.

"Controlled Sinking".

Google it.

Correct. And as this time-period image shows


the demolition charges were placed near the middle of the ship. You'll also note in the evidence above that the sides of the ship are made of reinforced concrete, not the "riveted-steel" lie that the Illuminati-controlled governments continue to perpetuate.

The Titanic sank at freefall speeds...no way an iceberg could do that
Two words.

"Controlled Sinking".

Google it.

Correct. And as this time-period image shows


the demolition charges were placed near the middle of the ship. You'll also note in the evidence above that the sides of the ship are made of reinforced concrete, not the "riveted-steel" lie that the Illuminati-controlled governments continue to perpetuate.

The Titanic sank at freefall speeds...no way an iceberg could do that

Unless the iceberg hit the precise spot on the Titanic that was rigged to explode by Cheney and Haliburton, using thermite and termites to weaken the hull causing it to sink at near freefall speed while exposing the concrete cores.

Or something like that.
Looks like the secrets of the Titanic went down with her

Questions that may never be answered

Why did the Titanic sink at freefall speeds?
Why didn't anyone investigate the iceberg? Were they afraid at what they might find?
Why were there no Muslims aboard the Titanic? Were they tipped off?
Why does the ship splitting in two look like a controlled demo?
Why are the survivors suddenly silent? None of the survivors have spoken in ten years?
No way could ice sink a ship....controlled demo
Even more fishy...is why he would invest in a ship that isn't ice proof

Well, according to Rosie O'Donnell, it is the first time in history that ice ever cut through steel...

you see is is a lame attempt at a weak mined media controlled individual that has been programed to associate 9/11 truth with fat lesbian comedians instead of patriots.. 9/11 commission members.. NIST researchers and victims family's...and then actually thinks she is funny..or witty...it is so sad...
That "fat comedian" agrees with YOUR side.:lol::lol:Shut up, bitch.
Well, according to Rosie O'Donnell, it is the first time in history that ice ever cut through steel...

you see is is a lame attempt at a weak mined media controlled individual that has been programed to associate 9/11 truth with fat lesbian comedians instead of patriots.. 9/11 commission members.. NIST researchers and victims family's...and then actually thinks she is funny..or witty...it is so sad...
That "fat comedian" agrees with YOUR side.:lol::lol:Shut up, bitch.
no no no, you dont get it
Rosie was part of the disinfo campaign

there was no concrete in the hull of the titanic

yes there was because i have pictures of the steel as it was being built. i also have MS PAINT and can draw arrows. therefore is is a fact and can not be refuted.
MS Paint???? SHIT!!! I wondered where Chris took those pictures with the arrows. I watched videos on the Titanic AND 9/11 and never saw those arrows floating in the air live!!:lol::lol:
Notice how the Titanic split in two. Clear evidence that explosives were used to sink the Titanic

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Smoking gun proving the sinking was faked

One of the biggest coverups in history was the myth that the Titanic somehow sank after hitting an iceberg. How stupid do they think people are?

Ice is FROZEN WATER it is not stronger than metal. If the Titanic really struck an iceberg, the iceberg would have sank.

If you don't believe me, try an experiment at home. Take a block of ice out of your freezer and hit it with a hammer. What breaks? The hammer or the ice?

Why, with unassailable logic like this, you could have the world from which to choose a career! You could have a radio talk show nationally syndicated with millions of agreeable minions at your beaconing call. You could be Governor of Alaska and quit in the middle of your term. Then take a boat load of cash out of Rupert Murdoch's clutches while you pimp your family for ratings.

You could apply for a fellowship with the Heritage Foundation and make your opinions have a veneer of credibility.

Yes sir! Rightwinger, keep up the grand pieces of thinking like this and the world's your oyster!
One of the biggest coverups in history was the myth that the Titanic somehow sank after hitting an iceberg. How stupid do they think people are?

Ice is FROZEN WATER it is not stronger than metal. If the Titanic really struck an iceberg, the iceberg would have sank.

If you don't believe me, try an experiment at home. Take a block of ice out of your freezer and hit it with a hammer. What breaks? The hammer or the ice?

Why, with unassailable logic like this, you could have the world from which to choose a career! You could have a radio talk show nationally syndicated with millions of agreeable minions at your beaconing call. You could be Governor of Alaska and quit in the middle of your term. Then take a boat load of cash out of Rupert Murdoch's clutches while you pimp your family for ratings.

You could apply for a fellowship with the Heritage Foundation and make your opinions have a veneer of credibility.

Yes sir! Rightwinger, keep up the grand pieces of thinking like this and the world's your oyster!

This story is too big for Fox News to cover
One of the biggest coverups in history was the myth that the Titanic somehow sank after hitting an iceberg. How stupid do they think people are?

Ice is FROZEN WATER it is not stronger than metal. If the Titanic really struck an iceberg, the iceberg would have sank.

If you don't believe me, try an experiment at home. Take a block of ice out of your freezer and hit it with a hammer. What breaks? The hammer or the ice?

Why, with unassailable logic like this, you could have the world from which to choose a career! You could have a radio talk show nationally syndicated with millions of agreeable minions at your beaconing call. You could be Governor of Alaska and quit in the middle of your term. Then take a boat load of cash out of Rupert Murdoch's clutches while you pimp your family for ratings.

You could apply for a fellowship with the Heritage Foundation and make your opinions have a veneer of credibility.

Yes sir! Rightwinger, keep up the grand pieces of thinking like this and the world's your oyster!

This story is too big for Fox News to cover
They do tend to over cover minutiae and ignore the important, don't they?
If the US didn't screw up the climate and cause global cooling they wouldn't have had that ice cube floating around in the shipping lanes.

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