Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

Agents attempting to conceal felony, mass murder on 9-11, failing to recognize violations of law, refusing to acknowledge independently verified evidence


have no way to counter the authority of Robertson, who is verified by Oxford, verifying Domel who describes a concrete core verified by the image of WTC 2 core, verifying the top of WTC 2 core falling onto WTC 3, the WTC 1 rebar, just after the WTC 1 west core wall is seen in an end view, then, the WTC 1 east shear wall toppling, consistent with interior box columns silhouetted on WTC 1 north core wall, consistent with ground zero showing the WTC 1 north concrete core base wall, 12 foot thick, all supported as clarification of the many confused statements that do mention concrete in the core.
Your claims here have no credibility fuz. You need evidence to prove steel core columns and to debunk the concrete. You have niether.

The engineer of record for the Twin towers identified a concrete core 2 DAYS AFTER 9-11!

your words are meaningless since you are a proven liar.. anyone can check your link and see you are lying about your claim.

null post.
Your claims here have no credibility fuz. You need evidence to prove steel core columns and to debunk the concrete. You have niether.

The engineer of record for the Twin towers identified a concrete core 2 DAYS AFTER 9-11!

your words are meaningless since you are a proven liar.. anyone can check your link and see you are lying about your claim.

null post.

The link says this.

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

And a global encyclopedia, the Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992, identifies a concrete core as well.

Your claims here have no credibility fuz. You need evidence to prove steel core columns and to debunk the concrete. You have niether.

The engineer of record for the Twin towers identified a concrete core 2 DAYS AFTER 9-11!

your words are meaningless since you are a proven liar.. anyone can check your link and see you are lying about your claim.

null post.

The link says this.

Still, Robertson, whose firm is responsible for three of the six tallest buildings in the world, feels a sense of pride that the massive towers, supported by a steel-tube exoskeleton and a reinforced concrete core, held up as well as they did—managing to stand for over an hour despite direct hits from two massive commercial jetliners.

And a global encyclopedia, the Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992, identifies a concrete core as well.
yeah, the stupid reporter got it WRONG
and the story was PULLED from the MSNBC/Newsweek site
and the Oxford thing doesn't say what you claim it does
You are saying an internationally published magazine made an error relating to the cause of death in 3,000 murders and got it wrong? You are saying they did not correct it.

Sick secret you support, illogical methods.

BTW don't try and pass of that May 2002 article as if it were a correction.
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You are saying an inernationally published magazine made an error relating to the cause of death in 3,000 murders and got it wrong?

Sick secret your support, illogical methods.

the article was never published. it was on the website. it was wrong. it was pulled.
fuz has no proof. I remember it being up in 2005. MSNBC just cleaned up their server after years.

The info from the engineer of record in the article is a concrete core.


We see a concrete core.

whats the date of the article? what day of the week is that on? what day is newsweek published? there's your proof it was an online article, jackass. you remember it being online as late as 2005? is the the same memory you are using to say it's 3 inch rebar.... no wait, it's 6 inch rebar.... no wait, the core is 17 feet thick.... no wait, the core is 12 feet thick..... no wait, i forgot i didnt remember until i remembered it after i forgot but i'm sure what i remembered after i forgot is the same thing that i didnt remember before i forgot.

now prove me wrong. after all IT'S YOUR FUCKING EVIDENCE!! :lol:
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fuz has no proof. I remember it being up in 2005.

Ah, yes, that fabulous memory that has brought us some lovely tidbits like 3 or 6 inch rebar, and/or elevator support steel or rebar, and/or free fall speed that leaves the steel core standing long enough to be photographed multiple times by the same camera.

The same memory that forgets he has kids to support because the aggressive blinking reminds him of commitment papers from the 1860's that he thinks he remembers seeing.

The extraordinary memory that gave us DOD supplied, guarded and welded exploding rebar.

I put your memory on the same level as my goldfish's.
Apparently you have no evidence and just text in your efforts to protect secret methods of mass murder.

You seem to have forgotten that you need to prove that FEMA said the core looked like this.


Meaning that the only images that are acceptable, free from collusive misrepresentation, are 9-11 images. You need, in order to have any credibility for anything but treason, some evidence substanciating what you claim the core was. I can show concrete.

The concrete core of WTC 2.


I can show that Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invention and Technology, of 1992 identified a concrete core.
to protect secret methods

I told you I love my secret methods.

Would you like to know my secret method of getting a quarter to pass through a nickel sized hole in a piece of paper?

How about my secret method of making a volcano with Diet Coke & Menthos?

If you're really, really nice to me, I'll share my secret method of doing a homogeneous vertical 1,348 foot pour of concrete core without blowing out the bottom forms, or disturbing the C-4 & detonators from the 3 inch DoD rebar.
fuz has no proof. I remember it being up in 2005. MSNBC just cleaned up their server after years.

The info from the engineer of record in the article is a concrete core.


We see a concrete core.

whats the date of the article? what day of the week is that on? what day is newsweek published? there's your proof it was an online article, jackass.

Uh, you have no evidence and answer no questions. You act like a traitor. These people are learning that you support the secret methods that murdered their loved ones.

Chri$$y, you really have no compassion for the loss the victims families experienced from the events of 9/11. Try explaining your delusional bullshit to victims like this guy;


He lost his mind that day, and deserves our pity.
fuz has no proof. I remember it being up in 2005. MSNBC just cleaned up their server after years.

The info from the engineer of record in the article is a concrete core.

We see a concrete core.

whats the date of the article? what day of the week is that on? what day is newsweek published? there's your proof it was an online article, jackass.

Uh, you have no evidence and answer no questions. You act like a traitor. These people are learning that you support the secret methods that murdered their loved ones.
you dipshit, it wasnt PUBLISHED in the weekly magazine, it was only published on the web
and it was removed

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