Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

steel core. your concrete core hoax is debunked.

Wow. That is some classic schiozphrenia. Did you check out the flight of ideas in the middle of his rant? A bunch of loose odds and ends that are not connected by any logical string along with the paranoid delusions and hallucinations and complete lack of insight.
yup and it fits chri$$y to a T

Well, in fairness, most schizophrenics ideas are moving so fast that they can't properly verbalize them (as evidenced in the video) let alone type them.

I've always liked the schizophrenics I've dealt with, as long as they were medicated. On the whole, very nice and decent people with a very sad disease (that they have not control over).
Wow. That is some classic schiozphrenia. Did you check out the flight of ideas in the middle of his rant? A bunch of loose odds and ends that are not connected by any logical string along with the paranoid delusions and hallucinations and complete lack of insight.
yup and it fits chri$$y to a T

Well, in fairness, most schizophrenics ideas are moving so fast that they can't properly verbalize them (as evidenced in the video) let alone type them.

I've always liked the schizophrenics I've dealt with, as long as they were medicated. On the whole, very nice and decent people with a very sad disease (that they have not control over).
well, in Chri$$y's case, he is a delusional one
You've edited the post and removed the image that showed NO TRUSSES.

you are delusional.

doesnt matter anyway. these photos were taken by robertson. it is a picture from inside the core looking out through the steel core (right where you claim there is a concrete core) all the way to the outer walls. there is no concrete. your hoax is exposed as the delusional rantings of a paranoid schizophrenic.

case closed. steel core.
You've edited the post and removed the image that showed NO TRUSSES.
hey dipshit, i remove the images because most NORMAL people would realize they had already SEEN it in YOUR post
if you had a functioning BRAIN you would understand that
The engineer of record identifies a concrete core 2 days after 9-11 in a globally published magazine.

Images from 9-11 confirm that the core structure was concrete.


Agents fail to verify the core structure FEMA deceptively identifies.


Please explain how you screwed up and made the claim the dust and debris trailing from the perimeter columns falling onto WTC3 was actually a chunk of concrete?

Since you cannot provide independent verifications for your claim of steel core columns in support of FEMA there is no need for me to comply with ANY of your requests as you are supporting TREASON against the United States of America.

You cannot even source an image from 9-11 showing what the FEMA diagram depicts.

On the other hand, the buildings engineer of record identified a concrete core to Newsweek 2 days after 9-11 and what we see for the core of WTC 2 on 9-11 can only be a concrete core.


What state of the United States do you live in traitor?
Since you cannot provide independent verifications for your claim of steel core columns in support of FEMA there is no need for me to comply with ANY of your requests as you are supporting TREASON against the United States of America.

You cannot even source an image from 9-11 showing what the FEMA diagram depicts.

On the other hand, the buildings engineer of record identified a concrete core to Newsweek 2 days after 9-11 and what we see for the core of WTC 2 on 9-11 can only be a concrete core.

What state of the United States do you live in traitor?
you are totally fucking delusional
and the traitor lives in Santa Barbara county California
Agents.... he is on to us.

You are no ordered to remove yourselves from this thread before we give out too much information.

Please meet me at the normal location... Saturday night at 8:00 PM. Bring your disgronificators so that we can again coordinate our activities.

Additionally, Agent Spears.... please bring the updated blueprints.
Last edited:
The engineer of record identifies a concrete core 2 days after 9-11 in a globally published magazine.
===delusional bullshit removed===

stop lying. the engineer said no such thing. it was the reporter that said concrete core and not the engineer. there was no edition published 2 days after the attack. it was an internet only article and it was removed. the reporter published the wrong info. newsweek later published the correct info and it is still on their website.

this has all been shown to you before and its nothing new yet you continue to lie and claim things that simply are not true.

you are a liar.
Since you cannot provide independent verifications for your claim of steel core columns in support of FEMA there is no need for me to comply with ANY of your requests as you are supporting TREASON against the United States of America.

Translation of the above...
Christophera said:
I'm too much of a pussy to admit I'm wrong because my mistakes just keep piling up and people see how much of asshole I truly am

What state of the United States do you live in traitor?
Since you cannot provide independent verifications for your claim of steel core columns in support of FEMA there is no need for me to comply with ANY of your requests as you are supporting TREASON against the United States of America.

You cannot even source an image from 9-11 showing what the FEMA diagram depicts.

On the other hand, the buildings engineer of record identified a concrete core to Newsweek 2 days after 9-11 and what we see for the core of WTC 2 on 9-11 can only be a concrete core.


What state of the United States do you live in traitor?

Why were you so wrong about that photo?

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