Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

Tell me Goof-0-phera, how much have you earned so far this year for your blood-money website?

Have you earned more than the $6.38 you got last year?
i sure as hell hope he got LESS

Well, in his addled delusional mind, he thinks it was a good return for the 200 bucks he spent.

But he thiought it was worth it for the powerful server that comes with it.

Tell me Goof-0-phera, how much have you earned so far this year for your blood-money website?

Have you earned more than the $6.38 you got last year?
i sure as hell hope he got LESS

Well, in his addled delusional mind, he thinks it was a good return for the 200 bucks he spent.

But he thiought it was worth it for the powerful server that comes with it.

that was some funny shit, it sure was
he could get server space for WAY less than that
and likely have the same uplink capacity
Tell me Goof-0-phera, how much have you earned so far this year for your blood-money website?

Have you earned more than the $6.38 you got last year?

Money is important to you isn't it? Or, you hope you can compromise evidence by acting as though I've made money. More psyops manipulation.

There are people that need the truth and you stand against it.

none of those red arrows point to concrete, just STEEL

your paranoid delusions do NOT equal evidence

Correct, they point to steel TOTALLY INADEQUATE for core columns. The agent attempts to misrepresent my post. Typical psyops manipulation.

This is a portion of the east concrete core wal of WTC 1.

none of those red arrows point to concrete, just STEEL

your paranoid delusions do NOT equal evidence

Correct, they point to steel TOTALLY INADEQUATE for core columns. The agent attempts to misrepresent my post. Typical psyops manipulation.

This is a portion of the east concrete core wal of WTC 1.


You know Goof-0-phera, every time you repost this bullshit video, it amazes me how your agency could have detonated and vaporized your concrete core, but the blasts didn't take out the steel columns.

That's one hell of a precision job by your team. And using 1970's technology no less.

Hat's off to you, oh perpetrator of mass murder who knows all of the secret methods.
Tell me Goof-0-phera, how much have you earned so far this year for your blood-money website?

Have you earned more than the $6.38 you got last year?

Money is important to you isn't it? Or, you hope you can compromise evidence by acting as though I've made money. More psyops manipulation.

There are people that need the truth and you stand against it.


Hey Goof-0-phera, do you have these people's permission to use their images trying to make a profit on your blood-money website?

And tell me this. Were their lost loved ones in the towers, on the planes, at the Pentagon, or in Pennsylvania?

Or were they police or firefighters that went into the towers?

Or could they be supporters of a family that did lose loved ones?

Just because you can find pictures of sad people doesn't mean what you want them to mean. It's up to you to prove the content and context of the photo.

And what country does the flag represent? It's not an American flag. Whose is it?
I have a duty to support and defend the US Constitution and use of anything I might find is fully justified.

How does it feel to protect the secret methods used to kill this boys father?


if this was not true, you could post an image of this core on 9-11.


Or at least come up with a link to some official entitiy that could produce structural plans!

Or even recognize that there were violations of law that deprived the public of the plans.
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I have a duty to support and defend the US Constitution and use of anything I might find is fully justified.

How does it feel to protect the secret methods used to kill this boys father?


if this was not true, you could post an image of this core on 9-11.


Or at least come up with a link to some official entitiy that could produce structural plans!

Or even recognize that there were violations of law that deprived the public of the plans.

Same questions Goof-0-phera.

Who was this boy's father?

How and where did he die?

Did this little boy's mother/guardian give approval to use his photo? Did they know you are using it on a for-profit website?

Did his father die in the towers, or in Washington or Shanksville?

Content & context please, Agent.
You must recognize violations of law to be a credible inquisitor.

Right now, you are simply a conspirator taking turns in public deception and obsfucation of free speech working for justice.

Show the core structure you support as having existed on 9-11.


You cannot. The Towers had a concrete tubular core.

Show me my "obfuscation of free speech".

You are free to spout your delusional, retarded theories as much as you want.

Terrel is free to put out his goofiness.

911 inside job can too.

I'm free not to believe any of them, and I am free to point out stupidity and retardedness where I see it.

Now show me where I'm preventing you from peddling whatever trash you want to, or admit to being a liar about me.
Oh, and by the way, I am not "taking turns". I happen to be on vacation, and decided to spend some of it pointing out what a retard you are.

I thought it would be a nice way to relax.
Your false social group is careful to not be obvious. Natural behavior would have citizens ganging up on a poster that is as you say I am. However, without evidence that gets obvious. Then there is the admission of sunstein about cognitive infiltrations.

Cognitive Infiltration: Recommended Read from Project Censored | Dailycensored.com

Former Chicago and Harvard law professor Cass Sunstein, who in 2009 was appointed by President Barack Obama to direct an important executive branch office, had in 2008 co-authored an article containing a plan for the government to prevent the spread of anti-government “conspiracy theories.” Arguing that such theories are believed only by groups suffering from “informational isolation,” he advocated the use of anonymous government agents to engage in “cognitive infiltration” of these groups in order to introduce “cognitive diversity,” with the aim of breaking them up.

Noting that Sunstein’s proposal has evoked condemnations from across the political spectrum–not least because it, being similar to the FBI’s COINTELPRO of the 1960s, would be illegal–David Ray Griffin focuses on the fact that Sunstein’s primary target is the conspiracy theory advocated by the 9/11 Truth Movement.”
Show me my "obfuscation of free speech".

Pretending you do not know what you are doing is not credible.

You are supporting a major deception with everything you do. If this is not true, you will be able to post an image of this core structure on 9-11.


Sure, I can do that. The minute you tell me how to come up with an anti-gravity floor that can float above the roof of the towers with 47 steel columns to keep it from flying away.

Everyone else sees that image for what it is. A simplified rendition of the twins core and floor structure, designed to make it easier for the commission members to visualize the structure of the twins. They used this image to "flesh out" the schematics and, yes, blueprints they saw to have a complete mental picture of the design of the twins.

The sad thing is, you are fixated on one image from the commission's report, and you are dishonestly failing to report the text of the same report. Only a delusional little man would attempt to persuade people with such a simplistic trick.
in the magical world of the treasonous pussy, CriscoFEARa, not only is steel labeled as "concrete," but actual concrete floats!

Magical floating concrete floors!

Do you suppose his world has blue skies or might they be some other pretty color?
Very funny agent. And you are an agent because you fail to recognize violations of law that obstruct justice and deprive Americans of the building plans for the Twins, 6,000 photo files and 15,000 video tapes.

It treason to support secret methods of mass murder illegitimately used to justify war. Americans need truth, some more than others.

Your text is nothing and you cannot provide evidence from 9-11 showing this core structure.


Which BTW is the only official graphic depiction of the core of any kind.

Your refusal to recognize violations of law by officials depriving Americans of the building plans, phots and video tape shows you support secret methods of mass murder.
Your text is nothing and you cannot provide evidence from 9-11 showing this core structure.


L.E. Robertson identified a concrete core, and on 9-11 we a concrete core.

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