Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

yeah, sure, a multitude of photos show steel core columns, and they have been shown here by either posting them, or links to them several times
you just choose to remain delusional and deny it
yeah, sure, a multitude of agents have exposed their roles like you, and they have been shown here by either posting inadvertant admission of them, or links to showing them several times
you just choose to remain treasonal and deny it.
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yeah, sure, a multitude of agents have exposed their roles like you, and they have been shown here by either posting inadvertant admission of them, or links to showing them several times
you just choose to remain treasonal and deny it.
still being a pathetic PoS
yeah, sure, a multitude of agents have exposed their roles like you, and they have been shown here by either posting inadvertant admission of them, or links to showing them several times
you just choose to remain treasonal and deny it.
still being a pathetic PoS

It's all Chris can do now .. he has his own forum Divecon did you know that .. he is Baba .. Chris Whitefeather, numerous guests and aliases and where he formulates and records his delusional behavior..

Click here for a funn time

BTW all the best for the Christmas season .. especially for the crew who do the bash Christopher Concrete Core theory and it's author.

God Jul
yeah, sure, a multitude of agents have exposed their roles like you, and they have been shown here by either posting inadvertant admission of them, or links to showing them several times
you just choose to remain treasonal and deny it.
still being a pathetic PoS

It's all Chris can do now .. he has his own forum Divecon did you know that .. he is Baba .. Chris Whitefeather, numerous guests and aliases and where he formulates and records his delusional behavior..

Click here for a funn time

BTW all the best for the Christmas season .. especially for the crew who do the bash Christopher Concrete Core theory and it's author.

God Jul
OMG, how pathetic
The detonations are too well contained and distributed to be recognized as such. That's the way engineered built to demolish works. It gets close to perfect reduction of materials without throwing them all over the place with the amount of energy needed to break them apart.
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still being a pathetic PoS

It's all Chris can do now .. he has his own forum Divecon did you know that .. he is Baba .. Chris Whitefeather, numerous guests and aliases and where he formulates and records his delusional behavior..

Click here for a funn time

BTW all the best for the Christmas season .. especially for the crew who do the bash Christopher Concrete Core theory and it's author.

God Jul
OMG, how pathetic

Pathetic ???? .. Patho-illogical .. lets invent some words !!

The person is utterly self absorbed in a fantasy world where he is the Holy Trinity.

1. Baba = God
2. Chris White-Feather = Jesus/Mohammed
3. Christophera = Righteous mann spreading the "word" like the Scotsmann from the clann MuckSpreader

.. the rest are his minions he invents to support his crapola.

Basically he is in serious need of some serious help ..


.. or perhaps he should resort to his old game of getting shit-faced drunk or stoned on cactus juice first, and then posting crap all over the internet.

It's all Chris can do now .. he has his own forum Divecon did you know that .. he is Baba .. Chris Whitefeather, numerous guests and aliases and where he formulates and records his delusional behavior..

Click here for a funn time

BTW all the best for the Christmas season .. especially for the crew who do the bash Christopher Concrete Core theory and it's author.

God Jul
OMG, how pathetic

Pathetic ???? .. Patho-illogical .. lets invent some words !!

The person is utterly self absorbed in a fantasy world where he is the Holy Trinity.

1. Baba = God
2. Chris White-Feather = Jesus/Mohammed
3. Christophera = Righteous mann spreading the "word" like the Scotsmann from the clann MuckSpreader

.. the rest are his minions he invents to support his crapola.

Basically he is in serious need of some serious help ..


.. or perhaps he should resort to his old game of getting shit-faced drunk or stoned on cactus juice first, and then posting crap all over the internet.

i was calling HIM pathetic for doing that
reposting peoples posts from here and then not doing it honestly
just shows that we get under his skin more than he likes to admit
Divecon said:
i was calling HIM pathetic for doing that
reposting peoples posts from here and then not doing it honestly
just shows that we get under his skin more than he likes to admit

It's a bit weird really .. to do what he is doing .. especially with that website.

I don't really have a problem with honest people who willingly have / want an honest discussion and can validate their argument with real and honest validations.

Chris is a preacher of shit, and when shown his swiss cheese has holes .. he claims it was tasty Cheddar.

The Twoof of the matter is that he has only three supporters.

Baba, Chris -WhiteFeather and Crustyshpincter ( aka Christophera, Goofophera and assorted other aliases.

Chris ..>>>> to you .. if you were an honest human being you would .. lay claim to your dishonesty and become one of the rehabilitated. You will enjoy the freedom of truth.

Happy New Year guys and gals

That is what you would say to serve the perpetrators interests because why would what you say reasonably matter otherwise? You are exposed.
You are exposed as the white feather sucking asshole that we all know you are, Chrissy.:lol::lol:

Your so-called web site is shit, asshole.:cuckoo:

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