Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

no but if someone says I saw snow fall... it means I saw snow fall

except he only said he heard explosions, not that there were explosives
see, that you taking a simile and trying to make it be something other than it was

typical troofer LIES

You sir, are a fucking moron.

That sentence makes no sense. But nothing you say does lol

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amazing how the core falls so symmetrically like wtc7 and other controlled demolitions
amazing how there are NO EXPLOSIONS like in a controlled demolition.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Hmmm, seems evidence from the scene of the crime has visual and auditory recordings of explosions.

9/11 – Listen to the Demolition Wave that caused the collapse of the WTC South Tower
ah, the troofer doctored one
you've posted that before
no but if someone says I saw snow fall... it means I saw snow fall

except he only said he heard explosions, not that there were explosives
see, that you taking a simile and trying to make it be something other than it was

typical troofer LIES

You sir, are a fucking moron.

That sentence makes no sense. But nothing you say does lol
no, thats you that is the fucking moron
funny how that makes sense to everyone but troofer morons
except he only said he heard explosions, not that there were explosives
see, that you taking a simile and trying to make it be something other than it was

typical troofer LIES

You sir, are a fucking moron.

That sentence makes no sense. But nothing you say does lol
no, thats you that is the fucking moron
funny how that makes sense to everyone but troofer morons

The SOUND an explosion makes can come from (a) an explosion or (b) some other event that makes a loud booming percussive sound.

Not all loud booming percussive sounds stem from an actual explosion.

It does not require an explosive to cause the sound of an explosion.

Troofers, who tend to be liars, also tend to be impervious to logic and common sense.
I am sure firefighters have heard secondary explosions before
yet none of them say it was a controlled demolition


There are WTC7 Secondary explosion sounds on camera. Witnesses describe explosions. 2.25 seconds of freefall into own footprint. Not hit by plane. You are insane, open your eyes, thats all you need, and some common sense.
I am sure firefighters have heard secondary explosions before
yet none of them say it was a controlled demolition


There are WTC7 Secondary explosion sounds on camera. Witnesses describe explosions. 2.25 seconds of freefall into own footprint. Not hit by plane. You are insane, open your eyes, thats all you need, and some common sense.

One of them says, "Like a controlled demolition", plenty close considering the many other factors.

It would make support and defense of the US Constitution a lot easier IF divot and false social crew were insane.

"You are insane, open your eyes, thats all you need, and some common sense."

They are not insane, they are agents. Cognitive infiltration.

Obama confidant's spine-chilling proposal - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com

The infiltrators of the government say now, through Sunstein that "Cognitive infiltration" is a good idea. However, in reality it started before 9-11 by many years, positioning gatekeepers who would always stop short of using information that would expose the depth and extent of infiltration via secrecy.


Since 2004 there has been a ramped up infiltration with major internet environments completely populated by agents. Not bots either. Lots of dumbshit, half trained bozo's, all they have to do is NOT step over the line in certain areas and be a stupid group that cannot understand anything and therby never be accountable to evidence and reason.
I am sure firefighters have heard secondary explosions before
yet none of them say it was a controlled demolition

There are WTC7 Secondary explosion sounds on camera. Witnesses describe explosions. 2.25 seconds of freefall into own footprint. Not hit by plane. You are insane, open your eyes, thats all you need, and some common sense.
no, you are the insane one to believe that bullshit

that video is SO fucking doctored its fucking ridiculous
you seriously need professional help
just like goof-o-phera and his concrete core bullshit
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yet none of them say it was a controlled demolition

There are WTC7 Secondary explosion sounds on camera. Witnesses describe explosions. 2.25 seconds of freefall into own footprint. Not hit by plane. You are insane, open your eyes, thats all you need, and some common sense.
no, you are the insane one to believe that bullshit

that video is SO fucking doctored its fucking ridiculous
you seriously need professional help
just like goof-o-phera and his concrete core bullshit

The video is doctored? You need to stop doing this. Stop playing this game. The truth and facts are here, you can't hide from them, say they are fake, or distract from them. It's not gonna happen, so stop trying. It's gross and immature.


Can you man up and digest this? Or are you going to continue your crap? It's very disturbing to know humans are present on this earth with the common sense of yours. DEPRESSING.
PE, you fucking moron
do you think ANY of this bullshit you are posting is NEW???
that it hasn't already been addressed fucking HUNDREDS of times?
if you do, you are more fucking insane that i previously thought
PE, you fucking moron
do you think ANY of this bullshit you are posting is NEW???
that it hasn't already been addressed fucking HUNDREDS of times?
if you do, you are more fucking insane that i previously thought

Looks as if I was right. You cannot let your mind accept the facts of reality. Very disturbing.


Care to respond to such claims? You can't handle it and can't compute it.
stop posting fucking youtube videos and answer the fucking questions


You don't even have the balls to click and absorb these basic videos. No intelligence or worthy responses. Can't handle the truth, keep ignoring the vids. Proves me right every time you make a ridiculous post, which is every post.

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