Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

stop posting fucking youtube videos and answer the fucking questions


You don't even have the balls to click and absorb these basic videos. No intelligence or worthy responses. Can't handle the truth, keep ignoring the vids. Proves me right every time you make a ridiculous post, which is every post.


You have no brain matter to attempt to absorb these facts. Disturbing. I wish the forum rules included banning for being a lying, misrepresenting, purposefully idiotic poster.
so, explain what is new in that that i havent already seen?
why the FUCK would i watch that stupid video AGAIN
it was bullshit the first time i watched it
dipshit, you are NOT the first person to post the PoS
so, explain what is new in that that i havent already seen?
why the FUCK would i watch that stupid video AGAIN
it was bullshit the first time i watched it
dipshit, you are NOT the first person to post the PoS

You sound like a child. Expected though. Relax and accept the facts.

btw, dipshit, if the forum banned people for lying, every fucking troofer moron would be banned

BuildingWhat? - Building 7 |Please stand with the 9-11 families in calling for a NEW Building 7 investigation - What is Building 7 ? so they are liars? They are troofers?

How about AE911Truth.org They are lying too? Physics and facts are not lies, stop stating fallacies.
so, explain what is new in that that i havent already seen?
why the FUCK would i watch that stupid video AGAIN
it was bullshit the first time i watched it
dipshit, you are NOT the first person to post the PoS

You sound like a child. Expected though. Relax and accept the facts.

btw, dipshit, if the forum banned people for lying, every fucking troofer moron would be banned

BuildingWhat? - Building 7 |Please stand with the 9-11 families in calling for a NEW Building 7 investigation - What is Building 7 ? so they are liars? They are troofers?

How about AE911Truth.org They are lying too? Physics and facts are not lies, stop stating fallacies.
you are the one stating fallacies, dipshit
most people are sick of your crap
the majority choose to just ignore you
but that only seems to encourage you assholes more
so i don't ignore you , i call you on your bullshit
so, explain what is new in that that i havent already seen?
why the FUCK would i watch that stupid video AGAIN
it was bullshit the first time i watched it
dipshit, you are NOT the first person to post the PoS

You sound like a child. Expected though. Relax and accept the facts.

btw, dipshit, if the forum banned people for lying, every fucking troofer moron would be banned

BuildingWhat? - Building 7 |Please stand with the 9-11 families in calling for a NEW Building 7 investigation - What is Building 7 ? so they are liars? They are troofers?

How about AE911Truth.org They are lying too? Physics and facts are not lies, stop stating fallacies.
you are the one stating fallacies, dipshit
most people are sick of your crap
the majority choose to just ignore you
but that only seems to encourage you assholes more
so i don't ignore you , i call you on your bullshit

You havent 'called' me on any of my facts once. You only post fallacies, disinformation, and childish remarks.

How does a building freefall for 2.25 seconds through the path of greatest resistance into its own foot print, without explosives? It cant. Its impossible. Thermite was found, NIST admitted Freefall....

holy shit
you are an idiot

can you just answer ONE question
do you or do you not support the concrete core hoax that goof-o-phera is pushing in this thread
or is that too much to ask?
holy shit
you are an idiot

can you just answer ONE question
do you or do you not support the concrete core hoax that goof-o-phera is pushing in this thread
or is that too much to ask?

I have no idea what he is trying to 'push'. I am posting facts about the 2.25 seconds of freefall.


You cannot handle the facts. It is proven with each immature response. Which is all of yours.
holy shit
you are an idiot

can you just answer ONE question
do you or do you not support the concrete core hoax that goof-o-phera is pushing in this thread
or is that too much to ask?

I have no idea what he is trying to 'push'.
so, you posted in the thread without even bothering to read the topic?

ok, you are a fucking WASTE
you will ignore one of your fellow troofers posting complete and utter bullshit just to post your SPAM
holy shit
you are an idiot

can you just answer ONE question
do you or do you not support the concrete core hoax that goof-o-phera is pushing in this thread
or is that too much to ask?

I have no idea what he is trying to 'push'.
so, you posted in the thread without even bothering to read the topic?

ok, you are a fucking WASTE
you will ignore one of your fellow troofers posting complete and utter bullshit just to post your SPAM

It's what they do .. they will not engage in discussion but prefer to preach .. via their Spam posts. AND YouTube vids.

The idea of having rational discussion is a thing of the past.

Sadd really
I have no idea what he is trying to 'push'.
so, you posted in the thread without even bothering to read the topic?

ok, you are a fucking WASTE
you will ignore one of your fellow troofers posting complete and utter bullshit just to post your SPAM

It's what they do .. they will not engage in discussion but prefer to preach .. via their Spam posts. AND YouTube vids.

The idea of having rational discussion is a thing of the past.

Sadd really
i gave up trying to really discuss 9/11 rationally online
the troofers wont have it
they have to bring in their delusions
so, you posted in the thread without even bothering to read the topic?

ok, you are a fucking WASTE
you will ignore one of your fellow troofers posting complete and utter bullshit just to post your SPAM

It's what they do .. they will not engage in discussion but prefer to preach .. via their Spam posts. AND YouTube vids.

The idea of having rational discussion is a thing of the past.

Sadd really
i gave up trying to really discuss 9/11 rationally online
the troofers wont have it
they have to bring in their delusions

Totally right.

Delusions are more important to some than the actual facts .. even when facts are proven. :cuckoo:

The troll shill routine by Twoofers laid at the fact purveyors (us) simply shows what a bunch of twerps they really are .. and then they still don't get it.

Damned ignorant really.

" Hey Look .. I see the WTC spire vaporizing therefore Judy Woods in her acid head daze MUST be right ...and space beam weaponry was used to destroy the towers ..."

FFS !! :lol: :cuckoo:
It's what they do .. they will not engage in discussion but prefer to preach .. via their Spam posts. AND YouTube vids.

The idea of having rational discussion is a thing of the past.

Sadd really
i gave up trying to really discuss 9/11 rationally online
the troofers wont have it
they have to bring in their delusions

Totally right.

Delusions are more important to some than the actual facts .. even when facts are proven. :cuckoo:

The troll shill routine by Twoofers laid at the fact purveyors (us) simply shows what a bunch of twerps they really are .. and then they still don't get it.

Damned ignorant really.

" Hey Look .. I see the WTC spire vaporizing therefore Judy Woods in her acid head daze MUST be right ...and space beam weaponry was used to destroy the towers ..."

FFS !! :lol: :cuckoo:
i'd like to know how Jamie Gorelick was ON the 9/11 commission and not being questioned BY it

and why we still havent resolved the problems between law enforcement and our intel process that failed leading up to 9/11
Agents will refuse to use any evidence, even their own eividence. Oops . . . they don't have any evidence. To prove that, I will post their misinformation.


Agents have neve posted an image of that core on 9-11. Because that core did not exist. That vertical steel is NOT core column. It is elevator guide rail support steel. The precense of butt plates, too weak to join sections of core column and the absense of diagonal braces as well as gusset plates PROVE, that vertical steel is not even a proper structure.

Meaning the core is always empty on 9-11.

dipshit, that is NOT new

You don't need new. you don't need old . . . evidence. You work for the infiltrators of the US government. You are against truth and evidence.

Hard to believe that anybody will use you for more than a thread bumper.
Last edited:
dipshit, that is NOT new

You don't need new. you don't need old . . . evidence. You work for th einfiltrators of the US government. You are against truth and evidence.

Hard to believe that anybody will use you for more than a thread bumper.
you mean actual evidence like the word of the engineer of record on the project?

or tons of photos showing the steel core columns?
or the photos of the day showing them as well?
you remain a fucking moron and totally delusional and need serious professional help
dipshit, that is NOT new

You don't need new. you don't need old . . . evidence. You work for the infiltrators of the US government. You are against truth and evidence.

Hard to believe that anybody will use you for more than a thread bumper.
you mean actual evidence like the word of the engineer of record on the project?

or tons of photos showing the steel core columns?
or the photos of the day showing them as well?
you remain a fucking moron and totally delusional and need serious professional help

You mean the 6,000 photos of the Trade Towers that were in the WTC documents taken by guiani in violations of law along with the building plans and 15,000 video tapes.

Oh . . . you refuse to recognize laws or violations of law unless they serve your psyops and attempted marginalization.
You don't need new. you don't need old . . . evidence. You work for the infiltrators of the US government. You are against truth and evidence.

Hard to believe that anybody will use you for more than a thread bumper.
you mean actual evidence like the word of the engineer of record on the project?

or tons of photos showing the steel core columns?
or the photos of the day showing them as well?
you remain a fucking moron and totally delusional and need serious professional help

You mean the 6,000 photos of the Trade Towers that were in the WTC documents taken by guiani in violations of law along with the building plans and 15,000 video tapes.

Oh . . . you refuse to recognize laws or violations of law unless they serve your psyops and attempted marginalization.

You're an idiot.:cuckoo:

Really???? Psyops????? :lol::lol:

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