Title 18, "Misprision of treason" filed in District Court

When the county of santa barbara failed to appear they subjected the world to unconscious terror.

Accordingly, nobody knows WTF is happening and you don't want them to know. You serve that terror.


only YOU know what is happening? the rest of us are all secret agents?

dude, if that isnt a sign of mental illness then nothing is. think about that for a second. get help.

by the way, you didnt pay child support for a decade BEFORE santa barbara failed to appear. (of course evidence needs to be relevant and your wasnt. thats why they didnt appear but that doesnt matter).

Yes...the rest of us are all secret agent men.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utyDw4rvli8]YouTube - DEVO - secret agent man[/ame]
When the county of santa barbara failed to appear they subjected the world to unconscious terror.

Accordingly, nobody knows WTF is happening and you don't want them to know. You serve that terror.


only YOU know what is happening? the rest of us are all secret agents?

dude, if that isnt a sign of mental illness then nothing is. think about that for a second. get help.

by the way, you didnt pay child support for a decade BEFORE santa barbara failed to appear. (of course evidence needs to be relevant and your wasnt. thats why they didnt appear but that doesnt matter).

Yes...the rest of us are all secret agent men.

You misrepresent your status and what I identify you as.

Agents supporting treason and secret methods of mass murder.
You misrepresent your status and what I identify you as.

Agents supporting treason and secret methods of mass murder.

there no agents and there is no treason. its you saying stupid shit and everyone else telling you how fucking stupid you are.:cuckoo:
You misrepresent your status and what I identify you as.

Agents supporting treason and secret methods of mass murder.

there no agents and there is no treason. its you saying stupid shit and everyone else telling you how fucking stupid you are.:cuckoo:

That is EXACTLY what the infiltrating perpetrators of secret methods of mass murder would want their agents to say. What a coincidence.:doubt:
You misrepresent your status and what I identify you as.

Agents supporting treason and secret methods of mass murder.

there no agents and there is no treason. its you saying stupid shit and everyone else telling you how fucking stupid you are.:cuckoo:

That is EXACTLY what the infiltrating perpetrators of secret methods of mass murder would want their agents to say. What a coincidence.:doubt:

the secret agents only exist in your imagination and the concrete core only exists in your imagination.

now THATS a coincidence!! :lol:
You insist on misrepresenting my assertions exactly as the perpetrators of mass murder would want in keeping their secret methods of killing secret.

Agents are soooooo predictable.
Psychotic drooling tools like ChristoFEARa must truly LOATHE the United States of America to not only believe but propagandize their hideously deformed belief that high ranking officials OF the government of the United States were themselves responsible for the 9/11/2001 atrocities.

They must cringe whenever they get a piece of Federal Mail (like a Census form or a notice of any kind from the IRS).

It must be dreadful to live in a country one loathes so very much. Scumbags, like ChristoFEARa, live in the rancid stench of the stink of their own sweaty fear. Fear rules them -- entirely.


High rank means nothing next to the principles of the republic traitor. The Constitution is something you have not mentioned, meaning that POWER is all you respect.

Your crude ugliness will consume you.

No fear here traitor. Just knowledge that the principles of the republic WILL protect and benefit my children and all future generations.

You treasonous filth have no right to call anybody a traitor, scumbag.

I never said, intimated or suggested that high rank compares to the principles of our Republic, you fucking moron.

The Constitution is something I respect and I invoke it on numerous occasions, you degenerate scumbag lying Troofer asswipe. But I invoke it when it is properly part of the discussion. YOUR retarded and utterly paranoid delusions and unprincipled baseless accusations do not raise an issue of Constitutionality, shitbreath.

You live in fear. You WALLOW in fear. You so loathe and detest our Republic that you are willing -- for no valid reason -- to besmirch the names and reputations of elected officials whom you KNOW cannot sue your maggoty diseased ass for defamation. You pussy.

You hide under your bed at night in FEAR that the government will "get you." ChristoFEARa, you are a coward and a liar. You won't even support your own flesh and blood. Scumbag fuckface retard pussy Troofer. You are utterly worthless as a human being. In fact, the only good thing about you is that you have NO ability at all to persuade anybody of anything.

The terrorists took down the Twin Towers and crashed that plane in PA and crashed one of the other jets into the Pentagon, you vile rodent shit. And every fucking time you and your scumbag dishonest shit-sucking bastard brothers in the Troofer movement faslely claim that members of the Bush Administration did it, you are giving aid to the actual enemy, you treasonous rat.
Psychotic drooling tools like ChristoFEARa must truly LOATHE the United States of America to not only believe but propagandize their hideously deformed belief that high ranking officials OF the government of the United States were themselves responsible for the 9/11/2001 atrocities.

They must cringe whenever they get a piece of Federal Mail (like a Census form or a notice of any kind from the IRS).

It must be dreadful to live in a country one loathes so very much. Scumbags, like ChristoFEARa, live in the rancid stench of the stink of their own sweaty fear. Fear rules them -- entirely.


High rank means nothing next to the principles of the republic traitor. The Constitution is something you have not mentioned, meaning that POWER is all you respect.

Your crude ugliness will consume you.

No fear here traitor. Just knowledge that the principles of the republic WILL protect and benefit my children and all future generations.

You treasonous filth have no right to call anybody a traitor, scumbag.

When you failed to recognize the public right to have public records, and the violations of law committed in depriving them, you placed yourself with the traitors. The powerful infiltrators of the US government would approve of your position.

guiliani took the WTC documents and the courts protect their hiding.
High rank means nothing next to the principles of the republic traitor. The Constitution is something you have not mentioned, meaning that POWER is all you respect.

Your crude ugliness will consume you.

No fear here traitor. Just knowledge that the principles of the republic WILL protect and benefit my children and all future generations.

You treasonous filth have no right to call anybody a traitor, scumbag.

When you failed to recognize the public right to have public records, and the violations of law committed in depriving them, you placed yourself with the traitors. The powerful infiltrators of the US government would approve of your position.

guiliani took the WTC documents and the courts protect their hiding.
you fail to be rational
you are a delusional dipshit
I've been told that the issue of the FEMA deception is well presented in the disclosure presented to a US district court judge. This came from retired attorneys and scientists, so perhaps the maxim is true, that the reverse of what agents say is often closer to the truth.

Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382
when's the court date?

You told us you would let us know, I will drive out there to observe.

If you try to hide the date from me, I am going to find a real sleazy lawyer and issue forth a lawsuit against you chrissy for violating my right to be an impartial witness in a public court.
I've been told that the issue of the FEMA deception is well presented in the disclosure presented to a US district court judge. This came from retired attorneys and scientists, so perhaps the maxim is true, that the reverse of what agents say is often closer to the truth.

Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382
when's the court date?

You told us you would let us know, I will drive out there to observe.

If you try to hide the date from me, I am going to find a real sleazy lawyer and issue forth a lawsuit against you chrissy for violating my right to be an impartial witness in a public court.
yeah, someone needs to be there so they can report back that he was locked up in protective custody for psychiatric evaluation
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I've been told that the issue of the FEMA deception is well presented in the disclosure presented to a US district court judge. This came from retired attorneys and scientists, so perhaps the maxim is true, that the reverse of what agents say is often closer to the truth.

Title 18, part I, chapter 115, §2382
when's the court date?

You told us you would let us know, I will drive out there to observe.

If you try to hide the date from me, I am going to find a real sleazy lawyer and issue forth a lawsuit against you chrissy for violating my right to be an impartial witness in a public court.

That's a lie. I told you what I'm going to tell you again.

Some agents are particularly stupid it appears.

TITLE 18, PART I , CHAPTER 115, §2382 U.S. Code as of: 01/19/04
Section 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

Do you see anything in there about a court date?

We have simply "disclosed" and made "known". The rest is up to them. What you will hear is news of arrests. Then again, they might not publicize that so they can round up all the treasonous agents.
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High rank means nothing next to the principles of the republic traitor. The Constitution is something you have not mentioned, meaning that POWER is all you respect.

Your crude ugliness will consume you.

No fear here traitor. Just knowledge that the principles of the republic WILL protect and benefit my children and all future generations.

You treasonous filth have no right to call anybody a traitor, scumbag.

When you failed to recognize the public right to have public records, and the violations of law committed in depriving them, you placed yourself with the traitors. The powerful infiltrators of the US government would approve of your position.

guiliani took the WTC documents and the courts protect their hiding.

If you are not on drugs, that could be part of the problem. You need psychiatric help and heavy medication, you fucking paranoid imbecile. When the hell did I ever maintain that the public doesn't have a right to public records you freakish lying crap-stain? You just SAID it, you compulsive liar :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: but you could never back it up, fucktard. You fucking scumbag lying Troofers are so constantly and overtly hostile to truth, you can't even grasp that your lies are now fully expected. You have no cred whatso-fucking-ever, shitbreath.
when's the court date?

You told us you would let us know, I will drive out there to observe.

If you try to hide the date from me, I am going to find a real sleazy lawyer and issue forth a lawsuit against you chrissy for violating my right to be an impartial witness in a public court.

That's a lie. I told you what I'm going to tell you again.

Some agents are particularly stupid it appears.

TITLE 18, PART I , CHAPTER 115, §2382 U.S. Code as of: 01/19/04
Section 2382. Misprision of treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.

Do you see anything in there about a court date?

We have simply "disclosed" and made "known". The rest is up to them. What you will hear is news of arrests. Then again, they might not publicize that so they can round up all the treasonous agents.
the only one that will be arrested is YOU
You treasonous filth have no right to call anybody a traitor, scumbag.

When you failed to recognize the public right to have public records, and the violations of law committed in depriving them, you placed yourself with the traitors. The powerful infiltrators of the US government would approve of your position.

guiliani took the WTC documents and the courts protect their hiding.

When the hell did I ever maintain that the public doesn't have a right to public records?

You've been failing to recognize the violations of law depriving the public of public records. That is very much the same as saying the public doesn't have a right to public records.

Of course the perps would not want you to recognize that.
I've been told that the issue of the FEMA deception is well presented in the disclosure presented to a US district court judge. This came from retired attorneys and scientists, so perhaps the maxim is true, that the reverse of what agents say is often closer to the truth.

* * * *


They were obviously just humoring you, you fucking psychotic imbecile.

Nothing in that miasma you cobbled together is "well presented." :cuckoo::cuckoo:

I already told you: it's fucking incoherent. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

It's like that time the crazy woman kept coming to the District Attorney's Office to report that people were beaming disturbing images into her mind. She was serious. Crazy as a loon: crazy as a ChristoFEARa, but serious.

My friend kept gently dismissing her rambling, incoherent, paranoid claims and sending her on her way. But she kept finding her way back. Finally, because my friend had actual work to do, one day he got inspired and told her that as much as he'd like to "help" her, his hands were tied. She demanded to know why. He said to her (straight faced): "Ma'am, you have reported that whoever is doing this to you is beaming the images into your mind. Clearly, this is a matter for the Federal Communications Commission."

She bought it. :lol: JUST like YOU, you poor hopelessly deluded crazy man, "bought it" when your retired lawyer acquaintance(s) and "scientist" friend(s) humored YOU! :lol::lol::lol:
When you failed to recognize the public right to have public records, and the violations of law committed in depriving them, you placed yourself with the traitors. The powerful infiltrators of the US government would approve of your position.

guiliani took the WTC documents and the courts protect their hiding.

When the hell did I ever maintain that the public doesn't have a right to public records?

You've been failing to recognize the violations of law depriving the public of public records. That is very much the same as saying the public doesn't have a right to public records.

Of course the perps would not want you to recognize that.

No you complete retard. YOU have persistently failed to recognize that the ACLU making a fucking "claim" is not at all the same thing as anybody at any time, anywhere, ever having actually DONE whatever the ACLU is "claiming" was done.

Anybody can make a claim. Making the claim doesn't make anything a fact, you fucking imbecile scumbag Troofer.

You are a 9/11 Troofer; therefore you lie.

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