Tlaib: Pelosi Has to ‘Be Aware’ We Are Women of Color When She Targets Us

We'll see if the Regressives have enough strength (yet) to take over the party.

This may be happening a bit early.
just what COLOR does TALAIB imagine herself to be? ------SURELY NOT FILTHY RAISIN HEAD ABED.........right?
You know Talib and Omar hang out with Linda Sarsour right? Theyin fact do hate America.
I thought the election of Barak Obama as President would eliminate racism?

That was before Barry, without knowing any of the details, told reporters that College Campus police - specifically the decorated policeman who taught 'Racial Sensitivity' to all now in-coming policemen - acted stupidly, jumping to conclusions by insinuating the police were 'racist'.

That was before DNC e-mails were hacked and released, exposing the vile racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content in those e-mails...

That was before newly-elected Democratic party House freshmen repeatedly went on anti-Semitic rants, before the Democratic party raced to their defense by embracing anti-Semitism, before the Democratic party demonstrated it could not even pass a simple bill condemning their party members' vile anti-Semitic rhetoric...

That was before one of those new freshmen Democrats called their own Speaker of the House a 'Racist' for 'targeting women of color'....
Pelosi, like Trump, doesn’t look at skin color to criticize.

Tlaib: Pelosi Has to ‘Be Aware’ We Are Women of Color When She Targets Us.

All the modern Democrats in power see is color; that's what they want the rest of us to believe. So far for them race has been a silver bullet of sorts. However, someone ought to inform them they're aiming the muzzle at their own heads. Their ultimate debate and election winners or so they think: I'm (race), I'm (gender), I'm (ethnicity) so you must walk tightrope when speaking to me. Enter the Trump who walks no lines, says whatever comes to mind and shoots from the hip and none of what he says or does is random or uncalculated. AOC and the others want to prove they can ride the bull of Trump's strategic chaos of personality. It's a clash of ideologies, even civilizations, in a manner of speaking. Pelosi? She'll be relevant for about five more minutes. Let the real contenders go at it. I predict that conflict will last about five minutes.
Rep Tliab needs to wake up to political reality. If you are going to fire off rebarbative tweets and speeches, expect to be called out on them. This is not a one way street. No elected rep is above being criticized or castigated.
We'll see if the Regressives have enough strength (yet) to take over the party.

This may be happening a bit early.

They are toast. Nothing but upstarts. Pelosi hasn't been there as long as she has by being pushed around. She will take them out one by one.
We'll see if the Regressives have enough strength (yet) to take over the party. This may be happening a bit early.
They are toast. Nothing but upstarts. Pelosi hasn't been there as long as she has by being pushed around. She will take them out one by one.
She's a tough broad, and she has plenty of life left in her.

Should be pretty freakin' interesting. She just wont sit there and take it.
We'll see if the Regressives have enough strength (yet) to take over the party. This may be happening a bit early.
They are toast. Nothing but upstarts. Pelosi hasn't been there as long as she has by being pushed around. She will take them out one by one.
She's a tough broad, and she has plenty of life left in her.

Should be pretty freakin' interesting. She just wont sit there and take it.

Nope. And she has been there and done that. It's my opinion that not only will the four be gone, but anyone who even came close to supporting them, like when she rolled out the green new deal, all those guys smiling in the background will likely pay to. This is a serious power play by the 4. There will be serious payback.

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