TN man burns a black man alive, says the Bible is for whites

Once AGAIN slave owners were Whigs, Democrats, Democratic-Republicans, National Republicans, Federalists, and most commonly --- no political party at all. There's definitely been times you could legally own a slave but there's never been a time you needed a political party to own one.

Your abject ignorance of your own history boggles the mind. What the fuck were you DOING in grammar school? Shooting spitballs?

The democrat party members owned the slaves, and tried to keep slavery alive..... the entire leadership of the Confederacy were democrats.

Bullshit. The Confederacy had no political parties. Its President was a former Democrat and its VP was a former Whig.

But go ahead and essplain to the class what the political party requirements were to own a slave. This oughta be a hoot.

No political party was required to own a slave, dumb shit, but the democrat party fought a war to keep slaves......

Bullshit. The Republican Party actually changed its name in 1864 to incorporate Democratic support from the Union --- the only part of the US that still had any political parties at all. Why do you think Lincoln was succeeded by a Democrat? Because that was his chosen running mate, Dumbass. Before that Johnson was Lincoln's chosen governor of occupied Tennessee. Douglas, the 1860 Democratic candidate who got zero electoral votes from the South, went there to speak against secession and when that failed, advised Lincoln on how to defeat them.

Again, what the fuck were you doing in grammar school when all this was going down? Drawing pictures of guns to jerk off to?

Moron, Lincoln took a democrat to try to show the south and democrats in the North that there could be dumb shit.

He took a Democrat (it's capitalized, apparently you were paying the same amount of attention in English class) because "War Democrats" in the North were all in for the fight, which puts the lie to your drunken fantasy about civil war between political parties. A fantasy where one side pulled a electoral Zero in the South yet somehow mustered the ability to fight on the side where its own candidate lost and got sent packing even before the election.

I'm sure you'll remember Zero from your last spanking.a minute ago.

Now get busy on post 80. Do your homework if you can pull yourself away from gun porn.
The democrat party members owned the slaves, and tried to keep slavery alive..... the entire leadership of the Confederacy were democrats.

Bullshit. The Confederacy had no political parties. Its President was a former Democrat and its VP was a former Whig.

But go ahead and essplain to the class what the political party requirements were to own a slave. This oughta be a hoot.

No political party was required to own a slave, dumb shit, but the democrat party fought a war to keep slaves......

Bullshit. The Republican Party actually changed its name in 1864 to incorporate Democratic support from the Union --- the only part of the US that still had any political parties at all. Why do you think Lincoln was succeeded by a Democrat? Because that was his chosen running mate, Dumbass. Before that Johnson was Lincoln's chosen governor of occupied Tennessee. Douglas, the 1860 Democratic candidate who got zero electoral votes from the South, went there to speak against secession and when that failed, advised Lincoln on how to defeat them.

Again, what the fuck were you doing in grammar school when all this was going down? Drawing pictures of guns to jerk off to?

Moron, Lincoln took a democrat to try to show the south and democrats in the North that there could be dumb shit.

He took a Democrat (it's capitalized, apparently you were paying the same amount of attention in English class) because "War Democrats" in the North were all in for the fight, which puts the lie to your drunken fantasy about civil war between political parties. A fantasy where one side pulled a electoral Zero in the South yet somehow mustered the ability to fight on the side where its own candidate lost and got sent packing even before the election.

I'm sure you'll remember Zero from your last spanking.a minute ago.

Now get busy on post 80. Do your homework if you can pull yourself away from gun porn.

Whelp --- apparently no he can't pull hisself away from gun porn. Here he is feverishly fapping even now, having given up on post 80 after finding out his premise was full of shit.
But Surfer Dude Jesus was white!
Well, how CHRISTIAN of him...

Tennessee man confesses to burning a black man alive because of his race — and cites the Bible as an influence

Tennessee arson-murder suspect John Daniel Carothers. Image via Rutherford County.

A Tennessee man allegedly wrote a jailhouse letter to a white supremacist group admitting he burned a black man alive — and cited the Bible as one of his influences.

Nashville’s WTVF reported Monday that John Daniel Carothers, accused of murdering his black halfway house roommate Robert Miller in March, claimed the Bible is “for white people” and referenced the religious text in his alleged confession letter.

“I believe the Bible is about white people and for white people,” Carothers’ jailhouse letter read. “I am in the Rutherford County Jail for burning a black man I set on fire with lighter fluid poured on his head.”

After the sheriff’s department found the suspect’s apparent confession letter in the outgoing mail, prosecutors are now c

Tennessee man confesses to burning a black man alive because of his race — and cites the Bible as an influence
Why are you focusing on white crime when so many more crimes are being committed by minorities?!

It's very revealing that you ignore the many black crimes. Stop being so damn racist!
That's the problem isnt it. Theres less care for black on black crime. It doesnt get reported in as much detail. It doesnt get dragged on for days in the news cycle. Black missing people news stories dont captivate the nation. When I do hear about it, half of people are making it a political thing and writing it off as deserved or normal for their race. This phenomenon looks systemic.

At the state, city, and community level there are groups that are taking it very seriously.

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