TN Welfare applicants drug tests: 37 out of 16,017 positive (0.2%)

This requirement may encourage many in Tennessee to end their drug use. In turn, that could lead to better futures for many Tennessee families. It may even lead to them being more productive and no longer needing those Government Freebies. I think Tennessee is trying to send the right message. Less drug use is the goal. But only time will tell if this program is ultimately successful.

And do you think that's the proper role of government? To decide what's best for us and "encourage" us to follow their lead?

Beggars can't be choosers. If you want the Freebies, you'll have to meet the requirements. Nothing's really 'Free.'
This requirement may encourage many in Tennessee to end their drug use. In turn, that could lead to better futures for many Tennessee families. It may even lead to them being more productive and no longer needing those Government Freebies. I think Tennessee is trying to send the right message. Less drug use is the goal. But only time will tell if this program is ultimately successful.

And do you think that's the proper role of government? To decide what's best for us and "encourage" us to follow their lead?

Beggars can't be choosers. If you want the Freebies, you'll have to meet the requirements. Nothing's really 'Free.'

Government services shouldn't have strings attached. This is a dangerous trend and will be used by authoritarians to dictate behavior. Would you apply the same logic to parents whose children are educated via "free" public education? Should they also be subject to extra scrutiny because they're on the public dole?
Yeah, people like ravtard think welfare recipients are soooo stupid and helpless that they are incapable of getting up off their fat asses to support themselves, even if they HAVE to.

They aren't that stupid, and they're perfectly capable of doing what they have to do to survive..even if that means FINDING A JOB.

Yup, grab two or three jobs if you have to. Because once you invite Big Brother in, he owns you. You'll do what you're told. If you want those Freebies to continue.
What about those that can't work? What about the children? What about the disabled? What about the handicapped? What about the elderly? And, how many jobs do you think are out there? Haven't you heard that there aren't enough jobs that cover all education and skill levels to meet the demand? Haven't you heard that employers are producing more with less employees? Haven't you heard that technology, innovation, and automation are replacing workers? Haven't you heard that many college grads have moved in with their parents due to the weak job market?

The issue I see with your logic is the end of what you want done results are a growing welfare group and a shrinking productive/working group. You can toss kicks, handicapped in there all day long but that's not the group growing... Well children are because it pays more to have children when on welfare so naturally you get more children born into welfare.
Regardless of the situation, circumstances, or life style, people need assistance. Not everyone can be wealthy, have a living wage job, be self-supporting, or provide the basic necessities for themselves. Thus the need for "WELFARE". You can sit high and mighty and judge everyone if you want, but it will not change the facts. We have a growing population of poor and needy, and many of them are experiencing hardships through no fault of their own. I realize that it's something that you find very hard to understand and comprehend, but it is what it is. We have a large population of needy and less fortunate. WELFARE is designed and put in place to address the needs of those that can not support themselves for whatever reason. It is a very necessary program. We are NOT animalistic, barbaric, and heartless people. We do NOT allow the poor to die in the streets due to unconcern and apathy. We are a civil and humane people, we care. Thank GOD that you are blessed enough to not need assistance. But, please realize that everyone is not as blessed and fortunate as you.

Oh fuckin a....

Now I'm sitting high and mighty judging people.... Your whole fucking argument is based on judging people, then demanding others be taxes to supplement thoes you deem worthy of welfare.

This is dumb.

I do NOT judge people. I was pointing out that people need assistance from time to time. Obviously you're not one of them. But, you do agree that's it's good a good idea to take away their means of support. And, you have no idea as to what to do with them once they're cut out of the system. Your main point is that they're getting something for nothing, and they should survive the best they can until they die. Also, it's obvious that you do not believe that any of them have ever paid into the system. But, you have absolutely no proof or basis for that belief. To you, all of them are low-life drug addicts, or drug users, and therefore are not worth the assistance of taxpayers' dollars, not even their children. And, it matters not to you whether some of them are disabled, handicapped, or have other issues that is preventing them from being self-supporting.

You are entitled to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it. But, obviously, you and I are never going to agree on this matter. That's fine. Everyone sees issues differently, which is okay. I wish you the best, and hope that you never ever fall on hard times or need help in any shape, form, or fashion. Count your many blessing, and realize just how fortunate you are.
I'm just going to go ahead and say it. I hate America, I think the constitution was great for it's time but it had it's limitations and it's holes. The limitations have all been run over and the holes turned into canyons.

We need a "check box" paid for Government. You literally check say yes or no to what you want. If not enough people want a road or bridge, it simply does not exist. If not enough people say yes to paying for upkeep of roads, the roads fall apart.

Think how great it would be, people who slum it would be slowly pushed aside with only the option to apply themselves to make things better!!!

But what about the elderly and handicapped!!! Make programs for them, and if enough people fund these programs they will be there for them!

From local all the way to state and federal! Man, you would save TRILLIONS!
Actually, all you mentioned are also subject to drug testing to gain employment. But like i said, you're free to not ask for the Freebies. If you don't want the requirements, you'll have to forgo the Freebies. It is what it is.
It may NOT be "freebies". Do you believe that everyone getting some form of government assistance, has never ever worked and paid into the system through payroll deductions? Do you call it "freebies" when little children are helped through assistance programs? Are they old enough to work? If the state punished the parents, are they not also punishing the children of the parents? Do you know that some getting government assistance also work, and contribute through payroll deductions? Who exactly gets "freebies"?

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare, neither of which contribute to Welfare. You are being misleading implying they pay for "freebies' because they don't.
Payroll taxes also consist of state and federal income tax.

And lol at the two dim bulbs that agreed with your false statement.

How much state and federal income tax do you think someone pays that is employed and still eligible for Welfare?
Can't admit you were wrong, eh? He wasn't talking about that, anyway. He was talking about paying into the system over their work life period. Many, many welfare recipients are elderly people that worked all their lives.

Do you have a link to verify the percentage of elderly that are on welfare. How many elderly do you think would be tested for drug abuse? He also talked about the children, and they don't pay into the system. The parents that abuse drugs are the one that are spending the money on drugs and they are abusing their children. Don't even try to convince me that single mothers don't make up a large percentage of those on welfare unless you have data to prove otherwise.
Yup, grab two or three jobs if you have to. Because once you invite Big Brother in, he owns you. You'll do what you're told. If you want those Freebies to continue.
What about those that can't work? What about the children? What about the disabled? What about the handicapped? What about the elderly? And, how many jobs do you think are out there? Haven't you heard that there aren't enough jobs that cover all education and skill levels to meet the demand? Haven't you heard that employers are producing more with less employees? Haven't you heard that technology, innovation, and automation are replacing workers? Haven't you heard that many college grads have moved in with their parents due to the weak job market?

The issue I see with your logic is the end of what you want done results are a growing welfare group and a shrinking productive/working group. You can toss kicks, handicapped in there all day long but that's not the group growing... Well children are because it pays more to have children when on welfare so naturally you get more children born into welfare.
Regardless of the situation, circumstances, or life style, people need assistance. Not everyone can be wealthy, have a living wage job, be self-supporting, or provide the basic necessities for themselves. Thus the need for "WELFARE". You can sit high and mighty and judge everyone if you want, but it will not change the facts. We have a growing population of poor and needy, and many of them are experiencing hardships through no fault of their own. I realize that it's something that you find very hard to understand and comprehend, but it is what it is. We have a large population of needy and less fortunate. WELFARE is designed and put in place to address the needs of those that can not support themselves for whatever reason. It is a very necessary program. We are NOT animalistic, barbaric, and heartless people. We do NOT allow the poor to die in the streets due to unconcern and apathy. We are a civil and humane people, we care. Thank GOD that you are blessed enough to not need assistance. But, please realize that everyone is not as blessed and fortunate as you.

Oh fuckin a....

Now I'm sitting high and mighty judging people.... Your whole fucking argument is based on judging people, then demanding others be taxes to supplement thoes you deem worthy of welfare.

This is dumb.

I do NOT judge people. I was pointing out that people need assistance from time to time. Obviously you're not one of them. But, you do agree that's it's good a good idea to take away their means of support. And, you have no idea as to what to do with them once they're cut out of the system. Your main point is that they're getting something for nothing, and they should survive the best they can until they die. Also, it's obvious that you do not believe that any of them have ever paid into the system. But, you have absolutely no proof or basis for that belief. To you, all of them are low-life drug addicts, or drug users, and therefore are not worth the assistance of taxpayers' dollars, not even their children. And, it matters not to you whether some of them are disabled, handicapped, or have other issues that is preventing them from being self-supporting.

You are entitled to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it. But, obviously, you and I are never going to agree on this matter. That's fine. Everyone sees issues differently, which is okay. I wish you the best, and hope that you never ever fall on hard times or need help in any shape, form, or fashion. Count your many blessing, and realize just how fortunate you are.

I stopped reading here "I do NOT judge people.."

You do judge people, you know who should pay taxes to pay for others and who should receive welfare... And by that I mean you kinda know... And by that I mean you really don't have any fucking idea, you just know if someone makes more than you feel is fair they owe money to those that you feel don't make enough.

How right am I?
This requirement may encourage many in Tennessee to end their drug use. In turn, that could lead to better futures for many Tennessee families. It may even lead to them being more productive and no longer needing those Government Freebies. I think Tennessee is trying to send the right message. Less drug use is the goal. But only time will tell if this program is ultimately successful.

And do you think that's the proper role of government? To decide what's best for us and "encourage" us to follow their lead?

Beggars can't be choosers. If you want the Freebies, you'll have to meet the requirements. Nothing's really 'Free.'

Government services shouldn't have strings attached. This is a dangerous trend and will be used by authoritarians to dictate behavior. Would you apply the same logic to parents whose children are educated via "free" public education? Should they also be subject to extra scrutiny because they're on the public dole?

That's what i've always said. Nothing's really 'Free.' You sell your soul to the Devil when you invite Big Brother into your life. It's only about control for him. So my advice would be to forgo the Freebies and opt for going the old fashioned route instead... Work harder.
If you want the Freebies, you'll have to meet requirements. It's as simple as that. If you're not good with that, simply don't ask for the Freebies.
It may NOT be freebies. Some folks work and still qualify for assistance. And, if they work, they're paying into the system through payroll deductions. Also, each time they make a purchase, they're paying sales tax. In addition, if they've ever worked, they have paid into the system. So, what freebies are you talking about here? Hey, the children aren't old enough to work. What about the elderly, the handicapped, the severely disabled? If the parents do drugs, go ahead and punish their children also? By withholding benefits from the parents, they are also withholding benefits from their children. Do you see anything wrong with this picture? Do you see any prejudice here at all? Lets be fair and give the test to everyone, no exceptions. Fair play across the board. If we punish one, punish all. Punish state employees, lawyers, judges, social workers, all of them. Lets see how many can keep their job.

Actually, all you mentioned are also subject to drug testing to gain employment. But like i said, you're free to not ask for the Freebies. If you don't want the requirements, you'll have to forgo the Freebies. It is what it is.
It may NOT be "freebies". Do you believe that everyone getting some form of government assistance, has never ever worked and paid into the system through payroll deductions? Do you call it "freebies" when little children are helped through assistance programs? Are they old enough to work? If the state punished the parents, are they not also punishing the children of the parents? Do you know that some getting government assistance also work, and contribute through payroll deductions? Who exactly gets "freebies"?

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare, neither of which contribute to Welfare. You are being misleading implying they pay for "freebies' because they don't.
Where does the money come from to pay for welfare? Where does the money come from to pay for food stamps, housing, aid for dependent children, disability, etc.? Does the government have money other than tax dollars to pay for all of those things? If so, where does the government get the money?

If you have to ask, you are hopeless. The government does not get the money for welfare from Social Security or Medicare. There are several hundred different taxes that the Federal government collects. Feel free to Google it if you really want to know.
This requirement may encourage many in Tennessee to end their drug use. In turn, that could lead to better futures for many Tennessee families. It may even lead to them being more productive and no longer needing those Government Freebies. I think Tennessee is trying to send the right message. Less drug use is the goal. But only time will tell if this program is ultimately successful.

And do you think that's the proper role of government? To decide what's best for us and "encourage" us to follow their lead?

Beggars can't be choosers. If you want the Freebies, you'll have to meet the requirements. Nothing's really 'Free.'

Government services shouldn't have strings attached. This is a dangerous trend and will be used by authoritarians to dictate behavior. Would you apply the same logic to parents whose children are educated via "free" public education? Should they also be subject to extra scrutiny because they're on the public dole?
All of us, by virtue of living in this country, are on the public dole to some extent. So yes, this means testing to decide if one is deserving could easily be applied to us all.
What about those that can't work? What about the children? What about the disabled? What about the handicapped? What about the elderly? And, how many jobs do you think are out there? Haven't you heard that there aren't enough jobs that cover all education and skill levels to meet the demand? Haven't you heard that employers are producing more with less employees? Haven't you heard that technology, innovation, and automation are replacing workers? Haven't you heard that many college grads have moved in with their parents due to the weak job market?

The issue I see with your logic is the end of what you want done results are a growing welfare group and a shrinking productive/working group. You can toss kicks, handicapped in there all day long but that's not the group growing... Well children are because it pays more to have children when on welfare so naturally you get more children born into welfare.
Regardless of the situation, circumstances, or life style, people need assistance. Not everyone can be wealthy, have a living wage job, be self-supporting, or provide the basic necessities for themselves. Thus the need for "WELFARE". You can sit high and mighty and judge everyone if you want, but it will not change the facts. We have a growing population of poor and needy, and many of them are experiencing hardships through no fault of their own. I realize that it's something that you find very hard to understand and comprehend, but it is what it is. We have a large population of needy and less fortunate. WELFARE is designed and put in place to address the needs of those that can not support themselves for whatever reason. It is a very necessary program. We are NOT animalistic, barbaric, and heartless people. We do NOT allow the poor to die in the streets due to unconcern and apathy. We are a civil and humane people, we care. Thank GOD that you are blessed enough to not need assistance. But, please realize that everyone is not as blessed and fortunate as you.

Oh fuckin a....

Now I'm sitting high and mighty judging people.... Your whole fucking argument is based on judging people, then demanding others be taxes to supplement thoes you deem worthy of welfare.

This is dumb.

I do NOT judge people. I was pointing out that people need assistance from time to time. Obviously you're not one of them. But, you do agree that's it's good a good idea to take away their means of support. And, you have no idea as to what to do with them once they're cut out of the system. Your main point is that they're getting something for nothing, and they should survive the best they can until they die. Also, it's obvious that you do not believe that any of them have ever paid into the system. But, you have absolutely no proof or basis for that belief. To you, all of them are low-life drug addicts, or drug users, and therefore are not worth the assistance of taxpayers' dollars, not even their children. And, it matters not to you whether some of them are disabled, handicapped, or have other issues that is preventing them from being self-supporting.

You are entitled to your opinion, and I respect your right to express it. But, obviously, you and I are never going to agree on this matter. That's fine. Everyone sees issues differently, which is okay. I wish you the best, and hope that you never ever fall on hard times or need help in any shape, form, or fashion. Count your many blessing, and realize just how fortunate you are.

I stopped reading here "I do NOT judge people.."

You do judge people, you know who should pay taxes to pay for others and who should receive welfare... And by that I mean you kinda know... And by that I mean you really don't have any fucking idea, you just know if someone makes more than you feel is fair they owe money to those that you feel don't make enough.

How right am I?

It's not necessarily about judging people. Encouraging less drug use is a wise logical endeavor. Less drug use generally leads to Citizens being more productive. It benefits one and their family. And when one becomes more productive, they're less likely to be solely dependent on Government Freebies. Tennessee is onto something. Look for more States to follow their lead.
What about those that can't work? What about the children? What about the disabled? What about the handicapped? What about the elderly? And, how many jobs do you think are out there? Haven't you heard that there aren't enough jobs that cover all education and skill levels to meet the demand? Haven't you heard that employers are producing more with less employees? Haven't you heard that technology, innovation, and automation are replacing workers? Haven't you heard that many college grads have moved in with their parents due to the weak job market?

Quitting drugs will likely prove to be what's best for you and your children. Tennessee is encouraging that.
FYI - My children are all grown, married, with children of their own. And, I do NOT take illegal drugs. So, try something else beside smart remarks, sarcasm, and personal attacks. Do you have a problem discussing issues in a civil and adult manner? Or, is personal attacks and smart remarks all you have or want to contribute to this conversation?

I didn't intend it to be personal. I was just pointing out that quitting drugs will probably be what's best for one's self and their family. And Tennessee is encouraging that.
Yes, drugs are bad. But, if the state is going to test those receiving some form of assistance, why not test everyone in the state that is on the state payroll? Do they not get tax dollars on payday? And, what would you suggest the state do with those that they kick off the program? What about the children of those that they kick off the program? What is the states plan to address the needs of those that they kick off the program? Do we allow them to die on the street like animals? Do we tell them to eat out of trash cans and dumpsters? What do we tell them about shelter, clothing, clean water, medicine, health care? Do we abandon them like they have an incurable virus?

The goal is promoting less drug use. It leads to better more productive Citizens. And in turn, that will hopefully lead to less Tennesseans relying solely on Government Freebies. I think Tennessee is onto something.
I agree that drug use is bad, and I would never condone it in any way, shape, form, or fashion. I feel the same about alcohol and alcoholics. I have written many pieces on the U.S. protecting the opium crops in Afghanistan, which the drug finds its way to this country. But, if the state is going to deny assistance to those that test positive for drug use, they should have an alternative plan for them instead of sending them away to eat out of trash cans or dumpsters. What is the states plan for them once they deny them benefits? Does the state realize that some of those denied, may have small children at home that depend on food stamps? Has the state given consideration to the consequences of denying benefits? What would you suggest the state does to make sure those denied aren't turned to the streets without anything?
This requirement may encourage many in Tennessee to end their drug use. In turn, that could lead to better futures for many Tennessee families. It may even lead to them being more productive and no longer needing those Government Freebies. I think Tennessee is trying to send the right message. Less drug use is the goal. But only time will tell if this program is ultimately successful.

And do you think that's the proper role of government? To decide what's best for us and "encourage" us to follow their lead?

Beggars can't be choosers. If you want the Freebies, you'll have to meet the requirements. Nothing's really 'Free.'

Government services shouldn't have strings attached. This is a dangerous trend and will be used by authoritarians to dictate behavior. Would you apply the same logic to parents whose children are educated via "free" public education? Should they also be subject to extra scrutiny because they're on the public dole?

That's what i've always said. Nothing's really 'Free.' You sell your soul to the Devil when you invite Big Brother into your life. It's only about control for him. So my advice would be to forgo the Freebies and opt for going the old fashioned route instead... Work harder.

I have no interest in your advice. You're advocating authoritarian policies, and that sucks.
This requirement may encourage many in Tennessee to end their drug use. In turn, that could lead to better futures for many Tennessee families. It may even lead to them being more productive and no longer needing those Government Freebies. I think Tennessee is trying to send the right message. Less drug use is the goal. But only time will tell if this program is ultimately successful.

And do you think that's the proper role of government? To decide what's best for us and "encourage" us to follow their lead?

Beggars can't be choosers. If you want the Freebies, you'll have to meet the requirements. Nothing's really 'Free.'

Government services shouldn't have strings attached. This is a dangerous trend and will be used by authoritarians to dictate behavior. Would you apply the same logic to parents whose children are educated via "free" public education? Should they also be subject to extra scrutiny because they're on the public dole?
All of us, by virtue of living in this country, are on the public dole to some extent. So yes, this means testing to decide if one is deserving could easily be applied to us all.

And we're headed into that hole, head first.
Quitting drugs will likely prove to be what's best for you and your children. Tennessee is encouraging that.
FYI - My children are all grown, married, with children of their own. And, I do NOT take illegal drugs. So, try something else beside smart remarks, sarcasm, and personal attacks. Do you have a problem discussing issues in a civil and adult manner? Or, is personal attacks and smart remarks all you have or want to contribute to this conversation?

I didn't intend it to be personal. I was just pointing out that quitting drugs will probably be what's best for one's self and their family. And Tennessee is encouraging that.
Yes, drugs are bad. But, if the state is going to test those receiving some form of assistance, why not test everyone in the state that is on the state payroll? Do they not get tax dollars on payday? And, what would you suggest the state do with those that they kick off the program? What about the children of those that they kick off the program? What is the states plan to address the needs of those that they kick off the program? Do we allow them to die on the street like animals? Do we tell them to eat out of trash cans and dumpsters? What do we tell them about shelter, clothing, clean water, medicine, health care? Do we abandon them like they have an incurable virus?

The goal is promoting less drug use. It leads to better more productive Citizens. And in turn, that will hopefully lead to less Tennesseans relying solely on Government Freebies. I think Tennessee is onto something.
I agree that drug use is bad, and I would never condone it in any way, shape, form, or fashion. I feel the same about alcohol and alcoholics. I have written many pieces on the U.S. protecting the opium crops in Afghanistan, which the drug finds its way to this country. But, if the state is going to deny assistance to those that test positive for drug use, they should have an alternative plan for them instead of sending them away to eat out of trash cans or dumpsters. What is the states plan for them once they deny them benefits? Does the state realize that some of those denied, may have small children at home that depend on food stamps? Has the state given consideration to the consequences of denying benefits? What would you suggest the state does to make sure those denied aren't turned to the streets without anything?

Sorry, but there will always be requirements. Did ya really think Big Brother was gonna give ya all those Freebies without wanting something in return? And that something he wants, is your Freedom & Liberty.
Quitting drugs will likely prove to be what's best for you and your children. Tennessee is encouraging that.
FYI - My children are all grown, married, with children of their own. And, I do NOT take illegal drugs. So, try something else beside smart remarks, sarcasm, and personal attacks. Do you have a problem discussing issues in a civil and adult manner? Or, is personal attacks and smart remarks all you have or want to contribute to this conversation?

I didn't intend it to be personal. I was just pointing out that quitting drugs will probably be what's best for one's self and their family. And Tennessee is encouraging that.
Yes, drugs are bad. But, if the state is going to test those receiving some form of assistance, why not test everyone in the state that is on the state payroll? Do they not get tax dollars on payday? And, what would you suggest the state do with those that they kick off the program? What about the children of those that they kick off the program? What is the states plan to address the needs of those that they kick off the program? Do we allow them to die on the street like animals? Do we tell them to eat out of trash cans and dumpsters? What do we tell them about shelter, clothing, clean water, medicine, health care? Do we abandon them like they have an incurable virus?

The goal is promoting less drug use. It leads to better more productive Citizens. And in turn, that will hopefully lead to less Tennesseans relying solely on Government Freebies. I think Tennessee is onto something.
I agree that drug use is bad, and I would never condone it in any way, shape, form, or fashion. I feel the same about alcohol and alcoholics. I have written many pieces on the U.S. protecting the opium crops in Afghanistan, which the drug finds its way to this country. But, if the state is going to deny assistance to those that test positive for drug use, they should have an alternative plan for them instead of sending them away to eat out of trash cans or dumpsters. What is the states plan for them once they deny them benefits? Does the state realize that some of those denied, may have small children at home that depend on food stamps? Has the state given consideration to the consequences of denying benefits? What would you suggest the state does to make sure those denied aren't turned to the streets without anything?

See, i don't see it as a 'Good' or 'Bad' issue. Promoting less drug use is a wise logical endeavor. In general, it leads to more productive Citizens. And that in turn helps families. It also leads to less Citizens being solely dependent on Government Freebies. So i think Tennessee has made a very wise decision. I don't think it's all about morals and judgment. It's about logic and common sense.
FYI - My children are all grown, married, with children of their own. And, I do NOT take illegal drugs. So, try something else beside smart remarks, sarcasm, and personal attacks. Do you have a problem discussing issues in a civil and adult manner? Or, is personal attacks and smart remarks all you have or want to contribute to this conversation?

I didn't intend it to be personal. I was just pointing out that quitting drugs will probably be what's best for one's self and their family. And Tennessee is encouraging that.
Yes, drugs are bad. But, if the state is going to test those receiving some form of assistance, why not test everyone in the state that is on the state payroll? Do they not get tax dollars on payday? And, what would you suggest the state do with those that they kick off the program? What about the children of those that they kick off the program? What is the states plan to address the needs of those that they kick off the program? Do we allow them to die on the street like animals? Do we tell them to eat out of trash cans and dumpsters? What do we tell them about shelter, clothing, clean water, medicine, health care? Do we abandon them like they have an incurable virus?

The goal is promoting less drug use. It leads to better more productive Citizens. And in turn, that will hopefully lead to less Tennesseans relying solely on Government Freebies. I think Tennessee is onto something.
I agree that drug use is bad, and I would never condone it in any way, shape, form, or fashion. I feel the same about alcohol and alcoholics. I have written many pieces on the U.S. protecting the opium crops in Afghanistan, which the drug finds its way to this country. But, if the state is going to deny assistance to those that test positive for drug use, they should have an alternative plan for them instead of sending them away to eat out of trash cans or dumpsters. What is the states plan for them once they deny them benefits? Does the state realize that some of those denied, may have small children at home that depend on food stamps? Has the state given consideration to the consequences of denying benefits? What would you suggest the state does to make sure those denied aren't turned to the streets without anything?

See, i don't see it as a 'Good' or 'Bad' issue. Promoting less drug use is a wise logical endeavor. In general, it leads to more productive Citizens. And that in turn helps families. It also leads to less Citizens being solely dependent on Government Freebies. So i think Tennessee has made a very wise decision. I don't think it's all about morals and judgment. It's about logic and common sense.
^Another idiot that hates big government except when he loves it.
It may NOT be "freebies". Do you believe that everyone getting some form of government assistance, has never ever worked and paid into the system through payroll deductions? Do you call it "freebies" when little children are helped through assistance programs? Are they old enough to work? If the state punished the parents, are they not also punishing the children of the parents? Do you know that some getting government assistance also work, and contribute through payroll deductions? Who exactly gets "freebies"?

Payroll taxes consist of Social Security and Medicare, neither of which contribute to Welfare. You are being misleading implying they pay for "freebies' because they don't.
Payroll taxes also consist of state and federal income tax.

And lol at the two dim bulbs that agreed with your false statement.

How much state and federal income tax do you think someone pays that is employed and still eligible for Welfare?
Can't admit you were wrong, eh? He wasn't talking about that, anyway. He was talking about paying into the system over their work life period. Many, many welfare recipients are elderly people that worked all their lives.

Do you have a link to verify the percentage of elderly that are on welfare. How many elderly do you think would be tested for drug abuse? He also talked about the children, and they don't pay into the system. The parents that abuse drugs are the one that are spending the money on drugs and they are abusing their children. Don't even try to convince me that single mothers don't make up a large percentage of those on welfare unless you have data to prove otherwise.
WELFARE --- ( )
the good fortune, health, happiness, prosperity, etc., of a person, group, or organization; well-being
financial or other assistance to an individual or family from a city, state, or national government
a governmental agency that provides funds and aid to people in need, especially those unable to work.
on welfare, receiving financial aid from the government or from a private organization because of hardship and need.

The above definitions apply to the elderly, the disabled, the handicapped, children, and others that can not provide for themselves.

Welfare is a much needed and necessary program. We are a humane and civil people, and we do not act towards others in a inhumane, barbaric, or animalistic manner.
This requirement may encourage many in Tennessee to end their drug use. In turn, that could lead to better futures for many Tennessee families. It may even lead to them being more productive and no longer needing those Government Freebies. I think Tennessee is trying to send the right message. Less drug use is the goal. But only time will tell if this program is ultimately successful.

And do you think that's the proper role of government? To decide what's best for us and "encourage" us to follow their lead?

Beggars can't be choosers. If you want the Freebies, you'll have to meet the requirements. Nothing's really 'Free.'

Government services shouldn't have strings attached. This is a dangerous trend and will be used by authoritarians to dictate behavior. Would you apply the same logic to parents whose children are educated via "free" public education? Should they also be subject to extra scrutiny because they're on the public dole?

That's what i've always said. Nothing's really 'Free.' You sell your soul to the Devil when you invite Big Brother into your life. It's only about control for him. So my advice would be to forgo the Freebies and opt for going the old fashioned route instead... Work harder.

I have no interest in your advice. You're advocating authoritarian policies, and that sucks.

In the end, it could likely lead to less Tennesseans being solely dependent on Government Freebies. Less drug use usually leads to Citizens being more productive Citizens. And that in turn leads to happier families and less Citizens requiring Freebies. Tennessee is onto something.
FYI - My children are all grown, married, with children of their own. And, I do NOT take illegal drugs. So, try something else beside smart remarks, sarcasm, and personal attacks. Do you have a problem discussing issues in a civil and adult manner? Or, is personal attacks and smart remarks all you have or want to contribute to this conversation?

I didn't intend it to be personal. I was just pointing out that quitting drugs will probably be what's best for one's self and their family. And Tennessee is encouraging that.
Yes, drugs are bad. But, if the state is going to test those receiving some form of assistance, why not test everyone in the state that is on the state payroll? Do they not get tax dollars on payday? And, what would you suggest the state do with those that they kick off the program? What about the children of those that they kick off the program? What is the states plan to address the needs of those that they kick off the program? Do we allow them to die on the street like animals? Do we tell them to eat out of trash cans and dumpsters? What do we tell them about shelter, clothing, clean water, medicine, health care? Do we abandon them like they have an incurable virus?

The goal is promoting less drug use. It leads to better more productive Citizens. And in turn, that will hopefully lead to less Tennesseans relying solely on Government Freebies. I think Tennessee is onto something.
I agree that drug use is bad, and I would never condone it in any way, shape, form, or fashion. I feel the same about alcohol and alcoholics. I have written many pieces on the U.S. protecting the opium crops in Afghanistan, which the drug finds its way to this country. But, if the state is going to deny assistance to those that test positive for drug use, they should have an alternative plan for them instead of sending them away to eat out of trash cans or dumpsters. What is the states plan for them once they deny them benefits? Does the state realize that some of those denied, may have small children at home that depend on food stamps? Has the state given consideration to the consequences of denying benefits? What would you suggest the state does to make sure those denied aren't turned to the streets without anything?

See, i don't see it as a 'Good' or 'Bad' issue. Promoting less drug use is a wise logical endeavor. In general, it leads to more productive Citizens. And that in turn helps families. It also leads to less Citizens being solely dependent on Government Freebies. So i think Tennessee has made a very wise decision. I don't think it's all about morals and judgment. It's about logic and common sense.
What would you suggest the state does to those that they cut from the welfare program(s)? Do you know of any alternatives that the state has in place once they cut them loose? What would you do with them? What do you think happens to them once the state denies them benefits? Or, do you even care?
I didn't intend it to be personal. I was just pointing out that quitting drugs will probably be what's best for one's self and their family. And Tennessee is encouraging that.
Yes, drugs are bad. But, if the state is going to test those receiving some form of assistance, why not test everyone in the state that is on the state payroll? Do they not get tax dollars on payday? And, what would you suggest the state do with those that they kick off the program? What about the children of those that they kick off the program? What is the states plan to address the needs of those that they kick off the program? Do we allow them to die on the street like animals? Do we tell them to eat out of trash cans and dumpsters? What do we tell them about shelter, clothing, clean water, medicine, health care? Do we abandon them like they have an incurable virus?

The goal is promoting less drug use. It leads to better more productive Citizens. And in turn, that will hopefully lead to less Tennesseans relying solely on Government Freebies. I think Tennessee is onto something.
I agree that drug use is bad, and I would never condone it in any way, shape, form, or fashion. I feel the same about alcohol and alcoholics. I have written many pieces on the U.S. protecting the opium crops in Afghanistan, which the drug finds its way to this country. But, if the state is going to deny assistance to those that test positive for drug use, they should have an alternative plan for them instead of sending them away to eat out of trash cans or dumpsters. What is the states plan for them once they deny them benefits? Does the state realize that some of those denied, may have small children at home that depend on food stamps? Has the state given consideration to the consequences of denying benefits? What would you suggest the state does to make sure those denied aren't turned to the streets without anything?

See, i don't see it as a 'Good' or 'Bad' issue. Promoting less drug use is a wise logical endeavor. In general, it leads to more productive Citizens. And that in turn helps families. It also leads to less Citizens being solely dependent on Government Freebies. So i think Tennessee has made a very wise decision. I don't think it's all about morals and judgment. It's about logic and common sense.
^Another idiot that hates big government except when he loves it.

Oh, i still hate Big Government. I don't demand Freebies. But if i did, i would expect to have to meet mandated requirements. Promoting less drug use is an overall benefit. And Tennessee has every right to mandate it. Citizens will have to make their choice. It's either their drugs, or their Freebies. It's their call.

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