To all the Obama bashers. Who do you want in office?


May 13, 2013
I see alot of Obama bashing on this forum. But is Romney or McCain a better choice? They all seem like the same type of candidates to me. And the Tea Party is full of whackos who are outside the popular opinion of the majority of Americans. So who is your alternative to Obama?
Most Obama bashers would rather see someone like Mittens Rob Me in office rather than McCain.

Why? Because Mittens Rob Me is a corporation who wants to advance the agenda of his fellow corporations.

Remember...........................Mittens said that corporations are people..............................
Most Obama bashers would rather see someone like Mittens Rob Me in office rather than McCain.

Why? Because Mittens Rob Me is a corporation who wants to advance the agenda of his fellow corporations.

Remember...........................Mittens said that corporations are people..............................

Actually the Supreme Court said that. But an ignorant faker like you just hates Mitt because he's a rich guy. As if Obama were some kind of pauper.

Back to the OP: I would take Joe Biden over Obama at this point. Muggles the Clown would be an improvement.
Yanno.................I'd choose Joe Blow down the street over any kind of corporation that is currently jockeying for power.

Why? Because Joe Blow down the street understands his market and neighborhood much better than some corporation who is only interested in making money.

Sorry...................but to understand a neighborhood (as well as the people), you have to understand the people, and not just the way they buy stuff.
Most Obama bashers would rather see someone like Mittens Rob Me in office rather than McCain.

Why? Because Mittens Rob Me is a corporation who wants to advance the agenda of his fellow corporations.

Remember...........................Mittens said that corporations are people..............................

Actually the Supreme Court said that. But an ignorant faker like you just hates Mitt because he's a rich guy. As if Obama were some kind of pauper.

Back to the OP: I would take Joe Biden over Obama at this point. Muggles the Clown would be an improvement.

Sorry, but it was Mittens Rob Me (Mitt Romney) who said "corporations are people my friend"

[ame=]Mitt Romney- Corporations Are People! - YouTube[/ame]
I see alot of Obama bashing on this forum. But is Romney or McCain a better choice? They all seem like the same type of candidates to me. And the Tea Party is full of whackos who are outside the popular opinion of the majority of Americans. So who is your alternative to Obama?

America needs a center/right President. No more ideologically driven nuts like Obama. Someone pragmatic and sensible.

Bill Clinton was center/right and pragmatic. Ronald Reagan was center/right and pragmatic. Both those men were well liked and accomplished a great deal.

Virtually every Democrat has sold themselves out to the Obama Socialist vision, including Hillary. That has failed and is killing America. The Republicans have a few center/right folks like Christie or Marco Rubio. Right now, guys like that are the only hope for America.
I see alot of Obama bashing on this forum. But is Romney or McCain a better choice? They all seem like the same type of candidates to me. And the Tea Party is full of whackos who are outside the popular opinion of the majority of Americans. So who is your alternative to Obama?

America needs a center/right President. No more ideologically driven nuts like Obama. Someone pragmatic and sensible.

Bill Clinton was center/right and pragmatic. Ronald Reagan was center/right and pragmatic. Both those men were well liked and accomplished a great deal.

Virtually every Democrat has sold themselves out to the Obama Socialist vision, including Hillary. That has failed and is killing America. The Republicans have a few center/right folks like Christie or Marco Rubio. Right now, guys like that are the only hope for America.

Actually, the people who are ideologically driven nuts are those on the far right.

The right is for something, yet when Obama says it's a good idea, they go against it.

The ideologically driven nuts are actually those in the GOP because they are driven to it because of the tea baggers.
Most Obama bashers would rather see someone like Mittens Rob Me in office rather than McCain.

Why? Because Mittens Rob Me is a corporation who wants to advance the agenda of his fellow corporations.

Remember...........................Mittens said that corporations are people..............................

Actually the Supreme Court said that. But an ignorant faker like you just hates Mitt because he's a rich guy. As if Obama were some kind of pauper.

Back to the OP: I would take Joe Biden over Obama at this point. Muggles the Clown would be an improvement.

Sorry, but it was Mittens Rob Me (Mitt Romney) who said "corporations are people my friend"

[ame=]Mitt Romney- Corporations Are People! - YouTube[/ame]

And here you are crab walking again.
Yes, Mitt said "corporations are people, my friend." He was right.
The Supreme Court declared corporatiosn were people in Santa Clara Co v. Southern Pacific in 1886. So Mitt was on good grounds.
You are simply ignorant.
I see alot of Obama bashing on this forum. But is Romney or McCain a better choice? They all seem like the same type of candidates to me. And the Tea Party is full of whackos who are outside the popular opinion of the majority of Americans. So who is your alternative to Obama?

America needs a center/right President. No more ideologically driven nuts like Obama. Someone pragmatic and sensible.

Bill Clinton was center/right and pragmatic. Ronald Reagan was center/right and pragmatic. Both those men were well liked and accomplished a great deal.

Virtually every Democrat has sold themselves out to the Obama Socialist vision, including Hillary. That has failed and is killing America. The Republicans have a few center/right folks like Christie or Marco Rubio. Right now, guys like that are the only hope for America.

Actually, the people who are ideologically driven nuts are those on the far right.

The right is for something, yet when Obama says it's a good idea, they go against it.

The ideologically driven nuts are actually those in the GOP because they are driven to it because of the tea baggers.

A very biased view. Obama and his ilk are intolerant nuts. There is no negotiation. The Tea Party have generally been extremely rigid and unwilling to compromise. It is both sides. Any reasonable person can see that.
IMO it doesn't really matter who is president.

It's much more important to get independent pragmatic people in local positions then into the congress.

If we can break the 2 party system by introducing enough independents so that no one party can pass legislation without the other two then we will have a system that actually relies on consensus and compromise
Most Obama bashers would rather see someone like Mittens Rob Me in office rather than McCain.

Why? Because Mittens Rob Me is a corporation who wants to advance the agenda of his fellow corporations.

Remember...........................Mittens said that corporations are people..............................

Actually the Supreme Court said that. But an ignorant faker like you just hates Mitt because he's a rich guy. As if Obama were some kind of pauper.

Back to the OP: I would take Joe Biden over Obama at this point. Muggles the Clown would be an improvement.

Sorry, but it was Mittens Rob Me (Mitt Romney) who said "corporations are people my friend"

[ame=]Mitt Romney- Corporations Are People! - YouTube[/ame]

Everything corporations earn goes to people.
I vote for charlie brown!

Oh and biker, who makes up a corporation? Robots? I think humans are the working force that makes a corporation. So stop reusing talking points and think for yourself. You probaly still think that the owner didn't build it. Lol
Yanno.................I'd choose Joe Blow down the street over any kind of corporation that is currently jockeying for power.

Why? Because Joe Blow down the street understands his market and neighborhood much better than some corporation who is only interested in making money.

Sorry...................but to understand a neighborhood (as well as the people), you have to understand the people, and not just the way they buy stuff. need to know who is the the trough.
I see alot of Obama bashing on this forum. But is Romney or McCain a better choice? They all seem like the same type of candidates to me. And the Tea Party is full of whackos who are outside the popular opinion of the majority of Americans. So who is your alternative to Obama?

I see alot of Obama bashing on this forum. But is Romney or McCain a better choice? They all seem like the same type of candidates to me. And the Tea Party is full of whackos who are outside the popular opinion of the majority of Americans. So who is your alternative to Obama?

America needs a center/right President. No more ideologically driven nuts like Obama. Someone pragmatic and sensible.

Bill Clinton was center/right and pragmatic. Ronald Reagan was center/right and pragmatic. Both those men were well liked and accomplished a great deal.

Virtually every Democrat has sold themselves out to the Obama Socialist vision, including Hillary. That has failed and is killing America. The Republicans have a few center/right folks like Christie or Marco Rubio. Right now, guys like that are the only hope for America.

Actually, the people who are ideologically driven nuts are those on the far right.

The right is for something, yet when Obama says it's a good idea, they go against it.

The ideologically driven nuts are actually those in the GOP because they are driven to it because of the tea baggers.

YOu wrote: "Obama says it's a good idea,they go against it."

Are these good ideas ?
1)Obama wants higher gas prices... "I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly" - Obama: Id like higher gas prices, just not so quickly
2)"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air
3)"I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program" Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program
So this means Obama favors 1,300 companies going out of business that pay over $100 billion taxes employing 400,000!
And this is just three!

So are these good ideas??
1) EPA itself estimated that its ozone standard would cost $90 billion a year,
while other studies have projected that the rule could cost upwards of a trillion dollars and destroy 7.4 million jobs.
2)Boiler MACT Rule: EPA's Boiler MACT (Maximum Achievable Control Technology) standards are so strict that not even the best-performing sources can meet them, so many companies will have no choice but to shut their doors and ship manufacturing jobs overseas.
The rule has been projected to reduce US GDP by as much as 1.2 billion dollars and will destroy nearly 800,000 jobs.
Articles: Obama's EPA Plans for 2013

Again are these good ideas??
The broken and biased ideology of the far reactionary right in this thread bodes evil for America.

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