To all the Obama bashers. Who do you want in office?

obama is a failure. His legacy will one of failure. He's considering rule by decree instead.
I see alot of Obama bashing on this forum. But is Romney or McCain a better choice? They all seem like the same type of candidates to me. And the Tea Party is full of whackos who are outside the popular opinion of the majority of Americans. So who is your alternative to Obama?

Of course they are better choice. ANYBODY would be better choice than this failure. Anybody not from the left that is :)
It never ceases to amaze me that as much as Republicans complain, they can not come up with a single person they actually would rather see run the country

why do you LIE?

everybody in the thread named who would be better.

Romney, for that matter, would have been a very good president.
I am not fond of McCain, but even him would have been better.

And of course I consider everybody else who was in the latest primaries to be a much, much, much better choice than the failure we have now.

personally I would like to have Gingrich or Herman Cain ( if one speaks about the latest primaries) with Gingrich being able to put this lying leftard scum where it belongs IMMEDIATELY.
Most Obama bashers would rather see someone like Mittens Rob Me in office rather than McCain.

Why? Because Mittens Rob Me is a corporation who wants to advance the agenda of his fellow corporations.

Remember...........................Mittens said that corporations are people..............................

Actually the Supreme Court said that.

Nope. They did not. Read the decision. Someone made up that meme about Citizens United.
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The broken and biased ideology of the far reactionary right in this thread bodes evil for America.

Lying left wing "reactionaries" like you bode evil for America. People like you, people who voted for the fraud obama, people who lie all day on a message board claiming to be a republican but spouting dem/lib rhetoric and lies, those are the kind of people who are destroying this great country.

your hate filled posts contribute nothing to the discussion of the issues. You are a waste of time and a lying fraud.

STFU and go away :fu:

Jake the Fake is an UnAmercian pos and a traitor to the people in this country
I couldn't stomach him anymore, been on ignore for awhile

The despotic far right and the reactionary TeaPoCraps will be on ignore when the American electorate selects far more American and reasonable candidates than the weirdos out beyond the fringes of normality right and lef.
The Supreme Court declared corporatiosn were people in Santa Clara Co v. Southern Pacific in 1886. So Mitt was on good grounds.
You are simply ignorant.

Nope. The court did not declare corporations are people in Santa Clara Co. v. Southern Pacific. A court reporter did. Nowhere in the decision did the court say so.

And that was a case about taxation and equal protection of the laws.
"To all the Obama bashers. Who do you want in office?"

It is really too soon to tell. We have to get through the mess and opportunities of the next 3 years. At this point I only know who I want to see OUT of office and government, all-together.
I see alot of Obama bashing on this forum. But is Romney or McCain a better choice? They all seem like the same type of candidates to me. And the Tea Party is full of whackos who are outside the popular opinion of the majority of Americans. So who is your alternative to Obama?

Yes, either Romney or McCain would have been better choices, though in McCain's case, only slightly better. Romney was our very last chance to restore the economy of the US, though he wouldn't have been a president to be proud of.
I think with a little more maturation Paul Ryan would be a fairly good choice for President.

Unfortunately, I do not see any real conservatives anywhere on the scene. I see a lot of posers, wannabes, hypocrites, and outright maniacs. But no actual intelligent and honest conservatives.

But, as has been pointed out by others, just about anyone would be better than Obama. I can think of a few exceptions on the Right who would be worse, but my dead grandmother would be a better President in her current condition than Obama.
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Obama has set the Democratic bar so low, that a third term Bill Clinton having drunken orgies on the Oval Office desk would be an improvement.
America needs a center/right President. No more ideologically driven nuts like Obama. Someone pragmatic and sensible.

Bill Clinton was center/right and pragmatic. Ronald Reagan was center/right and pragmatic. Both those men were well liked and accomplished a great deal.

Virtually every Democrat has sold themselves out to the Obama Socialist vision, including Hillary. That has failed and is killing America. The Republicans have a few center/right folks like Christie or Marco Rubio. Right now, guys like that are the only hope for America.

They actually did "accomplish" a great deal.

Reagan's deregulation and Clinton's signing an act that did away with Glass-Steagall sent the economy into collapse.

Have a look around.

President Obama is very "center-right" and a pragmatist.

He hasn't done anything nearly as radical as either of those two Presidents and the economy is in recovery.

sorry, shallow, but obamacare is far left. amnesty is far left, huge govt is far left, ever growing debt is far left, obama is far left.

the economy is NOT in recovery, unemployment remains high, the welfare and food stamp rolls are larger than ever, there are more in poverty than ever before, and the top 5% are richer than ever. Obama is just the opposite of what you claim.

He has dumped on the poor and middle class and made the rich richer.

"ObamaCare" is so "far left" that it was the EXACT plan the Heritage Foundation put up as an alternative to HillaryCare and advocated by the "far left" Republican, Bob Dole.

"Amnesty" is so "far left" that is the EXACT plan put into action by "far left" Republican, Ronald Reagan.

"Huge Government" is so "far left" that it is growing the same way the "far left" founders George Washington and Alexander Hamilton grew it.

Maybe the problem isn't that the people you folks despise moved far left. Maybe the problem is YOU FOLKS move very far to the right.
Obama has set the Democratic bar so low, that a third term Bill Clinton having drunken orgies on the Oval Office desk would be an improvement.

Yes it's a "low" bar by gumption.

High level terrorists including Osama Bin Laden and Mommar Ghaddafi are dead.
Health Care legislation was passed.
Auto Industry saved.
Depression averted.
Economy in Recovery.
Iraq war ended.
Deficit reduction.

Any lower and you might see one party rule in this country for the forseeable future. :eusa_whistle:
I think with a little more maturation Paul Ryan would be a fairly good choice for President.

Unfortunately, I do not see any real conservatives anywhere on the scene. I see a lot of posers, wannabes, hypocrites, and outright maniacs. But no actual intelligent and honest conservatives.

But, as has been pointed out by others, just about anyone would be better than Obama. I can think of a few exceptions on the Right who would be worse, but my dead grandmother would be a better President in her current condition than Obama.

Paul Ryan will never be President.

Bank on that.
A VERY low bar indeed:

High level terrorists including Osama Bin Laden and Mommar Ghaddafi are dead. But Ghadaffi was dying and terrorism has not stopped.

Health Care in this country was ruined.
Auto Industry Unions were saved at great expense to the taxpayer.
Depression allegedly averted.
Economy allegedly in Recovery.
Iraq war ended, though on Bush's timetable.
Numbers played loose and books cooked to give the appearance of
Deficit Reduction.
Created the worlds most expensive web site.
4 people dead in Libya and stonewalling tactics by the Obama administration.
Government spying on citizens.
Lie after lie after lie after lie.

How could anyone ever be worse than Barack Hussein Obama?
They actually did "accomplish" a great deal.

Reagan's deregulation and Clinton's signing an act that did away with Glass-Steagall sent the economy into collapse.

Have a look around.

President Obama is very "center-right" and a pragmatist.

He hasn't done anything nearly as radical as either of those two Presidents and the economy is in recovery.

sorry, shallow, but obamacare is far left. amnesty is far left, huge govt is far left, ever growing debt is far left, obama is far left.

the economy is NOT in recovery, unemployment remains high, the welfare and food stamp rolls are larger than ever, there are more in poverty than ever before, and the top 5% are richer than ever. Obama is just the opposite of what you claim.

He has dumped on the poor and middle class and made the rich richer.

"ObamaCare" is so "far left" that it was the EXACT plan the Heritage Foundation put up as an alternative to HillaryCare and advocated by the "far left" Republican, Bob Dole.
HF does not control conservatives....and everybody is entitled to a mistake or two...

"Amnesty" is so "far left" that is the EXACT plan put into action by "far left" Republican, Ronald Reagan.
this was a one-time deal cut with the Dems to end illegal immigration once and for all....we see how well that worked out...

"Huge Government" is so "far left" that it is growing the same way the "far left" founders George Washington and Alexander Hamilton grew it.
don't make me laugh....what were taxes back then...less than 1%....?

Maybe the problem isn't that the people you folks despise moved far left. Maybe the problem is YOU FOLKS move very far to the right.

maybe you got it all wrong...:eusa_hand:
At this point in American history it matters not who is placed in the White House as long as they belong to 1 of the 2 party's. Both party's belong to the elite, and their agenda will continue to move forward with a one world government as long as we keep electing candidates from either party. The only way we can break the cycle is to elect someone like Ron Paul who will stick to a constitutional platform of government. The American two party system is a sham and most Americans have bought into it hook, line, and sinker.

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