To all the Obama bashers. Who do you want in office?

Obama that what being critical of a politician is called?

it is today for these sniveling Obama cult followers

but hey, Boooooooooooooooosh and Tea party bashing still allowed

we have children voting what is best for us in this country folks...that's how Obama was elected... just repeat hope and change and off they go
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The broken and biased ideology of the far reactionary right in this thread bodes evil for America.

Lying left wing "reactionaries" like you bode evil for America. People like you, people who voted for the fraud obama, people who lie all day on a message board claiming to be a republican but spouting dem/lib rhetoric and lies, those are the kind of people who are destroying this great country.

your hate filled posts contribute nothing to the discussion of the issues. You are a waste of time and a lying fraud.

STFU and go away :fu:
Most Obama bashers would rather see someone like Mittens Rob Me in office rather than McCain.

Why? Because Mittens Rob Me is a corporation who wants to advance the agenda of his fellow corporations.

Remember...........................Mittens said that corporations are people..............................

Man are you clueless. :eusa_eh:
Romney could not possibly be a better friend to Wall Street and corporations than Obama has been.
The top 7% in the past two years has seen a 28% increase in their earnings...while the remaining 93% of us -5% loss.
Wall Street has had not one, but two all time record years IN THE MIDDLE OF A TERRIBLE ECONOMY...corporations are enjoying high-high profit levels, AT THE SAME TIME - record welfare roles, high unemployment and an epidemic of underemployment.
Yeah...your still bringing up Romney. :cuckoo:
The broken and biased ideology of the far reactionary right in this thread bodes evil for America.

Lying left wing "reactionaries" like you bode evil for America. People like you, people who voted for the fraud obama, people who lie all day on a message board claiming to be a republican but spouting dem/lib rhetoric and lies, those are the kind of people who are destroying this great country.

your hate filled posts contribute nothing to the discussion of the issues. You are a waste of time and a lying fraud.

STFU and go away :fu:

Jake the Fake is an UnAmercian pos and a traitor to the people in this country
I couldn't stomach him anymore, been on ignore for awhile
To the OP.

Who would I rather see in the whitehouse?

1. anyone but Obama
2. Romney, he would have been a very good president
3. McCain, better than obama, but not a whole lot
4. Biden, too dumb to do much harm
5. Trump, he would fix the economy and deal realistically with China
6. A head of cabbage, doing nothing would be better than what obama has done.
It never ceases to amaze me that as much as Republicans complain, they can not come up with a single person they actually would rather see run the country
Most Obama bashers would rather see someone like Mittens Rob Me in office rather than McCain.

Why? Because Mittens Rob Me is a corporation who wants to advance the agenda of his fellow corporations.

Remember...........................Mittens said that corporations are people..............................

Ok, lets clear up this bullshit.

The SCOTUS ruled that corporations are legal "persons". That was done to protect the individual employees and shareholders from being personally liable for the acts of the corporation.

Romney's quote had to do with corporations being made up of people. Not that corporations "are" people.

you are either very ignorant or a blatant liar, which is it?
It never ceases to amaze me that as much as Republicans complain, they can not come up with a single person they actually would rather see run the country

I guess some people don't feel like jumping through you losers amazing is that?

but you and the op can cry us a riva about it:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:
I see alot of Obama bashing on this forum. But is Romney or McCain a better choice? They all seem like the same type of candidates to me. And the Tea Party is full of whackos who are outside the popular opinion of the majority of Americans. So who is your alternative to Obama?

It's funny how liberals keep labeling anyone on the right as "extreme". During the Bush era it was the "Evangelican Right" and the left called them wackos because they had religious beliefs that conflicted with the looney left, namely abortion.

Now the Tea Party movement, which is really based on fiscal responsiblity and not social issues, is being protrayed as "wackos" and extremists.

So, basically anyone who deoesn't embrace Marxism or Progressivsm or whatever you want to call it, is labeled an extremist wacko.
As everything Romney said was going to happen, actually happened, Romney would have been a much better choice. McCain is too much of a democrat. That's why republicans saw through him. Judging from the level and amount of cheering that Ted Cruz got on the Tonight show, he's more popular than democrats want to believe.
I see alot of Obama bashing on this forum. But is Romney or McCain a better choice? They all seem like the same type of candidates to me. And the Tea Party is full of whackos who are outside the popular opinion of the majority of Americans. So who is your alternative to Obama?

It's funny how liberals keep labeling anyone on the right as "extreme". During the Bush era it was the "Evangelican Right" and the left called them wackos because they had religious beliefs that conflicted with the looney left, namely abortion.

Now the Tea Party movement, which is really based on fiscal responsiblity and not social issues, is being protrayed as "wackos" and extremists.

So, basically anyone who deoesn't embrace Marxism or Progressivsm or whatever you want to call it, is labeled an extremist wacko.

the dem/libs have to engage in personal destruction via lies because somewhere deep down inside they know that when the discussion is based on facts and reality, that they will lose every time.

its a tactic that has been used by liberals and progressives for years. Its taught in their textbook by their mentor Saul Alinsky.
It's not the man in the White House I worry about, it's how much power they have. No matter who is in the White House or what Party they're part of they are most likely a sociopathic dirtbag so let's not let him have too much influence over how the country works.
It never ceases to amaze me that as much as Republicans complain, they can not come up with a single person they actually would rather see run the country

I guess some people don't feel like jumping through you losers amazing is that?

but you and the op can cry us a riva about it:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:

Another loser unable to name a single Republican that they support

Who is next?
It never ceases to amaze me that as much as Republicans complain, they can not come up with a single person they actually would rather see run the country

I guess some people don't feel like jumping through you losers amazing is that?

but you and the op can cry us a riva about it:eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:

Another loser unable to name a single Republican that they support

Who is next?

get your all's crystal ball to tell us

you lefties today....wailing...........You are Obambam BASHERS.....waa waa waa

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I see alot of Obama bashing on this forum. But is Romney or McCain a better choice? They all seem like the same type of candidates to me. And the Tea Party is full of whackos who are outside the popular opinion of the majority of Americans. So who is your alternative to Obama?

America needs a center/right President. No more ideologically driven nuts like Obama. Someone pragmatic and sensible.

Bill Clinton was center/right and pragmatic. Ronald Reagan was center/right and pragmatic. Both those men were well liked and accomplished a great deal.

Virtually every Democrat has sold themselves out to the Obama Socialist vision, including Hillary. That has failed and is killing America. The Republicans have a few center/right folks like Christie or Marco Rubio. Right now, guys like that are the only hope for America.

They actually did "accomplish" a great deal.

Reagan's deregulation and Clinton's signing an act that did away with Glass-Steagall sent the economy into collapse.

Have a look around.

President Obama is very "center-right" and a pragmatist.

He hasn't done anything nearly as radical as either of those two Presidents and the economy is in recovery.
I see alot of Obama bashing on this forum. But is Romney or McCain a better choice? They all seem like the same type of candidates to me. And the Tea Party is full of whackos who are outside the popular opinion of the majority of Americans. So who is your alternative to Obama?

America needs a center/right President. No more ideologically driven nuts like Obama. Someone pragmatic and sensible.

Bill Clinton was center/right and pragmatic. Ronald Reagan was center/right and pragmatic. Both those men were well liked and accomplished a great deal.

Virtually every Democrat has sold themselves out to the Obama Socialist vision, including Hillary. That has failed and is killing America. The Republicans have a few center/right folks like Christie or Marco Rubio. Right now, guys like that are the only hope for America.

They actually did "accomplish" a great deal.

Reagan's deregulation and Clinton's signing an act that did away with Glass-Steagall sent the economy into collapse.

Have a look around.

President Obama is very "center-right" and a pragmatist.

He hasn't done anything nearly as radical as either of those two Presidents and the economy is in recovery.

sorry, shallow, but obamacare is far left. amnesty is far left, huge govt is far left, ever growing debt is far left, obama is far left.

the economy is NOT in recovery, unemployment remains high, the welfare and food stamp rolls are larger than ever, there are more in poverty than ever before, and the top 5% are richer than ever. Obama is just the opposite of what you claim.

He has dumped on the poor and middle class and made the rich richer.
This thread, like so many others before it has no interest in the relative merits of anyone. They only want names to attach to their bashing.
STOP BASHING THE DEAR LEADER.......he's way too Important, don't ya know

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Most Obama bashers would rather see someone like Mittens Rob Me in office rather than McCain.

Why? Because Mittens Rob Me is a corporation who wants to advance the agenda of his fellow corporations.

Remember...........................Mittens said that corporations are people..............................

What the fuck.. are you six years old? Jesus.. could you possible be any more juvenile?


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