To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

You say all this without a clue of what evidence is behind the indictment. You don’t even know the charges. Yet here you are defending the man and calling it all BS. That’s pathetic.

So is posting the same thing about 30 or 40 times in a topic.
Like I stated...............Crimes according to FOX.
WHEN are they filing a complaint?
With ANY DA, ANYWHERE in the country?

They aren't,
Making too much $$$ off their cult.
Pillow guy is raking in millions,

Looks like you’ve acquired FDS to go with your TDS.
Bragg made never Trumpers into Trump supporters. Any real law a bidding citizen sees what's going on.
Yes, they do.
The law taking it's course.
They don't want this to happen to them.
If you're innocent, BRING IT ON.
Been there done that, WITH a public defender.
Trump has LAWYERS.
They also see how democrats are abusing their power over hatred of one man.
Pretty easy to hate a career criminal grifter.
Especially the contractors who had to file bankruptcy just for doing business with the con artist.
They won't vote for it. Oh, and by the way. In anyway I can help to destroy your party, I will do it. Congratulations on making me that way.
Your two cents ain't gonna make any difference............lies, never do.
No, I’ll tell you, even though you won’t listen….In this country people had faith in our Justice system, that it stood for equal justice, no matter who was being charged, or free from political bs
That ended with Trump's Attorney General, Bill Barr.

He went against Trump foe and favored Trump friends.

Manafort, Roger Stone, Mike Flynn etc...

He interfered and used the DOJ to favor Trump friends being prosecuted, and interfered with Trump foes at the bequest of Trump.

Durham was also at Trump request, and tried a guy that he knew was not guilty...

Alvin Bragg does not work for the federal govt.... He works for New York State. don't. We get it already.
Apparently not or you wouldn't keep making the same tired arguments and defending a guy from charges you know nothing about.

What if these charges come out and there is clear evidence of Trump committing crimes. Do you think it will make a difference to his puppets?

I don’t.
Facts don't lie. Trump has raised 4 million in only one day and his popularity has increased. Sorry to disappoint you;

George Carlin — 'Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.' always.

You say all this without a clue of what evidence is behind the indictment. You don’t even know the charges. Yet here you are defending the man and calling it all BS. That’s pathetic.
Bragg ran his campaign on indicting Trump. He gave Trump the Whitehouse back and hopefully he will get both houses. Then he can clean house.
Yes, they do.
The law taking it's course.

If you're innocent, BRING IT ON.
Been there done that, WITH a public defender.
Trump has LAWYERS.

Pretty easy to hate a career criminal grifter.
Especially the contractors who had to file bankruptcy just for doing business with the con artist.

Your two cents ain't gonna make any difference............lies, never do.
All complete bullshit, how does it feel to say president Trump?
Bragg ran his campaign on indicting Trump. He gave Trump the Whitehouse back and hopefully he will get both houses. Then he can clean house.
Boy, I don’t know what reality you’re living in but it sure sounds like you’re having fun!

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