To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

How has he left anyone behind?
People who got ripped off with Trump University, for a start. People who served in his administration? Lawyers? People who worked in his companies? People who invested in Trump business scams?

You need to step back and look at the realities
How has he left anyone behind?

"an example would be a campaign asking for donations and saying it would go to TV ads but instead using them for a different effort within the campaign — things like that happen all the time. And unless there's evidence that shows the funds were converted for personal use and not within the political arena, Gross said it would be hard for a prosecutor to take on the case."

"Whether it would be actionable legally, I'm not quite ready to go there unless we have some further aggravating facts such as a conversion to personal use," Gross said.

"If [the funding from donors] stays in the political arena, even though it wasn't used for the political purpose that it was raised for, I think that's a tough case for a prosecutor to get real interested in," he said.

Campaign finance law doesn't necessarily apply​

Campaign finance law doesn't necessarily apply​

Here's where it gets further complicated. Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, a professor of election law at Stetson University, told NPR that campaign finance law doesn't necessarily apply here.
How has he left anyone behind?

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds​

House Oversight Committee’s Revelations are Merely the Tip of Trump’s Iceberg of Graft

“The exorbitant rates charged to the Secret Service and agents’ frequent stays at Trump-owned properties raise significant concerns about the former President’s self-dealing and may have resulted in a taxpayer-funded windfall for former President Trump’s struggling businesses.” House Oversight Committee Chairwoman Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney.

It’s not clear whether the opportunity to funnel taxpayer funds into his private business was Donald Trump’s primary motivation for seeking the presidency. What is crystal clear, however, is that he took every opportunity to do just that – and lied about it along the way.

The House Oversight Committee this week revealed that the Trump Organization charged the Secret Service up to $1,185 per night for hotel rooms used by agents protecting Trump family members. That’s five times the government rate and nearly 24 times the $50-a-night rate the Trump Org claimed to be charging.

Trump visited his own properties more than 500 times during his presidency, and the Trump Organization has continued to bill the Secret Service since he left office and began living in his properties full-time.

The records released by the Oversight Committee, which cover more than $1.4 million in self-dealing, are merely the tip of Trump’s iceberg of graft. The cost to the taxpayer of tax dodges, deceit, and self-dealing by Trump’s family and companies reaches into the hundreds of millions.

A Washington Post investigation found that Trump’s company raked in at least $2.5 million in taxpayer money and $5.6 million in campaign funds during his presidency, -- an incomplete accounting, as several federal agencies refused to turn over records to the Post. The Trumps’ illicit taxpayer-funded windfall included exorbitant overcharges like $2,600 per night for a house at Mar-a-Lago, $50 per palm for decorative palm trees, $7,700 for a catered dinner for 30 – more than $250 a plate -- and more than $1,000 in liquor for a White House staff meeting.

Eric Trump, Executive Vice President of the Trump Organization, falsely claimed the business was required by law to charge the federal government, and that government employees were charged only “like 50 bucks” per night for hotel rooms.
People who got ripped off with Trump University, for a start
People who served in his administration? Lawyers? People who worked in his companies? People who invested in Trump business scams?

You need to step back and look at the realities
You're speculating. The real answer is "none." The "phrase" left behind is meaningless. What about all the people Biden left behind, like the GIs in Afghanistan?

"an example would be a campaign asking for donations and saying it would go to TV ads but instead using them for a different effort within the campaign — things like that happen all the time. And unless there's evidence that shows the funds were converted for personal use and not within the political arena, Gross said it would be hard for a prosecutor to take on the case."

"Whether it would be actionable legally, I'm not quite ready to go there unless we have some further aggravating facts such as a conversion to personal use," Gross said.

"If [the funding from donors] stays in the political arena, even though it wasn't used for the political purpose that it was raised for, I think that's a tough case for a prosecutor to get real interested in," he said.

Campaign finance law doesn't necessarily apply​

Campaign finance law doesn't necessarily apply​

Here's where it gets further complicated. Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, a professor of election law at Stetson University, told NPR that campaign finance law doesn't necessarily apply here.

And you believe that Biden hasn't done any such thing?

You're a fucking moron.
Re: The 60+ court determinations on Trump's 'stop-the-steal' efforts, and the 90+ judges (including the Supremes) that these efforts were brought before.
"Hearings weren’t granted. Cases got dismissed largely on alleged procedural grounds."

For those who are sincerely interested in the Trump/Rudy efforts to bring their arguments of 'election fraud' before the courts in 2020, well, Ben Ginsburg's testimony before the January 6th hearing (2nd day of hearings, I think) should be informative.

You're speculating. The real answer is "none." The "phrase" left behind is meaningless. What about all the people Biden left behind, like the GIs in Afghanistan?
Oh please. Biden left no troops behind.

and Trump tarted the thing that ended up the shit show in Afghanistan. Trump's deals with the Taliban.

US general says Afghanistan collapse rooted in Trump-Taliban deal​

Head of US Central Command says collapse of the Afghan government can be traced to US troop withdrawal deal.
Oh please. Biden left no troops behind.
They were brought home in caskets, moron.

and Trump tarted the thing that ended up the shit show in Afghanistan. Trump's deals with the Taliban.
Still trying to blame Trump For Biden's fiasco?

US general says Afghanistan collapse rooted in Trump-Taliban deal​

Head of US Central Command says collapse of the Afghan government can be traced to US troop withdrawal deal.
Ohly progs swallow that horseshit.
That war spanned Bush, Obama, Trump & Biden.

Under which of those presidents were there zero troops brought home in caskets, fucking moron? :cuckoo:
The 12 dead Americans happened under Biden, turd. We had already anounced we were leaving.
Wrong. Hearings weren’t granted. Cases got dismissed largely on alleged procedural grounds.

Look. I understand that you’re a rabid hack. But calm down. There were great amounts of evidence of election chicanery.
But that’s different than evidence that the election was thereby actually stolen.
These were judges that were appointed by Trump. The cases were dismissed because the evidence and objectives presented to the court were not sufficient to warrant a case. Had they been, there would have been an evidentiary hearing. That’s how made these BS cases were. They were simply biproducts of Trumps public propaganda Campaign.

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