To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

People who got ripped off with Trump University, for a start. People who served in his administration? Lawyers? People who worked in his companies? People who invested in Trump business scams?

You need to step back and look at the realities
No one said he is an angel here, but it is not the way to deal with it.
These were judges that were appointed by Trump. The cases were dismissed because the evidence and objectives presented to the court were not sufficient to warrant a case.

Nope. They were mostly dismissed on procedural grounds. Not on substantive grounds.
False, fucking moron. Procedural issues were lack of standing. Lack of evidence and lack of merit were due to plaintiff's being unable to show a judge their evidence was sufficient to demonstrate their claims.
In other words, what I said. "lack of evidence" was never the reason.
I have no clue what he has. Neither do you. That’s the point. So why are you calling it a very likely mockery of Justice?!
Since he is not prosecuting many cases, why is he making a big deal out of the case against President Trump. It can only he is playing politics.
Donald Trump may not, but the rest of America will.

Some of the righties were hoping Trump would be a savior, but the sad reality is he failed, he failed to drain the swamp and if given another opportunity he'll fail again.

The stark realization is We the People have to take matters into our own hands. No one is going to fix this problem for us. WE either fix it, or it destroys us.

And speaking only for this libertarian, I don't intend to be destroyed anytime soon. If this keeps up I'll be the kicker, not the kicker.

We the People OWN this country. Not the politicians. They're not in charge, and they will NEVER be in charge. They are public SERVANTS, not slave owners. If they do t like the job they can go find another one. It is up to US to make sure they do their jobs.
so very true.
Since he is not prosecuting many cases, why is he making a big deal out of the case against President Trump. It can only he is playing politics.
You have no idea what the charges are, so how can you say that with a straight face?
Not seeing much celebration from the demented LEFT over their "victory" today.
It's funny how they cite "optics" like denying protection for the Capitol on J/6.....

But, what happened today shatters the "optics" of a functioning Judicial System; the "optics" of such they are oblivious to.


I'll quote Peter Gabriel.
"This time, you've gone too far.
This Time, you've gone too far.
This time you've gone too far."

Alvin Bragg's "novel legal theory" should get him disbarred, and charged with election interference.
What a Clown Show!

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