To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

Was he conducting government business? Maybe he was just sending brownie recipes.
He was speaking to the prince of Saudi Arabia. You think it was about brownie recipes? Maybe Hillary was just sending brownie recipes on her private server... Right?!
haha, even thought Trumps DOJ made the arrest huh?! Thats funny.

Your belief that the DOJ does whatever Rpublican presidents want them to do couldn't be further from the truth. They do what they want to do. That's why they call it the deep state.

What do you make of this list of arrests in 2020? Many (D's) in there. How does that fit in your theories about Dems being immune from the legal system??

Small time. Where they arrested by the FBI and proesecuted by the DOJ?
Ivanka sent a couple hundred emails at the beginning of the administration and when told it wasnt allowed stopped.
This has to make you laugh... AFTER the Hillary private email, lock her up debacle, Ivanka would need to be told not to use a private email account to conduct business?! Isn't that just a little crazy to you?
This has to make you laugh... AFTER the Hillary private email, lock her up debacle, Ivanka would need to be told not to use a private email account to conduct business?! Isn't that just a little crazy to you?

She can't use a government email account and she can't use a private email account to conduct her private business, so what kind of email account can she use?
So it's not the same thing. But sure. Using WhatsApp to communicate with one person who I assume wanted to communicate via that mode since Kuschner didnt do this with anyone else we are aware of, is different than conducting all your business via a non governmental means. Can you not objectively see that one is maybe worse than the other?
Of course I can see that one is worse than the other but that goes back to what I was saying earlier. Descretion was used to determine the severity of the offense and whether it rose to the level of criminal prosecution or not. Ivanka got a slap on the write. Jareds offense was worse and he got a slap on the wrist, Hillaries was received an FBI investigation and very daring statement that some would argue bombed her presidential campaign on the of an election but criminal charges weren't pursued by DOJs of both Obama and Trumps administration. Thats how it works.
Nope, in a sane world. Teh USA isn't populated by a bunch of goose stepping NAZIs who balieve what their told to believe.
Oh good, I'm glad to hear you say that because thats how you've been painting democrats that populate a large faction of this country.
Of course I can see that one is worse than the other but that goes back to what I was saying earlier. Descretion was used to determine the severity of the offense and whether it rose to the level of criminal prosecution or not. Ivanka got a slap on the write. Jareds offense was worse and he got a slap on the wrist, Hillaries was received an FBI investigation and very daring statement that some would argue bombed her presidential campaign on the of an election but criminal charges weren't pursued by DOJs of both Obama and Trumps administration. Thats how it works.
And the fact that she wasnt prosecuted was politically motivated. Up until this point we have given are most powerful politicians a pass. We've done it with essentially all our Presidents. Trump has changed that. Forever. The fact that we have crossed that line with this indictment is problematic for me. We didn't prosecute Nixon. Bill Clinton has raped/sexually assaulted numerous women (that we know of). I hope you're as eager for Biden to get indicted when he leaves office as you are for this indictment. Because that's likely coming. Someone will gen up a BS indictment like this (and this is a weak indictment) and charge him. Had the Republicans won the Senate they likely would have impeached Biden.

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