To all you calling BS on the Trump indictment…

The law is the law... Law enforcement agencies like the FBI and DOJ make the decisions on how they enforce it. Trumps DOJ decided not to pursue Hillary for anything based on the evidence they saw. Thats just what happened.
It was based purely on politics, which is why Dims should never be elected to office.
Criminal intent is what the DOJ used to decide whether to prosecute or not. Trumps DOJ. Oddly enough they did decide to indict Trumps Lawyer Cohen for much of the same shit Trump is currently being indicted for. Go figure.
That's how we know they decided wrong.
Good for you. Ive seen you as well post very non objective partisan and trolling posts do you think based on what I’ve seen and observed from you on this board that I could accurately say that I know you and how you think?
I don’t think you’re capable of accurately assessing much of anything.
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I try to remember what actually happened as well. It’s not always accurate as I’m sure is true for you too. Which is why after I posted that I looked up the story from years ago and corrected the record
There's this thing called the internet. Maybe you've heard of it. It's really cool. You can look shit up and find out what really happened prior to just launching "didnt this happen" statements.
Wasn’t there an issue with Jared using whatsapp, an encrypted private communication app to conduct official business?

So Kushner used Whatsapp to talk to one person. That's you equivalency to Hillary Clinton using a private email for all her correspondence associated with the Sec of State office?

Well, like with all Americans, I believe our judicial system is innocent until proven guilty.
Yes, all Americans are innocent until proven guilty... I never said All Americans believe anything. Comprehension Bri... Comprehension. Work on it.
There's this thing called the internet. Maybe you've heard of it. It's really cool. You can look shit up and find out what really happened prior to just launching "didnt this happen" statements.
I did look it up and I corrected the record about Ivanka and then posted a link to the Jared WhatsApp situation. Whats your problem?
So Kushner used Whatsapp to talk to one person. That's you equivalency to Hillary Clinton using a private email for all her correspondence associated with the Sec of State office?

Yes, private email server... Encrypted messaging app... conducting government business off record. Similar violations, right? Should we treat them equally?
Yes, private email server... Encrypted messaging app... conducting government business off record. Similar violations, right? Should we treat them equally?
Was he conducting government business? Maybe he was just sending brownie recipes.
Yes, all Americans are innocent until proven guilty... I never said All Americans believe anything. Comprehension Bri... Comprehension. Work on it.
Our judicial system is not innocent until proven guilty. In fact, it's the other way around. It's presumed guilty until proven innocent.
Yes, all Americans are innocent until proven guilty... I never said All Americans believe anything. Comprehension Bri... Comprehension. Work on it.
You communication skills are poor. You need to learn how to use commas.
Yes, private email server... Encrypted messaging app... conducting government business off record. Similar violations, right? Should we treat them equally?
So it's not the same thing. But sure. Using WhatsApp to communicate with one person who I assume wanted to communicate via that mode since Kuschner didnt do this with anyone else we are aware of, is different than conducting all your business via a non governmental means. Can you not objectively see that one is maybe worse than the other?

Ivanka sent a couple hundred emails at the beginning of the administration and when told it wasnt allowed stopped.

Kuschner communicated with a single individual via WhatsApp.

Neither of these individuals had worked for the government in the past so the knowledge and understanding of Governmental administrivia is likely be to not all that deep.

That's your equivalency to the Sec of State and former US Senator and FLOTUS using a private email server to conduct ALL of her business and email communication as it pertained to her office. A woman who had spent the majority of her adult life either in or around Government at the State and Federal level. A Cabinet member. Someone who had possessed a TS clearance, and had access to the most sensitive information we as a nation have. You'll forgive me if I expect her to have a better understanding of these things and hold her to a bit of a higher standard. We won't even add in the fact that she had all that classified information on her server. You do realize that the Sec of State has access to and receives reporting from clandestine sources. It's one of the most important Cabinet members we have. Lance Corporal don't know isn't a response that person gets to use.
mostly politics.

He never would have been indicted if he was a Democrat.
haha, even thought Trumps DOJ made the arrest huh?! Thats funny.

What do you make of this list of arrests in 2020? Many (D's) in there. How does that fit in your theories about Dems being immune from the legal system??

  • State Senator Jeremy Hutchinson (R) sentenced to 46 months of prison after pleading guilty to bribery, tax fraud, wire fraud, and conspiracy. He was previously sentenced to 19 days in jail for making false statements. (2022)[1]

  • State Representative Michael DiMassa (D) pleaded guilty to conspiracy for stealing COVID relief funds. (2022)[4]

  • Auditor of Delaware Kathy McGuiness (D) convicted of conflict of interest and official misconduct. (2022)[5][6]

  • State Representative Joe Harding (R) pleaded guilty to committing $150,000 in wire fraud, money laundering, and false statements involving COVID-19 relief funds. (2023)[7]

  • Insurance Commissioner of Georgia Jim Beck (R) convicted of fraud. (2021)[9]

  • State Senator Brent Waltz (R) convicted of campaign violations. (2022)[20]

  • State Secretary of Information Technology Isabel Fitzgerald (D) convicted of bribery. (2022)[24][25]
  • State Delegate Cheryl Glenn (D) pleaded guilty to accepting $33,000 in bribes. (2020).[26]
  • State Delegate Tawanna P. Gaines (D) pleaded guilty to misuse of campaign funds (2020)[27]

  • State Representative Jewell Jones (D) convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol. (2022)[31]
  • State Representative Bryan Posthumus (R) was sentenced to 15 days in jail for "operating while intoxicated". (2021)[32]

  • State Senator Jeff Woodburn (D) convicted of domestic violence and criminal mischief. (2021)[40]
  • State Representative Robert Forsythe (R) pleaded guilty to two counts of assault. (2021)[41]

  • State Assemblyman Luis Diaz (D) convicted of corruption. (2022)[42]

  • State Senator Brian Kelsey (R) pleaded guilty to conspiracy to defraud the Federal Election Commission, and aiding and abetting the acceptance of excessive contributions on behalf of a federal campaign. (2022)[54]
  • State Representative Robin Smith (R) pleaded guilty to fraud. (2022)[55]
  • State Senator Katrina Robinson (D) convicted of fraud. (2021)[56]


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